Imágenes de páginas
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A Sermon preached to the Jews, at Zion chapel, by Mr. Cooper, (d. & 1s. Thompson. The Sacred Monitor, or Sponfor's Prefent; containing the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments, hierogliphically difplayed on a large sheet, 6d. plain, is. coloured. Lee, 68, Hatton-garden.


An Account of the Campaign in the WeftIndies in 1794, under Grey and Jarvis, with engravings, by the Rev. Cooper Williams, late Chaplain of the Boyne. Nicoll.

A Differtation concerning the War of Troy and the Expedition of the Grecians as described by Homar, fhewing that no fuch Expedition was never undertaken, and that no such City as Phrygia exifted, by Jacob Bryant, 4to. 7s. 6d. fewed.


The Life of Lorenza de Medici, called the Magnificent, by Willliam Refoe, fecond jedition, corrected, 2 vols. 4to. bds. 21. 2s. Cadell.

A Curiory View of the Tranfactions of the 13th Vendemaire, (Oct. 5, 1795.) and their effects, tranflated from the French. Is. Longman.

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Obfervations on Pregnancy, and the Diseases of Children, by J. Clough, is. Ogilvy & Co.


The Creole, or the haunted Ifland, by Sum.
Arnola, jun. 3 vols. 10s. 6d.
The Knights of the Swan, or the Court of
Charlemagne, a Romance, by the Countess of
Geniis, 2 vols 8s. Vernon ad Hood.
The Mystery of the Black Tower, by John
Palmer, jun. 2 vols. 78. fewed.



The Alps, a moral and defcriptive Peom, from the German of Haller, IS. Parfons.

A felect Collection of Epigrams, many of them Original, by Thomas Clio Richman, in a fmall pocket Volume, 2s. bds 3s elegant.

Rickman Upper Marybone Street,


The Parliamentary Register for the last Seffion, 3 vols. 8vo. half bd. 1l. 155 Debrett. A Retrospect, illustrating the Neceffity of an immediate Peace with the Republic of France, Crofby.


An Appeal to Popular Opinion against Kidnapping and Murder; including a Narrative of the late atrocious proceedings at Yarmouth; with the Statements, Hand-bills, &c. pro. and con. by John Thelwall. IS. Jordan.

Letters to Thomas Paine, in Reply to his Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance, by Daniel Wakefield, 15. Rivington.

Two Letters, addreffed to a British Merchant a fhort time before the meeting of the New Parliament in 1796. Is. 6d. Longman.

An Examination of Mr. Paine's Decline and Fall of the English Syttem of Finance, in a Letter to a Friend, by Jofeph Smith, Barrister at Law. 1s. 6d. Robinsons.


The Economy of Human Life, in fmallbds: 12mo. hot-preffed, &c. with fine plates, 5s. Sael. 6. 6d. calf, gilt.


The Art of Rigging, containing an alphabetical Explanation of the Terms and the mott minute Operations and the Method of Progresfive Rigging, with engravings, 8vo. 10s 6d. Steel.


Etudes de la Nature, par Jacques-Henri Blonardin de Sainte Pierre, 2 tom. 16s. and 185. bds. à Londres. Dilly.


La Gerufalemme Liberata, di Torquato Taffo, 2 vols. Royal, 18mo. wove, hot-preffed, 8s.

fewed. Polidori and Nardini. Novelle Morali del Soave, 2 vols. in one, 18mo. 2s. 6d. fewed. Polidori and Nardini. Favole di Luigi Grillo, in verfe, 1 vol. 18mo. 28. fewed. Polidori and Co. NEW PUBLICATIONS IMPORTED BY

J. Deboffe, Gerrard-freet, Soho. Annuaire du Cultivateur, Paris, 1795, 12me. 3s fewed.

Coftumes des Autorités Conftituées, Civiles, & Militaires de la République Françoife, contenant 26 coftumes en couleurs, 4to. papier velin, 11. 5s.


De la Force du Gouvernement actuel de la France & de la néceffité de s'y rallier, par Conftant, 8vo. 1796. 29.

Voyage de deux Français au Nord de l'Europe, vols. 8vo. fewed, 1. s

Dumourier, Réponse au Rapport de Camus, 25. 6d.

Elégies de Tibulle, avec des Notes & Recherches de Mythologie, d'Hiftoire, & de Philo fophic, fuivies des Baifers de Jean Second. Traduction, Nouvelle, Addreffée du Donjcon de Vincennes, par Mirabeau laîné à Sophie, ppier ordinair, 11. Is. papier fin, 25. 25. Ruffei, avec 14 gravures, 1796, 3 vols. 8vo.

Fortter, Voyage Philofophique & Pittore que en Angleterre & en France, fait en 1790, fuivi d'un etfai fur l'Histoire des Arts dans la Grande Bretagne, traduit de l'Allemand, par Pugens, avec 10 gravures, Paris, 1796. 8vo. 7. fewed.

La Croix, Spectateur François pendant le Gouvernement Révolutionnaire, fervant de fuite aux Conftirutions des principaux Etats de l'Europe, Paris, 1795, 8vo. fewed, 5s.

La Croix, Spectateur Pran, ois avant la Révolution, Paris, 1796, 8vo. iewed, 78.

Lettres écrites de Barcelonne à un Voyageur en Allemagne, par Chantreau, envoyé en Commiffion fecrette, Paris, 1793, 8vo. fewed, 6s. Médecine Operatoire, ou fraité Elementaire des Operation, de la Chirurgie, par Laffs, Profeffeur à l'Ecole de Santé, Pa is, 1796, 2 vols. 8vo. iewed, fig. 14. 75.

Manuel Pratique du Laboureur, fuivé di un traité fur les abeilles, par Chabouillé, Paris, 1795, 8vo. g fewed, 3s. 6d.

Recherches Politiques fur l'Etat ancien & moderne de la l'ologne, appliquées à fa derniere Révolution, par Garran, Paris, 1795, Svo. fewed, 55.

Reflexions fur la Colonie de St. Domingue, Paris, 1795, 2 vol. br. 10s.

Histoire de la Conjuration de Robespierre, Paris, 1796, 8vo. fewed, 4s.

Œuvres d: Sinéquele Philofophe, traduites en François, par Lagrange, Paris, 1795, 6 vols. 8vo. fewed, l. 16s.

Les Tombeaux, ouvrage Philofophique, par Lombard, Paris, 1796, in-12 fewed, 2s. 6d

Les Trois Femines, nouvelle, par l'Auteur des Lettres de Laufanne, Londres, 1796, 2 vols

in 12mo. 55.

Chamfort, Maximes, Penfées, Caracteres, & Anecdotes, Paris, 1796. 8vo, fewed, 6s. Apologues & Contes Orientaux, par l'Auteur des Variétes Morales & Amufantes. Amft. 1796. 8vo. fewed, 5s.

Les deniers Réicides, Madame Elizabeth de France, & Louis XVII. Londres, 1796. 8vo. 2s,

Magazin Encyclopedique, ou Journal des Sciences, des Lettres & des Arts, rédigé par Millan, Paris, 1796; each year of the above contains 24 numbers, 8vo. making 6 vols. the. Subfcription for a year is 21. 12s. 6d.

Veillées Philofophiques, ou Effais fur la


Morale Experimentale, & la Phyfique Syf témattique, par Villetetque. Paris, 2 vols. 8vo. fewed, 75.

Voyage dans les Départemens de la Répub lique Françoife, dont chaque Département for me un Cahier avec cartes & fig. 3s. 6d. fewed, il en paroit 55.

Hiftoire de la Conjuration de Louis, Philippe, Jofeph d'Orléans, Paris, 1796 3 vols. Svo. broché, 55.

Vaillant fecond Voyage en Afrique, Paris, 1795, 3 vols. 8vo. fig. l. 1s.

Religion Univerfelle, Paris, 1796, 12 vols. 8vo.
Dupuis, Origine des tous les Cultes, ou

avec Atlas, 31.

Parallele des Religions. 5 vols. 4to. 31. 13s. 6d. Diderot, Effais fur la Peinture, Paris. 1796, 8vo. fewed, 6s.

Durand Statistique Elémentaire, où Effai fur l'Etat Géographique, Phyfique, & Moral de lafuiffe, Laufanne, 1795. 4 v. 8vo. fewed, 16s.


7. Remnant, Holborn.

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Scriptores Neurologici minores felecti, five opera minora ad anotomiam, phyfiologiam & pathologiam nervorum fpectantia. Edit. not. nom. illuft. præfat. indicibus onixit C.F. Ludwig. 4 vol. 4to. cum Tab. aen. Lipfice. 31.

Edrifii Africa, cur. Hartman. S. Gothing. 9s. Herrmam, de metris poetaram Gracorum et Romanorum. lio. 8vo. Lipfiæ, 78.

Sanctii Minerva, feu de caufis ling. lat. comment. á Scheidii. edit. 5ta. 8vo. maj. Trajecta ad Rhenum, 158.

Paufanie Græciæ defcript. Græce. alium. ex codd. et recens de emand. explanavit, J.F Facius, vol. 1 & 2. 8maj. Lipfiæ, 18s.

Ovidii Opera omnia e recens. Burmannii.curavit indices. rerum et verborum Philologicos, adjicit. Mitfcherlich. vol. I m. 8 maj. Gothing. 6s.

Cicero de nat. Deorum lib. tres. ex recens Erneftina et cum notis perpetuis. Kindevater. 8vo. Lipfiæ. 4s,

Plutarchi. Marius, Sulla. Lucullus et Sertomius. recens explicavit, in dicibus, neceff, intruxit, E. H、 G, Leopold, 8vo maj, Lipfiæ, 6s,

Silii Italici punicorum, lib, 17, var. lect. et adhot, a Ruperti, vol 1 m. cum præfat. eft, C. G. Heyne, Ivo Gottingæ 6s.

Suide et Phavorni. Gloffee Sacra Græg, á Ernfti, &v, Lipf. 4s, 4s, 6d,


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Difcours Analytique, fur la Coherence imperturbable de l'unité du principe des trois premières part. integrantes de la Theorie Muficale. Enrichi de cinq tables formulaires. A Mr. Trickler, 4to. Dresde. 4s.


Differtations fur la Fortification permanantie des Bombes, avec un plan d'inftruction pour les Officiers. Par M. Hennert, Profefs. Mathematique, gr. 8vo. Utrecht, 4s. Ebendaffelbe, duick papier, 12mo. geheflet, 21. Jader Band kortet.

Garve, Verfuche des verfchiedene gegenftande aus der Moral, der Litteratur mid den gefellschaftlichen Leben, 2 theile, 12mo. schreib papier. Breflau, 12s.

Vermifchte Aufsatze, welche imzeln oder in Zeitfchrifen erfchienen find. 12mo. fchrieb papier. Breflau, 6s.

Sammlung erbauliche Gedichte. Gefammelt mid heraufgegehan von dem Verfaffer der Briefe emes prenfifchen Augenzeugen uber den Feldzug des Herzogs von Braunschweig, mit Titelkupfer, gr. 8vo. Altona, 8s.


MR. MARSHALL, to whom the nation is in great part indebted for the prevailing spirit of agricultural improvement, is preparing for the prefs an AcCount of the Rural Practices of the Southern Counties. Thefe volumes will complete his propofed Regifter of the Rural Practices of England. New editions of his former volumes on Rural Practices of York fhire-of Gloucefterfhire-and of the Midland Counties, are now reprinting.

The Hurricane, a theofophical and Western eclogue, with copious notes, by Mr. WILLIAM GILBERT, is in the Briftol prefs.

Mr. COTTLE, of Briftol, has in the prefs, a fecond edition of his Poems, containing John the Baptift, War, a Fragment, &c. with various additions.

M. BODE, the aftronomer of Berlin, has announced his intention to publish a Grand Celestial Atlas, containing every modern discovery. It is to confift of twenty fheets, three feet two inches, by two feet two inches, and to be published in five parts, of which a part will be completed annually. A Catalogue of the Stars will clofe the work.


Dr. BUCHAN, the well know author of the Domeftic Medicine, is about to publish a second volume of that work.He alfo announces an intended work, on the Offices and Duties of a Mother.

Mr. BENJAMIN DONNE, of Bristol, lately appointed mafter of mechanics to the king, is preparing for publication, an Effay on Mechanical Geometry, with an apparatus, which promises to render the acquifition of that fcience eafy and entertaining. The apparatus will confift of fifty fchemes and models, in card, paper, wood, and metal. .

A volume of Imitations, from the Perfian of Achmed Ardebeili, by Mr. CHARLES Fox, of Bristol, is nearly completed.

The Profeffors of the univerfity of Leyden, who have the management of the Stolpian prize, have announced the following queftion for the prefent year: "What are the principal points in which nations differ from one another; and

what are the phyfical and moral caufes of the difference of national character ? Ought moral teachers to pay any attention, or in what degree, to this difference, in the precepts of morality they deliver to the people?"-The effays muft be written in latin or dutch, and fent, according to the ufual reftrictions, before the firft of July, 1797, to profeffor Nich. Paradys, fecretary. The prize is a gold medal of the value of 250 fl. [221. 10s.]

adopted the following very fimple clafThe FRENCH REPUBLIC has lately fification of terms exprefling WEIGHTS and MEASURES:-In measures of length 10 metres, are called decametre ; 100, bectometre; 1000, kilometre; 10,000, myriametre. In land measure, 10 ares are called décare; 100, hectare; 1000, kilare ; city, they proceed in the fame way, and 10,000, myriare. In measures of capaform from the litre, decalitre, hectolitre, kilolitre, and myrialitre. And in weights, from the term gramme, they form decagramme, bectogramme, kilogramme, and myriagramme.

N. B. The metre correfponds in Englifh measure to 3 feet, 3 inches, 1708 Dr. SAYER WALKER will fpeedily lines. The are to 10'000 fquare metres, publifh a Treatife on the Difeafes called or 107623 048 English fquare feet. The Nervous, with fome remarks on the func-ire, in our Winchefter measure, correftions of the Nervous System.

Mr. BENJOIN, of Jefus College, Cambridge, has in the prefs a Tranflation of Qne of the Minor Prophets; with Notes philological and explanatory. MONTHLY MAG. NO. VIII.

ponds to 1766 pints; or in wine measure to 2.081 pints. The gramme, in our Troy weight, is 2lbs. 8oz. 4dwts. 108grs. and in our avoirdupoife is 2lbs. 3oz. 6,274


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It will form a REGULAR PART of our future plan to prefent the Public with an abridged Sketch of the fpecifications of all new Patents AS SOON AS THEY ARE ENROLLED. We bave no doubt but Patentees will liberally contribute towards the perfection of our plan, by tranfmitting copies of their fpecifications; and we have no hesitation in afferting, that our plan itfelf is fraught equally with benefit to the Public and to the Patentees. Such of our readers as wish for more exact information, will doubtiefs have recourfe to the offices of Enrollment in Chancery-lane.



N the 2nd of Auguft, the fpecifica tion of a patent was enrolled in the Petty Bag Office, by JOHN LUKE, Efq. of Treviles, in the county of Cornwall, for a new mode of lifting, drawing, and conveying loaded and light boats out of one canal into another, instead of the prefent mode by means of locks. The invention confifts of an inclined plane, running from the furface of the upper to that of the lower canal, with a fyftem of machinery at the upper end of it, by which the boats are drawn up and let down the plane. The machinery confifts of a water-wheel, that is turned by a ftream let in upon it from the upper canal, with other wheels connected therewith, and with the rope that paffes over a pulley, and connects with the carriage in which the boat is placed: alfo of a loaded veffel, called a tun, which affifts and regulates the machinery, and which moves up and down a correfponding and parallel plane, but in a direction oppofite to that of the boat. In cafe of a fcarcity of water, the principal axle of the machinery is fupplied with a hand-turn, which is of fufficient power to answer the purpose of the water-wheel. The contrivances for lifting up and letting down the carriage of the boat from the water furface of one canal to that of the other is fimple, and well calculated for the purpose.


MR. ROBERT HOAKESLY, of the city of Chefter, merchant, has lately enrolled the fpecification of a patent for a method of making British pot-afh, for the ufe of all kinds of manufactures, in which foreign pot-afh, or any alkali, is ufeful. The pot-afh is made of the following materials, viz.. English, Scotch, Welch, or Irith kelp, foreign barilla, or falts obtained from foap leys by evaporation, or in their calcined ftate, commonly called black afhes, or of foap waftes. It may be made of any of the above materials, mixed with only a certain proportion of the falts extracted from foap leys; or by mixing cer


tain proportions of any two or more toge ther, fo as to fuit the particular manufactures it may be adapted for. It is alfo made of rock falt, mixed with a certain proportion of any foreign or other alkali.

The materials are pounded or ground into fmall pieces, and fuch kinds as are defigned to make a pot-afh of a particular quality, are mixed together. They are then thrown into an oven, or furnace, of a particular" and very fimple "conftruction, and there, by means of an extraordinary degree of heat, are melted into fo liquid a state as to run out with great ease at a channel made in a convenient part of the oven, or furnace, and there collected into pots. Either of the kinds, when cold, affume the appearance of foreign pot-ash, and are used without farther procefs.

The fuperior property of this invention is, that it separates, and difperfes from all kinds of kelp, barilla, and rock falt, much heterogeneous matter (particularly earth and common falt) and thereby renders the alkali contained in thefe fubftances more pure. This must neceffarily make a great faving in the expences of alkali, and of labour in the application of it, in all manufactures, where kelp and barilla are used in their rude ftate, it being well known, that the earth, and other heterogeneous matter, contained in these articles, prevent, in a very great degree, the operation of the alkali they contain. By this inven tion, alfo, kelp, barilla, and rock falt, may be used in manufactures, in which their former rude ftate entirely prevented their ufe; which he conceives will be of great public utility.

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Span 236 ft. Height 100 ft. Spring of the Arch 33ft..

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