Imágenes de páginas

Chemistry as an industrial science-Its necessity in the art of dyeing

-Colors elaborated by chemists-Those derived from coal-tar—

Its use in the fine arts and in other industries-Mathematics illus-

trated in the useful arts-Views of Herbert Spencer and Dr. Dick

-Hydrostatics-Principles of the law of fluids and their application

to industrial purposes-Electricity as a mechanical agent-Its sub-

serviency to man's direction-Its wide diffusion and power-Prog-

ress made, and the new arts to which it is applied-Geology and

mineralogy-Geological deductions — Irregularities in formation

and their study-Various facts of the science set forth, which

have been applied to artificial uses-Mineral wealth of the United

States-Methodical study in our schools-The division of labor—

Applied in every branch of industry, especially where machinery is

used-If one has been educated in the mechanic art, he is not likely

to become a machine-Technic knowledge opens access to many

occupations—The invention of labor-saving machines frequent in

this country-Universal education, its advantages-American in-

ventions-London "Times" on the exhibit at the Paris Exposition,

1878-Those in general use-Causes of inventive activity-Clas-

sical learning, a digression-Amherst-The English language-

Greek and Latin should not take all the time and space-True

knowledge not to be sacrificed to verbalism-The ingenuity of the

people is a national characteristic-Plan of education at Athens-

Rome-In Germany-In France-England-Scotland-Lord Bacon

and Locke-Bede and Alcuin-Mechanical training to develop our

capacities - The effect of machinery upon the condition of the

working-man-Various instances cited-Does it dispense with his

vocation?-Agricultural implements-The railroad-Iron ships-

Improvements give more and finer work than they displace-Ma-

chinery depends upon scientific principles-A knowledge of these

important to the artisan who fabricates them--The study of me-

chanic art indispensable - Industrial instruction-England and

France-It is a public question-It is a mistake to wait for local

industries to begin the educational work - Wealth, population,

and intelligence .

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Industrial education neglected—The lessons of things—The education of children before the period of school-The understanding and the senses -The education of thought and language-Mission of the senses and physical organs-The eyes and the fingers translate the works of the spirit-Sensible objects sources of information-Cultivating half the faculties Simple ideas powerless unless embodied in some form-The hand-Montaigne on the hand-Outis on the void in education-The


No discussion regarding the useful pursuits of life can take place at present without an emphatic recognition of the claims of industrial education. When we consider that all labor is now directed by knowledge, and must continue to be so still more in the future, we may be sensible of some surprise at the little effort made in our educational system to meet this want. It will be generally admitted that an educated person should gain assistance from his studies when he comes to earn a livelihood. But our boys and girls, for the most part, have no occupation, and are fit for none when they leave school. They know enough, but can do nothing; they have learning, but no capacity. The industrial pursuits of life, upon which the whole fabric of society reposes, are quite ignored. Education is bestowed upon the mind, while all the executive functions of the physical system are neglected. These executive functions are certainly

as important as a knowledge of geography, spelling, defining, and grammar, of which the details are so often without interest, and do not in any way develop the nd do not faculties that deal with the realities of life; nor do such studies enable the pupils to speak of anything belonging to any calling, pursuit, or manufactured article on earth. It would seem from our system of public instruction that there existed no such pursuits as that by which men can earn a living, no employment which requires manual skill of any kind, and no such things in the world as machines and tools and applied science except as mere figures of speech. To graduate one taught to think only, is like sending a ship to sea in charge of a navigator without a pilot, or a single person on board who can understand or execute his commands. Mental improvement is an inappreciable blessing, but do not the eye and the hand improve the earth and fill the world with comfort and beauty? Man was endowed with both to subdue the earth, and a proper education necessarily includes the cultivation of a taste for lessons in regard to things as well as ideas. Our earliest education is a sensible one, and adapted to our condition. Our first teachers and masters in philosophy are our hands, our eyes, and our sensations. The facts communicated to the child by experience may seem to be acquired rather by the operations of instinct than of intellect, but the term education is as applicable to this training as to the formal teaching of the school. Whatever he sees, or hears, or feels, teaches him a thousand things necessary to a narrow set of exigencies, and gives him the mastery of his limited necessities. He learns to speak after his first or second year, and acquires grammar before he can say his alpha

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