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Of the Termination of the Agents' Functions.

Art. 481. Within twenty-four hours after the appointment of the provisional assignees, the functions of the agents shall cease, and they shall render an account to the assignees, in the presence of the commissioner, of all their operations, and the situation of the insolvent's estate.

Art. 482. This account being rendered, the assignees shall continue the operations begun by the agents, and shall be provisionally charged with the whole management of the insolvent's estate, under the superintendence of the judge-commissioner.


Of the Compensation to the Agents.

Art. 483. The agents, after the delivery of their account, shall be entitled to a compensation, which shall be paid to them by the provisional assignees.

Art. 484. This compensation shall be regulated according to the nature and circumstances of the failure, on a basis which shall be established by a regulation of public administration.

Art. 485. If the agents have been chosen from among the creditors, they shall receive no compensation.




De la Levée des Scellés, et de l'Inventaire.

Art. 486. Aussitôt après leur nomination, les syndics provisoires requerront la levée des scellés, et procèderont à l'inventaire des biens du failli. Ils seront libres de se faire aider, pour l'estimation, par qui ils jugeront convenable; conformément à l'article 937. du code de procédure civile, cet inventaire se fera par les syndics à mesure que les scellés seront levés, et le juge de paix y assistera et le signera à chaque vacation.

Art. 487. Le failli sera présent ou dûment appelé à la levée des scellés et aux opérations de l'inventaire.

Art. 488. En toute faillite, les agents, syndics provisoires et définitifs, seront tenus de remettre, dans la huitaine de leur entrée en fonctions, au magistrat de sûreté de l'arrondissement, un mémoire ou compte sommaire de l'état apparent de la faillite, de ses principales causes et circonstances, et des caractères qu'elle paraît avoir.

Art. 489. Le magistrat de sûreté pourra, s'il le juge convenable, se transporter au domicile du failli ou des faillis, assister à la rédaction du bilan, de l'inventaire et des autres actes de la faillite, se faire donner tous les renseignements qui en résulteront, et faire en conséquence les actes ou poursuites nécessaires; le tout d'office et sans frais.




Of the Removal of the Seals, and the Inventory.

Art. 486. As soon as their appointment takes place, the provisional assignees shall demand the removal of the seals, and proceed to making an inventory of the insolvent's estate. They shall be at liberty to call to their aid, in making the appraisement, such persons as they may deem suitable, conformably to article 937. of the code of civil procedure. Every article shall be inventoried successively as the seals are removed, and the justice of the peace shall be present, and sign it at each adjournment.

Art. 487. The insolvent shall be present, or duly requested to attend at the removal of the seals, and the making of the inven tory.

Art. 488. In every case of failure, the agents, the provisional, and the definitive assignees, shall be required to deliver to the magistrate of safety of the district, within eight days after their entrance into office, a report, or summary statement of the apparent condition of the failure, of its principal causes and circumstances, and the character it appears to bear.

Art. 489. The magistrate of public safety may, if he judge proper, repair to the domicil of the insolvent, assist in the adjustment of the balance-book, in making the inventory, and in other acts concerning the failure, require the circumstances of the same to be communicated to him, and in consequence of which adopt such measures, or institute such prosecutions, as may be necessary; the whole ex officio and free of expense.

Art. 490. S'il présume qu'il y a banqueroute simple ou frauduleuse; s'il y a mandat d'amener, de dépôt ou d'arrêt décerné contre le failli, il en donnera connaissance, sans délai, au jugecommissaire du tribunal de commerce; en ce cas, ce commissaire ne pourra proposer, ni le tribunal accorder de sauf-conduit au failli.


De la Vente des Marchandises et Meubles, et des Recouvrements.

Art. 491. L'inventaire terminé, les marchandises, l'argent, les titres actifs, meubles et effets du débiteur, seront remis aux syndics qui s'en chargeront au pied dudit inventaire.

Art. 492. Les syndics pourront, sous l'autorisation du commissaire, procéder au recouvrement des dettes actives du failli.

Ils pourront aussi procéder à la vente de ses effets et marchandises, soit par la voie des enchères publiques, par l'entremise des courtiers, et à la bourse, soit à l'amiable, à leur choix.

Art. 493. Si le failli a obtenu un sauf-conduit, les syndics pourront l'employer pour faciliter et éclairer leur gestion; ils fixeront les conditions de son travail.

Art. 494. A compter de l'entrée en fonctions des agents et ensuite des syndics, toute action civile intentée, avant la faillite, contre la personne et les biens mobiliers du failli, par un créancier privé, ne pourra être suivie que contre les agents et les syndics; et toute action qui serait intentée après la faillite, ne pourra l'être que contre les agents et les syndics.

Art. 490. If the case appear to him to be that of a bankruptcy, either simple or fraudulent, or if a warrant has issued for the arrest or confinement of the insolvent, he shall immediately give information of the same to the judge-commissioner of the tribunal of commerce'; in which case the commissioner cannot propose, nor the tribunal grant, a certificate of safeconduct to the insolvent.


Of the Sale of the Goods and Moveables, and of the Collection of the Debts.

Art. 491. The inventory being finished, the goods, the money, the bills and securities, the furniture and effects of the debtor, shall be delivered to the assignees, who shall take charge of the same, and be responsible for the articles therein mentioned.

Art. 492. The assignees may, under the authorization of the commissioner, proceed to the collection of the debts due to the insolvent.

They may also proceed to the sale of his effects and merchandise, either by public auction, or through the agency of brokers, on the exchange, or at private sale, according to their judgment.

Art. 493. If the insolvent has obtained a protection, the assignees may employ him to facilitate and aid their operations; they shall fix the compensation for his services.

Art. 494. From the entrance into office of the agents, and afterwards of the assignees, no civil suit brought before the failure, against the person, or personal property of the insolvent, by an individual creditor, can be continued, except against the agents and assignees; and all actions which may be instituted after the failure can only be prosecuted against the agents and as signees.

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