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State. The members, whether Whig or Democrat, will vie with each other in doing honor to the memory of the pure statesman whose name they have adopted, and in casting aside, as he did, all partisan predilections whenever the good of the whole country demands it.


Our brethren in the Eureka State are in fine spirits, and the Chapter at San Francisco is in a flourishing condition, as will be seen by the following extract which we make from the Daily Evening Journal of that city, under date June 26:

ORDER OF UNITED AMERICANS.-Among the various benevolent associations of modern times, which shine forth redolent with good deeds and purposes in every Christian land on the earth, none, perhaps, are more deserving favorable attention than the Order of United Americans. This Order, though, we believe, youngest in the category of secret institutions, or those so called, is not the least prominent; for not only are its objects philanthropic, but they are also professedly, and we trust practically, truly patriotic. Founded in a deep and abiding love for the principles of our civil and religious liberty, and an ennobling desire to preserve and nurture them to the honor and glory of Americans, and the eventual happiness of nations, now writhing under the cloven foot of despotism, the Order has advanced in strength and importance with remarkable celerity, until now its members can be found in almost every city and town in the Union, and among them the most intelligent and exalted of our countrymen. It does not, as its title would seem to imply, and as many suppose, turn away from those not "of the manor born," but on the contrary, is ever ready and desirous to stretch forth the right hand of fellowship to ALL foreigners, come whence they may, who, adopting our country as their home with sincerity, love and cherish her institutions. In politics, the O. U. A. recognizes no party whatever, its shrine being the Constitution of '76; its aspirations, the prosperity of our free government, protection invincible to the glorious and beautiful temple of American Liberty.

In some of the Atlantic States, the Order is exceedingly prosperous, bidding fair to excel all competition in well doing. New-York has within her bounds no less than fifty-eight Chapters or branches, New-Jersey has about twenty, and Connecticut seven, with several in embryo. As yet, California has only one-Eureka Chapter, No. 1, in San Francisco, which is, however, very large, having near three hundred members. It was instituted March 8th, 1850, and after sustaining heavy pecuniary losses by fire, which for a

time almost deprived it of vitality, was reorganized in November, 1851, and is now in cheering circumstances. The following comprise its roll of officers: J. J. Pensam, P. S.; A.J. Bigelow, Sachem; C. P. Colgan, First C.; J. H. Still, Second C.; J W. Van Zandt, C. of the C.; S. A. Snow, C. C.; Isaac Betts, F. C.; C. P. Kimball, C. of the E ; John G. Hunter, S. A.; H. A. Russell, First M.; A. R. Simmons, Third M.; and J. G. Beck, Fourth M. The Chapter will commemorate the natal day of American Independence by a procession in full regalia.

AN INTERESTING REUNION took place on Friday evening, July 30th, at the rooms of Empire Chapter, New-York, on which occasion "Empire" was visited officially by Franklin and Charter Oak Chapters. Each member present was invited to address the meeting, and the evening was passed most agreeably and profitably in a series of desultory speeches from various members upon the political economy of our country, the merits of our organization, and the duties of its members. Past Grand Sachem Baldwin, being present, took part in the proceedings. We have more than once had occasion to speak of Empire Chapter, which, though one of our youngest, is determined to be second to none in activity, intelligence, and fidelity to the great principle.

BY-LAWS.-Our Chapters are too apt to overlook Ordinance No. 5, in making or amending their by-laws. We quote section 1 of that Ordinance:

"All applications made to Chancery for the approval of by-laws of any Chapter, or for the amendment of any existing laws, shall be accompanied by two copies of the laws submitted, each of which shall be correctly engrossed, on full sheets of paper, with suitable margins to allow for any amendments or alterations that may be determined on by Chancery."

This Ordinance is in conformity with Sec. 1 Article IV. of the Constitution of the Order. By neglecting its provisions, and having the by-laws printed before they are submitted to Chancery, the Chapters sometimes put themselves to unnecessary expense, delay, and vexation. The right way is always the best way to do a thing.

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Author of "Champions of Freedom," "Romance of American History," "Warriors of the West," &c.


As a person travelling through a country infested with savage beasts, but ignorant of his danger, lies down at night in calm security, and finds himself on waking suddenly surrounded by the furious horde, each with fiery eyeballs fixed upon him, and ready at any moment to spring upon their defenseless prey; so stood Douglas, helpless, with sinister eyes fixed upon his movements, alarmed at his critical situation, yet warned not to betray distrust; and yet feeling that resigning that important letter into the wrong hands might be the means of involving himself in serious difficulty. "Am I a child-a fool," he exclaimed mentally, "to be made the tool of a parcel of villains? Why did I not stop to consider before I delivered that letter into a stranger's hands?" But he was soon interrupted in his reverie. The bright-eyed boy entered the room, and looking significantly at our hero, said:

"Mr. Palmer wishes to see the gentleman who brought a letter to him. Will you please to walk up stairs, sir?"

Douglas followed him. "Sir," said the boy, as they were on the stairs, "We-that is, Mr. Simpson and I, sir-know that you are in a trap, but never fear; we-that is, he-will get you out of it-never fear. When you hear a horn blow, as if calling in


the men, just go to the window and wait for the assistance of those below." At this moment a door at the head of the stairs opened, and the face of the stout gentleman appeared.

"Walk in, Mr. Douglas," he said. "Here is Mr. Palmer waiting to see you."

Douglas entered; when what was his surprise to find in the person of this Mr. Palmer the hero of the diamond ring he had seen at the public house in Boston, and whom General Putnam had regarded with such contempt! Filled with indignation at the trick which had been played upon him, without noticing the courteous requests of the stout man to be seated, he said: "Sir, I have made a mistake, and sent you a letter belonging to another individual. Will you please to return it to me, that I may carry it to the party addressed ?"

A look of intense meaning passed between the man called Palmer and the stout gentleman; no answer was returned to the request of Douglas, but in a moment, before he was aware, his arms were pinioned by some persons behind him, and he found himself a prisoner.

"Well, the foolish young Scotch boy is now in the toils, and we may rest secure," exclaimed one of the party below. "If Palmer has got possession of him, he may


thank his stars if he gets clear again. Ha! ha ha! it is the most successful bait we've laid for many a day. Now to Gage, to inform him of our success."

"Captain Gordon, I am determined this lad shall suffer no harm at the hands of Palmer," said a short, thin man, who had scarcely spoken since Douglas had entered the tavern.

"Who said he would harm him?" returned the one called Gordon. "You know as well as I do that it is necessary to put down this rebellion by any means we can make use of. Palmer hates Putnam and every one connected with him, and we may be sure he will let no opportunity slip through his hands to vent his spleen. By George, I would not be in that youth's shoes for the price of my commission. But here comes Gardner with the letter."

you shall find I will maintain my rights. Again, I say, the youth shall not be harmed."

"Well, who spoke of harming him? If he do not attempt to escape, he is safe. If he make his way to Boston, you well know Palmer, whose services are so important to the government, will be in the hands of his enemies, and it is necessary that he should go to and fro without suspicion. This old farmer knows him well: they were together in the old French war, and Putnam barely escaped being scalped by the Indians because Palmer deserted him to save his own life. Since then, Palmer shivers whenever his name is mentioned. Of course, it is none of our business to inquire into the cause of their enmity."

"But the letter! the letter!" exclaimed another of the company: what was the letter about?"

"Did I not tell you it contained information of the movements of the rebels; and that this very night they are preparing for

Why, the daring fools will never think of giving us battle," said another. “Our ships fill the harbor, and the land troops are a match for all the forces the colonists might muster in defense."

"We must be gone immediately," said the stout gentleman as he entered the room. "The rebels are gathering from all parts of the country. Some of our own men are de-resistance? We have orders to be ready at serting, and by this letter we have discovered a moment's warning." that the disaffected subjects of His Majesty have gathered more than a thousand strong, determined to strike a blow for what they call freedom. The rash boy we have captured must lie here until morning, as it is of importance to secure any of their trusty messengers. How he came to be in their interest I cannot conceive, for Sir Robert is well known to be one of King George's most devoted subjects. His son has been led astray; happy for him if he escapes with his life."

"But they do think of it, nevertheless,” replied the stout man, whom we may as well designate by his proper name, Colonel Gardner. "They do think of it, and we must be ready for them. You, Greenhow, mount immediately, and carry this intercepted letter to General Gage. Palmer is already preparing to perform his duty. You, Morton, are to act as sentinel to this young Douglas until morning. If you let

"You will not-must not harm the youth," said the one who had before spoken in his defense. "How would it concern you if we did, him escape, look to your head. Not that Lieutenant Johnson ?"

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he is a dangerous person in himself, but he
would relate the circumstances of his cap-
ture to this mad Putnam, and there's no
knowing what would be the consequence.
It seems the rebels are moving toward the
hills beyond Charlestown.
hills beyond Charlestown. We can take
possession of Simpson's mill and shoot them
at leisure across the river."

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