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sers who, after the expiration of the periods of delay fixed for the protest, the notice of protest, or the commencement of the suit, has received in account, as set-off, or otherwise, the funds destined for the payment of the bill of exchange.

Art. 172. Independently of the formalities prescribed for pursuing the remedy against the sureties, the holder of a bill of exchange protested for non-payment, may, by obtaining the permission of the judge, attach conservatively the personal property of the drawers, acceptors and endorsers.(25)

§ XII. Of the Protests.

Art. 173. The protest for non-acceptance, or non-payment, is made by two notaries, or by one notary and two witnesses, or by a bailiff and two witnesses.

The protest must be made,

At the domicil of the person on whom the bill was drawn, or at his last known place of residence.

At the domicil of the person mentioned in the bill of exchange, who is to pay it in case of need.

At the domicil of the acceptor supra protest.

The whole in a single instrument of writing.

In case of false indication of domicil, the protest is preceded by

a certificate of perquisition or inquiry.

Art. 174. The protest contains,

The literal copy of the bill of exchange, the acceptance, endorsements, and directions therein mentioned.

The demand of payment of the bill of exchange.

It declares,

The presence or absence of the person who ought to pay it. The motives of refusing payment, and the inability or refusal to sign.

Art. 175. No act on the part of the holder of the bill can supply the place of the protest, except in the cases provided for by articles 150. and following, concerning the loss of a bill of exchange.

Art. 176. Les notaires et les huissiers sont tenus, à peine de destitution, dépens, dommages-intérêts envers les parties, de laisser copie exacte des protêts, et de les inscrire en entier, jour par jour, et par ordre de dates, dans un registre particulier, coté, paraphé, et tenu dans les formes prescrites pour les répertoires.

§ XIII. Du Rechange.

Art. 177. Le rechange s'effectue par une retraite.

Art. 178. La retraite est une nouvelle lettre de change, au moy. en de laquelle le porteur se rembourse sur le tireur, ou sur l'un des endosseurs, du principal de la lettre protestée, de ses frais, et du nouveau change qu'il paye.

Art. 179. Le rechange se règle, à l'égard du tireur, par le cours du change du lieu où la lettre de change était payable, sur le lieu d'où elle a été tirée.

Il se règle, à l'égard des endosseurs, par le cours du change du lieu où la lettre de change a été remise ou négociée par eux, sur le lieu où le remboursement s'effectue.

Art. 180. La retraite est accompagnée d'un compte de retour.

Art. 181. Le compte de retour comprend,

Le principal de la lettre de change protestée.

Les frais de protêt et autres frais légitimes, tels que commission de banque, courtage, timbre et ports de lettres.

Il énonce le nom de celui sur qui la retraite est faite, et le prix du change auquel elle est négociée.

Il est certifié par un agent de change.

Dans les lieux où il n'y a pas d'agent de change, il est certifié par deux commerçants.

Art. 176. The notaries and bailiffs are bound, under the penalty of loss of office, and of costs and damages to the parties, to take an exact copy of the protests, and to transcribe them at length, day by day, and in the order of the dates, in a particular register, marked and certified, and kept in the forms prescribed for books of record.

XIII. Of Re-exchange.

Art. 177. Re-exchange results from the act of redrawing. Art. 178. Redrawing is when the holder of a bill protested, draws another bill on the drawer, or one of the endorsers, of the former bill, to reimburse himself for the principal of the bill protested, his expenses, and the new exchange which he pays.

Art. 179. Re-exchange is regulated, with respect to the drawer, by the current rate of exchange at the place where the bill was payable, on the place whence it was drawn.

It is regulated, with respect to the endorsers, by the rate of exchange at the place where the bill has been remitted or negotiated by them, on the place where the reimbursement is to be effected.

Art. 180. The bill redrawn is accompanied with the return


Art. 181. The return account contains,

The amount of the bill protested.

The expenses of protest, and other lawful charges, such as banker's commission, brokerage, stamp duties, and postage of letters.

It mentious the name of the person on whom the bill for reimbursement is drawn, and the rate of exchange at which it is negotiated.

It is certified by an exchange agent.

In places where there are no exchange agents, it is certified by two merchants.

Il est accompagné de la lettre de change protestée, du protêt, ou d'une expédition de l'acte de protêt.

Dans le cas où la retraite est faite sur l'un des endosseurs, elle est accompagnée, en outre, d'un certificat qui constate le cours du change du lieu où la lettre de change était payable, sur le lieu d'où elle a été tirée.

Art. 182. Il ne peut être fait plusieurs comptes de retour sur une même lettre de change.

Ce compte de retour est remboursé d'endosseur à endosscur respectivement, et définitivement par le tireur.

Art. 183. Les rechanges ne peuvent être cumulés. Chaque endosseur n'en supporte qu'un seul, ainsi que le tireur.

Art. 184. L'intérêt du principal de la lettre de change protestée faute de paiement, est dû à compter du jour du protêt.

Art. 185. L'intérêt des frais de protêt, rechange, et autres frais légitimes, n'est dû qu'à compter du jour de la demande en justice.

Art. 186. Il n'est point dû de rechange, si le compte de retour n'est pas accompagné des certificats d'agents de change ou de commerçants, prescrits par l'article 181.


Art. 187. Toutes les dispositions relatives aux lettres de change, et concernant,



la solidarité,


le paiement,

le paiement par intervention,

le protêt,

les devoirs et droits du porteur,

le rechange ou les intérêts,

It is accompanied with the bill of exchange protested, the protest, or a certified copy of it.

In case the bill for reimbursement be drawn on one of the endorsers, it is accompanied besides with a certificate attesting the course of exchange at the place where the bill protested was payable, on the place whence it was drawn.

Art. 182. There can be made only one return account on the same bill of exchange.

This return account is reimbursed from endorser to endorser, and finally by the drawer.

Art. 183. The re-exchanges cannot be accumulated. Each endorser, as well as the drawer, is charged with only one.

Art. 184. Interest on the principal of the bill of exchange protested for non-payment, is due from the date of the protest.

Art. 185. Interest on the expenses of protest, re-exchange, and other lawful charges, is due only from the day of judicial demand.

Art. 186. No re-exchange is due, if the returu account be not accompanied with the certificates of an exchange agent, or of merchants, as prescribed in article 181.


Art. 187. All the provisions relative to bills of exchange, and concerning,

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