The question being on agreeing to the title, Mr. Vaughan moved to amend the title so as to read as follows: A bill to compel owners of private cemeteries to keep the same enclosed with a suitable fence to prevent encroachment of live stock; The motion prevailed and the title of the bill was so amended. The title of the bill as amended was then agreed to. Unanimous consent being obtained Mr. F. D. Scott moved to take from the table House bill No. 218 (file No. 152), entitled A bill in relation to the division of or changing of boundaries of primary school districts. The motion prevailed. Mr. F. D. Scott moved that the rules be suspended and that the above entitled bill be placed on its immediate passage. The motion prevailed, two-thirds of the Senators present voting therefor. The bill was then read a third time and passed, a majority of the Senators-elect voting therefor, by yeas and nays, as follows: Mr. Cartier moved that the Senate resolve itself into the committee of the whole on the GENERAL ORDERS OF THE DAY. The motion prevailed. The President called Mr. Mapes to the chair. After some time spent therein, the committee rose, and through its chairman made the following report: The committee has had under consideration the following: Senate bill No. 140 (file No. 130), entitled A bill to authorize and direct the Board of State Auditors to acquire, furnish and maintain a residence for the use of the Governor of the State of Michigan, and to make an appropriation therefor; Has amended the same as follows: 1. By inserting in line 1 of section 2 after the word "acquisition" the words "or construction of such building." 2. By inserting in line 2 of section 3 after the word "acquisition" the words "or construction." Also: Senate bill No. 363 (file No. 361), entitled A bill to protect and conserve the health of school children, and to promote their efficiency, and secure treatment and improvements, by providing for the medical inspection of schools; Has amended the same as follows: By adding to section 2 the following further proviso: "Provided further, That no child shall be subject to such examination who furnishes a certificate from the family physician covering the requirements of this act." And has directed its chairman to report the same back to the Senate, asking that the amendments be concurred in, and recommend that, as amended, the bills pass. The committee of the whole has also had under consideration the following: Senate bill No. 304 (file No. 315), entitled A bill to provide for general supervision of the high schools of the State. Also: Senate bill No. 150 (file No. 357), entitled A bill to regulate the collection of passenger fares by railroad companies; Has directed its chairman to report the same back to the Senate, with the recommendation that all after the enacting clause of each of the bills be stricken out. The report was accepted. CARL E. MAPES, Chairman. The Senate concurred in the amendments made to the first and second named bills in the report and the bills were placed on the order of third reading of bills. The Senate concurred in the recommendation of the committee regarding the third and fourth named bills in the report and all after the enacting clause of each of the bills was stricken out. Mr. Freeman moved that the Senate take a recess for ten minutes and that former Senator Francis J. Shields be invited to address the Senate. The motion prevailed, the time being 3:45 o'clock p. m. The President appointed Senators Freeman, White and Snell a committee to escort Mr. Shields to the chair. Mr. Shields then addressed the Senate. AFTER RECESS. The Senate was called to order by the President. A quorum of the Senate was present. 3:55 o'clock p. m. Mr. Fowle moved that the Senate resolve itself into the committee of the whole on the GENERAL ORDERS OF THE DAY. The motion prevailed. The President called Mr. Mapes to the chair. After some time spent therein, the committee rose, and through its chairman made the following report: The committee has had under consideration the following: Senate bill No. 353 (file No. 326), entitled A bill to amend section 25 of chapter 91 of the Revised Statutes of 1846, entitled "Jurisdiction, powers and procedure of probate courts," the same being section 669 of the Compiled Laws of 1897; Also: House bill No. 321 (file No. 142), entitled A bill relating to pandering, to define and prohibit the same, to provide for the punishment thereof, and for the competency of certain evidence at the trial thereof; Also: House bill No. 96 (file No. 82), entitled A bill to amend section 2 of chapter 9 of Act No. 283 of the Public Acts of 1909, entitled "An act to revise, consolidate and add to the laws relating to the establishment, opening, improvement, maintenance and use of the public highways and private roads, the condemnation of property and gravel therefor; the building, repairing and preservation of bridges; setting and protecting shade trees, drainage, cutting weeds and brush within this State, and providing for the election and defining the powers, duties and compensation of state, county, township and district officials;" Also: House bill No. 335 (file No. 171), entitled A bill to make the breaking and entering, or entering without break ing, at any time, any outside showcase, or other place used for the display of goods, wares, or merchandise, with the intent to commit the crime of larceny, a felony, and providing a penalty therefor; Also: Senate substitute for Senate bills Nos. 86, 87, 92, 256, 377, 380 (file No. 372), entitled A bill to amend section 9 of chapter 2, sections 1, 8 and 9 of chapter 3, sections 1 and 20 of chapter 4, sections 15 and 16 of chapter 14, and section 7 of chapter 21 of Act No. 283 of the Public Acts of 1909, entitled "An act to revise, consolidate and add to the laws relating to the establishment, opening, improvement, maintenance and use of the public highways and private roads, the condemnation of property and gravel therefor; the building, repairing and preservation of bridges; setting and protecting shade trees, drainage, cutting weeds and brush within this State, and providing for the election and defining the powers, duties and compensation of state, county, township and district highway officials," and to add a new section to chapter 4 of said act to stand as section 32; Also: House bill No. 220 (file No. 79), entitled A bill to prohibit certain classes of immoral advertising and provide punishment for violators thereof; Also: House bill No. 448 (file No. 185), entitled A bill to amend section 48a of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment, and to fix the term of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," approved May 29, 1897, as amended; Also: House bill No. 413 (file No. 166), entitled A bill to amend section 23 of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the term of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," the same being section 385 of the Compiled Laws of 1897; Also: House bill No. 377 (file No. 165), entitled A bill to amend section 23 of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the term of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," approved May 29, 1897, the same being section 395 of the Compiled Laws of 1897, as amended by Act No. 3 of the Public Acts of 1901; Also: House bill No. 338 (file No. 168), entitled A bill to amend section 30 of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897. approved May 29, 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the terms of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," the same being section 392 of the Compiled Laws of 1897; Also: Senate bill No. 307 (file No. 282), entitled A bill to fix the salary of supervisors, members of township boards, boards of registration, and boards of inspectors and clerks of election. Has made no amendments thereto, and has directed its chairman to report the same back to the Senate, and recommend their passage. The committee of the whole has also had under consideration the following: Senate bill No. 149 (file No. 139), entitled A bill to provide for the assessment and the collection of a specific tax upon the class of credits founded upon and evidenced by mortgages and liens upon real property, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in contravention thereto; Has amended the same as follows: 1. By adding to section 6 the following words: "Mortgages given prior to January first, 1912, and on which the registry tax provided for in this act shall not be paid, shall remain under the present ad valorem system of taxation and shall be assessed and taxed under the present law." 2. By adding to section 5 the following words: "No trust mortgage shall be discharged until the trustee therein shall have filed an affidavit that all taxes for which such mortgage is liable have been duly paid. Any person making a false affidavit under this provision shall be liable to prosecution for perjury." 3. By inserting in line 1 of section 10 after the word "credits" the following: "Other than mortgages given prior to January first, 1912." And has directed its chairman to report the same back to the Senate, asking that the amendments be concurred in, and recommend that, as amended, the bill pass. The report was accepted. CARL E. MAPES, Chairman. The Senate concurred in the recommendation of the committee regarding the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh named bills in the report and the bills were placed on the order of Third Reading of Bills. The Senate concurred in the amendments made to the twelfth named bill in the report. The question being on concurring in the recommendation of the committee that the bill, as amended, pass, Mr. Taylor demanded the yeas and nays. The Senate then concurred, by yeas and nays, as follows: |