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It fufficeth not a Lover of Wildom to reprove the Vices of others only by Words; but it is neceffary he do that himself, which he requires others to do. Mar. Aurel. En outr

Of all the Gifts of God, Wildom is the most excellent; the giveth Goodness to the Good, and forgiveth the Wicked their Wickedness; the ordereth the Mind, and directeth the Life, and ruleth the Works thereof, teaching what ought to be done, and what to be left undone, without which no Man can be fafe. Plato and which no Man can Hermes.

The Duty of a wife Man is to feek out the Reafons of Things, that in the end he may find that Divine Reafon, by which they were made; and having found it, he may enjoy it, and reap profit thereby. So


Wisdom is the Defence of the Soul, and the Mirror of Reafon; and therefore blessed is he that laboureth and getteth her, for fhe is the Ground and Root of all Noble Deeds, by her we obtain the chief Good, that is, everlafting Felicity. Plato.


A prudent Man ought to do nothing in Anger; for that unreafonable Paffion of the Mind being moved, foreseeth nothing wifely. Theophraftus.

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Prudence is the Guide of all other good Vertues; the garnifheth Riches, and fhadoweth Poverty. adtalen? * Prudence is the General Vertue, the Princefs and Guide of Moral Ver tues, and that wherein the Knowledge of our Sovereign Good, and of the End of our Being, confifteth. Socrates. 71

Science is acquired by Diligence, but Wisdom and Difcretion come from God. Ariftotle.


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He that defireth Wifdom, defireth the most high and divine Estate for he that findeth her, findeth Life here, and in the World to come, Soton!AY POST

Wifdom caufeth a Man to know his Creator. Hermes.

Wifdom is commonly found in him that is good and vertuous. Boetius. Wifdom is a Tree that fpringeth from the Heart, and beareth Fruit in the Tongue. Plato.

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Early Rifing, and much Watching, are profitable to keep a Man in Health, and to increase his Wifdom.

It is an efpecial point of Wisdom, to know to what purpofe the time beft ferveth. Arcefitaus.

As the Plough rooteth out from the Earth all Brambles and Thistles; even fo Wifdom rooteth out all Vices from the Mind Seneca,

fett Upon perfect and true Wisdom, wait continually two Handmaids, viz. Humility and Sobriety, Seneca.

A wife Man is known by two Points, he will not lightly be angry for wrong that is done unto him, nor is he proud when he is praifed.

The Office of a wife Man is to dif cern what is good and honeft, and to fhun what is difhoneft. Socrates.

A perfect wife Man mortifieth his Worldly Defires; by means whereof he fubdueth both his Soul and Body. Seneca.

As our Omnipotent Creator furmounteth all Created Beings, fo the Knowledge of Him furmounteth all other Learning and Imaginations. Bias.

As Health preferveth the Body, even fo Wisdom preferveth the Soul.


A wife Man is known by three things, (viz.) by making his Enemy his Friend, the Ignorant Learned, and in reforming the Evil Difpofition unto Goodness. Ariftotle.

He is a wife Man, that doth good to his Friends; but he is more fo, that doth good to his Enemies. Hermes.

It is impoffible for him to be wife, that defireth not to be good. Plato.

It is better to be wife, and not to feem fo; than to feem wife, and not to be fo; yet Men, for the most part, defire the contrary.

It is a point of Wifdom, to take away all occafions that might hinder the doing of honeft and profitable things. Ariftotle.

Defire not to be wife in Words, but in Works; for the Wisdom of Words only wafteth with the World; but Works wrought by Wisdom, increase unto the World to come. Ariftotle. Get thee Sobriety in thy Youth, and Wisdom in thine Age.

If thou defireft to have, Delight with

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without Sorrow, apply thy Mind to ftudy Wifdom. Seneca.

Wifdom is the Treasure of Wit, wherewith every Man ought to en rich himfelf. Plato.

Understanding and Wit is a great Treafure. Seneca.

Difpofe not thy Wit both to Vertue and Vice. Plato.

Many excellent and goodly Wits are not a little hinder'd, through the fault of evil Inftructors and Teachers. Alex. Sev.


Wit is made dull with grofs and immoderate feeding. Diogenes, ra Neither Wit, Strength, or Courage (in any Man) can become lively and excellent, where the Mind is addicted to fuperfluous Feeding, to beastly Idlenefs, or wanton Paftimes; but by Temperance in Living, and moderate Exercife, Strength is nourished, and Wits are increased; but by the other, Strength of Body is diffolved, and Wits are confumed. Alex. Sev.

Shamefacedness in a Child is a token, of Wit, but in a Man a token of Foolishness. Seneca na ni mežli 77 As empty Vellels make the greatest


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