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would feel that they were under the guidance of God.

There seems no reason either why Moses or his successors should not have adapted to their purpose some good laws already existing in the civilized countries around. In fact, we know that they did so. The French excavators at Susa in 1901 came on a most interesting find, the laws of the Babylonian King Hammurabi (supposed to be the Amraphel of Gen. xiv.) written on a great stone block belonging probably to about 2150 B.C. (about the time of Abraham). See Photograph. Compare some of its sections with the "Book of the Covenant," which is considered to be amongst the oldest part of the laws in the Pentateuch.


§§ 196, 200. If a man hath caused the loss of another's eye then some one shall cause his eye to be lost. If he hath broken another's limb (or tooth) some one shall break his limb (or tooth).

S$ 199, 201. If he hath caused the loss of the eye or limb of a man's servant, then shall he pay half his price. If he hath ccaused the loss of a tooth of a freed slave, then shall he pay one-third of a mina of silver.


xxi. 22. If any mischief follow then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

xxi. 26. If a man smite the eye (or tooth) of his servant or of his maid and destroy it, then shall he let him go for his eye's (or tooth's) sake.

[blocks in formation]

What does this show? That the wise old law-giver and his successors had the good sense to use or modify and incorporate in their code, laws which had proved their value among other peoples. "Grant us," says the Whitsuntide collect, “Grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgment in all things." This right judgment which Israel's law-givers used is surely one of the fruits of the Spirit. If any man should think that the only possible inspiration would be

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THE BLACK DIORITE BLOCK FOUND IN SUSA 1901, Representing King Hammurabi Receiving from his God the laws which are inscribed underneath.

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