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Periodical Publications, when properly conducted, are undoubtedly of the greatest utility to society. They diffuse through all ranks, a love of literature, and by disseminating instruction, improve and refine the manners of the people. The discoveries and observations of the learned and ingenious, the knowledge of which might otherwise be confined within a narrow circle, are by their means dispersed abroad, and rendered of more general benefit. The encouragement given by the Public to Miscellanies of this kind, has of late years greatly multiplied them, and they have been suited to the different tastes, studies, and capacities of every class of readers. The Antiquarian, the Astronomer, the Mechanic, the Historian, the Biographer and the Poet, have each been presented with Magazines adapted to his pursuits: and we have endeavoured to combine in our humble Publication, knowledge useful and entertaining to the above-named classes.

To our numerous Correspondents our most heartfelt thanks are due, and by our impartiality in admitting those which seemed likely to afford instruction and amusement, we trust, should we recommence the publication of the Miscellany, for a continuance of their -ingenious and valuable assistance.



ACCOUNT of Sir W. Wyndham, Ceremonies, funeral, of the anci-

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ent Mexicans, 265.

Chairs, sedan, 181.

Chess player, automaton, 247.
Confusion of senses, 193.

Corand and Atheta, 250, 259,

Customs of Maldavians, &c. sin-
gular, 132.

Democritus of Abdera, 167.
Dinner, the, 190.

Dog, on the term, 76.
Domestic hints, 172, 196, 220,

Early rising, 92.
Eating Goose on Michaelmas-day,
origin of, 194.
Enigmas, 62, 196, 220, 244, 256.
Epigrams, 16, 31, 48, 64, 196,
124, 232' 268.

-, derivation of, 96.

Epitaphs, 48, 64, 96, 124, 172,
220, 232, 244, 268, 284.
Erwald and Louise, 175, 187.
Etymologies, &c. 157,
Exotics, 217.

Fair of Mackarieff, 103.
Fish, musical, 242.
Flies, fecundity of, 13.
Franklin, Dr. 45.

Frozen market at St. Peters-
burgh, 9.

Gainsborough, anecdote of, 182.
Gypsies, origin of, 158.
Human life, on, 275.

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