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rified and attested, may assist in the verification of the other demands against the estate of the insolvent, and offer proofs in contradiction to their legality.

Art. 505. The report of the verification shall state the exhibition of the evidences of the demands, the domicil of the creditors and of their attorneys.

It shall contain a summary description of the evidences compared with the books of the insolvent.

It shall mention the additions, erasures, and interlineations, found therein.

It shall declare that the bearer is a legitimate creditor for the sum demanded.

The commissioner may, according to the exigency of the case, require of the creditors the exhibition of their books, or the extract made by the commercial judges of the place, in virtue of a compulsory ordinance; he may also, ex officio, refer the matter to the tribunal of commerce, to make an order on his report.

Art. 506. If the debt be not disputed, the assignees shall sign on each of the titles of the same, the following declaration: Admitted as a debt in the case of the failure of -, for the sum

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The attest of the commissioner

shall be placed at the bottom of the declaration.

Art. 507. Every creditor shall be required, within the space of eight days, after his debt shall have been verified, to swear, before the commissioner, that his demand is just and true.

Art. 508. If the demand be contested wholly, or in part, the judge-commissioner at the request of the assignees, may order the evidences of the debt to be exhibited, and deposited in the clerk's office of the tribunal of commerce. IIe may, even without a citation, send the parties, on short notice, before the tribunal of commerce, where the case shall be decided on his report.

Art. 509. The tribunal of commerce may order an inquiry to be made before the commissioner into the facts, and summon persons who can give information on the subject, to appear before him.

Art. 510. A l'expiration des délais fixés pour les vérifications des créances, les syndics dresseront un procès-verbal contenant les noms de ceux des créanciers qui n'auront pas comparu. Ce procès-verbal, clos par le commissaire, les établira en demeure.

Art. 511. Le tribunal de commerce, sur le rapport du commissaire, fixera, par jugement, un nouveau délai pour la vérification.

Ce délai sera déterminé d'après la distance du domicile du créancier en demeure, de manière qu'il y ait un jour par chaque distance de trois myriamètres; à l'égard des créanciers résidant hors de France, on observera les délais prescrits par l'article 73. du code de procédure civile.

Art. 512. Le jugement qui fixera le nouveau délai, sera notifié aux créanciers, au moyen des formalités voulues par l'article 683. du code de procédure civile; l'accomplissement de ces formalités vaudra signification à l'égard des créanciers qui n'auront pas comparu, sans que, pour cela, la nomination des syndics définitifs soit retardée.

Art. 513. A défaut de comparution et affirmation dans le délai fixé par le jugement, les défaillants ne seront pas compris dans les répartitions à faire.

Toutefois la voie de l'opposition leur sera ouverte jusqu'à la dernière distribution des deniers inclusivement, mais sans que les défaillants, quand même ils seraient des créanciers inconnus, puissent rien prétendre aux répartitions consommées, qui, à leur égard, seront réputées irrévocables, et sur lesquelles ils seront entièrement déchus de la part qu'ils auraient pu prétendre.

Art. 510. At the expiration of the periods limited for the proof of the debts, the assignees shall draw up a report contain. ing the names of the creditors who have not appeared. This report, being closed by the commissioner, shall establish their de fault.

Art. 511. The tribunal of commerce, on the report of the commissioner, may, by an order, give further time for the proof of the debts.

This further time shall be determined by the distance of the domicil of the creditor in default, so that there be a day for every three my riametres; (about 16 miles;) with regard to the creditors residing out of France, the periods of delay prescribed by article 73. of the code of civil procedure, shall be ob served.(53)

Art. 512. The order which shall determine the further delay, shall be notified to the creditors, according to the formalities required by article 683. of the code of civil procedure ;(54) the observance of which shall be equivalent to a notification, with regard to the creditors who shall not have appeared, but the appointment of the definitive assignees shall not, on that account, be retarded.

Art. 513. In default of appearance and attestation, within the time fixed by the order of the tribunal, the defaulters shall not be included in the dividends to be made.

Nevertheless, they shall have a right to put in their claims, until the last distribution of the money inclusively, but shall not, even though they be creditors before unknown, have any right to the dividends already made, which, in respect to them, shall be considered irrevocable, and from which they shall be entirely foreclosed, as to any share to which they might have had preten sions.




De l'Assemblée des Créanciers dont les créances sont vérifiées et affirmées.

Art. 514. Dans les trois jours après l'expiration des délais prescrits pour l'affirmation des créanciers connus, les créanciers dont les créances ont été admises, seront convoqués par les syndics provisoires.

Art. 515. Aux lieu, jour, et heure qui seront fixés par le commissaire, l'assemblée se formera sous sa présidence; il n'y sera admis que des créanciers reconnus, ou leurs fondés de pouvoirs.

Art. 516. Le failli sera appelé à cette assemblée; il devra s'y présenter en personne, s'il a obtenu un sauf-conduit, et il ne pour ra s'y faire représenter que pour des motifs valables, et approuvés par le commissaire.

Art. 517. Le commissaire vérifiera les pouvoirs de ceux qui s'y présenterout comme foudés de procuration: il fera rendre compte en sa présence, par les syndics provisoires, de l'état de la faillite, des formalités qui auront été remplies, et des opérations qui auront eu lieu le failli sera entendu.

Art. 518. Le commissaire tiendra procès-verbal de ce qui aura été dit et décidé dans cette assemblée.





Of the meeting of the Creditors whose demands have been proved and confirmed.

Art. 514. Within three days after the expiration of the time prescribed for the attestation of the debts known, the creditors whose demands have been admitted, shall be assembled by the provisional assignees.

Art. 515. At the place, day, and hour, appointed by the commissioner, the meeting shall take place under his presidency; there shall be admitted none but creditors recognised, or their lawful attorneys.

Art. 516. The insolvent shall be called to this meeting; he must appear there himself in person, if he has obtained a protection; he cannot send a person to represent him, except for valid reasons, approved by the commissioner.

Art. 517. The commissioner shall verify the powers of those who appear in virtue of a procuration: he shall cause an account to be rendered in his presence, by the provisional assignees, of the state of the failure, of the formalities observed, and the operations which have taken place: the insolvent shall be heard.

Art. 518. The commissioner shall draw up a report of what shall have been said and decided at this meeting.

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