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ke up the violets very carefully for e, roots and all, with the earth Found them? I want to carry them me and put them in a flower-pot in y room, where I can tend them myaf and see them whenever I wish, then I cannot run about to look for wers." And Arty and Charlie, glad please their darling sister, took up delicate cluster with the greatest e, and holding the earth in which it

firmly together by means of per wrapped around it, they laid prize in Edith's lap, and drew her

And so the violets, transferred to Edith's room, bloomed as beautifully

in their native wood; for loving are never failed them; and day by ay, while Edith gathered health and strength, the blue eyes shone down on them with an ever new delight. And

Edith's visitors often smiled with pleasure as her flowers suggested to them some pleasant thought, or brought the brightness and freshness of nature, too often forgotten, into their daily lives.


So the violets found their use. And day after day, as they breathed out their lives in bloom and fragrance, the breeze that wandered in at the open windows heard the violet which had spoken before whisper to her sisters, Ah, when I sighed to be of some use in the world, I little dreamed that we could do so much just by growing up to be as lovely as we can-as lovely as We are designed to be-as the brook said to us. It was right. I am content." And her sister violets, clustered around her, answered softly together, The brook was right. We are content."


Our Missions.


THIS is the largest and finest of the West India Islands. Till the commencement of this century it was held

a colony by France and Spain, by whom the original inhabitants were Extirpated, and replaced by African aves. They were held in bitter bondage, which remained unrelieved by any hope of freedom until the era of the French Revolution. The planters then armed their slaves to secure the independence of the island from the domination of the parent country; but in attempting to recover the arms with which the slaves had assisted their owners, the bondsmen resisted, and by a fearful slaughter of their masters, secured their own freedom and independence. Subsequent attempts to reconquer the island, both

by France and Spain, utterly failed; and with very brief intervals the negroes have remained masters of their country and their destiny to the present day.

The island is now divided into two republics-the one speaking Spanish, the other French. The Spanish speaking section is usually known as St. Domingo; the French is called Hayti. It is in Hayti that our missions have been established, with the exception of a small effort made by the late Rev. W. K. Rycroft at Puerto Plata. The missionaries engaged are the Rev. W. H. Webley and the Rev. W. Baumann. During the last year or two the Government of President Geffrard has been exposed to several attempts at its overthrow. These repeated outbreaks are very injurious to the property of the republic. They hinder cultivation, interrupt com

merce, and break up the educational and religious institutions of the people. Fire too has recently destroyed a large part of the capital, Port au Prince.

The chief seat of the mission is the town of Jacmel, which lies in a beautiful bay on the southern side of the island. It has been established about twenty years, the first missionary being the Rev. J.Francies. He died six months after his arrival, leaving behind him abiding traces of his evangelistic labours and zeal. Since the commencement of the mission, 107 persons have been baptized. The church now consists of 73 converts, all of them rescued from the superstitions of Popery, which mingles with its dogmas many of the heathenish practices of Africa. During the last year six persons were baptized, and three others were restored to fellowship. On the other hand, four of the members exchanged earth for heaven, leaving the most gratifying evidence of the power of the Gospel to save and sanctify the soul.

Among the means of usefulness employed by Mr. Webley, the most valuable is the employment of Bible readers. The people are accustomed to spend much time in the verandahs of their houses, and are very ready to enter into conversation with passersby. This naturally affords very favourable opportunities for introducing the Gospel to their notice, and much good has been done by the agency devoted to this work. Lolo Jean Michel is the name of the brother who has been longest engaged. He visits some fifteen plantations or clusters of plantations, giving two days in each week to one or other of them; often extending the time as God may call him by any encouraging circumstances that may arise. On the road he will converse with persons he meets upon the subject of religion, or he will read, expound, and pray where he halts, or will hold an evening meeting with a few families upon a plantation, or will purposely pass the night at a wake, singing hymns, expounding the Scriptures, and pray

ing with the people that assemble i large numbers on such occasions; o he will sometimes return home afte having hold a simple family praye meeting in a few homes. During the six years that Lolo has been thus employed, he has been useful in the conversion of some five and twenty per


Anne Cajone was the first convert the mission, and has borne for man years a consistent Christian characte She also is employed as a Bible reade She confines her visits mostly to t town of Jacmel, and finds willin auditors in some nineteen of its street She devotes three days a week usuall to this work, and has been especiall useful to the sick and dying. Sever teen persons, now in heaven, have tes tified to her pious zeal. These, in th last stages of consumption, or som other equally terrible malady, hav been brought to God through her in strumentality. At the present time she reports that she is visiting some very interesting families, and that some hundred persons, or more, ar now regularly reading the Scrip tures. She also visits the prison where about one hundred pris oners are usually confined. Thes have temporal_as well as spiri tual wants. Hence, Anne Cajon will occasionally get up a subscription in the town, so as to provide the poo prisoners with a good meal; or she will go fearlessly among them, and exhor them to repentance and newness o life.

During the last year a third Bible reader has been engaged, Ulysse Polché by name. He has already five or six stations which he regularly visits, and one of them at least pro mises to furnish very interesting results.

With regard to more general resultMr. Webley reports that over 2,000 copies of the Word of God have bee circulated. Marriages also are be coming more frequent, and in othe ways the presence of evangelica truth makes itself apparent. The

ongregation, which suffered much ring the six months in which the cent revolt kept the country in agizon, have again assumed an enaraging aspect. Mr. Webley adds at the great desideratum now is a rls' school. Many families are loud their praise of the former school, are almost clamorous for its repening. For this he asks the liberal stance of our friends.

There is also a very interesting going on in the northern part d the republic, under the instrumenalty of a native brother, by name

Metellus Menard. He serves two or three congregations, to which some converts have lately been added by baptism. He is busy building a chapel at one of his stations, and reports his prospects as very encouraging.

Thus slowly the Gospel is rooting itself in the island. Our brethren need our sympathy and constant prayers, that before the light of the glorious Gospel the darkness and superstition, which have so long reigned, may be over


Gems from Golden Mines.

INDIVIDUAL EFFORT. You say, "What can I do? Oh, I ave no power, nor influence, nor alents, nor money." Look at the coral eef yonder, where it encircles the fair sles that lie like bright gems on the om of the Pacific; or, by Ausralian shores, stretches its unbroken all for a thousand leagues along the

How contemptible the architects, et the aggregate of their labours, nocking our greatest breakwaters, www colossal! So it ought to be, and would be, in our congregations, were every man and every woman to feel their own individual responsibilities; would each go to Christ, saying, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do? would they but rise to the height of their calling. I know that all cannot be bright and shining lights; that honour is reserved for John the Baptist and a few uch men. But see how that candle in a cottage window sends its rays streaming far through the depths of night. Why should not we shine, though but like that?-shine, though

hould be to illumine only the narwwalls of our country's humblest home?

Consider how the greatest things ever done on earth have been done by little and little-little agents, little persons, little things. How was the wall restored around Jerusalem ? By each man, whether his house was an old palace or the rudest cabin, building the breach before his own door. How was the soil of the New World redeemed from gloomy forests? By each sturdy emigrant cultivating the patch around his own log cabin. How have the greatest battles been won? Not by the generals who got their breasts blazoned with stars, and their brows crowned with honours; but by the rank and file, every man holding his own post, and ready to die on the battlefield. They won the victory! It was achieved by the blood and courage of the many; and I say, if the world is ever to be conquered for our Lord, it is not by ministers, nor by office-bearers, nor by the great, and noble, and mighty; but by every man and woman, every member of Christ's body, being a working member, doing their own work, filling their own sphere, holding their own post, and saying to Jesus, Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?"-Dr. Guthrie.

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ANOTHER month has passed, and a Tory Government remains in power. Nay, it is likely that we shall have to submit to this fate for at least six months longer, for Parliament has been prorogued, and, till February next, Lord Berby and Mr. Disraeli will have everything in their own hands. Let us be thankful that they will have always the fear of the Liberal majority before their eyes, and so will not be like.y to do the harm that they would do if they were under no restraining influence.

Contrary to all the probabilities when we last wrote, the war on the Continent is over. Austria, thoroughly beaten, has been compelled to yield to all the demands of Prussia; and Venetia has been absolutely surrendered to France, to be given up of course, in due time, to Italy. At one time another foreign complication was imminent. France demanded from Prussia a "rectification of frontier." Prussia refused. To the surprise of every one, France has accepted the refusal, acknowledging "the force of the arguments brought forward by Count von Bismarck and his Cabinet. How the Emperor came to make such a demand, without being prepared to insist on it, is a problem which we must wait for time to solve.

Mr. Eyre, the late Governor of Jamaica, has arrived in England. Previous to his departure, Mr. Eyre received an address from a deputation of the inhabitants of Kingston, expressing their regret at his leaving the colony, and their gratification at the praise given him by the Jamaica Commission for his promptitude and vigour in suppressing the recent insurrection. Mr. Eyre, in thanking the deputation for the address, read a long defence of the measures adopted by him, of the execution of Mr. Gordon, and the prolonga. tion of martial law. He repeated his conviction that, however defective the evidence may have been in a strictly legal point of view, "Mr. Gordon was the proximate occasion of the insurrection and of the cruel massacre of particular individuals whom he regarded as his personal enemies, and that, therefore, he suffered justly." The subscription in Jamaica for presentation to Governor Eyre amounts to £5,000.

The Patriot states that another case of re

marriage is reported in Bedfordshire. 1 Rev. J. H. Rose, of Houghton Conquest that county-no insignificant curate, for wh zeal some excuse of ignorance might h been pleaded, but a rector whose living is in the "Clergy List" to be worth nearly £ a year, an archdeacon of Bedford to boot, i who must, therefore, be supposed to have! leisure to study both the law and the Gosp has induced a poor couple who had already b legally married at Maulden Meeting, to m to him and to be re-married at church. W other influences he may have used to br them to consent to this folly and impertine we are not informed, but among the indu ments held out to them appears to have b a wedding feast which he provided. Th cases are becoming more frequent, and an e ample must be made of some of these me dling priests who flout the law and outra decency.

We have pleasure in inserting the followi announcement:-At the annual meeting the trustees of Hilsdale College, held on t 14th of June, 1866, it was unanimously vet to confer on the Rev. Wm. Underwood, P sident and Theological Tutor of Chilw College, the honorary degree of Doctor Divinity (D.D.), or Doctor of Sacred The logy (S.T.D.). Hilsdale College, Michig is connected with the Free-will Baptists America, and is their principal educatio institution.


HASLINGDEN.-The church and congreg tion meeting in the Baptist Chapel, Plessi street, Haslingden, having completed fiftieth year, on Wednesday, July 11th, s the opening of their chapel for divine worsh celebrated the Jubilee as follows. On The day evening, July 10th, a special praye meeting was held, at which there was attendance. The Rev. P. Prout, pastor of church, delivered an address suited to t occasion. On Wednesday afternoon, a sern: was preached by the Rev. H. Dows, Bradford, from Numbers xxiii. In the eve ing, a public meeting was held. The chair w occupied by Samuel Howorth, Esq., of Rox Hill, Stacksteads. The chairman, hare briefly addressed the meeting, called upo Robinson Hindle, Esq., to read the history the church for the past fifty years, from whic

appeared that the first believers in HaslingJen, of whom there is any record, were bapized on the 3rd day of November, 1787, and dded to the church at Bacup. Ten years afterwards five more were baptized and added

the church at Accrington. In the year 1811 a room was opened for divine worship, and on the 7th of November in the same year 0811), a church was formed, which numbered members. The first pastor was the Rev. John Maden, of Good-haw, who settled on

29th November, 1812. During his miy, and also that of Mr. Copley, the church made steady progress. For a few years afterwards the cause appeared stationary, and thence suffered a serious reverse and almost

tinction. In the early part of 1836 the Rev. John Blakey, of Inskip, commenced his ministerial work. He entered upon his labours in circumstances of great difficulty, and experienced many trials and much perecution; but after a period of twenty years' faithful service and hard labour, on the 16th of March, 1856, he went to the "rest that resineth for the people of God." He won for himself the respect and esteem of all classes, and was deeply regretted in death. He had added by baptism 139 members during his ministry. It was during his pastorate that the second Baptist church was formed. The Rev. P. Prout commenced his ministry on the first Lord's-day in July, 1856. Since this date 104 have been added by baptism, and 14 by letter; and, after deducting the decrease,

by death, letter, withdrawal, erasure and Exclusion, there is a clear increase of 76 memers-the present number being 162; Sunday-school scholars, 382; teachers, 47. Addresses were then delivered by the Revs. H. Castle (Wesleyan), J. Smith, J. Paterson, H. Dowson, R. Evans, J. Howe, and E. Franklin; the Revs. J. Brown and J. Hargreaves conducting the devotional part of the Lesting. The Jubilee services were continued on Sunday, July 15. In the morning an address was delivered to the young, by James Barlow, Esq., of Accrington. In the afterBoon and evening the services were held in the Independent New Chapel, Deardengate (kindby lent for the occasion). The spacious chapel was crowded, and two appropriate and impressive sermons were preached by the Rev. Thomas Price, A.M., Ph.D., of Aberdare. Collections were made, amounting to £76 46d., which will be appropriated to the building fund now being raised by the friends for the erection of a new chapel and Sundayschoul

SALTASH, CORNWALL.-On Wednesday, July 18th, the new Baptist chapel at this place, erected at a cost of nearly £2,000, was Opened for Divine worship. The chapel has been constructed on the site of the old building, which had been demolished on account of


its contracted dimensions and dilapidated state. The architecture of the building is the early English style of Gothic, with open roof, and lancet windows with stained glass margins. The seats are open; there are no galleries; and the building is capable of accommodating nearly 400 persons. There are polished marble columns between the windows, given by the architect, Mr. J. Ambrose, of Plymouth; underneath the chapel is a schoolroom which will hold 300 children; and there are two vestries attached to the building. The architect gave his professional services gratuitously. The opening services were well attended. prayer-meeting was held at seven o'clock, a.m. At eleven o'clock, after reading and prayer, by the Rev. T. Horton, of Devonport, the Rev. C. M. Birrell, of Liverpool, preached an admirable sermon from John xiv. 18, "I will come to you." After the sermon, a prayer meeting was held for a short time. There was a dinner in the Town Hall, under the presidency of J. R. Jeffery, Esq., and a public tea at five, at which upwards of 400 persons were present. A public meeting was held in the evening, when several ministers and gentlemen delivered appropriate addresses, the chair being filled by Peter Adams, Esq., of Plymouth.

BROAD-STREET, PERSHORE.-For some time the increase of the Sunday schools connected with Broad-street Chapel, Pershore, has been such as to inconveniently crowd the rooms; and several classes have had to be taught in the chapel. It was, therefore, resolved to enlarge the schoolrooms to the utmost extent of the ground. This has been done, and a handsome front has been erected in Broad-street. On Wednesday, July 25th, a tea-meeting was held in the enlarged rooms. The attendance was large; and after tea the chair was occupied by the Rev. J. W. Ashworth, the pastor of the church, who expressed his pleasure at the increase of the congregation, and the perfect unanimity of his people during the past two years, and gave a statement in reference to the enlargement of the schoolrooms, commending the heartiness and generosity with which nearly the entire cost had been met by the church and congregation and other friends at a distance. Addresses were also delivered by Mr. S. Conn; Mr. Warmington, of Evesham; Henry Hudson, Esq., J.P.; the Rev. S. Dunn, of Atch Lench; A. Kerkham, Esq.; and Mr. E. Smith; all of whom expressed their gratification at what has been done, and especially at the cordial feeling which exists throughout the church and schools. There is every probability of the entire cost of the enlargement, &c., being defrayed at once.

EARL'S COLNE.-The recognition services, in connection with the settlement of the Rev. A. H. Stote, as pastor of the Baptist Church,

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