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the name of the Saviour. Mat, remember that, though you see ham not, God is now in this place, everywhere. He is listening to what we say; he is ready to grant what we ask; more ready to hear than we are to cry to him. 'Ask, and ye

shall receive.' May you one day be able to claim the fulfilment of that promise: He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. (Rev. xxi. 7.)

Gems from Golden Mines.



WE are too much like children who cry and make a great ado about sweetmeats and toys, while they can trust for clothing, general care, and a house in which to live. How many of what may be called the small things of this life and of religion we are anxious about, while the great concerns we leave with God! Now, why can we not commit ourselves into his hands for the small as well as the great? Let us not forget that he rules the atom as well as the world, that he feeds the humminghird as well as the eagle, that he provides the crust as well as the feast, that he numbers the hairs of your head as well as the stars of the firmament.

Shall he uphold all things, and not uphold you? Shall he clothe the lilies and feed the ravens, and not clothe and feed you, Oye of little faith P. As a Christian,

God has made over to you a crown that fadeth not away; and can you not trust him for a crumb which perishes? Has he clothed you with the garment of salvation, and will you not trust him for the clothing of the body? Has he provided a house for you in the heavens, which hath foundations, whose Builder and Maker is God; and will you not trust him for a tabernacle, or a cottage in the wilderness? Has he given you himself, his Son, his Spirit, his Word, his grace, his promises; and can you not trust him to give you bread, friends, clothes, habitation, and all the necessary mercies of this life? Surely if he has given you the greater, he will give you the less. This is the very argument of St. Paul: "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?"

Our Missions.



For many years the evangelization of Ceylon proceeded without

apparently awaking any dread of its ultimate prevalence on the part of the Buddhist priests. During the last three or four years their long silence has been broken, and t

have come boldly forward to stem the progress of the Gospel, and to save the doctrines of Buddha from overthrow. Two or three priests, of considerable attainments and much metaphysical skill, have presented themselves as the champions of their ancient creed, and, by lectures and discussions, assailed Christianity, and endeavoured to uphold the system of Gaudama. A discussion

of this sort took place in the month of September last, at a village called Waragodda, near Colombo, under the following circumstances. It came to the knowledge of our native brother, Juan Silva, that on the 27th August last it was the intention of the inhabitants of the abovenamed village to get the priest of Migettoowatte to preach against Christianity in the rest-house, not far from the place where the Christians meet on Lord's-day. On the day named, Juan Silva, with two or three other Christians, went to the rest-house. Although some of the Buddhists had promised the Christians that their minister should be allowed to address the assembly, the tumultuous behaviour of the crowd prevented their doing so. Yet the priest of Migettoowatte preached twice without any hindrance. A discussion was then proposed, and the date fixed was the 8th September.

At the time appointed, some fifteen priests assembled, and about a thousand of the laity. On the Christian side there were about thirty Christians and four native ministers. As agreed upon, the Buddhists proposed, in writing, the first question; but as it was found that it would take too long to answer it in the same way, the answer was postponed to another day. The Christians then proposed their question, to which the Buddhists wrote at once, and read out an answer and gave it to them. There being now an hour to spare, it was proposed to discuss verbally the

subject of the existence of a Creator. The Christians listened quietly to the priests while they discussed the negative, but they would not hear any reply.

The parties again assembled on the 22nd September. On this occasion the Buddhists treated the Christians both unfairly and riotously. They not only pelted some of them wher they went away, but circulated the report that they had driven the Christians off into the jungle de feated. On this, as in similar dis cussions, the priests exhibited a most intolerant spirit.

It will interest our readers to know the questions that were raised. The first proposition of the Buddhists ran to this effect:-"To seek and accept a true religion is of more inportance than all else in the world.” In discussing it, the priests affirm that all true religion will be confirmed to the conscience of all rational beings. It was then argued that there is no Creator, since reason shows that no being could exist before creation. Again, there was no eternity of suffering to come, since it is impossible for any person in this world to commit a sir. deserv ing of eternal punishment. This last statement from a Buddhist is remark able, as it is a fundamental principle of his creed that present actions entail eternal and irreversible consequences. The proposition was sustained lastly by long arguments to prove that the God of the Bible accepted animal and human sacrifices, which were contradictory to the Christian conception of God as an allpowerful, all-seeing, benevolent, and holy Being. For these reasons the Christian religion must be rejected. "like a stick on fire and blazing at both ends, and smeared with filth in the middle."

The Christian reply was delivered on the 22nd September. It appears to have been satisfactory in all points but one, in which the Christians

were at fault through the imperfecions of the present translation-an excellent reason for hastening to its mpletion the version on which Mr. Carter is now engaged. The joinder of the Buddhists consisted little more than a re-assertion of their former statements, which led to similar review of the leading arguTents on the Christian side.

The first question propounded on the Christian side was "concerning the existence of beings." Buddhists arm that the doctrine of creation by God is false. How, then, ask the Christians, did things come into existence? And they proceed to examine the doctrine of Karma, the Buddhist technical word by which Buddhists indicate that action or force from which creation springs. But, say the Christians, the very word action proves that the doer of the action existed before it was done. They then proceed to show that if, as some Buddhists say, beings are eternal, this opinion is opposed to the fundamental idea of the system that all existence is sorrowful and perishing. In answer to this, the Buddhist priests tried to establish the doctrine of metempsychosis, or the eternal production of beings from

those going before, that they are born by a law of succession, and that


this repeated existence is owing to Karma. The Christians reply by arguing that the law of existence must be the Creator's power, and they close with the words, "Who, then, does not perceive that, whilst the most subtle statements on the Buddhist side themselves prove that there must be a Creator, religion and teaching is nothing but error which declares that there is no Creator?"

The final reply of the Christians has hitherto met with no answer. Let us hope that some of their opponents may have had their minds opened to the truth. It is certainly a striking fact, and a new phase in our Ceylon mission, thus to find the Buddhists coming down from their lofty indifference into the arena of argument. On the Christian community the effect has been to invigo rate their faith and to quicken their zeal. Some converts have been added to the Church of God, while all have remained faithful to the Gospel. This brief sketch of an interesting discussion will give our readers a distant idea of the difficult questions that come into dispute as our brethren strive to lead the minds of the Singhalese to a knowledge of the true God and of Jesus Christ whom he has sent.


BINCE the publication of our last numr, Mr. Gladstone, on behalf of the overnment of Lord Russell, has introed the long-talked-of Reform Bill. We not say that the measure satisfies even reasonable expectations of the people, It is limited to a fourteen-pound fran

in counties, and a seven-pound franchise in boroughs; and it does not attempt to deal with the difficult question of the redistribution of seats. But it is a


good measure so far as it goes; and, as such, we hope it will receive cordial, if it cannot have enthusiastic, support. best recommendation is that the Tories have resolved to oppose it at every stage. How they can do so consistently with their own former proposals, it is not for us to say. But if the Liberals are moderately united, the Bill is certain to pass the Lower House at least. If it be rejected by the Lords, the Lords will have to be separately dealt with.

The Church-rate Abolition Bill has

passed its second reading. In the course of the discussion Mr. Gladstone made a suggestion, which had indeed been made previously by Mr. Bright, to modify the Bill to the extent of allowing Churchmen to rate themselves, but abolishing all powers of enforcing payment. This would not be abolishing church-rates, but it would be abolishing compulsory church-rates. Mr. Gladstone has promised to propose clauses to this effect when the Bill comes into Committee. It certainly appears to us that the proposal is one that Dissenters may properly accept.

Jamaica news grows worse and worse. Even The Times is now compelled to acknowledge that the cruelties that have been enacted against the blacks in Jamaica are almost without parallel; and every impartial person, The Times included, now confesses that these cruelties had scarcely any apology. By the middle of this month it is expected that the Commissioners will have arrived at home.


or soon after, we may expect their Report. It appears likely that then justice will be done. Till the Commissioners' Report is presented, we must be as patient as we may.

The Congregational Home Missionary Society is making an effort to increase its income from £6,000 to £10,000 a year. Mr. Morley, the treasurer, gives £500 a year for three years, Mr. Mills £200, and several others £100 each. The Society employs 164 agents and 60 lay evangelists, and is doing its work both energetically and wisely. It seems to have solved a question which has puzzled our churches for some time-how to combine local independent action and centralization. Each county is encouraged to form an Association. No evangelist is to be placed in the county without the approval of the Association, which in return is asked to furnish one-third of the necessary funds; the friends in the district to be occupied are then asked for another third; and the Society gives the rest. This plan has worked well, and in every case the funds raised by the country have increased. May not our own Society receive a hint or two from our Congregational brethren?


CHRIST CHURCH, ASTON, BIRMINGHAM. -On Tuesday evening, March 6th, a service was held at this place of worship, at which 111 persons were formally united


together in Christian fellowship. Th Rev. Charles Vince presided. The servi opened with a hymn, after which the Re S. T. Allen read a selection of suitabi Scripture passages, and offered praye Mr. Vince then observed that they wer not met together either to expound or enforce their views, as Nonconformists respecting the nature and functions of Christian Church, but to act in accordanc with them. They held that any numb of Christian people, whether few or num rous, had the right, if they choose, to for themselves into a Christian Church; an that, when so formed, they were a part the body of Christ, whether recognised such by other churches or not. before him had gravely and deliberately resolved to avail themselves of that right The reading of their names was followed by the "declaration:"-"We, whos names are hereunto attached, do agree, i dependence upon the promised grace the Holy Spirit, to receive each other a brethren and sisters in the Lord; to culti vate towards one another that love which was our Lord's new commandment' to his disciples; to watch over the spiritual welfare of each other; to submit our hearts and lives to the authority and com mands of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to promote the welfare of our fellow-men and the glory of God." The assent to th


declaration" by those whose names were appended to it was signified by the solemnly standing whilst it was read. Th Rev. S. Chapman then offered prayer the blessing of God upon the church th formed, after which the chairman brief adverted to the circumstances which ha led to the erection of Christ Church, an to the appointment, by the building com mittee, of the Rev. Isaac Lord to occup the pulpit until a church could be du constituted; and observed that the re sponsibilities of the committee terminate with the solemnities of that evening, and that the duty of electing a pastor now volved upon the church. The following resolution, moved by Mr. A. J. Allba and seconded by Mr. W. Cooper, W unanimously adopted :-"That the Rev Isaac Lord, who has ministered to us sing the erection of this place of worship, earnestly requested to undertake th pastoral office among us." Mr. Lord brief intimated his acceptance of this invitation when prayer for his health, comfort, an success was offered by the Rev. G. B Johnson. After the singing of a hymn brotherly counsels and encouragement were addressed to the pastor by the Hew R. W. Dale, M. A., and, after anothe

hymn, the Rev. J. J. Brown addressed the church. The celebration of the Lord's Supper brought the proceedings to a close. The new cause at Christ Church has commenced most auspiciously, and has every prospect of permanent success.

SHEFFIELD. On Wednesday evening, March 7th, a social tea was held in the Temperance Hall, Sheffield, when between four and five hundred persons sat down to ta. The occasion of the gathering was the presentation of a testimonial to the Ber. Charles Larom, on his retirement from the pastorate of the church in Townbead Street. The testimonial consisted of 560, and in addition a very handsome ilver tea and coffee service, bearing the following inscription :-"Presented with a tea and coffee service and £760, by the church and congregation of Townhead Street Chapel, Sheffield, to the Rev. Charles Laron, on his resignation of the pastorate of forty-five years' duration. March 7th, 1866." Besides this, the church and congregation have guaranteed to Mr. Larom an annuity of £50 per annum. After tea, the Rev. D. Loxton, the senior Independent minister, presided, and in a warm and genial speech, opened the meeting. The presentation was made by Mr. Atkinson, the senior deacon. In an able and interesting speech, Mr. Atkinson reviewed the past, and dwelt on the various inodents which had marked the career of the retiring pastor; and then presented

affectionate address to him from the members of the church. The chairman then called upon the Rev. Dr. Evans, of Scarborough, and the Rev. Brewin Grant, who successively expressed their esteem and regard for Mr. Larom. Mr. Larom, with much emotion, and in most appropriate terms, acknowledged the testimonial. Though retiring from the pastorate, he hoped still to be able to preach as opportunity offered, and to promote the interests of the denomination to which he belonged. The Rev. Dr. Stacey, the Rev. Dr. Falding, the Rev. J. H. James, and others, also addressed the meeting.

CHESHAM, BUCKS.-On Monday evening, February 19th, a public meeting was held in the Lower Baptist Chapel, Chesham, to express sympathy and respect for the Rev. W. Payne, and to present him with a testimonial of esteem and love. Mr. Payne had occupied the position of Jutor of the church for upwards of thirty Fr. Rather more than six years ago he

became very seriously indisposed. After

Avery protracted illness, he was enabled to resume his ministerial duties in the pulpit, which, with occasional help, he


continued up to June, 1865, when he resigned. For nearly six years Mr. Payne has suffered an affliction which has bereft him of the use of his limbs, and from the time when he ceased to be the pastor of the church his income was merely nominal. Some time since the idea of a memorial fund was suggested, by the aid of which the declining years of Mr. Payne might be cheered. The sum contributed amounted to £365, and on the evening above named the presentation took place in the presence of a large and deeply-interested audience. John Rutty, Esq., of Wycombe, presided, and made the presentation in very kind and appropriate remarks. Mr. Payne replied in a very affecting speech, delivered under the influence of deep emotion. The Revs. J. Preston and J. H. Snell afterwards addressed the meeting; as did also the Revs. J. Lawton, J. Bannister, T. Butcher, and Mr. G. Mayo. Letters expressive of sympathy and regret were read from the Rev. Dr. Steane, the Rev. W. Brock, the Rev. T. Hands, and others. ANDOVER. On Wednesday evening, February 28th, a very interesting valedictory service was held in the Baptist Chapel, Andover, by way of taking a farewell of the old building, which is now being removed for the erection of a larger and more convenient place of worship, with school-rooms, vestries, and other accommodations. More than 200 sat down to tea. The tea being over, a public meeting was held. Joseph Parsons, Esq., presided. The chairman called the attention of the meeting to the past history of the church. He also referred to the prosperous state of the church, and the increasing congregation, which has led the church to the decision of enlarging its borders. He then called upon the pastor, the Rev. Francis Wills, to present a statement, which embraced the whole of the operations in relation to the progress of the work, the late bazaar and its proceeds, also the elevation, plans, contract, &c. The contract was stated to be for £1,400. The Revs. W. M'Owan and J. T. Duncan, and Messrs. Young and Millard, afterwards addressed the meeting. The choir sang several interesting pieces, and the meeting was brought to a close after thanks had been duly presented.

SANDHURST, KENT. -On Tuesday, March 6th, the recognition services were held in connection with the settlement of the Rev. R. Andrew Griffin, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, as pastor of the Baptist Church. The Rev. J. Drew, of Margate, preached in the afternoon from Luke x. 39. About 150 persons sat down to tea

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