Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]


Communion, with non-epis.
churches, sanctioned, 163-
165; Archb. Usher on, 164;
Cosin on, 164, 165
Conference, the Pan-Anglican,
on recog. Pres. Ordination,
319, note

of Protestant

Churches, 273
Congregation the, the reservoir
of Divine Power, 247, 267,
293-311; P. E. Church on,
299-311; C. not a function
of the Ministry, 294; 302 et


Cooper, Bishop, recog, non-epis.
churches, 60; on Church Gov-
ernment, 214; Church the
reservoir of Divine Power, 297
Cosin, Bishop, recog. non-epis.
churches, 56, 98-101; their
Sacraments valid, 164, 165
Cosin, Dr. Richard, Admission
of non-epis. clergy, 34, 108;|


integrity of
Churches, 39; Ch. Government,
214; Church the reservoir of
Divine Power, 297, note

Cranmer, Archb., validity of
non-epis. churches and their
Orders, 56, 107; Sermon on
the Keys, 116, 117; on ident.
Bishop and Presbyter, 119,
120, note

Cudworth, on recog. non-epis.
churches, 108
Culdees, practised Presbyterian
Ordination, 255, 266
Cyprian, does not question valid-
ity of Presbyt. ordination,
250; his testimony opposed
to "catholic" theory, 289

Dalcho, Rev. Frederick, his
Hist. Church in South Carolina
cited, 303, note

Davenant, Bishop, recog. non-
epis. churches, 56, 108
Development in Theology, 195
et seq.; false ideas concerning,
198-205; Newman's theory of,
200, 202, 203

Discipline, signifies Church Gov-
ernment, and is alterable, 218-
225; Preface to Pr. Book on,
217-219; 306-311; Canons of
Church of England on, 224.
(See also, Congregation, The,
as Reservoir of Power)

Dix, Dr., on necessity of the
Episcopate, 10

Doctrinal attitude of Ch. of
Eng. not changed at Restora-
tion (see Revisers 1662, and
Revision of 1662) nor subse-
quently, 279 et seq.

Doctrines, necess. to be believed,
207, 208; no d. of exclus.
Episc., 208

Downham, Dr. George, recog.
non-epis. churches, 56
Duchesne, Mgr., views regard-
ing the Episcopate, 285
Durandus, on ident. Bishop and
Presbyter, 265

Ecclesia Anglicana, a Protestant | Erasmus, respect. origin of Epis-

Church, 166 et seq., true catho-

licity of, 180

Ecumenical Councils, how re-
garded by Anglican Reform-
ers, 187, 188

Ede, Dr., Dean of Worcester,
respec. Church of Scotland
in 1604, 40

Ellendorf, opposes "catholic"
theory, 285, 287, 288
Elmacinus, George, confirms
statement of Eutychius, re
spect. Alex. Ordin., 264
Encyclopædia Britannica on "Or-
ders in Church of England,"
51, 281

Epiphanius, on equality of
Bishop and Presbyter, 252
Episcopacy, its estab. in Scot-
land, 40 et seq.; terms of estab.,
47; how it should be defended,
120; if essential at all, essen-
tial to personal salvation,
124 et seq.; not essential to
validity of Sacraments, 60,
118, 165; exclus. pretensions
of, indefensible, 206-209; de-
velopment argument concern-
ing, 209, 210; testimony of
Fathers, concerning, 211; in
the light of mod. scholarship,
284 et seq.; unanimity of schol-
ars as to its origin, 292, 293.
(See also, Bishop, Episcopate)
Episcopate, an Office, not an
Order, 231 et seq.; 273, 274 et
seq.; 'catholic" view of, vs.
view of Anglic. Reformers,
Fathers, and Schoolmen, 231;
E. in the New Testament,
232; theory of its necessity,
origin of, 270; never regarded
as an Order till 16th Cent.,
61, 239, 262, 264, 268, 273,
274, 286, 314; mod. scholars
agreed as to its origin, 292,
293; mod. scholars agree with
Anglic. Ref., 311; Historic
E. vs. Apos. Suc., 318 et seq.,

copate, 269

Estius, views regarding Chor-

episcopi, 263

Eugenius, Pope, views respect.
Orders, 266, 267

Eutychius, respect. ordination
at Alexandria, 260, 261, 292



Puritan, 117, 118


Fagius, on ident. Order, Bishop
and Priest, 273
Fairbairn, view of Episcopate,

Field, Dean, recog. non-epis.
churches, 56, 108; concerning
Chorepiscopi, 263
Firmilian, Bishop of Cæsarea,
on ident. Order, 248
Fisher, George P., on origin of
Episcopate, 78, note; 251;
opposes "catholic" theory,

Fleetwood, admission of non-
epis, clergy, 34, 35; 108
Forbes, Dr., respect. Chorepis-
copi, 257
Forms, of organization, why
essential?, 123

Fulke, Dr., recog. non-epis.
churches, 56, 107

Gallagher, Mason, his work
Prim. Eiren. cited, 257, 258,
259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 266,
268, 287, 288

Geikie, on commission of Matt.
xxviii., v. 19, 298, 299
German Protestants, acknowl-
edged a branch of Cathol.
Church, 32

Gieseler, respect. the Episco-
pate, 285, 287

Goode, On Orders, quoted, 40,

56, note; 265, 268
Gore, Canon Chas. his criticism
of Jerome, 249; on origin of
Episc., 288

Government, ecclesiastical, no
one form prescribed in Holy


Scripture, 212-217; 295 et
seq.; Puritan view of, 216;
295, 296; and Discipline,

Gratian, asserts Chorepiscopi
were Presbyters, 263
Grindal, Archb., recog. Presby-
terian Church and Orders, 33,
107, 114, 163
Guilielmus Parisiensis, asserts
that Episcopate depends on
Presbyterate, 264
Gwynne, Rev. Walker, on Pro-
testant "Sects," II

Halifax, Lord, mistakes of the
Reformation, 147
Hall, Bishop, Joseph, on admis-
sion of non-epis. clergy, 34,
36; 56, 89, 90, 108
Hallam, on admission of non-
epis. clergy, 34, 106

Hammond, respect. the Com-
mission in Matt. xxviii., v. 19,
298, 299

Handbook of Information, A, on
title "American Catholic," 7
Hardwick, Hist. of the Articles,
quoted, 300

Harnack, on origin of the Episco-
pate, 78, note; opposes "catho-
lic" theory, 285, 288

Hatch, on origin of origin of Episcopate,
78, note; 285, 292, 293; re-
marks on Cyprian, 250; on
Presbyterian Ordination, 250,
252, 256, 288; Church as the
reservoir of Divine Power, 296
Herzog, on the Episcopate, 285,

Hilary, the Deacon, on identity
of Bishop and Presbyter, 252,
285, 292

Hippolytus, Canons of, reveal
original identity of Order,
247, 248

Hobart, Bishop, on necessity of
Episcopate, 10, 141
Hodges, Dean, opposes "catho-
lic" theory, 285

Holy Catholic Church, the
official utterances regarding
it, 14 et seq.

Hooker, on Lay Baptism, 18;
recog. non-epis. churches, 56,
107; asserts no one form of
Government necessary, 215,
216; the Church as reservoir
of Divine Power, 296, 297


Hooper, Bishop, recog.
epis. churches, 56, 107; inter-
pretation of Art. XXIII., 300
Hore, A. H., the Revision of
1662, 98, note
Hort, on the Episcopate, 285
Hugo, St. Victor, on ident. of
Orders, 262
Hunter, Rev. E. W., on the
Holy Catholic Church, 11
Huss, denies that Episcopate is
an Order, 266

Ignatian Epistles, their testi-
mony respect. Bishops and
Presbyters, 240-243; authen-
ticity of, 243, note; contain
no evid. for exclusive theory
of Episcopate, 244, note
Ignatius, his writings antago-
nistic to "catholic" theory,
Innocent VIII., Pope, permits
Abbots to ordain, 268
Institution of a Christian Man,
the, on identity of Bishop and
Presbyter, 78, note; 185; Epis-
copacy not essential, 270, 271
Invocation, of our Lady, 158;
of Saints, 158 et seq., 187
Irenæus, his testimony misun-
derstood, 245; assumes iden-
tity Bishops and Presbyters,
246, 247

Isidore Hispalensis, said to
have asserted ident. of Orders,

Jacob, Dr. G. A., opposes
"catholic" theory, 285; Epis-
copate an evolution, 290

Jerome, on identity of Bishop | Littledale, Dr., his denunciation

and Presbyter, 253-255; Pres-
byterian ordination at Alex-
andria, 254, 292; opposes
"catholic" theory, 289; quoted
by Jacob, 290, 291

Jewel, Bishop, recog. non-epis.
churches, 56, 60; on signif.
term "Order," 67 et seq., 107;
Catholicity of Church of Eng-
land, 180; Defence of Apology
quoted, 256, 257

Jonas, Justus, opposes "catho-
lic" theory, as to Bishops
and Presbyters, 273

Keble, Rev. John, on admission
of non-epis. clergy, 34, 37, 106;
testifies as to practice of Re-
formers, 60, 118, 273, 274;
and Oxford Movement, 282
Kikuyu Conference, 157 et seq.

Latimer, Bishop, respect. non-
epis. churches, 56
Laud, Archb., recog. validity
non-epis. ordination, 57, 108;
recog. integrity non-epis.
Churches, 57, 108; reproved by
Univ. of Oxford, 58, 277, 279
Laying on of Hands, the, Rite
not invariably practised, 258.
See also, note
Leighton, Archb., views
Episcopacy, 48-50; on re-
ordination, 87, 94
Liberatus, Breviarum of, cited
on Ordination at Alexandria,


Lightfoot, Bishop, on origin of
Episcopate, 78, note; 257,
285, 292; opposes "catholic"
theory, 285; identity of Bishop
and Priest, 285, 286; 288;
identity never questioned till
Reformation, 286, L. versus
Zanzibar, 286; 287; Church
as reservoir of Power, 298
Lindsay, on Episcopate, 285; on
Commission in Matt. xxviii.,
ν. 19, 298, 299

of the Anglican Reformers,
Living Church, The, Art. on.
"Bidding Prayer" and "Ch. of
Scotland," 40, et seq; Annual,
Art. on the "Catholic Church,"

122, 123
Lollards, the, endorsed Presby-
terian Ordination, 266
Lombard, Peter, on identity of
Orders, 263
Luidger, practised Presbyterian
Ordination, 259

Luther, on identity of Order,
272, 273

Macaulay, on admission of non-
epis. clergy, 34, 36, 106
Malabar Christians, held Bishop
and Priest same Order, 268,
Manipulus Curatorum, declares
Episcopate not an Order, 266
Manning, Cardinal, and Oxford
Movement, 282, 283
Manning, Dr. W. T., on the
proposed title, 9
Mark, St., a Presbyter only,
ordains, 290

Marsiglio of Padua, Bishop and
Presbyter one Order, 265
Maskell, Rev. William, on ident.
Bishop and Priest, 239, 262,
264, 268, 274

Mason, Archdeacon Francis, re-
cog. non-epis. churches, 56, 108
McGiffert, attitude toward Epis-
copacy, 285
McNeal (see Thatcher)
Melanchthon, on identity of
Order, 273
Ministry, the, a function of the
Church, 294, 302 et seq.
Mombasa, Bishop of, accused
of heresy, 162 et seq.
Morrison, John, his orders re-
cognized, 33, 114
Mosheim, quoted, 256
Mossman, Thos. W., Episco-
pacy an evolution, 289, 290

[blocks in formation]

Name, the proposed, 3-14; its
signif., 151-154,324
Neale, on Presbyterianism in
Scotland, 44; Bancroft's ser-
mon, 276

Neander, view of Episcopate,
285, 287

Necessary Doctrine and Erudi-
tion, the, identifies Bishop
and Priest, 78, note; Episco-
pacy not essential, 270, 271
Newman, J. H., on necessity of
Episcopate, 128, 129; claims
E. rests on same basis as
Papacy, 211; his theory of
doc. development, 200, 202,
203; relat. to Oxford Move-
ment, 282, 283

Novatus, a Presbyter, ordains a
Deacon, 249, 250

Ecumenius, on identity of Bishop
and Presbyter, 262
"Ordain" vs. "order," signif. of
terms, 71 et seq.
Ordaining Presbytery, of Kirk,
recog., 108, 114

Order, vs. Office, technical use
of terms, 229-231; mediæval
conception of, 266, note; Epis-
copate an Office, not an, 231,
et seq.; Episcopate and Pres-
byterate, the same, 239-269;
Clemens Romanus, 240; Teach-
ing of Twelve Apostles, 240;
Ignatian Epistles, 240-243;
Polycarp, 244; Papias, 244;
Irenæus, 245-247; Clemens
Alexandrinus, 247; Tertul-
lian, 247; Hippolytus, 247,
248; Firmilian, 248; Alexan-
dria, Church of, 248, 249;
Novatus, 249, 250; Cyprian,
250; Ancyra, Council of, 250,
251; Epiphanius, 252; Hilary,
Deacon, 252; Ambrose, 252;
Jerome, 253; Culdees, the,

255; Aerius, 256; Paphnutius,
256; Chrysostom, 256; Augus-
tine, 256, 257; Pelagius, 257;
Theodore, of Mopsuestia, 257;
Theodoret, 257; Sedulius, 257;
Boethius, 257; Liberatus, 257,
258; Primasius, 258; Theo-
phylact, 259; Isidore Hispa-
lensis, 259; Bede, 259; Alcuin,
259; Willehad, 259; Luidgar,
259; Aix, Synod of, 259, 260;
Amalarius, 260; Eutychius,
260, 261; Severus, 261, 262;
Oecumenius, 262; Aelfric,
Canons of, 262; Aelfric, Pasto-
ral of, 262; Anselm, 262;
Hugo St. Victor, 262; Gratian,
263; Peter Lombard, 263;
Waldenses, the, 263; Albertus
Magnus, 263; Alexander Alen-
sis, 263; George Elmacinus,
264; Celestine V., Pope, 264;
Guilielmus, Parisiensis, 264;
Bonaventura, 264; Thomas
Aquinas, 265; Durandus, 265;
Peter Aureolus, 265; Mar-
siglio of Padua, 265; Wyclif,
265, 266; Lollards, the, 266;
Pupilla Oculi, 266; Manipulus
Curatorum, 266; Huss, 266;
Eugenius, Pope, 266, 267;
Tostatus, 267; Antonius de
Rosellis, 268; Pontifical, 15th
Cent., 268; Cajetan, 268;
Innocent VIII., Pope, 268;
Malabar Christians, 268, 269;
Erasmus, 269; Continental
Reformers, the, 273; Danish
Confession, 273; Smalcald,
Art., 273; Confession of Sax-
ony, 273; Confession of Wit-
tenberg, 273; Confession of
Belgium, 273; Confession of
Bohemia, 273; Helvetic Con-
fession, 273

Ordinal, its evidence respect.
Orders, 64-80; 83 et seq.; of
Church of Scotland, 49, 50
Ordination, Presbyterian, never
pronounced invalid, objection
answered, 113-115

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