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Reflections on the Duties of Children and Servants, &c.



the Circumstances in which we are refpectively placed. Children Sect. 12. and Servants are not forgotten. Let them attend to thofe gracious Leffons which are here given by the fupream Parent and Mafter, Eph. VI. who while he teaches them, pleads their Caufe, and interpofes his high Authority to vindicate them from Oppreffion and Abuse.

Much of the Happiness of Society evidently depends on the Temper and Conduct of thofe who are placed in these lower Relations. Let Children therefore learn to be fubject to their Parents with all Ver. 1, 2. dutiful and humble Refpect, from a Senfe of the Reasonableness of the Command, and of the Goodness which has annexed fuch a Pro- Ver. 3. mife to it: A Promife, which fhall ftill be efficacious, fo far as Long Life would be indeed a Bleffing to a pious Child.

Let Servants, with all godly Simplicity and Uprightness of Heart, Ver. 5. revere the Authority of Chrift in them that are their Mafters according to the Flesh; and exercife a good Confcience towards them upon all Occafions, not only when under their Eye, but in their Abfence; Ver. 6. well knowing, that GOD is always prefent, and always attentive to the Conduct of every rational Creature in whatsoever Rank. Let them cherish that inward Good-will and Benevolence of Heart, which Ver. 7. renders every Act of Service uniform and fteady, and makes it in a Degree obliging, even when performed by thofe from whom Authority might have extorted it. And let the certain and important Reward that will affuredly follow every good Action, whether great Ver. 8. or fmall, and whether performed by Perfons in more elevated or inferior Stations of Life, animate us all to a zealous Diligence in well-doing, whatever Difcouragement may at prefent attend us.

And as to those who bear the fuperior Relations in Life, let them remember, that the Command of a much higher Parent and Lord requires alfo of them a tender, Regard to their Inferiors. Let Pa- Ver. 4. rents therefore govern thier own Paffions, that they may not terrify and opprefs the tender Spirits of their Children; or if they are otherwife than fender, may not teach them an evil Leffon against themfelves, and by their own Example ftrengthen them in thofe Exceffes, which may be a Difgrace and Detriment to the Family, and may, when Age has broken all the Vigour of the Parents, bring down their grey Hairs with Sorrow to the Grave. A confcientious Care to educate and train them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord, if duly attended to, will teach a better Conduct, and the Meeknefs and Gentleness of Chrift will have an happy Influence.

on both.

And finally, Let the Thoughts of that great impartial Master in Ver. 9: Heaven awe Mafters on Earth; and the Expectation, the certain




The Apoftle urges them to be ftrong in the Lord, Sect. 12. Expectation of giving an Account to Him, engage them to make the Yoke of Servitude, which God has been pleafed to lay on those who are nevertheless their Brethren, as light and easy as they y can; chufing, even when they might command with Authority, rather with Love to intreat; not doing or faying any Thing unneceffarily rigorous or fevere, not threatening, reviling, or reproaching, but treating their Servants as thofe whom they confider as Partakers with them in the fame Hope, or whom they earnestly defire by all prudent Condefcenfion and Tenderness to lead into the Way of Salvation.


Se&t. 13. Eph. VI. 10.



The Apostle concludes the Epiftle, with urging them to prepare for a frenuous Combat with their Spiritual Enemies, by putting on the whole Armour of GOD; and earnestly exhorting them to Fervency in Prayer, be recommends himself to their Remembrance at the Throne of Grace. Eph. VI. 10, to the End.


EPH. VI. 10.

HAVE been exhorting you to a faithful Performance of Relative Duties, and as to what remains, my Brethren, fince every Relation in Life brings along with it correfpondent Duties, and will require Vigour and Refolution in the Discharge of them, whatever therefore be the Circumftance or Situation you are in, let me befeech you, not to rely on your own Strength, but be Strong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might; confide in his omnipotent Protection, and fix your Dependance on the Grace he is fo ready to communicate to us, to fupport us in every Service and Struggle, to which we are called. And fince it is a ftrenuous Warfare in which you are engaged, put on the compleat Armour of GOD,

EPH. VI. 10. Finally, my Brethren, be ftrong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might..

II Put on the whole Ar


and fhews the mour of GOD, that ye may be able to ftand against the

Wiles of the Devil.

12 For we wrestle not

Difficulty of the Chriftian Warfare.

againft Flesh and Blood, but againft Principalities, againft Powers, against the Rulers of the Darkness of this World,




GOD (a), that glorious Drefs fo neceffary Sect. 13.
for you, and fo conducive to your Orna-

ment and Safety; that ye may, in Confequence Eph. VI. 11
of it, be able to ftand against all the fubtle
Methods and Artifices of the Devil, against
all the Ambushes he may lay for you, and
all the Rage and Fury with which he may
attack you.

For in the Warfare we are carrying on, 12
cur Struggle and Contention is not with
Flesh and Blood alone; not merely with hu-
man Adverfaries, however powerful, fubtle,
and cruel; nor only with the remaining
Corruptions of Animal Nature, which often
give us fuch painful Exercife: But we are
called to wrestle and contend with fagacious
and mighty Spirits, once ranked among ce-
leftial Principalities, though now degraded
by their Apoftacy to be Chiefs in Hell; and
with Powers, that employ their utmost
Strength to ruin us, and that still keep their.
regular Subordination, that their Efforts of
Mischief may be more effectual: We con-
tend with thofe who are the Rulers of the
Darkness of this Age and World (b), who
have long ufurped a Dominion over it, and
who in the prefent Age hold Men in the
Change of hereditary Superftition and de-
ftructive Errors, which have been delivered


(a) The compleat Armour of GOD.] The Word in the Original is wavordia, which includes all Sorts of Armour, whether offenfive or defenfive; confifting in the Exercife of all thofe Chriflian Graces, which we are furnished with by GOD; to be made Ufe of in his Strength, as well to annoy the Enemy as to defend ourselves: And appears by the particular Defcription which the Apofle here proceeds to give of it, to be a Suit of Armour every Way compleat, and properly adapted to the Defence Part; though, as fome obferve, none is provided for the Back, as we muft always face the Enemy, or we fhall prefently lie open, and have no Defence from Danger.



(b) The Rulers of the Darkness of this World.] This and the following Claufe Dr. Whitby explains in his Paraphrafe, of thofe Evil Spirits that rule in the Heathen Na❝tions which are yet in Darkness," and "of thofe that have their Stations in the Regions of the Air." But I do not fee any Foundation for fuch a Diftinction, and therefore: have not intimated it in the Paraphrafe..

(c) Spirits


To be able to withstand their Spiritual Enemies, Sect. 13. down to them through many fucceeding World, against fpiritual Generations; and with Spirits, who became Wickedness in high Plates Eph. VI. 12. Authors and Abettors of Wickedness even while they abode in beavenly [Places] (c), where they rebelled against the God of Heaven, and drew in Multitudes who were before holy and happy Spirits, to take Part with them in their ungrateful and impious Revolt. With thefe are we ftruggling for that great celeftial Prize, which they have for ever loft; and their Nature, Experience, and Situation, give them moft formidable Advantages against the weak Children of Men, furrounded with fo many Examples of Evil, and with fuch powerful Temptations to it. 13 On this Account then let me pursue my Exhortation, that ye would take unto you the compleat Armour of GOD, that fo ye may be able to withstand all thefe ftrong and malicious Enemies in the Evil Day of extreameft Danger; and having done all, having exerted yourselves to the utmoft, which indeed it will be abfolutely neceffary for you to do, ye may be found at laft, when your Warfare is accomplished, to ftand victorious and triumphant.



13 Wherefore take unto GOD, that ye may be able you the whole Armour of to withstand in the evil Day, and having done all, to ftand.

14 Stand therefore, hav with Truth, and having

Stand therefore in a conftant Readiness for the Encounter, as good Soldiers of Jefus ing your Loins girt about Chrift, having your Loins girded about with the ftricteft Truth (d), Uprightnefs, and Sin



(c) Spirits of Wickedness in beavenly [Places].] There is fomewhat peculiar in the Form of the Exprefion in the Original, τα πνευμαλίκα της πονηρίας εν τοις επερανίοις, which Mr. Locke has paraphrafed," the Spiritual Managers of the Oppofition to the Kingdom of GoD." There is no Doubt but it refers to thofe revolted wicked Spirits, who are continually employed in propagating Wickedness. But Dr. Goodwin would render the laft Words, Toss sepanos, about heavenly Things, as fignifying, that we wrestle with them to fecure to ourselves thofe fpiritual and eternal Bleffings, of which they would endeavour to deprive us. (See his Works, Vol. i. pag. 45.) I have hinted at this, but cannot think it a proper Tranflation: The Connection and Verfion I have followed feems much more natural and eafy: "They were wicked in Heaven, "and by that Wickedness fell from thence."

(d) Having your Loins girded about with Truth.] It has often been obferved, that the Military Girdle was not only an Ornament, but a Defence; as it hid the gaping

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they must put on on the Breaft-plate of Righ

15 And your Feet fhod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace:

16 Above all, taking the Shield of Faith, wherewith


[blocks in formation]

cerity of Heart, which will give a Steadi- Sect. 13. nefs and Uniformity to your Conduct, and



ferve, as a Girdle does, to brace on the Eph. VI. 14
other Parts of your Armour, and keep them
all in their proper Places: And putting on
the Breaft-plate of univerfal Righteousness, or
a conftant Regard to the Practice of Holiness
in the Sight of God, and of Juftice and In-
tegrity in the whole of your Dealings with
your Fellow-Creatures, which like a Breaft-
plate will defend your Vitals against many
a dangerous Thruft of the Enemy:
having your Feet fhod with the Preparation
of the Gospel of Peace (e), with that peace-
ful and benevolent Temper, which is fo
much recommended by the Gospel as an
effential Part of the Chriftian Character, and
which, like the Boots worn by Soldiers,
will bear you unhurt through the many
Difficulties and Trials, which like fharp-
pointed Thorns may lie in your Way, and
dangeroufly obftruct your Progress :
upon all [thefe] taking to yourselves the im-
penetrable Shield of a steady Faith in the
great Promises and Principles of the Gof-

And 16


Foints of the Armour, and kept them close and fteady, as well as fortified the Loins of thofe that wore it, and rendered them more vigorous and fit for Action.- -The chief Difficulty here is to know, whether Truth refers to the true Principles of Religion, or to Integrity in our Conduct; and how, on the latter Interpretation to keep it distinct from the Breaft-plate of Righteousness, or on the former from the Shield of Faith. But it seems probable to me, that it may rather fignify fome Virtue of the Mind, as all the other Parts of the Armour enumerated do; and then it muft refer to that Uprightness, and Sincerity of Intention, which produces Righteoufnefs, or an holy and equitable Conduct, as its proper Fruit.

(e) The Preparation of the Gospel of Peace.] Mr. Locke underftands by this, "an "habitual Readiness to walk in the Way of the Gofpel of Peace," as if it were intended as a general Injunction to obey all its Precepts. But to me it evidently appears to be defigned in a particular Manner to point out the Preparation which the Gospel makes for our Defence, by that peaceful Temper which it fo often teaches and incul cates; of which, as I take it to be the Senfe of the Place, I have explained it in the Paraphrafe; though others chufe to understand it of that Confidence which is infpired by the Gospel, in Confequence of the Peace it establishes between GoD and the Soul.


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(f) Upon

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