IMMIGRANTS IN INDUSTRIES. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING. This report, which was prepared under the direction of the Commission by W. Jett Lauck, superintendent of agents, forms part of the general report of the Immigration Commission on immigrants in industries. 464 Members of households for whom detailed information was secured. 469 Employees for whom information was secured.. 471 CHAPTER II.-Racial displacements: History of immigration.... 473 Racial composition of working force in 1900... 480 Period of residence in the United States of foreign-born employees and members of their households.... 481 Racial classification of employees at the present time. CHAPTER III.-Economic status: 484 Industrial condition abroad of members of immigrant households studied.. General occupation of males at the present time in the households studied. 487 490 491 492 492 Relation between period of residence and earning ability. 494 496 Annual earnings of males 18 years of age or over in the households studied. 497 Annual earnings of females 18 years of age or over in the households studied. 498 499 Wives at work.. 500 Relation between the earnings of husbands and the practice of wives of keeping boarders or lodgers.. Age classification of employees and members of their households. General progress of immigrants in Grand Rapids, Mich.. 539 THE FURNITURE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. Growth of the industry-Increase in the number of employees-Territory studiedHouseholds studied-Members of households for whom detailed information was secured-Employees for whom information was secured-[Text Tables 1 to 9 and General Tables 1 to 3]. GROWTH OF THE INDUSTRY. The furniture-manufacturing industry in this country has had a remarkable growth during the past forty years, the total capital invested in the industry in 1880 being only $38,669,764, as contrasted with $152,712,732 in 1905. The principal States in which this development occurred and in which the industry became most extensively established were Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and New York. In the table below the growth of the industry in these States and in the country as a whole is shown during the period 1880-1905. No figures are available for the past five years. TABLE 1.-Growth of the furniture industry in the United States and in selected States, 1880-1905. |