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tracks for the jungle. Roberts marched his men upon the barracoons. defense was abandoned and the buildings fired. The slaves were liberated and New Sestos annexed.

In the north, along the Gallinas river, the slave-trade lingered. President Roberts, by the aid of Mr. Gurney, Lord Ashley, and benevolent individuals in the United States and England, purchased the territory for nine thousand dollars. By the annexation of this territory, and in May, 1852, of the Cassa territory, Liberia virtually extends its dominion over six hundred miles of sea coast, exterminating the slave-trade from near Cape Palmas to Sierra Leone. Liberia is well watered, and its natural resources are immense. Cotton is indigenous, and yields two crops a year. Coffee thrives well; a single tree at Monrovia yielding thirty pounds at one gathering. Sugar-cane grows in unrivaled luxuriance, and cam-wood in unlimited quantities; red-wood, bar-wood, and other dyes, are likewise plentiful; the oil-palm is abundant; and indigo, caoutchouc, ginger, arrow-root, cocoa, cocoa-nuts, pine-apples, castor-nuts, yams, plantains, bananas, figs, olives, tamarinds, limes, oranges, lemons, &c., may be added to the list of vegetable products, many of which are exported to a greater or less extent. Ivory is easily obtainable; and rich metallic veins also exist. An important export and import trade is now carried on; and a large number of the inhabitants of the interior depend upon Liberia for their supplies of imported goods.

The exports amount to about eight hundred thousand dollars per annum, and are on the increase. The soil is capable of sustaining an immense population, but the want of agricultural industry has been felt. As the country becomes settled, and the character of its diseases better understood, the acclimating fever is less dreaded, and now rarely proves fatal. This having been passed through, the colored emigrants enjoy far better health than they did in most parts of the United States. The statistics of President Roberts exhibit about three per cent. less number of deaths than among the same class of people in Canada and New England. The thermometer ranges from 70° to 85°; seldom higher or lower.

A thirst for education has been awakened among the surrounding aborigines of Liberia, many of whom send their children 400 and 500 miles, to be educated in the republic. The Liberians have built for themselves above thirty thurches of brick and stone; and possess numerous schools, and a considerable umber of printing-presses. More than 20,000 natives have requested to be taken under the protection of the state, while not less than 100,000 live on its territory, and 350,000 are bound to it by treaties to abolish the slave-trade. At different times, ten buildings, erected by slave-traders for the storage of slaves, have been burned down by the Liberians, and hundreds of their fellowcreatures, therein confined, liberated; and they at all times afford refuge to the weak and the oppressed. Monrovia, the capital and port of the colony, is situated on Cape Mesurado. There are, besides, abors twenty towns and villages in the territory. The government of the country is precisely on the American model; consisting of a president, a vice-president, a senate, and a

house of representatives; the number of members in the former being six, and in the latter twenty-eight. A company has recently been organized in the United States for establishing steam communication between Liberia and this country. Population in 1850, 250,000.*

The yearly income of the American Colonization Society, it appears, has only ranged from $3,000 to $50,000. The annual average of the first six years was $3,276. A liberal bequest of $25,000 per annum for forty years was made to the society by Mr. M'Donough, of New Orleans. From a table published in the Colonization Herald for April, 1857, it appears that since the first settlement of the colony, 9,502 emigrants have been sent out. Of these, 3,676 were born free; 226 purchased their own liberty; and the remaining 5,500 were emancipated for emigration. Of the whole number, 3,315 have gone from Virginia.

The Maryland Colonization Society established its colony at Cape Palmas in 1834. A tract extending about twenty miles along the sea coast, and as many inland, was purchased of the natives by Dr. James Hall, the agent of the society. Fifty-three emigrants commenced the settlement, but vessels continued to arrive with more settlers An additional tract was procured in 1836, and in succeeding years new settlers arrived. The state had voted $20,000 per annum for twenty years. In 1837, Mr. Russworm, a colored man, was appointed governor of the colony, and fulfilled the high expectations formed of him. Six chiefs ceded to him their territories, which became incorporated in the colony. Every treaty contained an absolute prohibition of the slave-trade. A line of packets was established in 1846, to carry out emigrants and bring home produce. It is now contemplated to erect the colony into an independent state.

From an address put forth by the colonists of Liberia to the free people of color of the United States, we make a few extracts:

"The first consideration which caused our voluntary removal to this country, and the object which we still regard with the deepest concern, is liberty-liberty in the sober, simple, but complete sense of the word; not a licentious liberty, nor a liberty without government, or which should place us without the restraint of salutary laws; but that liberty of speech and conscience which distinguishes the free enfranchised citizens of a free state. We did not enjoy that freedom in our native country; and from causes which, as respects ourselves, we shall soon forget forever, we were certain it was not there attainable for ourselves or our children. This, then, being the first object of our pursuit in coming to Africa, is probably the first subject on which you will ask for information; and we must truly declare to you that our expectations and hopes, in this respect, have been realized. Our constitution secures to us, so far as our condition allows, all the rights and privileges enjoyed by the citizens of the United States,' and these rights and privileges are ours. We are proprietors of the soil we live on, and possess the rights of freeholders. Our suf

*Lippincott's Gaze. er of the World.

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frages, and what is of more importance, our sentiments and our opinions, have their due weight in the government we live under. Our laws are altogether our own; they grow out of our circumstances, are framed for our exclusive benefit, and administered by officers of our own appointment, and as such possess our confidence. We have a judiciary chosen from among ourselves; we serve as jurors in the trials of others, and are liable to be tried only by juries of our fellow-citizens ourselves. We have all that is meant by liberty of conscience. The time and mode of worshiping God, as prescribed to us in His word, and dictated by our conscience, we are not only free to follow, but are protected in following.

"Forming a community of our own in the land of our forefathers; having the commerce, and the soil, and the resources of the country at our disposal, we know nothing of that debasing inferiority with which our very color stamped us in America. There is nothing here to create the feeling of caste -nothing to cherish the feeling of superiority in the minds of foreigners who visit us. It is this moral emancipation, this liberty of the mind from worse than iron fetters, that repays us ten thousand times over for all that it has cost us, and makes us grateful to God and our American patrons for the happy change which has taken place in our situation. We are not so self-complacent as to rest satisfied with our improvement, either as regards our minds or our circumstances. We do not expect to remain stationary-far from it. But we certainly feel ourselves, for the first time, in a state to enjoy either to any purpose. The burden is gone from our shoulders. We now breathe and move freely, and know not (in surveying your present state) for which to pity you most, the empty name of liberty which you endeavor to content yourselves with, in a country that is not yours, or the delusion which makes you hope for ampler privileges in that country hereafter.

"We solicit none of you to emigrate to this country; for we know not who among you prefers rational independence, and the honest respect of his fellow-men, to that mental sloth and careless poverty which you already possess, and your children will inherit after you in America. But if your views and aspirations rise a degree higher-if your minds are not as servile as your present condition, we can decide the question at once; and with confidence say that you will bless the day, and your children after you, when you determined to become citizens of Liberia.

"But we do not hold this language on the blessings of liberty for the purpose of consoling ourselves for the sacrifice of health, or the sufferings of want, in consequence of our removal to Africa. We enjoy health, after a few months' residence in this country; and a distressing scarcity of provisions, or any of the necessaries of life, has of late been entirely unknown, even to the poorest persons in this community. On these points there are, and have been, much misconception and some malicious misrepresentations in the United States.

"The true character of the African climate is not well understood in other countries. Its inhabitants are as robust, as healthy, as long-lived, to say the least, as those of any other country. Nothing like an epidemic has ever ap

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