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Besides, should you not love to do something for him before you go to live with him? Should you not like to do some good in the world, and serve the Saviour here, where labourers are needed ?"

"Yes," whispered Nelly, opening her eyes with a sudden smile, and closing them again, without further remark.

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Nelly, will you live for this? Do you give yourself to Jesus, to serve and obey him? Will you try to use the life he has given back to you for his service, trying every day to please him in all you do ?"

"I mean to," said Nelly, earnestly. Then the mother prayed that Jesus would accept the offering of that young heart, and take away its sin, and save it. And, rising, she kissed the child with a kiss which was a very tender and loving benediction, and left her, to go about her household duties.

And Nelly went to sleep again, and slept till her mother brought her dinner, which reminded her of the Ichild whom Christ raised from the dead, whose mother went at his direction and brought her something to eat.

Her mother thought of it too, and felt that her returning appetite was a sign that the Good Physician had indeed been there and wrought a


After dinner Nelly lay quiet a long

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And is he your Master ?" 'Yes, I will obey what he says always, always."

Such was Nelly's resolution, and she did not forget it. A few weeks restored her accustomed strength, but did not change her resolve. When she thought of her sinfulness, she raised her heart to Christ, saying, "My Saviour!" and so beheld "the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world;" and when she thought of faults to be corrected, and duty to be done, she said to him, "My Master!" trusting his promised aid in the performance of all the work he gives his servants to do. And so over all her life extended the sweet and holy influence of that Sabbath at home!


Our Missions.

SINCE our last issue very little additional information has reached this country as to the circumstances of the lamentable outbreak which has desolated one of the fairest portions of the island. The repression has been accomplished at a vast expenditure of human life. It is stated that not less than 3,000 persons have suffered; men, women, and children alike becoming the prey of the ferocious soldiery and Maroons. While we cannot but condemn the criminal folly of the people who broke out into riot at Morant Bay, and proceeded to plunder and destroy the surrounding estates, it is inconceivable that it should require such a vast slaughter to put down the outbreak, and especially since we learn from Governor Eyre's dispatch that no resistance was anywhere offered, that there was no organization among the people, nor a single injury befel the soldiers engaged in the work of repression.

As we go to press, we learn with great pleasure that our Government has resolved upon a thorough inquiry into the entire affair, and that, in order that it may be impartial, Governor Eyre's authority is to be superseded during the time of the inquiry, the government of the island being meanwhile administered by Sir H. Storks, the governor of Malta.

But while the last mail brought us information of the cessation of martial law in Jamaica, it at the same time brought the astounding news that the Legislature was busy in passing an Act, the effect of which would be to close all the chapels and schools in the island sustained by Dissenting congregations. By this By this

Act all places of worship are to be registered at the expense of a stamp duty of three pounds. Ministers are to be registered at an expense of two pounds, and teachers also. Any minister presuming to preach the Gospel, or to teach a Sunday School, without the registration of the building, is to be liable to a fine ranging from forty shillings to thirty pounds, at the discretion of the magistrate, who for the most part will be a planter. If he is not himself registered, the minister may be summarily convicted by any couple of planters who may happen to be justices of the peace, and be fined not less than £20 nor more than £50, or be imprisoned with or without hard labour, and for a period of six or twelve months. Even when registered, the authority to preach may be recalled by the Governor whenever he sees fit; and if the suspended minister preach after suspension, he may be imprisoned for twelve months by any two justices who may be got to deal with the case. Besides this, no meeting for prayer, or any other purpose, must be held after nine o'clock at night, or before six in the morning, under penalty of fine or imprisonment with or without hard labour. Even the locking or bolting of the door of a place in which religious service is being conducted, subjects the minister to fine or imprisonment. And, as if to add insult to injury, these regulations are not to affect the Churches of England and Scotland, or the Roman Catholic Church. They are intended to keep in due subjection Nonconformists only.

Now, when it is remembered that, in the scene of the outbreak, the Church of England is almost the only religious community which

prevails among the population, there is something outrageously insulting as well as unjust in the proposed Those parts of the island


in which Dissenters abound, have been perfectly quiet. Yet these innocent parties are to be punished as if they were the most guilty, and loyal communities are to be visited with all the restrictions and penalties of disaffection. It is not to be supposed for a moment that the English people will allow this bill of pains and penalties to become law in Jamaica. But the very attempt to pass such a measure gives an idea of the feeling which pervades the governing classes of the island. There is the same hatred for the black man,

and for the work of godly men, as existed before the era of emancipation. White men burnt down our chapels, sought the lives of Gardner, Burchell, and Knibb, and treated their slaves with a malignity at which hell itself might shudder. It exists still; and the most shocking feature of the slaughter that has now taken place, is the revelation of its exist ence. Too long has the negro of Jamaica been left in the hands of such men. It may be that this fearful event is intended by Divine Providence to save the people from their power. No better hope can we cherish, than that the British Government will for the future secure justice for the freedmen of Jamaica.



THE first part of last month was a period of great excitement. The riot in Jamaica -to which we referred in our last issueled to the death of eighteen white persons: the revenge which was taken for it, by Governor Eyre and his subordinates, was the hanging or shooting of from two to three thousand negroes. Never was so terrible a story told in England; and, what is to us alike incomprehensible and shameful, the Governor had the impudence to charge the riot, which he so terribly avenged, to Dr. Underhill and the Baptist mi-sionaries. The charge as it regards Dr. Underhill is nothing less than childish. Last Janu ry, Dr. Underhill addressed a letter to Mr. Cardwell, the Colonial Secretary in England, complaining, in most moderate terms, of the injustice done by colonial legislation to the negr population in Jamaica. This letter was transmitted by M. Cardwell to Governor Eyre. By Governor Eyre-and on his responsibility it was published far and wide: so that if the letter had led to insubordination and insurrection, the Governor alone must have borne the blame. But all the publication did lead to was a number of peaceful public meetings, at every one of which

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Dr. Underhill's statements were endorsed; and if the Baptist missionaries, or any of them, took part in any of the meetings, it was only in a constitutional manner, and as defenders of the negro race. The murder of Mr. Gordon was only one of the steps taken by Governor Eyre. To read the accounts of the murders committed by the soldiery under his authority, is nothing less than appalling. There is no wonder that England has been excited by such narrations as it has not been for many years. We are glad to say that Lord Russell's Government, compelled thereto by the expres-ion of English feeling, have sent out a Commission to inquire into the whole case, and have meantime suspended Governor Eyre.

During the last month Europe has lost one of her best and wisest monarchs, King Leopold of Belgium. It will be remembered that King Leopold was the Prince Leopold of fifty years since, who married the Princess Charlotte of England whose melancholy death was the occasion of one of Robert Hall's greatest sermons. Ever since, the Prince has retained the respect and affection which he then secured. He has died in a good old age, and full of days and honour. His son Leopold reigns in his stead.

It is announced that the Princess Helena in to be married early in this year. She is nineteen years of age, and is to be married to the Prince Christian of Augustenberg, whose age is thirty-four, and whose present income is said to be £200 a year. The marriage, we are told, is "one of affec ton." It is to be hoped that it will have the effect of comforting the Queen, who, as all her subjects will be glad to hear, has announced her intention to leave her retirement, and to open Parliament next month. It is definitely announced that in the first session of the new Parliament which her Majesty will thus inaugurate, the Government will deal with the subject of electoral reform.

We have received (says The Freeman) a specimen copy of the January number of The Appeal" which has been specially prepared for circulation as a New Year's Tract. It would be improper to speak in these columns of the appropriateness of "The Appeal" for circulation as a tract; but we may at least say that it has been singularly blessed for many years as a means of directing attention to religious trath, and that great pains have been taken to adapt the January number to its special ard important purpose. A specimen number may be had on application to the pubFisher, Mr. E. Stock, 62, Paternoster Row. We trust that the circulation will be greatly increased during the new year.


DAMERHAM, WILTS.-The friends of the Baptist cause at Damerham, Wilts, met gether on Thurs lay, November 30th, to celebrate the second Anniversary of the opening of their new chapel, by a tea-meeting. In that destructive fire which devastated such a large part of the village in May, 1863, the chapel, built by the late Rev. Wm. Rhodes, was destroyed. Mr. Rhodes bought a piece of land in the village, and male it over in trust, that in case there should be any difficulty in renewing the lease of lives on the chapel, there should be land ready on which to build. sequently that which often is the greatest difficulty was removed. The peculiar circumstances in connection with the destruction of the chapel created a very large amount of sympathy from those who had been favoured with the friendship of him "who, though dead, yet speaketh," and others who had heard of his good name, so that when the church and congregation resolved to "arise and build again," kind and generous friends nobly came forward


to assist in the good work. By these means the chapel was built, at a cost of about £260, of which amount there was only a small balance of about £4 due to the Treasurer. After the tea the chair was taken by Mr. J. Mitchell, of Hordingbridge (Wesleyan), who, after a few remarks, called on the Secretary to make his finan cial statement, which showed that there was only the small balance above stated; on hearing which the friends present resolved that they would not separate till that amount was contributed, and the chapel declared out of debt; so that, after some very interesting addresses from the Rev. Mr. Coller, of Downton, the Rev. S. Williams (Independent), Mr. Wm. Flemington (Primitive Methodist), the Rev. H. Earney, minister, and other friends, the pleasing fact was announced that more than the sum required had been collected.


CANTERBURY.-On Thursday, November 16, a public service was held in the Baptist Chapel, St. George's Place, in this city, to recognise the Rev. A. W. Heritage as pastor of the church. Tea was provided in the school-room, of which a large number partook. The public service took place in the chapel. Until the arrival of the Rev. C. Kirtland (the former pastor), Mr. Sargent, of Dover, presided. Rev. G. Wright, of Brabourne, read and prayed. After which, Mr. West, senior deacon, delivered an address on "The circumstances leading to the present settlement;" in the course of his remarks observing that the events connected with their pastor's introduction, together with the unanimous and cordial invitation from the church, afforded abundant reason for thankfulness to God, and justified the expectation of harmony and success. After the Rev. A. W. Heritage had assigned his reasons for accepting the pastorate, the Rev. H. Greswell (Independent), as the oldest Nonconformist minister in the city, delivered an appropriate address, in which be gave, in the name of the pastors and Nonconformist churches of Canterbury, a bearty welcome to the newly elected pastor. The Rev. V. Ward (Countess of Huntingdon) offered the recognition prayer. The address of the Chairman (Rev. C. Kirtland) followed, on "The principles of Protestant Nonconformity." The Rev. J. Toulson (Primitive Methodist) spoke on the importance of 'Attention to the Young;" and the Rev. W. T. Henderson, of Devonshire Square Chapel, London, delivered a most appropriate and effective address on "The relation between pastor and people; " after which this interesting service was closed with prayer by the Chair


The congregation was large, and the service throughout was most satisfactory.

NUNEATON.-On Monday, November 27th, a tea-meeting and recognition service was held in the General Baptist Chapel, Nuneaton, in connection with the settlement of the Rev. S. Willett, as pastor of the church, who for many years was a missionary in Ireland, under the auspices of the Baptist Irish Society. The preliminaries of the public meeting were first singing and prayer, then questions to the church and the pastor; and both being answered in a lucid and satisfactory manner, the pastor-elect was called to the chair. Addresses were then delivered on the following subjects:-"The qualifications and duties of a Christian pastor," by the Rev. H. Cross, of Coventry; "The nature and constitution of a Christian Church-our position and practice as Nonconformists," by the Rev. J. Harrison, of Birmingham; "The responsibilities of the pastor," by the Rev. J. Redman (Independent), Nuneaton; "The duties of the Church towards their pastor," by the Rev. S. S. Allsop, of Longford. The chapel was beautifully decorated with appropriate mottoes selected for the occasion. After a vote of thanks to the ladies for the tea, and also to the ministers for their able addresses, prayer was offered by the Rev. J. Harrison, when these solemn and interesting services were brought to a close.

METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, LONDON. -On Monday, November 27th, a special prayer-meeting was held at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, presided over by the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, to implore the Divine blessing on the future labours of the Rev. T. Ness, who is now the pastor of the church meeting in the Tabernacle, Stepney. Mr. Spurgeon, in the name of the church and friends of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, presented Mr. Ness with a handsome and elegant marble clock and a purse of fifty sovereigns. He referred to his strong love to his brother, who had so faithfully worked with him, and most heartily joined in this expression of the deacons', elders', and members' attachment to Mr. Ness, and trusted God's richest and choicest blessings would ever be continued. Mr. Ness then replied in appropriate terms, thanking all those friends for the spontaneous and very handsome testimonial, and stating that his gratitude would be best shown by his increased fervour in preaching to the dense population of Stepney a Saviour's dying love.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. J. Hasler has intimated his intention to resign the pastorate of the Baptist Church, Neatishead, near Norwich, and will be

glad to meet with a suitable sphere of labour.-The Rev. S. J. Davis, having completed, with much benefit to the church, his special engagement at Aberdeen, has accepted the unanimous and earnest invita. tion to the pastorate of the church, Bath Street, Glasgow, and expects to enter on his labours on the first Lord's day in January.-The Rev. R. Webb has resigned the pastorate of Pole Street Chapel, Preston, and has become the travelling agent of the Baptist Building Fund, for the North of England and Scotland. He has removed to Southport, and his address is, Cape Horn House, Manchester Road.On Sunday, November 26th, the Rev. John Keed announced to the church and congregation at Zion Chapel, Cambridge, after eight year' labour among them, his intention to resign the charge at the end of three months, stating that he was about to seek to raise a new cause in one of the outlying districts of London, much needing such a provision.--The Rev. James Richards bas removed from Caerphilly to Pontypridd, near Cardiff, where all letters for him are to be addressed.-Mr. A. J. Hamilton, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle. London, has accepted the unanimous call of the Baptist church at New Park Street, Holyhead, and commences his work with very encouraging prospects -Mr. T. Evans, of Llangollen College, has accepted a unani mous call from the church at Sunnyside, Lancashire. Mr. Murphy, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, has accepted the unanimous call of the church in New Swindon, Wilts.-Mr. H. Cocks, of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon's College, has ac cepted a cordial invitation from the church at Great Chesterford, Essex.-Mr. James B. Warren, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the church, Unicorn Yard, London. Mr. Percy F. Pearce, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, has ac cepted a unanimous call to the pastorate of the church meeting in Locks Lane, Frome, Somerset.-The Rev. Charles Stovell, late of Bristol College, has accepted the unanimous invitation to become the pastor of the Church at Over Darwen.The Rev. Joseph Perkins, after twelve years' pastorate of the Independent Church, Duxford, near Cambridge, having changed his views on Baptism, has intimated his intention of resigning his pastorate, and is therefore open to receive communications from any Baptist church whose pulpit is vacant. The Rev. W. Robinson, and the Rev. John Keed, of Cambridge, will give any information needed by such a church,

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