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(11) Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving any vessel or the owner or person in charge of any vessel from the penalties of law for obstructing navigation or for obstructing or interfering with range lights, or for not complying with the laws relating to lights and fog signals or other navigation laws. 26 F.R. 11181, Nov. 28, 1961]

202.173 Port of Charleston, S.C.

(a) The anchorage grounds. The anchorage grounds for general use shall include all the navigable portions of the harbor and the portions of Cooper, Ashley, and Wando Rivers adjacent thereto, except the following:

(1) Areas of prohibited anchorage. (i) A ship channel 1,000 feet wide between the jetties, thence 800 to 400 feet wide (or as much wider as an improved channel may hereafter be dredged), following the established ranges and usual courses and passing east of Drum Island to Goose Creek. Between the north Customhouse Wharf and the northernmost building ways of the Todd Shipyard Corporation, this shall include all the area between the western limit of the Channel and the eastern waterfront of Charleston.

(ii) A ship channel 500 feet wide from the northernmost building ways of the Todd Shipyards Corporation north through Town Creek, following the established ranges and usual courses and connecting at both ends with the main channel.

(iii) A ship channel in Ashley River from its mouth to Standard Wharf 300 feet wide following the established ranges and usual courses and widened at bends and at the upstream and downstream ends.

(iv) The commonly used channel in Wando River, with width of 200 feet. (v) The commonly used channel in Hog Island Channel with a width of 200 feet from Cooper River to the area opposite Shem Creek.

(2) Anchorage for explosives. Vessels carrying explosives may anchor only in that section of the Wando River designated as "Anchorage for Explosives," which lies on the west side of that river in the area one mile upstream of the south end of Daniel Island: Provided, That vessels carrying explosives shall not anchor within 400 yards of each other, but this provision is not intended to prohibit lighters from lying alongside ships for the transfer of cargo.


(3) Special anchorages. Two special anchorages are provided in Cooper River along the eastern waterfront of Charleston. The use of these special anchorages is limited to loaded vessels for a period of not more than 72 hours. The bearings and distances for the centers of these special anchorages are from the tank atop the Fort Sumter Hotel on the Battery at Charleston:

(i) 30°30' true; 2, 687 yards; diameter of anchorage, 1,400 feet.

(ii) 37°00' true; 2,017 yards; diameter of anchorage, 1,400 feet.

(b) The regulations. (1) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessel shall be anchored in the prohibited areas described in paragraph (a) of this section, nor shall any vessel be so anchored that it can swing within 400 feet of any wharf or pier on the eastern waterfront of Charleston.

(2) Vessels using the two special anchorages opposite the eastern waterfront of Charleston shall place their anchors as near as possible in the center of the anchorage. Vessels not using a special anchorage shall not place their anchors within the areas of prohibited anchorage, but vessels may be so anchored as to swing into these areas: Provided, That that they are so placed, with reference to the customary winds, tides, and currents of the harbor, that they will swing only during slack water, and at this period there shall remain in the waters adjacent to the channel an area providing sufficient depth so as to permit the safe passage of loaded vessels.


(3) Vessels must be anchored in such a way as not to interfere with the free navigation of channels of the port, including Cooper, Ashley, and Wando Rivers, Town Creek, and Hog Island Channel, or to obstruct the approach to any pier or entrance to any slip, or to impede the movement of any vessel or craft.

(4) Dragging of anchors in or across the areas of prohibited anchorage is prohibited.

(5) Vessels which, through force of great emergency, are anchored contrary to the foregoing regulations in this section shall be shifted to new berths in accordance with such regulations at the earliest opportunity.

(6) A vessel, upon notification from the Captain of the Port to shift its position in anchorage grounds or out of areas of prohibited anchorage, must get under

way at once or signal for a tug, and must change position as directed with reasonable promptness.

(7) Vessels carrying explosives shall be anchored only within the anchorage ground described in paragraph (a) (2) of this section, which may be used also by vessels carrying other classes of freight when proper anchorage space is not available elsewhere in the harbor, including the connecting rivers.

(8) Vessels carrying explosives shall be at all times in charge of competent persons, and must display by day a red flag, of at least 16 square feet, at the masthead, or at least 10 feet above the upper deck if the vessel has no mast; at night a red light shall be displayed in the same positions specified for the red flag. No smoking will be permitted on or near such vessels, and no persons under the influence of liquor will be allowed on board any vessel, barge, or scow carrying explosives, nor will they be allowed to approach such vessels.

(9) Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving the owner or person in charge of any vessel from the penalties of law for obstructing navigation, or for obstructing or interfering with range lights, or for not complying with the navigation laws in regard to lights, fog signals, etc.

[13 F.R. 9552, Dec. 31, 1948, as amended at 14 F.R. 7587, Dec. 29, 1949; 20 F.R. 2308, Apr. 9, 1955. Redesignated at 14 F.R. 4904, Aug. 9, 1949]

§ 202.178 Wilmington River, Ga.

(a) The anchorage grounds. An area in the Wilmington River in the vicinity of Thunderbolt Harbor to the westward of a line from the southeasterly corner of the outer end of the wharf of the Shrine Club, bearing 183°, 480 feet, to a point marked with a buoy; thence 204°30', 2,280 feet, to the Maggioni Packing Plant.

NOTE: Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors or moorings in place will be allowed in this area. Fixed mooring piles or stakes are prohibited.

(b) The regulations. (1) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessel shall anchor in Wilmington River between the State Highway bridge at Thunderbolt, and 4,000 feet to the southward, except in the anchorage area hereby defined and established: Provided, however, That vessels may moor to any lawfully constructed wharf.

(2) Anchors must not be placed outside the anchorage area, nor shall any

vessel be so anchored that any portion of the hull or rigging shall at any time extend outside the boundary of the anchorage area.

(3) Any vessel anchoring under circumstances of great emergency outside of the anchorage area should be placed near the edge of the channel and in such position as not to interfere with the free navigation of the channel nor obstruct the approach to any pier nor impede the movement of any boat, and shall move away immediately after the emergency ceases or upon notification by the District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, Savannah, Georgia, charged with the enforcement of the regulations in this section.

(4) A vessel, upon being notified to move into the anchorage limits or to shift its position on anchorage grounds, must get underway at once and must change position as directed, with reasonable promptness.

(5) Whenever the maritime or navigation interest of the United States so require, the District Engineer is hereby empowered to shift the position of any vessel anchored within the anchorage area and of any vessel which is so moored or anchored as to impede or obstruct vessel movements in any channel.

(6) Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving the owner of or person in charge of any vessel from the penalties of the law for obstructing nav igation or for not complying with the navigation laws in regard to lights, fog signals, or for otherwise violating the law.

[20 F. R. 2308, Apr. 9, 1955]

§ 202.179 Skidaway River, Isle of Hope,


(a) The anchorage ground. An area in Skidaway River beginning at a point on the mean low water line 400 feet south of Brady Boat Works, thence 76°30', 300 feet to a buoy; thence 152°30', 900 feet to a buoy; thence 251°00', 450 feet to the mean low water line at Wymberly Yacht Club dock.

(b) The regulations. (1) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessels shall anchor in Skidaway River between the north end of Barbee's dock and southward to Day Marker 48 except in the anchorage area hereby defined and established: Provided, however, That vessels may moor to any lawfully constructed wharf.

(2) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessel shall be anchored where it can swing within 50 feet of any lawfully constructed wharf or within 50 feet of the mean low water line, nor shall any vessel be so anchored that any portion of the hull or rigging shall at any time extend outside the boundary of the anchorage area.

(3) Any vessel anchoring under circumstances of great emergency outside the anchorage area should be placed in such a position as not to interfere with the free navigation of the channel nor obstruct the approach to any lawfully constructed wharf nor impede the movement of any boat, and shall move away immediately after the emergency ceases or upon notification of the District Engineer, U.S. Army Engineer District, Savannah, Georgia.

(4) No vessels with an overall length greater than 65 feet will use the anchorage area except in cases of great emergency.

(5) Vessels operating within the anchorage area will not exceed a speed of five (5) miles per hour.

[24 F.R. 3956, May 15, 1959]

§ 202.182 Atlantic Ocean off Fort
George Inlet, near Mayport, Fla.
(a) The Anchorage areas-(1) An-
chorages for aircraft carriers and other
deep draft vessels. Four circular areas
each with a radius of 600 yards and with
their centers located at: "A"-latitude
30°25′35′′, longitude 81°21′23′′; "B"-
latitude 30°26'13", longitude 81°21′13'';
"C"-latitude 30°26'19'', longitude 81°-
20′27′′’; “D”—latitude 30°26′55'', longi-
tude 81°20'47".

(2) Anchorages for destroyers and other ships of similar size. Six circular areas each with a radius of 300 yards and with their centers located at: “1”— latitude 30°24'38", longitude 81°21'57''; "2"-latitude 30°24'57", longitude 81°21'58"; "3"-latitude 30°24'56", longitude 81°21'38", "4"-latitude 30°25′13′′, longitude 81°22'05"; "5"-latitude 30°25'13", longitude 81°21'43"; "6"-latitude 30°25'07'', longitude 81°21′24′′.

(3) Explosives anchorage. The circular area "A" described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is also designated as an explosives anchorage for use during periods when ammunition must be handled outside the limits of the U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, Fla.

(b) The regulations for all designated areas. (1) Usage of these areas by naval

vessels shall predominate only when necessary for military requirements; at such times other vessels shall remain clear of the areas.

(2) Prudent assignment of the anchorage areas shall be made by the Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, Fla.

(c) Additional regulations for Explosives Anchorage Area "A". (1) When occupied by a vessel handling explosives, no other vessel may enter the area unless authorized by the enforcing agency.

(2) Only one vessel handling explosives may anchor in the area at one time. A patrol craft shall be utilized to assure that other vessels remain clear when explosives are exposed or being transferred to and from the anchorage.

(3) No more than 500,000 pounds net high explosives or equivalent may be exposed in the area at any one time.

(d) The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commanding Officer, U.S. Naval Station, Mayport, Fla., or other agencies that he may designate. [31 F.R. 7284, May 19, 1966]

§ 202.183 St. Johns River, Fla.

(a) The anchorage grounds—(1) Anchorage A. Beginning at the west shore and at the south side of Fuller Warren Bridge, latitude 30°18′58′′, longitude 81°40′30"; thence easterly along the south side of said bridge to the easterly shoreline at latitude 30°18'47'', longitude 81°39′52′′; thence southerly along the easterly shoreline and along a portion of a straight line extending N. 00°15′ E. from Point La Vista to latitude 30°17′48′′, longitude 81°39′52′′; thence west to longitude 81°40'45"; thence to the westerly shoreline at Winter Point and northeasterly along the westerly shoreline to Fuller Warren Bridge.

(2) Anchorage B. Beginning at Point La Vista, latitude 30°16'48'', longitude 81°39'54"; thence to latitude 30°16′52′′, longitude 81°40'54''; thence to latitude 30°17'48'', longitude 81°40'45''; thence east to longitude 81°39′52''; thence S. 00°15′ W. to Point La Vista.

(3) Anchorage C. Shoreward of a line located as follows:

Beginning at a point on the south shore westerly of the entrance to Miller Creek at longitude 81°38'15"'; thence north 300 yards; thence east to longitude 81°37'40"; thence to latitude 30°19'06'', longitude 81°37′27''; thence east to longitude 81°37'02''; thence south to Empire Point.

(4) Anchorage D. Bounded on the west by a line along the easterly side of Terminal Channel and bounded on the east by a line along the westerly side of Arlington Cut. Beginning at a point at latitude 30°19'30'', longitude 81°37'25''; thence to latitude 30°20'07'', longitude 81°37'18"; thence to latitude 30°20'00'', longitude 81°37'05"'; thence to latitude 30°19'20'', longitude 81°37′17′′; thence to the point of beginning. No vessels shall anchor within 300 feet of Terminal Channel or Arlington Cut.

(5) Anchorage E. Beginning at a point near the easterly shore of the river at latitude 30°21′42", longitude 81°36′52"; thence west to longitude 81°37′15′′'; thence north to latitude 30°22'07''; thence to the point of beginning.

(6) Anchorage F. Shoreward of a line located as follows: Beginning at a point on the east shore at latitude 30°21′42'', longitude 81°36'45''; thence west to longitude 81°36'52''; thence to latitude 30°22'07'', longitude 81°37′15′′; thence N. 56°15' E. to the east shore.

(b) The regulations. (1) Anchorages A, B, D, and F are permanent anchorages. Anchorage A is reserved for deepdraft vessels, Anchorage B is reserved for shallow-draft vessels, Anchorage D is reserved for light-draft barges and schooners, and Anchorage F is reserved for deep-draft barges and schooners.

(2) Anchorage C is a temporary anchorage for deep-draft vessels. This anchorage shall be an anchorage for vessels exceeding 24 feet in draft. No vessel shall remain in the anchorage more than 24 hours without obtaining a permit from the Captain of the Port.

(3) Anchorage E shall be used only by vessels awaiting quarantine inspection, or by special permit from the Captain of the Port.

[13 F.R. 9554, Dec. 31, 1948, as amended at 14 F.R. 2414, May 10, 1949. Redesignated at 14 F.R. 4904, Aug. 9, 1949, and amended at 25 F.R. 5877, June 25, 1960; 25 F.R. 9220, Sept. 27, 1960; 29 F.R. 4096, Mar. 28, 1964] § 202.188 Atlantic Ocean off Miami and Miami Beach, Fla.

(a) The anchorage grounds. The area to the eastward of a line bearing 12° (N. 12° E.) through a point X, which is 11⁄2 nautical miles due east of the intersection of the Miami Beach shore line with the north jetty; to the northward of a line bearing 102° (S. 78° E.) and intersecting the 12° line at a point A, onehalf nautical mile north of the said

point X; and to the southward of a line bearing 102° (S. 78° E.) and intersecting the 12° line at a point B, 22 nautical miles north of the said point X. The northern and southern extremities of the 12° line are marked by spar buoys. The entire anchorage area lies north of the entrance channel to Miami Harbor.

(b) The rules and regulations. (1) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessel shall be anchored in the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of the entrances to the approach channels leading to the cities of Miami Beach and Miami, Fla., outside of the anchorage area hereby defined and established—that is, they shall not anchor shoreward of the line first named nor southward of the second nor northward of the third line-but may anchor as far to the eastward as may be desired.

(2) Any vessel anchoring under circumstances of great emergency outside of the anchorage area shall be shifted to new berths within the area immediately after the emergency ceases.

(3) All vessels shall lie at anchor with as short a cable as conditions will permit. (4) A vessel upon being notified to move into the anchorage limits or to shift its position on the anchorage ground must get under way at once or signal for a tug, and must change position as directed with reasonable prompt


(5) Whenever the maritime or commercial interests of the United States so require, the Captain of the Port, U.S. Coast Guard, Miami, Fla., is hereby empowered to shift the position of any vessel anchored on the anchorage ground or outside thereof, or of any vessel moored or anchored so as to impede or obstruct vessel movements or obstruct or interfere with range lights.

(6) Vessels carrying explosives shall be anchored only under a written permit issued by the Captain of the Port and at such point as he may direct.

(7) Vessels carrying explosives shall be at all times in charge of a competent person, and must display by day a red flag, of not less than 16 square feet, at the masthead, or not less than 10 feet above the upper deck if the vessel has no mast; at night a red light shall be displayed in the positions specified for the red flag.

(8) Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as relieving the owner or person in charge of any vessel from the penalties of the law for obstructing navigation, or for obstructing or interfering


with range lights, or for not complying
with the navigation laws in regard to
lights, fog signals, or other aids to navi-
gation, or for otherwise violating law.
[Regs., Mar. 29, 1926, as amended at 28 F.R.
7560, July 25, 1963]

§ 202.190 Tortugas Harbor, in vicinity
of Garden Key, Dry Tortugas, Fla.
(a) The anchorage grounds. All of
Bird Key Harbor, southwest of Garden
Key, bounded by the surrounding reefs
and shoals and, on the northeast, by a
line extending from Fort Jefferson West
Channel Daybeacon 2 to Fort Jefferson
West Channel Daybeacon 4, thence to
Fort Jefferson West Channel Daybeacon
6, and thence to Fort Jefferson West
channel Daybeacon 8.

(b) The regulations. Except in cases of emergency involving danger to life or property, no vessel engaged in commercial fishing or shrimping shall anchor in any of the channels, harbors, or lagoons in the vicinity of Garden Key, Bush Key, or the surrounding shoals, outside of Bird Key Harbor.

[16 F. R. 11963, Nov. 28, 1951] § 202.193 Tampa Bay, Fla.

(a) The anchorage grounds—(1) Explosives anchorage east of Mullet Key. A rectangular area in Tampa Bay, approximately 4,459 yards long and 1,419 yards wide, beginning at latitude 27°38'30", longitude 82°39'09", and extending northeasterly to latitude 27°39'48'', longitude 82°37′15′′; thence southeasterly to latitude 27°39'17'', longitude 82°36'46"; thence southwesterly to latitude 27° 37′52′′', longitude 82°38'38"; thence northwesterly to the point of beginning. (2) Temporary explosives anchorage south of Interbay Peninsula. Beginning at a point bearing 107°, 1,750 yards from Cut F Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 125°, 2,050 yards, from Cut F Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 180°, 1,725 yards, from Cut F Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 222°, 2,180 yards, from Cut F Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 251°, 1,540 yards, from Cut F Range Front Light; and thence to the point of beginning.

(3) Temporary explosives anchorage off Port Tampa. A circular area with a radius of 200 yards with the point at latitude 27°50'22", longitude 82°34′15′′. (4) Quarantine Anchorage. east of the temporary explosive anchorage, beginning at a point bearing 97°


true, 4,370 yards, from Cut "F" Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 113°30', 5,370 yards, from Cut "F" Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 161°30′, 3,770 yards, from Cut "F" Range Front Light; thence to a point bearing 163°30', 2,070 yards, from Cut "F" Range Front Light; thence to the point of beginning.

(b) The regulations. (1) The explosives anchorage east of Mullet Key shall be used by vessels awaiting loading or unloading at Port Tampa that have explosives actually on board and where the duration of anchorage will exceed 72 hours.

(2) The temporary explosives anchorages south of Interbay Peninsula and off Port Tampa shall be used for vessels engaged in loading explosives when the duration of the anchorage is less than 72 hours.

[13 F.R. 9554, Dec. 31, 1948. Redesignated at
14 F.R. 4904, Aug. 9, 1949, and amended at
17 F.R. 8363, Sept. 17, 1952; 21 F.R. 6825,
Sept. 8, 1956; 21 F.R. 10253, Dec. 20, 1956]
§ 202.193a St. Joseph Bay, Fla.

(a) The anchorage grounds—(1) Explosives Anchorage Area 1. A rectangular area 3,000 yards long by 700 yards wide beginning at a point 1,350 yards west of U. S. Highway 98 Bridge over Gulf County Canal. The area is parallel to and 450 yards northeast of the north entrance channel to Port St. Joe, Florida.

(2) Explosives Anchorage Area 2. A circular area with a 500-yard radius around a center point located at latitude 29°47'30''; longitude 85°21′30′′, 3,100 yards southeast of FW South Channel Light and 5,250 yards south of FW North Channel Light, in St. Joseph Bay, Port St. Joe, Florida.

(b) The regulations. (1) The explosives anchorage areas shall be used as temporary anchorage for vessels engaged in loading and unloading explosives at the port of Port St. Joe, Florida, when the duration of the anchorage period is less than 96 hours.

(2) No vessel shall occupy this anchorage without obtaining a permit from the Captain of the Port.

[22 F.R. 6889, Aug. 27, 1957, as amended at 22 F.R. 9694, Dec. 4, 1957]

§ 202.194

Mobile Bay, Ala., at entrance. (a) The anchorage grounds. The waters within a radius of 750 yards

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