Imágenes de páginas


The road is long and in part unknown; we are aware of our limitations. We will make the 21st century man; we ourselves.

We will be tempered in daily actions, creating a new human being with a new technology.

The personality plays the role of mobilization and leadership in so far as it incarnates the highest virtues and aspirations of the people and does not become de toured.

The road is opened up by the vanguard group, the best among the good, the Party. The basic raw material of our work is the youth: in it we place our hopes and we are preparing it to take the banner from our hands.

If this faltering letter has made some things clear, it will have fulfilled my purpose in sending it.

Accept our ritual

greetings, as a hand

shake or an "Ave Maria Purisima.

patria o muerte


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Escucha analfabeto

yo canto también para ti

anciano de la voz como un arroyo de piedras sedientas

yo canto también para ti

Escucha carnicero sin lágrimas y sin piel que no sabes lo que es estar herido entre hombro y hombro

yo canto también para ti.

Escucha náufrago viajero de los amaneceres de coral

Escucha carcelero amarillento

Minero del fondo de la desgracia

Labriego de las lejanías sin canto ni pan yo canto también para ti.

Sembrador que socavas y haces florecer los desiertos de Israel

Negro que das forma a la vida y a la muerte en la gran esmeralda de Africa

yo canto también para ti

Mujer humareda de la juventud dulce Ilama de siempre

yo canto también para ti.

Mis palabras no se detienen

las olas siguen dando golpes en la tierra Las estrellas resbalan con un ritmo angustioso Mañana tambien estallará la primavera,

Fayad Jami's



Listen to my song, unlettered people
For I also sing for you

Old man with a voice like the sound of water
running over stones

For I also write this verse for you

Listen dry-eyed butcher

Who knows not what it means to be wounded

between the shoulders

For I also sing for you.

And listen good traveler shipwrecked on some coral reef

Listen cowardly jailer

Miner of the depths of despair

And rustic country man without song nor bread
I also sing for you.

And he who plants the desert of Israel to make it bloom

Negro giving form to life and death as well in great green Africa

My verses are for you

And faded woman of my youth

Sweet yearnings of all time

I also sing this song for you.

My words cannot be silenced

Waves continue beating on the shores
Falling stars repeat their dizzy tempo
And tomorrow spring bursts forth anew,



R. Frank Hardy

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