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nous temperaments. The propensity is also peculiarly liable to be affected by the disease of the respiratory, or the digestive systems. It is a curious fact that in consumption, Hope is strong, and in dyspepsia, it is weak, and the state of this feeling is considered by physicians as one of the surest indications of the nature of the disease.

VITATIVENESS, or the Love of Life, is a propensity conjectured by some phrenologians, to exist. Dr. A. Combe suspects that its organ is at the base of the middle lobe, near the mesial line, and that it can not be discovered during life. I must confess that I can see no good reason for admitting such a distinct power. I consider the love of life to be the result of hope and reflection; and this is confirmed by the fact that suicides generally have small Hopefulness. Perhaps Sanitativeness, by giving a desire to preserve health and soundness of body, and aversion to personal injury, sometimes produces effects in animals that are mistaken for a love of life; but Sanitativeness is manifested powerfully by animals so low in the scale that they cannot be supposed to know that they enjoy life. There are doubtless, organs undiscovered, particularly at the base of the brain, which relate to the corporeal necessities; but I shall treat only of what is believed to be discovered, and leave the great field of conjecture to those who are better qualified to cultivate it.

Plate IIL

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*It is difficult to de order of arrangement,



. PNEUMATIVENESS is situated a little below and before mentiveness; and tends to give that square appearance he face which will be seen upon our Indians, as in Osceola, in Red Jacket's wife. The bones of the face render it ticularly difficult to determine the size of this organ; but extreme cases it is too apparent to be denied; and I have O verified it by post mortem examinations.

I. ALIMENTIVENESS* is just before the external orifice of ear, and gives width to the face, so that when it is large, Chemicality is also large, and Pneumativeness small, face assumes the form of a wedge. It is generally large the German emigrants that are to be seen in Buffalo, I moderate on the Yankees. Sometimes Alimentiveness 1 Pneumativeness are both very large, and the Intellect all, and then the bones of the face will be crowded forrd and laterally outward, so as to make the face appear y large compared with the forehead; such is the case h Mrs. Rapp, and with most of the Indians.

II. SANITATIVENESS produces fullness and width in the d just below Destructiveness, so as sometimes to make ears stand out like spread wings, and when small, the 's are more parallel to the head, as in women.

V. DESTRUCTIVENESS is just above the ear; in the brain convolution appears to be a mere continuation of Alintiveness. It gives width to the head, as in Armstrong d Rapp, and in carniverous animals.

It is difficult to decide which should be considered as first in the er of arrangement, Alimentiveness or Pneumativeness.

V. COMBATIVENESS is behind the ear, situated a little higher than Destructiveness. It is frequently confounded with the bony protuberances which are called the mastoid process, and the crucial ridge which divides the cerebellum from the cerebrum; but the organ is higher than these. (See Decatur.) Observe also, in animals, the difference in width and fullness between the ears-contrast the bulldog with the pointer, or the rabbit.

VI. SECRETIVENESS is just above Destructiveness, nearly parallel with it, and extending a little farther forward. (See Talleyrand.)

VII. CAUTIOUSNESS is easily determined, on account of its great size, and the fact that in nearly all females it presents a distinct protuberance just above Combativeness. In some persons, however, this protuberance is entirely wanting, as in Decatur, Paul Jones, and Gustavus Adolphus, and then of course the organ is small. It is easily observed on herbiverous animals.

VIII. CONSTRUCTIVENESS is above and before Alimentiveness, so as when large to give width to the lower part of the forehead, as in Hogarth, and Perkins. It may be observed on beavers and other animals of the rodentia class.

IX. ACQUISITIVENESS is above Constructiveness, and a little further back, as in Franklin.

X. PLAYFULNESS produces fullness in that part of the forehead which is before Perfectiveness, at the outside of Causality, and generally a little below it. Sometimes it combines with the upper part of Tune, in such a manner as to render it scarcely distinguishable from it. A correct idea of its location, may be obtained by inspecting the forehead of Hogarth, Franklin, Sterne, Voltaire, or Democri


XI. PERFECTIVENESS is situated just above and before Acquisitiveness, below Credenciveness, and before and a

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