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The Strength of a King, is the Friendship and Love of his People.


It is a great Happiness to the People, to have a righteous Prince; and it is a great Corruption unto them, to have a corrupt and vicious Ruler. Ariftotle.

Rule and Authority in a good Man, do publifh his Vertue, which before. lay hid, in an evil Man, they adminiter Boldnefs and Licence to do evil. Democritus

Like as the Sun is all one both to Poor and Rich; fo ought a Prince to have refpect, not to the Perfon, but the Matter. Plato..

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This may be a Proof that thou haft reigned well, if thy Subjects increase in Modesty and Riches under thy Go vernment: For good Laws, Justice, and good Example of Life, make Subjects better; and Prudence, joyned with Strength, richer. Ifocrates to Nicocles.

Tyranny in Princes ought ever to be had in extreme Deteftation. Alex.. Severus

Among many Vertues belonging



unto Princes, none is fo properly Good, or fo Honourable and Princely, as timely to help Supplicants, to comfort thofe that are afficted under them, and to deliver Men from Danger in their Diftrefs. Cicero.

To Overcome, is an Humane thing: but to Pardon, is Divine. Mar. Aurel, Counfel is the Key of Certainty. Plato.

It is to be diligently noted, that every Counfel is to be proved by three things principally, (viz.) that it be Righteous, that it be Good, that it ftand with Honefty. Socrates.

The Office of a wife Man is to dif cern what is good and honeft, and to fhun what is difhoneft. Socrates...

He is to be counted a good Coun-fellor, who, while he confulteth in doubtful Matter, is void of all Hate, Friendship, Difpleafure, or Pity. Aug. Cafar

A wife Man ought to take Counsel, for fear of mixing his Will with his Wit. Socrates.

He is an unjuft Judge, who doth things either of Envy, or of Fa



True Philofophy, is to know and practife, both privately and publickIy, thofe things that are honeft and juft; and this is that which teacheth us to govern both Domestical and Civil Affairs with Temperance and Juftice. Socrates.

Both Hatred, Love, and Covetoufnefs, caufe Judges oft-times to forget Truth, and leave undone the true Execution of their due and straight. Charge. Ariftotle.

Juftice, properly, is nothing else, than a Conformity of all things in the Reasonable Creature to the Law. of God's Mind; by which it commandeth, that God be loved above all Things, and that a Man love his Neighbour as himself. Mar. Celf. Nothing ought to be promifed, which fhould be in any wife contrary to Justice. Tullius.

Juftice is a Measure, which God hath ordain'd upon the Earth, to defend the Feeble from the Mighty, and the True from the Untrue. Plate.

Justice exalteth the People: But Permiffion to Sin, maketh the People moft wretched and miferable. Phil. Rex.

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It is a Juft and Righteous thing, that he that willingly draweth to Sin, against his Will fhould be drawn to Punishment. Mar. Aurel.

A Law-maker ought to be Godly, Learned, and Wife, and fuch an one as hath been fubject to others Laws, Plato.

What is Juftice, but Godlinefs! and what is Godliness, but the Knowledge of God our Father! Yet, in refpect of us, Juftice is commonly taken for an equal Diftribution of Right, and Law. Lactantius.

If we purpose to exercife Justice perfectly, we must make no difference of Men, in respect of Friendship, Kindred, Riches, Poverty, or Digni ty. Plato.

No Man ought to commit any unjuft Act, how fmall fo ever it be, for any Profit which he may hope to have by it, for all the Treafures of the Earth are not to be compared to the least Vertue of the Soul. Socrates.

Laws are nothing elfe than Rules of Justice, whereby is commanded what fhould be done, and what ought not to be done. Alex. Sev.


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"Whatfoever is Righteous in the Law of Man, the fame is alfo Righte ous in the Law of God: For every Law that by Man is made, muft ever be agreeable to the Law of God; and therefore the Laws of Princes, the Commandments of Prelates, the Sta tutes of Commonalties, are neither Righteous nor Obligatory, unless they be aptly agreeable to the Law of God; for by it is only known to whom Right belongeth in any respect, and whereunto alfo Juftice orderly beareth his full force and fway. Tullius: Cor

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The Law of God is left unto all Pofterities, to touch the Confciences of all Men, without refpect to any.


It fhall be expedient for Governors to have in Remembrance, that when (according to the Laws) they do punifh Offenders, they themfelves be not moved with Wrath, but be like to the Laws, which are provoked to punish, not by Wrath or Difpleasure, but only by Equity. Tullius."

Law is the Queen of Morality.


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