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Art. 52. Application may be made to the court to set aside the award of arbitrators, unless the parties have, by stipulation, renounced the right of appeal.(13) The appeal must be carried before the court of appeal.

Art. 53. The appointment of the arbitrators is made,

By an instrument under private signature.

By an instrument certified by a notary.

By an extrajudicial act.

By the consent of the parties, confirmed by a rule of court.

Art. 54. The period within which the award is to be made, is fixed by the parties, when the arbitrators are appointed; and if they cannot agree on the time, it shall be determined by the judges.

Art. 55. In case of refusal, on the part of one or more of the partners, to name arbitrators, they shall be appointed ex officio by the tribunal of commerce.

Art. 56. The parties shall lay their papers and accounts before the arbitrators without any judicial formality.

Art. 57. The party who delays the delivery of his papers and accounts to the arbitrators, shall be notified to do it within ten days.

Art. 58. The arbitrators may, according to the exigency of the case, enlarge the time for the production of the papers.

Art. 59. If no enlargement of time take place, or if the additional delay has expired, the arbitrators are to make up their award from the papers and accounts before them.

Art. 60. In case of disagreement the arbitrators are to appoint an umpire, if not already named by the parties; and if the arbitrators cannot agree on the choice of an umpire, he is to be appointed by the tribunal of commerce.

Art. 61. The award must set forth the reasons on which it is grounded.

It must be filed in the clerk's office of the tribunal of com


It has the force of a final judgment without any modification, and is transcribed on the registers in virtue of an ordinance of

bunal, lequel est tenu de la rendre pure et simple, et dans le délai de trois jours du dépôt au greffe.

Art. 62. Les dispositions ci-dessus sont communes aux veuves, héritiers, ou ayant cause des associés.

Art. 63. Si des mineurs sont intéressés dans une contestation pour raison d'une société commerciale, le tuteur ne pourra renoncer à la faculté d'appeler du jugement arbitral.

Art. 64. Toutes actions contre les associés non liquidateurs et leurs veuves, héritiers ou ayant cause, sont prescrites cinq ans après la fin ou la dissolution de la société, si l'acte de société qui en énonce la durée ou l'acte de dissolution a été affiché et enregistré conformément aux articles 42, 43, 44. et 46. et si, depuis cette formalité remplie, la prescription n'a été interrompue, à leur égard, par aucune poursuite judiciaire.


Des Séparations de Biens.

Art. 65. Toute demande en séparation de biens sera poursuivie, instruite, et jugée conformément à ce qui est prescrit au Code Napoléon, Liv. III. Tit. V. Chap. II. Section III. et au code de procédure civile, 2e partie, Liv. I. Titre VIII.

Art. 66. Tout jugement qui prononcera une séparation de corps, ou un divorce entre mari et femme, dont l'un serait commerçant, sera soumis aux formalités prescrites par l'article 872. du code de procédure civile; à défaut de quoi, les créanciers seront tou

the president of the tribunal, who is required to render it absolute within the space of three days from the time of its delivery into the clerk's office.

Art. 62. The provisions above mentioned are equally applicable to the widows, heirs, and legal representatives of the partners. Art. 63. If minors be interested in a controversy arising from a commercial partnership, the guardian cannot renounce the right of appeal from the award of the arbitrators.

Art. 64. All actions against partners who have not undertaken the liquidation of the accounts,(14) their widows, heirs, and representatives, are barred after the lapse of five years from the termination or dissolution of the partnership, if the agreement mentioning its duration, or a stipulation for its dissolution, has been posted up and registered conformably to articles 42, 43, and 44.; and if, since the observance of that formality, the limitation aforesaid has not been interrupted, in respect to the parties, by some judicial proceeding.


Of Separation of Property between Husband and Wife.

Art. 65. Every demand of separation of property(15) must be instituted, prosecuted and decided according to the rules and forms prescribed in the Code Napoleon, Book III. Title V. Chapter II. Section III. articles 1443. and 1447. and in the code of civil procedure, Book I. Title VIII. articles 865. and 874.

Art. 66. Every judgment of separation or divorce between husband and wife, one of whom being a merchant or trader, shall be subject to the formalities prescribed by article 872. of the code of civil procedure; in default of which the creditors

jours admis à s'y opposer, pour ce qui touche leurs intérêts, et à contredire toute liquidation qui en aurait été la suite.

Art. 67. Tout contrat de mariage entre époux dont l'un sera commerçant, sera transmis par extrait, dans le mois de sa date, aux greffes et chambres désignés par l'article 872. du code de procé dure civile, pour être exposé au tableau, conformément au même article.

Cet extrait annoncera si les époux sont mariés en communauté, s'ils sont séparés de biens, ou s'ils ont contracté sous le régime dotal.

Art. 68. Le notaire qui aura reçu le contrat de mariage sera tenu de faire la remise ordonnée par l'article précédent, sous peine de cent francs d'amende, et même de destitution et de responsa bilité envers les créanciers, s'il est prouvé que l'omission soit la suite d'une collusion.

Art. 69. Tout époux séparé de biens ou marié sous le régime dotal, qui embrasserait la profession de commerçant postérieure ment à son mariage, sera tenu de faire pareille remise dans le mois du jour où il aura ouvert son commerce, à peine, en cas de faillite, d'être puni comme banqueroutier frauduleux.

Art. 70. La même remise sera faite, sous les mêmes peines, dans l'année de la publication de la présente loi, par tout époux séparé de biens ou marié sous le régime dotal, qui, au moment de ladite publication, exercerait la profession de commerçant,

shall, at any time, be admitted to oppose it, in regard to their interests, and to contest every liquidation of accounts which may have been the consequence of it.

Art. 67. Every marriage contract between parties, either of whom being a merchant or trader, shall be transmitted by abstract, within a month from its date, to the offices and chambers designated by article 872. of the code of civil procedure, in order to be exposed on the tablet, conformably to the same article.

This abstract shall state whether the parties were married under the regulation of community of property, separation of property, or whether they contracted under the dotal regulation.

Art. 68. The notary who shall have drawn and certified the contract of marriage, shall be bound to transmit the abstract of the same, ordered by the preceding article, under the penalty of one hundred francs, (20 dollars,) and even of privation of office, and responsibility towards the creditors, if it be proved that the omission was the consequence of collusion.

Art. 69. Every husband or wife, married with separation of property, or under the dotal regulation, who should afterwards embrace the profession of a merchant, shall be bound to make the like delivery of the abstract before mentioned, within a month from the day of commencing commercial business, under pain, in case of insolvency, of being punished as a fraudulent bankrupt.

Art. 70. The same delivery of the abstract shall be made, under the like penalties, within a year from the publication of the present law, by every husband or wife, who, with separate property, or under the dotal regulation, at the period of the aforesaid publication, should be engaged in commerce.

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