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It shall be provisionally executory, but open to opposition; to wit: for the insolvent, within eight days after the publication; for the creditors present, or represented, and for every other person interested, until and including the day of the report stating the verification of the debts; for the creditors who have not appeared, until the expiration of the last term granted to them.

Art. 458. The judge-commissioner shall make a report to the tribunal of commerce of all the controversies, to which the failure may give rise, and which are within the jurisdiction of that tribunal.

He shall be specially charged to hasten the completion of the balance-book, to call a meeting of the creditors, and to superintend the business of the failure, whether during the provisional management of the agents, or during the administration of the provisional or definitive assignees.

Art. 459. The agents appointed by the tribunal of commerce shall attend to the business of the failure, under the superinten dence of the commissioner, until the appointment of the assignees : their provisional management cannot continue for a longer time than fifteen days at most, unless the tribunal find it necessary to prolong their agency to fifteen days further, at the utmost delay.

Art. 460. The agents shall be removable by the tribunal which appointed them.

Art. 461. The agents cannot enter upon their functions before they have made oath, before the commissioner, well and faithfully to perform the duties of their office.


Des Fonctions préalables des Agents, et des premières Dispositions à l'égard du Failli.

Art. 462. Si, après la nomination des agents et la prestation du serment, les scellés n'avaient point été apposés, les agents requerront le juge de paix de procéder à l'apposition.

Art. 463. Les livres du failli seront extraits des scellés, et remis par le juge de paix aux agents, après avoir été arrêtés par lui: il constatera sommairement, par son procès-verbal, l'état dans lequel ils se trouveront.

Les effets du porte-feuille qui seront à courte échéance ou susceptibles d'acceptation, seront aussi extraits des scellés par le juge de paix, décrits et remis aux agents pour en faire le recouvrement: le bordereau en sera remis au commissaire.

Les agents recevront les autres sommes dues au failli, et sur leurs quittances, qui devront être visées par le commissaire. Les lettres adressées au failli seront remises aux agents; ils les ouvriront, s'il est absent; s'il est présent, il assistera à leur ouverture.

Art. 464. Les agents feront retirer et vendre les denrées et marchandises sujettes à dépérissement prochain, après avoir exposé leurs motifs au commissaire et obtenu son autorisation.

Les marchandises non dépérissables ne pourront être vendues par les agents qu'après la permission du tribunal de commerce, et sur le rapport du commissaire.

Art. 465. Toutes les sommes reçues par les agents seront versées dans une caisse à deux clefs, dont il sera fait mention à l'art. 496.

Art. 466. Après l'apposition des scellés, le commissaire rendra


Of the Preliminary duties of the Agents, and of the first
Provisions in regard to the Insolvent.

Art. 462. If, after the appointment of the agents, and their qualification under oath, the seals have not been affixed, the agents shall require the justice of the peace to proceed to the affixion of the seals.

Art. 463. The books of the insolvent shall be taken from under the seals, and delivered by the justice of the peace to the agents, after having been inspected and certified by him he shall mention summarily in his report, the state in which they are found.

The bills and securities in the port folio, which have a short time to run, or which require acceptance, shall also be extracted from the seals by the justice of the peace, described and delivered to the agents for collection; the memorandum book shall be delivered to the commissioner.

The agents shall collect the other sums due to the insolvent, and give acquittances, which must be attested by the commis sioner. The letters addressed to the insolvent shall be delivered to the agents; they shall open them, if he be absent; if present, he may assist in the opening.

Art. 464. The agents shall make sale of the produce and merchandise of a perishable nature, after having stated their motives to the commissioner, and obtained his athorization.

Merchandise not of a perishable nature, cannot be sold by the agents, except under the permission of the tribunal of commerce, given on the report of the commissioner.

Art. 465. All moneys received by the agents, shall be deposited in a chest with two keys, of which mention will be made in article 496.

Art. 466. After the affixion of the seals, the commissioner

compte au tribunal de l'état apparent des affaires du failli, et pourra proposer ou sa mise en liberté pure et simple, avec saufconduit provisoire de sa personne, ou sa mise en liberté avec sauf-conduit, en fournissant caution de se représenter, sous peine de paiement d'une somme que le tribunal arbitrera, et qui tournera, le cas advenant, au profit des créanciers.

Art. 467. A défaut par le commissaire de proposer un saufconduit pour le failli, ce dernier pourra présenter sa demande au tribunal de commerce, qui statuera après avoir entendu le commissaire.

Art. 468. Si le failli a obtenu un sauf-conduit, les agents l'appelleront auprès d'eux, pour clorre et arrêter les livres en sa pré


Si le failli ne se rend pas à l'invitation, il sera sommé de comparaître.

Si le failli ne comparaît pas quarante-huit heures après la sommation, il sera réputé s'être absenté à dessein.

Le failli pourra néanmoins comparaître par fondé de pouvoir, s'il propose des empêchements jugés valables par le commissaire.

Art. 469. Le failli qui n'aura pas obtenu de sauf-conduit, comparaîtra par un fondé de pouvoir; à défaut de quoi il sera réputé s'être absenté à dessein.


Du Bilan.

Art. 470. Le failli qui aura, avant la déclaration de sa faillite, préparé son bilan, ou état passif et actif de ses affaires, et qui

shall render an account to the tribunal of commerce of the apparent state of the insolvent's affairs, and may propose, either his unconditional liberation, with a provisional safe conduct for his person, or his liberation, with safeconduct, on giving security for his appearance, under the penalty of a sum which the tribunal shall award, and which, in case of forfeiture, shall enure to the benefit of the creditors.

Art. 467. In default of the commissioner to propose a safeconduct for the insolvent, the latter may present his demand for the same to the tribunal of commerce, which shall make an order in the case, after hearing the commissioner.

Art. 468. If the insolvent has obtained a safeconduct, the agents shall request his attendance, in order to settle and adjust the books in his presence.

If the insolvent do not come by their invitation, he shall be summoned to appear.

If the insolvent do not appear, within forty-eight hours after the citation, he shall be presumed to have absented himself designedly.

The insolvent may, nevertheless, appear by attorney, if he allege reasons deemed valid by the commissioner for not appearing in person.

Art. 469. The insolvent who has not obtained a safeconduct, must appear by attorney; in default of which, he shall be reputed to have absented himself designedly.


Of the Balance-Book.

Art. 470. The insolvent who shall have, before the declaration of his failure, arranged his balance-book, or statement of his

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