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Art. 603. The said 'exhibits, documents, and papers shall, after the judgment, be returned to the assignees, who shall give a receipt for the same; excepting, however, such as shall be ordered by the court to remain in the office.


Of Restoration.

Art. 604. Every demand of restoration to former rights and privileges, on the part of the insolvent, shall be addressed to the court of appeal, within whose jurisdiction he is domiciled.

Art. 605. The demandant shall be required to join to his petition, the acquittances and other documents, in proof of his having fully satisfied all his creditors, in principal, interest, and costs.

Art. 606. The attorney-general of the court of appeal, on the communication which shall be made to him of the petition, shall transmit copies of it, certified by him, to the imperial prosecutor of the tribunal of the district, and to the president of the tribunal of commerce of the domicil of the petitioner; and if he has changed his domicil since the failure, to the tribunal of commerce in the district where it took place, requiring them to collect all the information within their reach, on the truth of the facts stated in the petition.

Art. 607. For this purpose, at the instance as well of the imperial prosecutor, as of the president of the tribunal of commerce, a copy of the said petition shall remain posted up, for the space of two months, in the audience-room of each tribunal, at the exchange, and in the town-house, and an abstract of the same published in the newspapers.

Art. 608. Any creditor who shall not have been fully paid his demand, with interest and costs, and any other party interested,

intéressée, pourront, pendant la durée de l'affiche, former opposition à la réhabilitation, par simple acte au greffe, appuyé de pièces justificatives, s'il y a lieu. Le créancier opposant ne pourra jamais être partie dans la procédure tenue pour la réhabilitation, sans préjudice toutefois de ses autres droits.

Art. 609. Après l'expiration des deux mois, le procureur impérial et le président du tribunal de commerce transmettront chacun séparément, au procureur général de la cour d'appel, les renseignements qu'ils auront recueillis, les oppositions qui auront pu être formées, et les connaissances particulières qu'ils auraient sur la conduite du failli; ils y joindront leur avis sur sa demande.

Art. 610. Le procureur général de la cour d'appel fera rendre, sur le tout, arrêt portant admission ou rejet de la demande en réhabilitation; si la demande est rejetée, elle ne pourra plus être reproduite.

Art. 611. L'arrêt portant rehabilitation sera adressé tant au procureur impérial qu'au président des tribunaux auxquels la demande aura été adressée. Ces tribunaux en feront faire la lecture publique et la transcription sur leurs registres.

Art. 612. Ne seront point admis à la réhabilitation, les stellionataires, les banqueroutiers frauduleux, les personnes condamnées pour fait de vol ou d'escroquerie, ni les personnes comptables, tels que les tuteurs, administrateurs ou dépositaires, qui n'auront pas rendu ou apuré leurs comptes.

Art. 613. Pourra être admis à la réhabilitation, le banqueroutier simple qui aura subi le jugement par lequel il aura été condamné.

Art. 614. Nul commerçant failli ne pourra se présenter à la bourse à moins qu'il n'ait obtenu sa réhabilitation.


may, during the publication, oppose the restoration, by a simple declaration at the clerk's office, supported by testimonial documents, if there be cause. The opposing creditor can never be a party in the proceedings instituted for the restoration; his other rights, however, shall not thereby be impaired.

Art. 609. After the expiration of two months, the imperial prosecutor and the president of the tribunal of commerce, shall each transmit, separately, to the attorney-general of the court of appeal, the information which they shall have collected, the oppositions which may have been made, and the particular knowledge which they may have obtained, in regard to the conduct of the insolvent; they shall add to the same their opinion on his petition.

Art. 610. The attorney-general of the court of appeal shall cause to be rendered, on a review of the whole case, a decree in favour of the admission or rejection of the demand of restoration; if the demand be rejected, it can never again be renewed.

Art. 611. If the decree be in favour of restoration, it shall be addressed to the imperial prosecutor, and to the presidents of the tribunals which had cognizance of the demand. These tribunals shall cause a decree to be publicly read, and recorded on their registers.

Art. 612. Persons guilty of stellionate, fraudulent bankrupts, persons convicted of theft or swindling, or those who are accountable to others, such as guardians, administrators, or depositaries, and who have not rendered or adjusted their accounts, shall not be admitted to the benefit of restoration.

Art. 613. Persons convicted of simple bankruptcy, may be admitted to restoration, if they have suffered the punishment pronounced against them.

Art. 614. No merchant who has failed shall appear on the exchange, unless he has obtained his restoration.(66)





De l'Organisation des Tribunaux de Commerce.

Art. 615. UN règlement d'administration publique déterminera le nombre des tribunaux de commerce, et les villes qui seront susceptibles d'en recevoir par l'étendue de leur commerce et de leur industrie.

Art. 616. L'arrondissement de chaque tribunal de commerce sera le même que celui du tribunal civil dans le ressort duquel il sera placé; et s'il se trouve plusieurs tribunaux de commerce dans le ressort d'un seul tribunal civil, il leur sera assigné des arrondissements particuliers.

Art. 617. Chaque tribunal de commerce sera composé d'un juge-président, de juges et de suppléants. Le nombre des juges ne pourra pas être au-dessous de deux, ni au-dessus de huit, non compris le président. Le nombre des suppléants sera proportionné au besoin du service. Le règlement d'administration publique fixera, pour chaque tribunal, le nombre des juges et celui des suppléants.

Art. 618. Les membres des tribunaux de commerce seront élus dans une assemblée composée de commerçants notables, et principalement des chefs des maisons les plus anciennes et les plus recommandables par la probité, l'esprit d'ordre, et d'économie.




Of the Organization of the Tribunals of Commerce

Art. 615. THE number of tribunals of commerce, and the cities which, from the extent of their trade and industry require them, shall be determined by a regulation of public administration.

Art. 616. The district of each tribunal of commerce shall be the same as that of the civil tribunal, within whose jurisdiction it shall be established; and if several tribunals of commerce are found within the jurisdiction of a single civil tribunal, particular districts shall be assigned to them.

Art. 617. Each tribunal of commerce shall be composed of a judge-president, associate judges, and substitutes. The number of judges cannot be less than two, nor more than eight, exclusive of the president. The number of substitutes shall be proportionate to the public service. A regulation of public administration shall fix the number of judges and of substitutes for each tribunal.

Art. 618. The members of the tribunals of commerce shall be elected by an assembly composed of respectable merchants, and principally of the heads of the oldest houses, and the most esti mable for probity, the spirit of order, and economy.

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