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a shipbuilder. Delving and blasting are a part of a man's religious life, if be is a quarry-man. For your religious life includes everything that is in you, from top to bottom. All the circuits of a man's life, if carried on with eye to God's glory and under the influence of the Divine Spirit, go to make whole, which whole constitutes his religious life.


Suppose a man should call music only that which is above middle C. is all music from the top to the bottom of the scale. The bass, the tenor, the alto, and the soprano-it takes all these parts put together to make the e which we call music. And so it is in religious life. People say, "I wish I could carry the spirit of the Sabbath into all the "There is a sense in which this is proper, and there is a sense in it is impossible. I may carry the spirit of my family all day when I an travelling, but it must be in a general sense that I do it. I can have asional thoughts for them, and act in reference to their benefit; but I not feel, when sitting on my saddle and riding through a prairie, as thgh I were at home sitting in a chair, with my feet on the fender, and my children gambolling about me. You cannot carry the spirit of your fly into the store, where you are busy with customers. And so it is impossible for you to carry the Sabbath into the week, unless you can stop the ads of the week, and surround yourself with the sounds of the Sabbath bell, and have all your thoughts and feelings like those which the Sabbath and its influences inspire. But the spirit of the Sabbath, in the sense of love to God, and love to man, and fidelity to all obligations, you a carry with you everywhere you go. And, if you have the spirit of reli1, you will carry it everywhere, and at all times; and it will be, now ve, now practical, now intellectual, now affectional, and now sentital. It will not manifest itself in the same way at all times. whether it is emotive, practical, intellectual, affectional, or sentimental, it be under the divine influence, it will tend towards the glory of God, and you will be living to Christ, and will be His; and so you will fulfil t-command, Whether ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the Alory of God."

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THESE words, as applied to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, are wagen in two senses. First, some der them thus "a touchstone". that is, a stone which is to be the test or standard of others. We know from ripture and Christian experience

Christ tries men's dispositions and haracters; by Him "the thoughts of

many hearts" are "revealed." Tho stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner. Whosoever shall fall upon that "stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to powder." The second way of taking the words, a tried stone," is the ordinary ono that Christ has been tried and four


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all-sufficient. This appears to us the most natural as well as the most generally received interpretation. In every one of the many passages in Scripture where Christ is represented by the figure of a foundation or cornerstone," His reliability as the sinner's hope and the Church's resting-place is fully set forth. He is "a sure foundation." He is the "chief corner-stone." He that believeth on Him shall not make haste or be ashamed. This is the great fact stated in the words "a tried stone." There was needs be for Christ as the foundation of our faith being tried. That which is built on Him isof such infinite worth. Believers rest their all on this "sure foundation." Here is our present salvation; here is our security; here is our peace; and our hope for eternity is built solely on Jesus. We cannot afford to leave in uncertainty interests so vast. The consequences are so momentous that we ought to be assured that the foundation is 66 a tried stone." If we were putting a small sum only of our property into some commercial speculation, we should not make those inquiries and exercise the great caution which would become us if we were about to invest our all. If we were about to cross the Atlantic, we should ascertain that the ship and captain were deserving of having our lives entrusted to their keeping. It would be worse than folly to commit ourselves, in such circumstances, to unapproved guardianship.

Yet what are these interests compared with those which the sinner is called upon to entrust to Christ? If it is important for us to know in the ordinary concerns of life in whom we confide, it is infinitely more important for us to be able to say with regard to our souls," I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." Now we see Divine love and wisdom in this, that the foundation which God has laid in Zion is "a tried stone." The nature and sufficiency of it are placed beyond the reach of a

doubt. It was foretold of Christ that He should be "a tried stone." Looking back on the record of Scripture respecting Him, and summoning all the experience of individual Christians and the Church to bear witness, we learn that He has been tried to the fullest extent, in every conceivable way, and yet has always proved "a sure foundation." In order to show this we point out those by whom Christ has been tried. The value of the results of any trial depends upon the qualifications for their work of the triers. If we took upon ourselves to select the materials with which we would erect a house, we should most probably make a great mistake, for the simple reason that we know very little of the comparative qualities of the different kinds of stone and timber. But if an experienced and trustworthy architect were to decide upon the foundation the decision would be the right one. If, further, the avowed and unscrupulous enemy of this builder were to inspect and try to his utmost the foundation-stone without finding any defect in it; if, when the building is being put up wicked men use every means to cast suspicion on the foundation-stone, but all in vain: if that stone has sustained the whole building for many ages through all kinds of trial, and no flaw or crack of any kind has been discovered in it. then we should say that it is "a tried stone and "a sure foundation."

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I. By whom has Christ been tried?

1. Jesus Christ as foundation has been tried by God the Father. He announced by the prophet hundreds of years previous to Christ's incarnation that he would prove "a tried stone. He knew before time itself began that His well-beloved Son would prove allsufficient for the great work of salvation. He foresaw all that Christ as the foundation would have to sustain, how he would have to vindicate the Divine character and purposes; how He would have to show forth the glory of the Father in the midst of a dark. alienated, and guilty world; how Il

would depend the reconciliation of countless myriads of immortal souls; how eternal life in all its fulness was to be brought to light by Him. We can never realise what is included in even this imperfect enumeration of what depends on Christ; but the Father, from whom salvation proceeds, had perfect knowledge of all; and yet, i full view of these infinite issues, He chose his well-beloved Son because He

a tried stone." God can truly "I have laid help on one that is mighty."

Jesus as the foundation laid in Zaon has been tried by Satan. This arch enemy of God tried the first Adam, from whom the human family was to spring. He fell, and in him all mankind fell. Satan has tried Jesus the second Adam, and for the first time he was completely defeated in his evil efforts. He found "nothing in Christ." The assault made by Satan against our Lord was the most cunningly devised, the most skilfully directed, the most determinedly persevered in-every dart and arrow in the quiver of the Evil One was placed by his own welltrained hand on the bow-his utmost strength was put forth, and the truest aim was taken in seeking to destroy Jesus; but all this combination of effort was in vain. All the fiery darts of the grand adversary have been hurled with all his force against this reck of offence to him and his-and still it stands uninjured 66 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever." More malice, more skill, more force, more determination, it would be impossible to bring to bear against Christ than those which the devil attacked him with. There was no device untried, no point unassailed; by means of bodily senses appealing to His hunger; by means of ambition, if such there had been in Jesus, in shewing Him all the kingdoms of the world, and promising them and their glory to Him; by seeking to excite our Lord to an act of presumption, and by a thousand other unrecorded enticements to commit sin, did Satan try our

Redeemer during the forty days.


When every form of temptation was ended the baffled tempter departs, but, as Luke reminds us, only for a season.' Again and again he returned during the course of our Lord's ministry, and yet the testimony of Christ himself at the close was that the Prince of this World had nothing in Him. In these facts we have another marvellous illustration of how "He humbled Himself," and was "a tried stone."

3. Jesus was tried by wicked men. If after the great temptation in the wilderness the Devil left our Lord for a season, the Devil's agents never desisted from suspecting, contradicting, blaspheming, and openly persecuting Him. They watched Him, sought to entrap Him, put the basest construction on every word and act. They accused Him of being in league with Beelzebub, whom they themselves so faithfully served. They allowed no place for one generous thought respecting Him. They insinuated their vile opinions where they dared not openly prefer a charge. And they felt themselves safe from personal danger; they gave full expression to the inspiration of hell, of which they were such meet receptacles and faithful mouthpieces. If we wish to see how vile and degraded human beings can become-how utterly and fiercely opposed to God-we should not go to the depths of heathendom, but turn rather to view the doings and character of those who hated and crucified the Lord of life and glory. Their fathers were the chosen people; to them had been committed the oracles of God; they had been privileged and exalted beyond all men beside; and yet more persistent malignity it would have been impossible for any people to evince against Him who was the brightness of the Father's glory, and the express image of His person.' Notwithstand

ing all this, so perfect was the holiness of Christ, so full of Divine wisdom and love all that He said and did, that some who were interested in condemning Him were constrained to praise. The

furnace was heated for Jesus by His persecutors a thousand times hotter than it was wont, yet there passed over Him not even the slightest breath of the burning malice of infuriated men.

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4. Jesus was tried by the requirements of the holy law of God. He was tested by it to the fullest extent-there was no reserve or qualification of its demands. To the utmost of what the law exacted did our Lord come upHe magnified "the law, and made it honourable." He honoured its demands -in His life he showed its beauty. In Him it is divested of that vigorous condemning character which it wears in our sight. As embodied by Him it is full of glory and beauty. He delighted to do God's will, yea, His law was written on His heart. It was His own joyous and perfect obedience to the law which enabled him to say, Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." And more still may be said on this point, for Jesus was tried by the law in the most trying circumstances which it was possible for Him to choose. Men tell us that extreme poverty is utterly alien and opposed to holiness. If it be so, how marvellous the spotless holiness of Him who had "not where to lay His head." It is well known that we catch something of the moral tone of the society and time in which we live. How infinitely bright then the glory of Christ, who lived at a time when all around Him had filled the measure of their iniquity! Nor did He meet with any of that spiritual sympathy which is so blessed a means of grace for us, imparting as it does courage and strength in striving to do God's will. He was alone-of the people there were none with Him; and yet in the midst of everything which we deem inimical to holy obedience, Christ wrought out a

righteousness which, scrutinised by the keen and unpitying eye of the law, has no spot or flaw. After the most searching proof of the Divine law, its decision is, that He is "a tried stone," "a sure foundation."

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5. Jesus was tried by Divine justice.

He was wounded for our transgres sions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed." "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us." "Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts." Divine justice tested our Lord and Saviour. He paid the penalty due on account of our sins. On Calvary He expiated our guilt-He fully paid the ransom, in the shedding of His own precious blood. However numerous the sins-however aggravated the guilt-of those who believe in Christ, His blood cleanseth from all sin. "All the inner horror of sin is revealed to Him. Sin in its nakedness is more horrible than death. And He sees it as it is; the blasphemous self-worship that it is, the revolt against God, the violation of order, the death in life. And all this sin is His, though He is sinless of it; for He has thrown in His lot with men, and has proposed to Himself the task of breaking down this foul and destroying tyranny. The mystery of that agency lies in the completeness of His humanity. He is no bystander, watching how men sin. He is one of themselves, but with the power of God over them, to make their interests his own. God hath made Him to be sin over us who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.' ."* Thus He fully met the trial which Divine justice demanded, thus purchased eternal redemption for


6. Jesus has been tried by penitent sinners who have brought their guilt to Him. Who can conceive the full

*The Archbishop of York in "Aids to Faith."

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ber." He has borne burdens of every posible degree, and of all imaginable variety. Sinners of every diversity of character, of the most varied expeence in iniquity, and possessed of kind of mental characteristic, has built upon this "tried stone,' ad have ever found it “a Ladation." Not one has ever in the lightest degree been disappointed. Al have found that Jesus is able to Save to the uttermost all who have e unto God by Him." Here then, through more than the nineteen centaries which have elapsed since His expiatory death on Calvary, has this store been tried."

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7. Jesus has been tried by the circum

ces and needs of His redeemed people. His believing people, as individuals and associated bodies, have had innumerable wants-they have been placed in all kinds of circumstances-they have known every shade of feeling, but they have always found a fulness in Crist which is inexhaustible, and out of that fulness they have received, and ace for grace. There was everything Jesus, during His ministry on earth, to win those who knew Him to go and tell Him their wants and sorrows. When John was beheaded, the dis

of the Baptist buried the body, and then went and told Jesus. They sehow had learnt that in sympathy Ad readiness to help them He was "a tried stone." When Lazarus fell il, his sister's first impulse was to send to say, "Lord, behold he whom thou rest is sick." They knew something His tenderness and ability to help . Whatever was needed, whether Fine, or bread, or health, or life, men are for all to Jesus, though He had where to lay his head. Nor did y ever come in vain. He is the ne now. He is all, and in all, to His nts. We are complete in Him. He dministers comfort. He protects from peril, or sanctifies suffering. He

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By way of applying this, I would

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1. Address the believer, and call upon him to exercise a more joyous and entire trust in Christ. You are "tried " in Christ as He was tried in Himself. Tried by God, you are found to be clothed with Christ's righteousness. You are 'accepted in the beloved." He has fully met the demands of Divine justice for you in His atoning death, and He has fully come up to its standard in His perfect righteousness. You are one with Him, and being in Christ Jesus there is for you condemnation." You are tried by Satan, but Christ does not permit you to be tried apart from Himself. He has provided a full and safe equipment for you, wherewith you may be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. You are tried by wicked men, and indeed sometimes good men are a sore trial to you, but your strength and safety are in Christ. In Him, like Him however much you are tried, you will be approved. "Bold shall I stand in that great day,

For who aught to my charge shall lay, When through thy blood absolved I am From sin's tremendous curse and shame ?"

2. To the awakened sinner. One of the devices of Satan against you is thishe endeavours to magnify your sin so that he may shut you out from seeing Christ's ability to save. He shows you a mighty mountain of sin intervening between your soul and Godthen he insinuates that there can be no pardon. When the Evil One so tries you, remember the words-" a tried stone."

Another device of Satan, to keep you from acknowledging your love to Christ, is to terrify you with the dan

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