Journal of the Senate of the United States of AmericaU.S. Government Printing Office, 1999 |
Commerce Science and Transportation | 165 |
tee program to address the Year 2000 com | 271 |
Otras 2 secciones no mostradas
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Journal of the Senate of the United States of America United States. Congress. Senate Vista completa - 1962 |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America United States. Congress. Senate Vista completa - 1964 |
Journal of the Senate of the United States of America United States. Congress. Senate Vista completa - 1953 |
Términos y frases comunes
added as cosponsors amend the Internal amend title ASHCROFT authorized to meet bill to amend bill to provide BINGAMAN BROWNBACK ceived Class E Airspace Committee on Commerce Committee on Environment Committee on Finance Committee on Governmental Committee on Health communication concurrent resolution COVERDELL DASCHLE Department of Transpor DEWINE Docket DOMENICI DURBIN entitled Airworthiness Direc Environment and Public Environmental Protection Agency ENZI eral Counsel Federal Federal Aviation Administration Fisheries FM Broadcast FRIST Governmental Affairs gram GRASSLEY HAGEL House Internal Revenue Code Internal Revenue Service JEFFORDS joint resolution KERRY LAUTENBERG LOTT March 11 March 22 MCCAIN medicare mittee MOYNIHAN MURKOWSKI National Office of Regulatory Pending debate pursuant to law received on December received on February received on January received on March received on November rector Regulatory Manage request rule entitled Airworthiness Science SENATE RESOLUTION session suant tion tives TORRICELLI transmitting Transportation unanimous consent United States Code WELLSTONE