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The Law, that is perfect and good, would have no Man condemned, nor yet juftified, until his Caufe be both fully heard and known. Boetius.

The whole Body of the Law Civil, hath these three Principles, (viz.) Live honestly, hurt no Man, and give unto every Man his due.

The Law of God cannot be truly kept with the Heart, if by Deeds it be defpifed; for no Man keepeth the Law with his Heart, unless he loves the Law; and he that loveth it, doth according to the Nature of Love, and fulfilleth it to the utmost of his. Power. Pythagoras

The way to Blifs, is to love all. Men, and to be fubject to the Laws; but to obey God more than Man. : The Good need but few Laws; for Things are not accommoda ted to Laws, but Laws to Things.. Theophraft.

Thofe are only Noble, that are Vertuous. Antifthenes.

True Honour is the Fruit of Vertue and Truth. Plato."

The worthy Honour refteth not in the Dignity that we have, but in

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the good Works, whereby we merit it. Mar. Aurel.

The nearest way to attain Glory, is, for a Man to endeavour himself to be fuch an one indeed, as he would be accounted to be. Socrates.

He that to his Noble Lineage, addeth Vertue and good Conditions, is highly to be praifed. Tullius. Humility is the Sifter of Nobility: He is worthy of Honour, who wil leth the good of every Man; and he is much unworthy thereof, who feeketh his own Profit, and oppreffeth others. Tullius.

An injur❜d Man had better have a Noble Heart to forgive his Enemy, than to be revenged on him, and kill him. Alex..mag.

Nobility is not only in Dignity and ancient Lineage, nor great Revenues, Lands, or Poffeffions, but in Wisdom, Knowledge and Vertue, which in Man is very Nobility, and this Nobility bringeth Man to Dignity.

Honour ought to be given to Vertue, and not to Riches. Anacharfis It is a fhame for a Man to defire Honour, because of his Noble Proge, nitors,

nitors, and not to deferve it by his own Vertue. Chryfoft.

They that are perfectly Wife, defpife Worldly Honour.

Where Riches are honour'd, good Men are defpis'd. Plato.

It is very Honourable, Excellent, and Praise-worthy, for a Man of Honour, to joyn to his high Office and Calling, the Vertue of Affability, Lowlinefs, tender Compaffion and Pity; for thereby he draweth unto him the Hearts of a Multitude.

The Inferior Perfon, or Subject, ought to confider, that albeit in the Substance of a Soul and Body he is equal to his Superior; yet forafmuch as the Powers and Qualities of the Soul and Body, with the Difpofition of Reason, be not in every Man equal, God ordain'd a Diversity of Preeminence in Degrees to be among Men, for the neceflary Prefervation of them, in Conformity of Livings Juftinian.

Naturally in times paft, Wives were adorn'd with thefe Vertues viz. To be Shamefac'd in their Countenances, Temperate in Words, Wife


of Wit, Sober in Going, Meek in Converfation, Pitiful in Correction, well Regarding their Living, no Company-keepers, Stedfaft in Promife, and conftant in Love. Mar. Aurel.

There can be no greater Honour to an honeft Wife, than to have an honeft faithful Husband, who careth for her, and for no Woman elfe. Ariftotle.

The Husband can do his Wife no greater wrong, than to feek the Fellowship of other Women. Ariftotle.

The best way for a Man to keep his Wife chaffe, is not to be jealous, but to be chafte himself, and faithful un2 to her. Socrates.

Such Wives as would rather have foolish Husbands, whom they might rule, than to be ruled by fober wife Men, are like him that would rather lead a Blind Man in an unknown Way, than follow one that can both fee, and also knoweth the Way well. Hermes.

Those Women, that keep themfelves in their Houfes, well imployed in their Bufinefs, temperate in their Words, faithful to their Husbands, well

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well order'd in their Perfons, peaceable with their Neighbours, being honeft among their Domefticks, and fhamefac'd among Strangers; fuch (I fay) have obtain❜d great Renown in their Lives, and left a worthy Memory of them after their Death. Mar. Aurel. and Socrates.

Women, that would have Joy of their Daughters, ought to take from them all fuch Occafions and Liberty, whereby they should be evil. Mar. Aurel.

The Woman that will keep her felf from Care, and her Daughter from Peril, ought to fee the Time of her Daughter always well fpent in fome Godly and Honeft Exercise : When the Hands are imployed in any good Exercife, then the Heart is void from many idle and vain Thoughts.

If thou haft under thee a Charge of Children and Family, bring them up reverently, in Obedience and Cha ftity. Mar. Aurel.

So Educate thy Children in their Youth, that they afterwards fall not to Wickedness, and then their Sin be imputed unto thee. Thofe

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