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AFTER the capture of the ftrong towns of Longwy in French Luxemburgh,. and of Verdun in Loran, the combined amy of Pruffians, Auftrians, Heffians, and Einigrants, under the command of the duke of Brunfwick, entered the province of Champagne, and feemed at firft to carry all before them. Marshal Luckner, on whofe fidelity lit le dependence feened to be placed, was removed from the frontiers, where he commanded the army of the North, and ftationed at the new camp at Chalons on-the-Marne, about 95 miles from Paris, with the title of Generaliffimo, General Demourier had fucceeded M. la Fayette in the command of the centre army; and the fouthern army was under the conduct of general Montefquieu. The firft, of which general Kellerman had taken the command, was defined to cover the frontiers toward the Aufrian Nother, lands; the fecond, were to defend the countries bordering on the Rhine; and the third was ftationed in Dauphiny, to protect that country against any attack of the king of Sard nia. The duke of Brunfwick, at firft, feemed to carry all before him. On the 14th of September, 10,000 men, a detachment of the army under Demourier, ftruck with a panic, fled before 1500 Pruffians; and the French general acknowledged, that had the latter purfued their advantage, instead of ftopping to callet the arms, &c. of the fugitives, his whole army might have been destroyed. General Kellerman having advanced, with the army of the north, to the affittance of Demourier, his advanced guard was at tacked, on the 20th, by the duke of Brunf wick's whole army. The French foldiers defended themselves with great kill and bravery, and fell back to the main body under Kellerman, who kept an admirable pofition, during a fevere cannonade of fourteen hours. This general, in his letter to the national affeinbly, thus expreffes himfelf: "I cannot do fufficient juftice to the valour and zeal of the officers and men. I faw whole ranks fwept away by the explofion of three ammunition waggons, fet on fire by a howitzer, without the line being broken. A part of the cavalry, and particularly the carabineers, were for a long time exposed to a very galling fire, and fhewed themselves models of courage and firmness. I had entertained a hope that their cavalry would engage mine, which was difpofed of in fuch a manner


as to promife fuccefs. M. de Seramond, major general of artillery, had, as well as myfeif, his horfe ftruck by a cannon fhot. In the embarrallinent that muft attend particular mention, I fhall felect only M. de Chartres and M. Montperfier, for the praife of good condut and courage in the midst of danger, from a very hot fire. [Thefe are the fons of the ci-devant duke of Orleans.] The French nation, after what I faw yefterday, may be affured, that the beft difciplined foldiers cannot excel thofe who have devoted themfelves to the cause of liberty.

Great preparations were making in Paris against the approach of the invading army; and fo confident were the enemies of the revolution of its fuccefs, that a report which had been circulated in the Austrian Netherlands of the entire capture of the French army under Demourier, was almost univerfally believed both in that country and in England. But it foon appeared, that on entering France, the duke of Brunfwick had expected, according to the repeated affurances of the Emigrants, to be joined by the inhabitants of the country as he paffed, and even by great numbers of the French foldiery: at least, that the lat ter, from the unfkifulness of their generals, and their own want of discipline, would be unable to make head against him, In all thefe refpects, however, he was difappointed. The weather, moreover, was extremely unfavourable; fickness prevailed in his camp; his convoys of provifions were frequently cut off; and he found himself in the defert plains of Champagne expofed to all the miferies of famine. This fituation produced the truce and negotiation mentioned in our account of the proceedings of the Convention. In fine, this formidable army, on the 29th of September, began a retreat, in which they were harraffed by the French general Bournonville, who took from them, at different times, a great number of prifoners, waggons, &c. The Pruffians, at lalt, effected their re-, treat to Verdun; and, it was fuppofed, would there make a stand. On the 12th of October, however, general Dillon fent the following fummons to the Pruffian commandant :

"Camp of Regret, O. 12. "General Dillon, commander of a French army now encamped under Verdun, propofes to the commandant of his


Pruffian Majefty in the town and citadel of Verdun, to deliver up that place to him, and to evacuate it immediately, or in the courfe of a day. On thefe conditions the general affures him, that he will not impede the retreat of the Pruffian troops, and that he will even protect the removal of

fuch fick as are in a condition to be tranfported. He informs the commandant, that if he accepts this propofal, which tends to prevent the ufelefs hedding of blood, he will avoid a clofe fiege, which will otherwife be commenced this day. I fend this to you by lieutenant-colonel Chenetz, my aid-de-camp, whom I have ordered to bring back your answer.

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Answer by the Pruffian General, Coubire. (c Verdun, Oct. 11.

"I am ordered by the king to inform you, in anfwer to your fummons, that tomorrow morning the 12th current, you will be put in poffeflion of the gate of Se. cours, which shall be occupied jointly by the troops of the king and the French froops; that Verdun fhall be completely evacuated on the 14th; and that the fick who are in a condition to be removed fhall follow in carriages of the country, which fhall be paid for. On thefe articles I am authorised to agree to a capitulation," &c.

The evacuation of Verdun accordingly took place on the time agreed. On the 17th of October, general Valence, who commanded a divifion of Kellerman's army, forced the poft of Pillon. The fame day the duke of Brunfwick and general Kalkreuth fent a trumpet, with an aid-decamp, to request an interview with general Kellerman, as they were defirous of an accommodation. That officer anfwered, that he would not enter into any conference, while the Pruffian army was in the territories of the republic, and that the furrender of Longwy was a preliminary article, without which he would form no engagement. The duke of Brunswick then offered to evacuate Longwy on the 26th; but the French general infitting up on the furender of that place on the 22d, it was agreed to, according to the follow ing capitulation:

Camp at Martin Fontaine, O&. 18, 1792. "His majesty the king of Pruffia being refolved to evacuate the town and fortrefs of Longwy, the prefent capitulation has been agreed upon between the undersigned citizen François-Cyrus Valence, lieutenant.

general of the armies of the republic, and count de Kalkreuth, lieutenant-general of his majefty the king of Pruffia, fully authorifed for that purpose.

Article I. The gate called Port de France, of the fortrefs of Longwy, shall be put into poffetlion of the French troops on the 22d inft. and the town fhall be totally evacuated in 24 hours after.

II. All the artillery and magazines shall be put in the fame ftate in which they were when the town furrendered, and delivered to an officer appointed by general Kellerman to receive them.

III. The fame regulations fhall be obferved refpecting the fick, as were agreed upon at the evacuation of Verdun.

IV. General Kalkreuth fhall fend an officer to be prefent when the troops quit the place, in order to prevent any accident after they have paffed the gate de Borgogne.

V. Should any unforeseen event accidentally happen, it shall make no change in the preceding articles of this capitulation -the guilty fhall be punished, and the capitulation fhall be executed.

VI. To give more authenticity to the prefent capitulation, it fhall be fealed with the feal of the French people, and that of his majesty the king of Pruffia.

(Signed) C. VALENCE, General of the Armies of the French Republic. COUNT DE KALKREUTH, Lieutenantgeneral of the Armies of the King of Pruffia.

In confequence of this capitulation, the furrender of Longwy took place, and, by almoft immediate confequence, the entire evacuation of France, by the combined invading armes.

Succefs attended the French arms in many other quarters. Thionville, in Luxemburgh, and Lifle, the capital of French Flanders, were befieged; but, in spite of repeated bombardments, the fieges were railed.In the fouth, the invafion expected from the king of Sardinia was anticipated by the French general Montesquieu, who made a fuccefsful jrruption into Savoy, and received the fubmiffion of the inhabitants; for the Piedmontefe troops retired before him, and left the whole country in his poffeffion. In the Mediterranean, general Anfm and admital Truget, failed from Toulon, and made a fuccesful attack on Nice, Villa Franca, and on other places belonging to the king of Sardinia; while general Cutine penetrated into the empire, took the city of Spire, with 3000 Auftrians; removed, or deftroyed their


vast magazines; and laid the bishop, the chapter, and other great bodies, under contributions. The city of Worms was likewife laid under contribution; the elector of Treves fled from Coblentz to Bonn in the electorate of Cologne; his example was followed by many other petty princes; and univerfal confternation pervaded all the higher orders, in the different ftates of the empire on the French fide of the Rhine. The French generals every where declared, that they made war against defpots, not against the people *, whom they wished, on the contrary, to confider as brethren and friends. Their foldiers, in general, observed the strictett difcipline. Some exceptions, however, occurred: a captain and thirty men began to pillage a house at


Spire; but the French general made a ter rible example of them; they were all inftantly hot. During the campaign in Champagne, four Pruffian deferters were torn to pieces by two battalions of the Parifian federates. Thefe two battalions were furrounded, difarmed, conveyed to a strong citadel, and ordered to be tried by a court-martial. It was at first intended to break them with ignominy; but on their delivering up the miscreants more immedi ately guilty of this horrible maffacre, and expreffing their forrow for the stain they had brought upon the French name, they were to be afforded an opportunity of retrieving their own reputation, while the moft guilty only were to be punished.


ON Friday, October 19, was performed at Drury-lane Haymarket Theatre, for the first time, a new mufical after piece, called THE PRISONER.

This petit piece is the production of a gentleman, who has before written fuccefsfully for the ftage, but who wishes to remain concealed. He has taken Mr. Atwood to his aid as a compiler and compofer, whofe coup d'effai in muficals we are to confider it, and a powerful aide-decamp he has proved himself, fince the mufic is the chief recommendation of the performance.

The French, who make more of every thing, than any other people, have, of late years, dropped their long dialogues, and taken up the mode of engrafting good fongs and pleafing fpectacle upon flight fables, by which an effect is produced much better than fuch writing as is now to be had for the stage could have by the ordinary affiftance of the actors. This is a thing of that fort. Its beft fcene, where the Prifoner is fhewn in an iron cage, has fcarcely any dialogue; yet this is interefting, and the others are entertaining, while the whole is a pleasant Palticcio.

The Characters were thus represented: Marcos, Mr. Kelly; Bernardo, Mr. Dignum; Pafqual, Mr. Sedgwick; Roberto, Mr. Suett; Gaoler, Mr. Wewitzer; Narciffo, Mafter Walth; Clara, Mrs. Crouch; Therefa, Mifs De Camp; Nina, Mrs. Bland; Juliana, Mifs Menage.

The fable of the piece is as follows: Don Bernardo being enamoured of Clara, demands her of her brother Don Marcos, who, from a family pique, haughtily refuses, and fends her into a diftant province. Marcos, accidentally feparated from a hunting party, is feized by Bernardo and thrown into prifon; this circumftance gives name to the piece; but it is not till two years afterward that the scene commences, with an account of fome difturbances among the flaves, which Bernardo relates to his friend Pafqual, together with his fears that Clara has been destroyed; on which account he is determined to wreak his vengeance on the prifoner, by immediate execution. The second scene difcovers Clara as a foldier, with Nina, who has enlifted as a drummer; they affume this disguise, the better, to learn what has become of Marcos, and (Clara acknowledges with no little anxiety) to know the fituation of her lover. In the third fcene, Therefa, (Bernardo's sister,) in a foliloquy, betrays her affection for the prifoner, on having been witness to the heroic fpirit he fhewed on being seized and dragged to a dungeon, lamenting her inability to extricate him. At this time the gaoler's children appear, when the thought ftrikes her to obtain his release through their means, by working upon their feelings. She got the promise that they would ufe their endeavour; and, after an arch device of the girl to prevent the discovery of a letter, a trio clofes the scene. The fourth difcovers to Clara, through the mistake of

In Savoy, general Montefquien published the following fingular proclamation:"In the name of the French nation: War against defpots; peace and liberty to the people."

Nina, that her lover has a mistress in his tent, beautiful and beloved. This en

rages her to a fort of distraction, and the

determines on vengeance.

The fecond act is one complete scene of a prifon, the ftage being divided; on one! fide exhibiting the dungeon, on the other the keeper's lodge. The gaoler's children introduce Roberto (Marcos' fervant) with wine for their father. He gets this introduction, to learn whether his mafter is confined there; and when, from fome circumftances, he collects it to be him, retires in order to apprize his friends of it, who are fuppofed to be among the mutinous flaves. The gaoler then enters, through the perfuafion of his children; he tipples not a little, but places himself in fuch a manner, that when afleep they still feem effectually precluded from getting into the dungeon; but having taken the keys out of their father's pocket, at length, by ingenious and perilous management, they get into the cell, when a new obstacle arises, *for they find Marcos chained down, and fastened by a padlock they have no key of. This obliges them cautiously, and almost hopelessly, to return for it; they procure it at last, and effect his releafe; but just as he is in the attitude of stepping over the gaoler's head, he rifes, but it is only to yawn and fall asleep again, which gives Marcos the opportunity of a complete efcape. Pafqual and Bernardo then appear to demand the Prifoner, learn his efcape, and on an alarm being founded, the act concludes with a chorus of the foldiery.

The third act fhews Marcos at the head of his party. In the third fcene Clara ftands centinel before the tent of her lover; and being agitated by jealoufy on seeing him rush into his fifter's arms, whom the fuppofes a mistress, attempts Therefa's life, but is prevented by Pafqual. Marcos being taken prifoner, he and Clara are brought to the General's tent. An ecclairciffement fucceeds through the confufion of Nina, and at the interceffion of Therefa, a general pardon, when they exchange fifter for filter, and the curtain drops.

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Where the banners of glory are streaming,
Her image ftill lingers above;
And her eyes feem all terribly gleaming,
Which glow'd but with transport of love,
Deeds of arms my foul infpire

As the battling thunders roll,
She and fame my bofom fire,

And 'mid flaughter madly wounding,
And to conqueft light my foul.
Heroes dying, groans refounding,
Armour clafhing,

Angel pinion'd o'er her lover,
With protecting wing she'll hover;
Valour's genius-Memory's pleasure,
Guardian of life's facred treasure.

Lig Trening flashing,

What can check the foldier's courfe,
Who, where war delights to rove,
Strikes with more than mortal force,
Urg'd by fame, impell'd by love.


How charming a camp, where foldiers late and early,

With hair fo tightly trimm'd up, and powder'd fo fine,

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March, fhoulder, prefent; while the ferjeant fo furly,

Drills the young recruits in the rear of the line.,

To a dub a-dub-while fo merry

Beats the drummer-dub-a-dub.

'Tho' bluff they look and fierce, that no lions fure are bolder,

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Yet the damfels don't fear 'em-nay one,
as I live,
Came and afk'd me to give her
but I told her,
Says I, that's befpoke, and I've nothing
elfe to give,

But a dub-a-dub-ever merry,
Beats the drummerdub-a-dub.

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of its deliberations in the fmall town of Brefc, in Lithuania. The re-union between the Confederation of Poland and that of the Grand Duchy having taken place, that event, of which the court of Ruffia will be informed by a folemn deputation, was celebrated there by a Te Deum, and a grand entertainment given by the marthal of that Confederation, count Potocki. The first health drunk was that of the emprefs of Ruffia, the liberatrefs of Poland; and was fucceeded, among others, by that of the liberty and independence of the republic. This toaft was drunk amid the difcharge of cannon.

One very interesting circumftance, however, has taken place; fome of the chiefs of this Confederation wifhed a criminal procefs to be inftituted against the marhals of the late diet, and the principal defenders of the conftitution of the 3d of May, 1791 they, however, did not fucceed. On its being put to the vote, it was decided that no procefs fhould be inftituted against a marshal, or any other perfon whatever; but that, on the contrary, a ge neral amnefty fhall be published, as the only means of reftoring, if poffible, unanimity and confidence in the country. This decifion is not the only proof from which we may conclude that the three magnates, authors of the Confederation of Targowitz, and their partifans, will not reap from their proceedings the advantage and influence they expected. Whatever the motives were which have determined the three courts interested in our fate in the coalition which they formed on the occafion, thefe powers, it is pretty evident, employ their influence to keep within bounds the party which they have made to triumph. The court of Vienna has interfered in favour of fome of our grandees, menaced with profcription and confifcation; and we are affured that the em prefs of Ruflia has declared that no act if


fued by the General Confederation fhall have any force, unless fanctioned by the

Targowitz have hitherto treated with the utmost contempt.


Naples, Sept. 22. A lava is running with fome violence from an opening near the crater of mount Vefuvius; but this eruption does not feem to threaten the cultivated parts of the mountain. The eruption of mount Etna, which has lafted three months, and ftill continues, has done confiderable damage to the cultivated lands between Catania and Taormina.-Lond.Gaz.


Bruffels, Oct. 23. The emperor has juft published a new proclamation at Bruffels, of which the following is the fubftance:

"We command and enjoin all and every one not to bring, or introduce, into the provinces under our dominion in the Netherlands, or to fell, fpread, and circulate, or to give to read, any periodical works of France, fuch as journals, gazettes, or newfpapers, under whatever denomination they may be, whether printed or written; as alfo all kinds of books, tending to establish, fupport, or propagate, the principles of the French Revolution, under penalty, befides confifcation of the faid papers or works of a fine of a thoufand florins for each offence; one half of which fhall be paid to the officer who feizes them, and the other half to the informer.


"Moreover, we enjoin, under the fame penalty, all thofe into whofe hands fuch papers or works may fall, in whatever manner it may be, to tranfmit them without delay, in cities where the fuperior tribunals fit, to all our fifcal officers; and, in other places, to the officers of justice, who will convey them to the fifcal officers of the district."


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