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Dr. CLARK. Of course, Texas is a big State and has a wide expanse of river basins to cover.

Mr. CANNON. It is a matter of area, then?

Dr. CLARK. It is principally a matter of river mileage and the importance of the interests to be served by river stage forecasts and flood warnings. In fact, we allocated these funds after considering the necessities of restoring gages in certain river basins, not divided particularly by States, and it so happens that the particular gages what we are to put in in Texas involve a larger amount.

Mr. SANDLIN. Do you have any gages in smaller streams of any kind-in tributaries, say of the Red River? Have you any gages on any of the large tributaries of the Red?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir. It is very necessary to have information from headwaters and tributaries in order that timely and effective forecasts of stages and floods may be made for downstream points. Another principal object of this expenditure is that, in cooperation with the Army engineers and the Geological Survey, we are desirous, and have this opportunity, to improve and to perfect the river and flood service, in that we will now have gages that in many instances are superior to those previously installed-quite a number of automatic gages as well-by means of which we will be better able to use the volumetric method of forecasting. That is, observations are made of the stream flow at different depths, to establish, as the engineers speak of it, discharge rating curves, or the volume of water passing a gage at the different gage heights. This is a method we have not been able to use to a full extent on account of the lack of the information on which to base the rating curves.

Mr. THURSTON. The Corps of Engineers of the United States Army has practically canalized the entire Ohio River. Do they not make those observations and have this information?

Dr. CLARK. They maintain and read river gages at each of the dams on the Ohio River, and they furnish these readings by telegraph or telephone to the Weather Bureau for use in the preparation of stage and flood forecasts.

Mr. THURSTON. What is the use or purpose in having two agencies synchronized or going into this same field when one might do it more efficiently?

Dr. CLARK. There is no duplication of work or expenditure in any way whatsoever. The Army engineers maintain and read gauges in building and operating navigation dams, but making stage and flood forecasts involves rainfall and temperature as well as a knowledge of river stages, and this field is necessarily left to the Weather Bureau. There is no duplication, but upon the contrary we work in friendly, helpful and economical cooperation with them. The man in charge of this Weather Bureau work, Mr. Montrose W. Hayes, was for some 15 years or more in charge of the St. Louis station, where this river problem is so important. He was transferred to the central office up on the death of his precedessor several years ago, and he is a good administrator of this service.


Mr. SANDLIN. I notice another allotment here of $171,725 made from the Civil Works Administration. You have allocated that to five activities-General Forecasts and Warnings, Climatology, Marine

Meteorology, River and Flood Service, and Fire-Weather Warning Service.

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir.

Mr. SANDLIN. Was this money spent any differently from that received out of the regular fund, or was it just added to that?

Dr. CLARK. For the purpose of decreasing unemployment, the Weather Bureau was requested by the Civil Works Administration on November 14, 1933, to outline a civilian work project for consideration and possible approval.

The Bureau accordingly submitted a project under the title "Assembling and Compiling Meteorological Data", at an estimated cost of $219,230, of which $185,545 represented wages for the employment of approximately 696 persons at various locations in 42 States and the District of Columbia. The project was approved and authorized.

In proposing this activity the Chief of Bureau felt that he was extremely fortunate in being able to present a project which not only served the primary purpose of giving work to the unemployed but at the same time permitted the prosecution of work of great importance and benefit to the Bureau and the science of meteorology, not only with regard to present problems but with those of posterity as well.

The work comprises a comprehensive compilation, computation, charting, and analysis of meteorological data, the consummation of which the Bureau has been looking forward to for many years. It will make a wealth of meteorological information available in usable form for many practical and research purposes. Among these are: First, the compilation of fire-weather records taken at numerous substations during the last 8 years to provide climatological summarizations of the forested regions of great value to efficient forecasting service; second, the compilation of upper air observational data to permit publication in statistical form and provide the means of improved aerological forecasts and determination of flight schedules; third, the charting of a drainage-basin map of the United States in sections, giving valuable aid to the forecast of river-stage and flood warnings; fourth, reduction of all basic climatological records, about 5,000 in number, to means or normals for a uniform 35-year period, from 1898 to 1932, inclusive, with reduction of all records of 15 years or more to the uniform 35-year period, to effect a major improvement in the climatological record of this country; fifth, the computation of correlation coefficients of temperatures for designated districts in the United States, necessary to investigations in long-range forecasting; and sixth, the assembling of marine observational records in homogeneous form by unit areas not larger than 21⁄2° squares over the ocean surface for application to the problems of navigation and ocean aviation, as well as research in world meteorology.

All of the foregoing work has been, necessarily, deferred indefinitely heretofore because funds have not been available with which it could be undertaken. Although its great value and importance has been recognized for years, it has from necessity not been made a part of the regular Weather Bureau activities and is wholly in addition to the service and research which has been furnished under the annual appropriations provided by the Congress.

In conclusion, it may be stated that the results of the work so far have exceeded expectation and promise to be of even greater value than anticipated.

The data and the observations originally obtained have been necessary in our regular Weather Bureau service. This valuable statistical material has accumulated, and we have been unable, with the restricted ordinary running forces of the Bureau, to have it assembled into comparable and statistical form which would be useful and valuable.


Mr. SANDLIN. The next item is:

Horticultural protection: For investigations, observations, and reports, forecasts, warnings, and advices for the protection of horticultural interests, $31,857. You had $65,500 for 1932; $59,200 for 1933; you have $44,905 for this year, and for 1935 the estimate is $31,857.

Dr. CLARK. The following statement is presented:


1932 1933


Estimated obligations, 1934.

Budget estimate, 1935.

$65, 500

59, 200

44, 905

30, 544

31, 857

1, 313

Increase, Budget 1935, compared with estimated obligations, 1934.

The reduction of $13,048 in the estimate of $31,857 for 1935 below the appropriation of $44,905 for 1934 consists of:

Impoundment of 63% percent of 15 percent pay cut.
Curtailments in 1934 working funds.

5 percent salary restoration...


-$1,750 - 12, 611 +1, 313

- 13, 048


By means of expressly trained personnel, intensive specialized work is con ducted in the field under this appropriation for the protection and benefit of horticultural crops. The work at present is conducted principally in the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Alabama, Florida, New York, and Texas. It embraces the Fruit-Frost Service for the protection of orchards and the FruitSpray Service for aid in spray operations in which weather conditions are an mportant factor.


Mr. CANNON. What is the nature of that service, Doctor?

Dr. CLARK. In the citrus-fruit areas of California and the deciduous areas of Washington and Oregon, as well as in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and in the citrus-growing areas of Alabama and Florida, a very important problem of the growers is protection against damage by frost.

Mr. CANNON. A few hours of frost in one night can ruin millions of dollars' worth of fruit?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir.

Mr. CANNON. But what I am at a loss to understand, Doctor, is this: I understand the nature of this is that you give them warning in advance; but even if they have warning, they have not developed any practical way of preventing injury from frost, have they?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir; in a very substantial and valuable way.
Mr. CANNON. By the use of smudges?

Dr. CLARK. By the use, of what is popularly known as "smudging," but in reality it is the heating of the lower strata of the atmos

phere that counts; and this is what caused the need for and later development of this service. For example, it developed in Southern California, around the big citrus districts of Pomona and that territory, and some 10 years ago we assigned several of our young and able meteorologists to a study of the matter in cooperating with the citrus growers and orchardists. The results were so highly satisfactory that the growers now pay a considerable portion of the expense, to enable us to cooperate with them on a more extensive scale than is possible under our appropriation alone.

As to operation in practice, the local growers, cooperating through their associations, equip the orchards with heaters of various makes, placed throughout the orchards. Some burn oil and some hard fuels mostly oil.

Mr. CANNON. Doctor, do they operate through the production of heat itself or through the production of a smoke which holds the heat? Dr. CLARK. The smoke has some little effect, but heat is the controlling factor.

Mr. CANNON. It seems to me that in the vast areas the production of sufficient heat would be an impossible task.

Dr. CLARK. The character of the topography and the climatic conditions in this citrus area lends itself peculiarly to the control of the few degrees between loss and the protection necessary, which can be given by artificial heating.

Our men are located in the vicinities of these fields. They get observations throughout the orchards as to local temperatures; they prepare weather maps and get the forecasts from our district forecast center in San Francisco, giving them a picture of larger movements of air and their effect on the local climate. By these and from formulae which they have worked out they can predict very accurately, and advise the growers as to whether or not heating will be necessary. They immediately disseminate the information by radio and otherwise, throughout the area and contact the growers and their organizations by telephone hook-ups. The growers have men all ready to go out and start their fires.

I have here a very interesting description of all of this in a bulletin issued by the Department of Agriculture-Farmers' Bulletin 1588, Frost and the Prevention of Frost Damage. It contains a comprehensive explanation of the methods which are being used.

Mr. CANNON. Evidently it has demonstrated its value. I notice that this year, in the face of a general decrease in the bill, you are increasing it $1,315. Is that an extension of the service or an increase in the cost of the current service?

Dr. CLARK. The item referred to is not an extension; it is to provide the 5 percent salary restoration.

Mr. CANNON. You are asking for the same amount that you had last year?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir.

Mr. SINCLAIR. Are you not doing anything along this line to protect any other crop except the fruit crop?

Dr. CLARK. These men that we have in the field in southern California are there during the months of November to February. They then move north into central and northern California and into Oregon;


nto the big pear territory around Medford; and the deciduous fruit district of Washington, where similar services are operated.

Mr. SINCLAIR. It would not prove practical or feasible, probably, for grain farming or flax or something of that kind?

Dr. CLARK. It would be a very expensive and probably not an economical project.

Mr. CANNON. Doctor, would this service be effective in connection with fruit sprays, assuming a particularly heavy wind which would prevent the use of sprays?

Dr. CLARK. Listed here is the forecast of possible rain.

Mr. CANNON. Which would wash the spray off?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir. The spray must be put on either a certain time before or after the rain. In some instances it is on account of washing it off; in other instances, if the spray is put on at a certain time, it will burn the foliage substantially.

Mr. CANNON. That would depend on the nature of the spray?
Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir.

Mr. CANNON. The early lime sprays would burn?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir.

Mr. CANNON. But the later sprays, the bordeaux and the arsenic sprays, would not. Then this is a matter of both wind and rain?

Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir; climatic conditions which are best suited to the spray, on account of the spray and on account of the character of insect.

Mr. CANNON. You have never extended this service to the apple, peach, and pear orchards; it is exclusively for citrus fruits?

Dr. CLARK. As I had stated incidentally before, these experts and local meteorologists that give this local service do go into the pear area in Medford, Oreg., and the deciduous areas, where they have organized similar protective methods in the growers' organizations, and also into certain apple orchards of the State of Washington, New York, Ohio, and to a small extent in a few other States.

Mr. CANNON. May I ask if they have given any expression recently of appreciation or lack of appreciation of this service?

Dr CLARK Yes, sir As late as December 22, 1933, Mr. Paul S. Armstrong, general manager of the California Fruit Growers' Exchange, which is the general comprehensive organization in California dealing with this problem, wrote to the Secretary of Agriculture, and I will, with your permission, quote one paragraph of his letter:

Representing an organization of over 13,000 growers of citrus fruit in California and Arizona, I would like to record with you our belief that the Weather Bureau is of outstanding importance to agriculture. The frost-warning service is especially valuable to us, and there are other services performed by the Weather Bureau which are of direct and practical benefit to this industry.

We have a considerable number of similar appreciative statements from the growers on the coast and in Texas and Florida on this work. Mr. CANNON. How long has this service been rendered?

Dr. CLARK. We made our first investigational work on it some 15 years ago, and it was started in a more intensive form 12 years ago. Mr. CANNON. Long enough for its value to be demonstrated? Dr. CLARK. Yes, sir; it is demonstrated. As I previously stated, there are now bulletins prepared on the subject, and, rather interest

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