Imágenes de páginas

Perhaps, dear children, you are surprised that Johnny's mother did not weep to hear her boy was dead.

Do you wonder how it was that she should be so happy when the sailor told her she would never see him again in this world? I am not surprised that it should seem strange to you; but just think how very anxious she had been for so many years that her child should turn from his wicked ways and become a child of God; how she had prayed for him; think of this, and think, too, how she had often fancied that God did not hear her prayer; and then I think you will understand how delighted she must have been to find that all the while she had been doubting, God had been watching over, caring for, and leading her boy, and that now he was safe-safe for ever.

I have no doubt she wept for him afterwards, but at first she could do nothing but praise God for His great mercies; she felt as if she could say with the good old man in the Bible, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation."

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I do not know whether she told the sailor of the discovery she had made, and the pleasure it gave her, but she entreated him earnestly to allow her

to keep the book which had been suc a treasure to her son. She longed have it to keep as a remembrance him, that she might look at plac worn by his hands, and so find out h favourite chapters.

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But this the poor fellow would n consent to. "No, madam," he sai he gave it me with his dying han and he bade me read it, and I always kept it since, and, please Go I'll never part with it as long as live."

She could not urge him, and so kept it, and was soon far away aga tossing on the sea; but wherever i went the Testament went with hin and I think I may say that it w made, by God's blessing, the means saving two precious souls.

Dear children, this has been a s story, but there are two things we ca learn from it: first, that if we negle the wishes and advice of those wh love us, sorrow and suffering will mos likely be our lot. And, besides thi it shows us that God does hear ar answer prayer. Perhaps He will

answer at once; but if He keeps t waiting, it is only to make us s again and again, and if we do so, l answer will be sure to come at last.

Gems from Golden Mines.


WHILE the grace of God changes all who are brought in conversion under its influence, it does not impart any new power or passion, but works by giving to those we already have a holy bent, by impressing on them a heavenly character. For example, grace did not make David a poet, or Paul an orator, or John a man of warm affections, or Peter a man of strong impulses and ardent zeal.

They were born such. The grace God changes no more the nature features of the mind than it does thos of the body-as the negro said, it ga him a white heart, but it left him stil to use the language of another, t image of God carved in ebony. Be th meal into which that woman hides th leaven, meal of wheat or meal of barley it will come from her hands, from th process of leavening, from the fir oven, cakes of the same grain. For is not the substance but the characte

of the meal that is changed. Even so with the effect of grace. It did not give John his warm affections; but it xed them on his beloved Mastersanctifying his love. It did not inspire Nehemiah with the love of country; at it made him a holy patriot. It did not give Dorcas her woman's heart,

tender sympathy with suffering; but it associated charity with piety, and made her a holy philanthropist. It did not give Paul his genius, his restless logic, and noble oratory; but it consecrated them to the cause of Christ; touching his lips as with a five coal from the altar, it made him uch a master of holy eloquence that he swayed the multitude at his will, humbled the pride of kings, and compelled his very judges to tremble. It did not give David a poet's fire and a poet's lyre; but it strung his harp with chords from heaven, and tuned all its strings to the service of religion and the high praises of God. So grace ever works! It assimilates a man to the character of God. It does not change the metal, but stamps it with the Divine image; and so assimilates all who have received Christ to the ature of Christ, that unless we have the same mind, more or less deloped, in us that was in Him, the Bible declares that we are none of His.-Dr. Guthrie.


THE time for toil has past, and night has come,

The last and saddest of the harvest eves;

Worn out with labour, long and weari


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Our Missions.

THE MISSION IN DELHI. FOR many years the Baptist Missionary Society has had a station in the Imperial city of the Great Mogul. Thirty years did Mr. Thompson labour within and without its lofty walls, apparently with little success, but, as the result shows, leaving behind him a seed which the Lord has blessed. The two short years which intervened between his death and the outbreak of the great Sepoy war of 1857, were filled up by the labours of Wabayah Ali and Mr. Mackay, both of whom fell a prey to the ferocity of the sepoys, and died as martyrs, testifying their faith in the Lord Jesus.

The work thus painfully interrupted, was resumed by the Rev. Jas. Smith, in 1859, and has subsequently been carried on by the Rev. Thomas Evans and the Rev. Josiah Parsons. Mr. Smith, after a visit of a year or two to Australia, again returned to Delhi, in 1864, and is now labouring in conjunction with Mr. Parsons. The long night of toil which preceded the mutiny has given way to a bright dawn, and there is much in the aspect of missionary work in Delhi to gladden the Church of God. No one can attempt to deny, with truth, that mighty changes have been effected. Before the mutiny no native Christian could live among heathen neighbours. Caste barred the way to all social and religious reform. Prejudice resisted every attempt to acquaint the people, especially the Mohammedan portion of the community, with the truths of Christianity. Now we have native Christians living in almost every part of Delhi. Caste has so far lost its power, that multitudes hold it in public contempt; and whilst thousands have become acquainted with the Gospel, and do not hesitate publicly to declare their belief in it, hundreds are daily benefiting by the Christian ex

ample of the converts dwelling in their midst. Among the Hindus controversy has almost ceased. The Mussulmans indeed, exhibit more opposition than usual, but even that is of a mu milder kind than of yore. Night afte night do they meet the missionaries i the bazaar with their old threadbar objections, and sometimes the discus sions continue till long after dark But a great change has taken place in the manner of their opposition. Instead of the insults they once unscrupulously heaped on the missionary and his assistants, they now carry on controversy with as much moderation and respect as is customary among controversialists in England.

The missionaries have acted with great wisdom in keeping their converts among the heathen. On becoming Christians, they are not suffered to remove from their old residences to be near the missionaries. They continue to follow their own occupations, and to reside in their old localities. The remark of Dr. Livingstone has been borne in mind:-"Natives associated together in a mission station form a Christian family. Heathen practices are forbidden, and, as far as possible, the world, the flesh, and the devil, are excluded. But the members are all exotic plants, and however well they may conduct themselves when under the eye of their spiritual teachers, no sooner are they exposed to the temptations of the outer world than they fall into sin." By dwelling among their heathen fellow countrymen, the converts acquire both strength of faith and are an example of the power of the gospel to sanctify and save.

The work of the missionaries is very various. The large number of English soldiers in Delhi has led to the establishment of English services in the chapel, and many attend. Eight were baptized last year. But the attention


the missionaries is chiefly directed bazaar preaching, and to the comunication of the gospel to the Hindus and Mohammedans dwelling both inde and outside the city. Fourteen eaching-stands are frequently durng the week occupied in the streets, and six more in the neighbouring at-stations. The hearers vary from ifty to three hundred and fifty in number, and their attention is both marked and encouraging. In some of the localities idolatry is manifestly on the wane. One old


Wan, at the close of a prayer meeting, one day, said, "Before you began to come amongst us we were all superstitious; and when there were Melas (or sacred fairs) we went to them, taking our children to worship Seeta, Bhowani, and Kali. I was one of the worst of them, but now I care nothing about these gods. I worship the one God, and look to Him alone for protection from sickness." another city station a man who had possessed himself of a Hindi Testament aid, "I can remember the time when Fon could not find a family here that as not under the slavish influence of of idolatry. Now you can find whole Os of houses occupied by families not one of which is idolatrous." Five churches have formed, containing one hundred and


now been


sixty-eight members, of whom nineteen were baptized during last year. Connected with these churches are about five hundred nominal Christians, that is, persons who have broken caste, or left the teaching of Islam for instrucnumber of candidates for baptism is tion in the Christian faith. The fifty-seven. The missionaries conduct four native schools, in which one daily taught. A small girls' school hundred and fifty-five children are has been commenced by Mrs. Parsons, and for the last six months there has been established a Bible class for women. In the city a room has been furnished and kept well supplied with Scriptures and religious books and tracts, which is open for inquirers four hours every day.

In addition to these manifold labours, missionary tours, and they hope during the missionaries undertook last year ten this year to accomplish still more in this direction both in the immediate vicinity of Delhi and in the region beyond.

Thus in the very heart of Hindu and Mussulman superstition, the banner planted, and with grateful praise to of the Gospel has successfully been the Lord of all we hail these converts as the first fruits of the great harvest which He has promised to faithful toilers in the great harvest field.


BEFORE the publication of our last number, but too late to be available for notice then, the Annual Meetings of our Society were held Lendon. It would be useless to attempt in the space at our disposal, to give any detailed count of those meetings; but it is gratifying to be able to state that the meetings were considered very successful, the reports raging and gratifying, and that a spirit nity and harmony pervaded the gathering, which was in itself a promise of success. the Members' Meeting of the Baptist Mismary Society some questions were discussed regard to which there was difference of


. Whether the decisions respecting the questions were the right ones, time alone

can show; but both the financial and general state of the Mission was considered satisfactory; and on the subject of Jamaica, which was of course again and again referred to, there was not only harmony, there was enthusiasm. Evidently, the confidence of the Baptist Missionary Society in its agents has not been shaken by the charges of Governor Eyre.

Respecting affairs in Jamaica themselves, more will soon be known. The commissioners have returned to England, the publication of their Report, with the Evidence, is expected daily. Governor Eyre is on his way home. We are sorry to add that Colonel Hobbs, who was one of the most conspicuous agents in the atrocities inflicted upon the negroes, has committed suicide while in a state of insanity.

Political affairs are for the moment quieter than they were when we last wrote. As is already known, the Government carried by a small majority the second reading 'of the Representation Bill; they have since introduced, and obtained a second reading for, their Redistribution of Seats Bill; we believe it is generally expected that both measures will be carried. Mr. Gladstone has also introduced his Bill for the Abolition of Compulsory Church Rates, which it is believed will satisfy moderate men on both sides, and so end the long conflict on this subject.

Meantime, War is looked for on the Continent. Austria, Prussia, and Italy have all gathered their armies, and a terrible and sanguinary conflict is apparently inevitable. What will be the issue? One alone knows.


KENT-STREET, PORTSEA.-On Tuesday evening, May 8, a public tea meeting was held in this place to present the Rev. Joseph Davis with a testimonial of respect on the occasion of his resigning the pastorate of Kent-street Chapel. The Rev. J. H. Cooke (of St. Paul'ssquare Chapel) presided; and in opening the after-tea proceedings he referred to Mr. Davis as a sincere, earnest minister of Christ-a man with a highly cultivated mind, possessing a good knowledge of the topics of the day, of a remarkably genial disposition; and a man withal of true piety, faith, and prayer. The Rev. E. G. Gange (of Lake-road Chapel), the Rev. H. G. Hastings (of Buckland), and the Rev. A. Jones also spoke kindly of Mr. Davis, and expressed regret at the parting. Mr. Tilly presented the rev. gentleman, in the name of the church and congregation, with a handsomely-worked purse containing 80 sovereigns; Mr. Bigwood, in the name of the ladies, presented Mrs. Davis with a silver tea service, of the value of 35 guineas; Mr. Levett, the superintendent of the Sunday schools, presented a gold pen and pencil-case on behalf of the school children; and the Rev. H. Kitching (of Herbert School Chapel), in the name of the ministers of the town, presented a handsome carte de visit album, containing the likenesses of all the Nonconformist ministers and their wives in Portsmouth. Mr. Davis, who was warmly and enthusiastically received, returned thanks in an appropriate and earnest manner. The Rev. J. Knapp (incumbent of St. John's, Portsea), the Rev. J. W. Banks (chaplain of the Portsmouth convict prison), the Rev. J. B. Burt (of Beaulieu, secretary to the Home Mission), and the Rev. B. Evans, D.D. (of Scarborough), also addressed the meeting, other ministers also occupying seats on the platform. Mr. Davis, who has been the pastor of Kent-street Chapel for twelve years, leaves Portsmouth with the good wishes

of a large circle of friends to take charge of church at Romford in Essex.

SHEFFIELD. The church and congregati meeting at Portmahon Chapel met the oth evening at a public soirée for the purpose taking leave of their late pastor, the Rev. P. Campbell. The rev. gentleman has a cepted an invitation from a Baptist church Cambridge, and his departure from Sheff has given rise to a gratifying demonstrat of the esteem and respect with which his congregation regard him. He has be minister of Portmahon Chapel for nearly years, and, in addition to his pastoral dut he has taken an active part in many phil thropic and social movements. The pa meeting was held in the chapel, the R Charles Larom presiding. There

& numerous attendance. The chairm called upon Mr. J. H. Rawson, one of t deacons of the church, who read an addre conveying the expression of the church's gret that circumstances have arisen to d solve the union which has subsisted betw their minister and themselves. £65 were a presented to Mr. Campbell. A timepiece w presented to Mrs. Campbell by the Dore Society, and the Young Ladies' Sewing S ciety. The Rev. J. P. Campbell thanked friends, and earnestly exhorted his hearers continue steadfast in the path which they h hitherto, as a church, pursued with such sat factory results. The Rev. J. Barker, Lockwood, Rev. J. Calvert, of Attert Rev. Mr. Arnold, of Rotherham, Rev. Flather, and others subsequently addressed t meeting.

OAKHAM, RUTLAND.-On Tuesday, A 10, services were held in connection with recognition of the Rev. W. Cope, of Regent park College, as pastor of the Baptist Chur High-street, Oakham. The afternoon serv was opened with prayer by the Rev. B. Bendall, of Stamford. The Rev. E. A pastor of the Independent Church, Oakha then read a portion of Scripture, and offer prayer; after which the Rev. Jesse Hobs of Salters' Hall, London, the late pastor of Rev. W. Cope, delivered a discourse on Constitution of a Christian Church." T usual questions were asked by the Rev. Gough, of Clipstone, Secretary of Northamptonshire Association, to which pastor replied in a clear and satisfactory ner, and the Rev. T. Gough then offered recognition prayer. In the evening the int ductory part of the service was conducted the Rev. J. Twidale, of Melton. The cha to the minister was delivered by the Rev. Angus, President of Regent's-park Colle and the Rev. J. T. Brown, of Northampt who was formerly pastor of the chur preached an impressive sermon to the chu founded on Heb. xiii. 22. The Rev.

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