Lord Rosebery's Speeches (1874-1896)

N. Beeman, 1896 - 470 páginas

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Página 38 - With all his verdure spoil'd, and trees adrift, Down the great river to the opening gulf, And there take root, an island salt and bare, The haunt of seals, and ores, and sea-mews...
Página 371 - That the churches of England and Ireland,, as now by law established, be united into one Protestant Episcopal Church, to be called The United Church of England and Ireland; and that the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government of the said united church shall be, and shall remain in full force for ever, as the same are now by law established for the church of England ; and that the continuance and preservation of the said united church, as the established church of England and Ireland...
Página 100 - Who, while the British squadron lay off Cork (God bless the Regent and the Duke of York), With a foul earthquake ravaged the Caraccas, And raised the price of dry goods and tobaccos ? Who makes the quartern loaf and Luddites rise ? Who fills the butchers' shops with large blue flies ? Who thought in flames St.
Página 107 - Discussion on this subject took place both in the House of Lords and in the House of Commons.
Página 89 - In the dark hour of shame, I deigned to stand Before the frowning peers at Bacon's side : On a far shore I smoothed with tender hand, Through months of pain, the sleepless bed of Hyde...
Página 447 - We don't want to fight, But, by Jingo, if we do, We have the ships, we have the men, We have the money too...
Página 371 - England; and that the continuance and preservation of the said united church, as the established church of England and Ireland, shall be deemed and taken to be an essential and fundamental part of the Union...
Página 56 - Australia must be almost paramount in the councils of the Foreign Office with regard to these questions. You will have, as I think, to admit the colonies to a, much larger share in your affairs than you do at present. You will have to give them a right to prompt the voice of England, when it speaks abroad, to a much greater extent than at present.
Página 155 - I confess myself in entire accord. He said that before Irish Home Rule is conceded by the Imperial Parliament, England, as the predominant member of the partnership of the three kingdoms, will have to be convinced of its justice.
Página 18 - I have long entertained the opinion that in virtue of the better education provided by continental nations, England must one day, and that no distant one, find herself outstripped by those nations, both in the arts of peace and war.

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