integrity of Churches, 39; Ch. Government, 214; Church the reservoir of Divine Power, 297, note
Cranmer, Archb., validity of non-epis. churches and their Orders, 56, 107; Sermon on the Keys, 116, 117; on ident. Bishop and Presbyter, 119, 120, note
Cudworth, on recog. non-epis. churches, 108 Culdees, practised Presbyterian Ordination, 255, 266 Cyprian, does not question valid- ity of Presbyt. ordination, 250; his testimony opposed to "catholic" theory, 289
Dalcho, Rev. Frederick, his Hist. Church in South Carolina cited, 303, note
Davenant, Bishop, recog. non- epis. churches, 56, 108 Development in Theology, 195 et seq.; false ideas concerning, 198-205; Newman's theory of, 200, 202, 203
Discipline, signifies Church Gov- ernment, and is alterable, 218- 225; Preface to Pr. Book on, 217-219; 306-311; Canons of Church of England on, 224. (See also, Congregation, The, as Reservoir of Power)
Dix, Dr., on necessity of the Episcopate, 10
Doctrinal attitude of Ch. of Eng. not changed at Restora- tion (see Revisers 1662, and Revision of 1662) nor subse- quently, 279 et seq.
Doctrines, necess. to be believed, 207, 208; no d. of exclus. Episc., 208
Downham, Dr. George, recog. non-epis. churches, 56 Duchesne, Mgr., views regard- ing the Episcopate, 285 Durandus, on ident. Bishop and Presbyter, 265
Ecclesia Anglicana, a Protestant | Erasmus, respect. origin of Epis-
Estius, views regarding Chor-
Eugenius, Pope, views respect. Orders, 266, 267
Eutychius, respect. ordination at Alexandria, 260, 261, 292
Fagius, on ident. Order, Bishop and Priest, 273 Fairbairn, view of Episcopate, 285
Field, Dean, recog. non-epis. churches, 56, 108; concerning Chorepiscopi, 263 Firmilian, Bishop of Cæsarea, on ident. Order, 248 Fisher, George P., on origin of Episcopate, 78, note; 251; opposes "catholic" theory, 285
Fleetwood, admission of non- epis, clergy, 34, 35; 108 Forbes, Dr., respect. Chorepis- copi, 257 Forms, of organization, why essential?, 123
Fulke, Dr., recog. non-epis. churches, 56, 107
Gallagher, Mason, his work Prim. Eiren. cited, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 266, 268, 287, 288
Geikie, on commission of Matt. xxviii., v. 19, 298, 299 German Protestants, acknowl- edged a branch of Cathol. Church, 32
Gieseler, respect. the Episco- pate, 285, 287
Goode, On Orders, quoted, 40,
56, note; 265, 268 Gore, Canon Chas. his criticism of Jerome, 249; on origin of Episc., 288
Government, ecclesiastical, no one form prescribed in Holy
Scripture, 212-217; 295 et seq.; Puritan view of, 216; 295, 296; and Discipline, 217-225
Gratian, asserts Chorepiscopi were Presbyters, 263 Grindal, Archb., recog. Presby- terian Church and Orders, 33, 107, 114, 163 Guilielmus Parisiensis, asserts that Episcopate depends on Presbyterate, 264 Gwynne, Rev. Walker, on Pro- testant "Sects," II
Halifax, Lord, mistakes of the Reformation, 147 Hall, Bishop, Joseph, on admis- sion of non-epis. clergy, 34, 36; 56, 89, 90, 108 Hallam, on admission of non- epis. clergy, 34, 106
Hammond, respect. the Com- mission in Matt. xxviii., v. 19, 298, 299
Handbook of Information, A, on title "American Catholic," 7 Hardwick, Hist. of the Articles, quoted, 300
Harnack, on origin of the Episco- pate, 78, note; opposes "catho- lic" theory, 285, 288
Hatch, on origin of origin of Episcopate, 78, note; 285, 292, 293; re- marks on Cyprian, 250; on Presbyterian Ordination, 250, 252, 256, 288; Church as the reservoir of Divine Power, 296 Herzog, on the Episcopate, 285, 287
Hilary, the Deacon, on identity of Bishop and Presbyter, 252, 285, 292
Hippolytus, Canons of, reveal original identity of Order, 247, 248
Hobart, Bishop, on necessity of Episcopate, 10, 141 Hodges, Dean, opposes "catho- lic" theory, 285
Jerome, on identity of Bishop | Littledale, Dr., his denunciation
and Presbyter, 253-255; Pres- byterian ordination at Alex- andria, 254, 292; opposes "catholic" theory, 289; quoted by Jacob, 290, 291
Jewel, Bishop, recog. non-epis. churches, 56, 60; on signif. term "Order," 67 et seq., 107; Catholicity of Church of Eng- land, 180; Defence of Apology quoted, 256, 257
Jonas, Justus, opposes "catho- lic" theory, as to Bishops and Presbyters, 273
Keble, Rev. John, on admission of non-epis. clergy, 34, 37, 106; testifies as to practice of Re- formers, 60, 118, 273, 274; and Oxford Movement, 282 Kikuyu Conference, 157 et seq.
Latimer, Bishop, respect. non- epis. churches, 56 Laud, Archb., recog. validity non-epis. ordination, 57, 108; recog. integrity non-epis. Churches, 57, 108; reproved by Univ. of Oxford, 58, 277, 279 Laying on of Hands, the, Rite not invariably practised, 258. See also, note Leighton, Archb., views Episcopacy, 48-50; on re- ordination, 87, 94 Liberatus, Breviarum of, cited on Ordination at Alexandria, 258
Lightfoot, Bishop, on origin of Episcopate, 78, note; 257, 285, 292; opposes "catholic" theory, 285; identity of Bishop and Priest, 285, 286; 288; identity never questioned till Reformation, 286, L. versus Zanzibar, 286; 287; Church as reservoir of Power, 298 Lindsay, on Episcopate, 285; on Commission in Matt. xxviii., ν. 19, 298, 299
Name, the proposed, 3-14; its signif., 151-154,324 Neale, on Presbyterianism in Scotland, 44; Bancroft's ser- mon, 276
Neander, view of Episcopate, 285, 287
Necessary Doctrine and Erudi- tion, the, identifies Bishop and Priest, 78, note; Episco- pacy not essential, 270, 271 Newman, J. H., on necessity of Episcopate, 128, 129; claims E. rests on same basis as Papacy, 211; his theory of doc. development, 200, 202, 203; relat. to Oxford Move- ment, 282, 283
Novatus, a Presbyter, ordains a Deacon, 249, 250
Ecumenius, on identity of Bishop and Presbyter, 262 "Ordain" vs. "order," signif. of terms, 71 et seq. Ordaining Presbytery, of Kirk, recog., 108, 114
Order, vs. Office, technical use of terms, 229-231; mediæval conception of, 266, note; Epis- copate an Office, not an, 231, et seq.; Episcopate and Pres- byterate, the same, 239-269; Clemens Romanus, 240; Teach- ing of Twelve Apostles, 240; Ignatian Epistles, 240-243; Polycarp, 244; Papias, 244; Irenæus, 245-247; Clemens Alexandrinus, 247; Tertul- lian, 247; Hippolytus, 247, 248; Firmilian, 248; Alexan- dria, Church of, 248, 249; Novatus, 249, 250; Cyprian, 250; Ancyra, Council of, 250, 251; Epiphanius, 252; Hilary, Deacon, 252; Ambrose, 252; Jerome, 253; Culdees, the,
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