1550 Patent granted by Edward VI. officially | ary writers. See works recognizes "the Church of the Germans" 1552 Church officially reaffirms po- (Prayer 1559 Church officially reaffirms po 1570 Act XIII. Elizabeth officially permits non-episcopally ordained Ministers to officiate and to enjoy benefice in Ch. of England without reordination-so recognizing validity of such Ordination, and confirming prior recognition of non-episcopal bodies as true Churches. 1572 Prayer set forth officially defines "Thy Church Universal dispersed throughout the whole world" as consisting of "all they that confesse Thy Holy Name," so including members of non-episcopal bodies. 1580 Prayer set forth officially recognizing "the Churches of France, Flanders, and of such of other places" as were then suffering persecution. 1582 Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury, acting N. B. Ch. of Scotland was non-episcopal. of the following: Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, Hooper, Philpot, Bradford, Grindal, Whitgift, Jewel, Pilkington, Calfhill, Hooker, Whittaker, Fulke, Saravia. 1590 Prayer issued by authority recognizes | Fleetwood, Strype, Ban "Thy servants our brethren in France" 1604 The Bidding Prayer, officially set forth 1610 Ch. of England officially recognizes valid- Archbishop Bancroft officially recognizes 1634 Official recognition of the "Reformed 1662 Official declaration of the Revisers that Act of Uniformity-14 Carol II.-offi- croft (and even) Laud, Willet, Bilson, Sutcliffe, Mason, Field, Babington, Burnet, Fr. White, Thos. White, Davenant, Baxter, Rainolds, Hall, Cosin, Prideaux, Cudworth, Tindal, Stillingfleet, Usher, Bramhall, Tillotson, Chillingworth, etc. etc. ly provides (§ 15) for the continued admission of non-episcopally ordained ministers under certain conditions. New prayer officially set forth identifying "the Catholic Church" with "all who profess and call themselves Christians," so including non-episcopal bodies. Orders of Deacon and Priest only declared to be "necessary"...“in the Church of Christ" -OrdinalRubric. Generally admitted that no further amendments or changes have been made since 1662 and that our present Protestant Episcopal Prayer Book and formularies are based upon the Pr. Book and Formularies of the Restoration. 1789 The Protestant Episcopal Church officially asserts that She is "far from intending to depart from the Church of England in any essential point of doctrine, discipline, or worship." Pr. BookPreface-referring to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Church of England as set forth in 1662. The Protestant Episcopal Church formally recognizes "the different religious denominations of Christians in these States" as "Churches." |