Imágenes de páginas
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Sixth.- Expedition from the Isle of Leag.
France to Brie and its Environs.

24. From Rheims to St. Marcoul
or Corbeny; (Note 17.) from thence
to Vailly; (Note 18.) from Vailly to
Soissons; (Note 19.) from that place
to Chateau Thierry; and from thence
to Provins. (Note 20.)

25. From Provins to La Motte de Nangis; (Note 21.) from thence to Provins, then near to Bray; (Note 22.) and subsequent return to Provins ..

26. From Provins to Chateau Thierry; (Note 23.) thence to La Ferte Milon; (Note 24.) from La Ferte to Crépy; and from that place to Dammartin, or the Environs. (Note 25.)

27. From Dammartin to Crépy; thence to Baron and Montpiloy; (Note 26.) from Baron to Crépy; from that place to Compiègne, thence to Senlis, and from Senlis to St. Denis. (Note 27.) • • • • • • • • •

28. From St. Denis to La Chapelle, (attack made upon Paris); from La Chapelle to La Villette; and from that place to St. Denis. (Note 28.)







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29. From St. Denis to Lagny; Leag. from thence to Provins; from Provins to Bray; from that place to Courtenay, passing the river Seine, below Sens; (Note 29.) from Courtenay to Chateau Renard; from thence to Montargis; from that place to Gien; and from Gien to Bourges. (Note 30.) ......

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Eighth.-Expedition to Lagny and Leag,
Compiegne, or the final Exploits

of Jeanne d'Arc.

33. From Mebun to Lagny. (Note 37.) Defeat of Franquet of Arras, in the neighbourhood, (Note 38.) and return to Lagny.....

34. From Lagny to Soissons, passing by Chateau Thierry and Crépy; from Soissons to Crépy; and from that place to Compiegne. (Note 39.) 35. From Compiegne to Pont l'Evêque; (fruitless attack of that place); and return to Compiegne. (Note 40.)

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FROM the above account, the various journeys or expeditions of Jeanne d'Arc, undertaken for the purpose of saving France, began at the latter end of February, 1428, and concluded upon the twenty-fourth of May,


1430, having in the whole occupied a period of fifteen months. (Note 44.)

After a very exact admeasurement of the extent of territory traversed during these journeys, calculating as by the flight of a bird, from one station to another; it appears that la Pucelle journeyed, in the short lapse of fifteen months, nine hundred leagues, or two thousand seven hundred miles. Now, if we take into consideration, that at the period in question there existed no high roads; that the bridges were but few in number; and that the whole tract of country through which these expeditions were undertaken, was garrisoned by enemies, who incessantly scoured the country; it must be allowed, that we should not exaggerate in adding one-third to the distance of a bird's flight, considering the circuitous routes, and the manifold bstacles, Jeanne must have encountered; which, instead of nine hundred leagues, would make the distance performed amount to twelve or thirteen hundred; and that too, without calculating any journeys she doubtless performed during the space of three months and a half, respecting which no account whatsoever is handed down to posterity.+ Finally; let it be remembered, that in the short interval during which these excursions were achieved, Jeanne was present at more than twenty battles, sieges, &c.; which simple statement contains, in itself, a lasting eulogy on the heroic and unfortunate memory of the Pucelle of Orleans.

Vide Note 34, p. 26.

+ If at that epoch Jeanne followed the Court, as it is presumed, it would be requisite to add one hundred leagues to the preceding calculation.




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