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There are still those who would fain persuade us that differences of opinion upon the person of our Lord are very much of the same class; but again we revert to these questions, and we say they were not proposed by some narrow doctrinalist, thinking more of catechisms than of consistency; they were not asked by some speculative disputant, more anxious to settle curious questions than to build up godly characters. It was He who preached the sermon on the mount, and who said, “By their fruits ye shall know them," who asked so earnestly, "What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is he? Whom do ye say that I am?" Let it not be supposed that what is now being written is out of harmony with the spirit of charity which was sought to be embodied in some previous passages. It is a prevalent fallacy that in the service of charity we must count religious opinions to be of very little importance. The very reverse is the case, for he who deems orthodoxy to be of little moment, and heterodoxy of little moment, cannot, so far as opinions are concerned, exercise any charity at all. You may as well talk of a man exercising patience where there are no trials, and of exercising meekness where there is no provocation, and of showing bravery where there is no danger. This is the true sphere and real action of charity, when one man can say to another, "I hold you to be in grievous error, I hold your errors to be of grave importance, but it is not for me to condemn you. While heartily repudiating your errors, I can believe in your sincerity and revere your earnestness, and I will strive to exercise toward you that spirit of forbearance and love which I desire you to exercise toward me." Indifference is not charity. The Saturday Review spirit, which seems to be this-Nothing is certain, nothing is real, nothing is true, and it is of no consequence-that is not charity. The apostles of laxity arrogate to themselves that they are also the great exemplars of charity. It is as great a mistake as when it is supposed that infidelity is always liberal-minded, and that it takes an unusually big brain to make a Rationalist. Laxity is not an atmosphere in which charity can live, or a field in which it can unfold its beauty and bear its blessed fruit. He who values truth very highly, and who holds his religious opinions very earnestly, he has the best opportunity of displaying the queen of the graces, for he can say, "I'll be firm to my convictions, but nevertheless will I be full of brotherly kindness to all who differ from me."

IV. Amidst the diversity of opinions concerning him, there was one which our Lord emphatically commended, and the possessor of which he pronounced to be blessed. It was that of Peter, who said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." If this were the only Scripture which recognised the Divine nature of the Saviour, we could not lay great stress upon it; but as it is only one amongst many, we may consider that Peter was beginning to see that which Jesus referred to when he said, "I and my Father are one." The apostle here standeth at the head of the long line of confessors-he standeth as one on whom the morning was just breaking. Though not as yet with full perception of its height and depth, and length and breadth, still he had a glimpse

of the great truth the holy Church throughout the world has never given up-that He who appeared in our nature and died for our sins was more than mere man, was higher than any of the angels, was God's own Son, in glory, majesty, and power, equal to the Eternal Father. When Peter made this confession of faith, he was not corrected as holding exaggerated views of his Lord's greatness, but he was assured that his opinion was the gift of God; and because he had that clear view of the Saviour's Divinity, he was appointed to honour, and invested with authority. Thus the crowning lesson we learn from this Scripture is, the great practical importance of having clear, firm belief in the Gochood as well as the manhood of Jesus. Apart from such belief, we Cannot realize the full power of his example. He is our pattern of selfdenial, and it is with the story of his life and death we confront all selfishness. Who does not see that a belief in his Divinity must unspeakably increase an estimate of the magnitude of his self-sacrifice? If I held him to be only a man, I might ask, "When was he rich? How could he become poor who was never anything else? True, he gave up three years of his life to teach his countrymen, and when in their malice they would have his life, he gave up that too." On the shallow theory of his naked, simple humanity, how his self-denial melts into comparative littleness! But take the other theory, that, though he was in the form of God, he was not eager to retain his equality with Godthat to save the world he stooped from the throne of Deity to the cross of the malefactor-then in what colossal proportions his self-denial stands before us, and, in the presence of such boundless generosity, all human selfishness must be constrained to hate itself, and to hide itself

for ever!

If I esteemed him to be nothing but Son of Man, I might hold him forth as a pattern of lowliness; for he had great wisdom, and was never rond of it; he had vast powers, and never displayed them in the spirit of vain-glory; and he was eminently holy, but never treated the worst with scorn. To all this add the truth of his Divinity-that he, though in the form of God, took upon himself the likeness of sinful flesh, and hambled himself even to death; then the power of his example is overwhelming, and the marvel is that our foolish pride can live in its preBence for a moment.


wept over

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We rejoice over his compassion, and we love to read of his tears guilty Jerusalem. Yes, but recognise him to be God manifest in the flesh, and how the value of his compassion is increased! David transgressors. "Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, bekeep not thy law." Jeremiah was full of tenderness over perishing men. "Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fourtain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the laughter of my people!" Paul so pitied his stubborn brethren that Le could say he could wish himself accursed for their sake. We cannot and in the grief of these the gospel we find in the weeping of Christ over Jerusalem. Why? Because they were men amongst men, and nothing more. He was Immanuel, God with us. Believing in his

Divinity, his very tears became ten thousand times more precious to us, for they tell us of the pity of God. Through his grief we get insight into the very heart of Deity, and learn how true it is that the Eternal desireth not the death of a sinner, but would rather he should turn from his evil way and live.

If space permitted, it would be easy to show that a recognition of Christ's Divine nature increases the power of every other truth concerning him. So far from being a merely speculative opinion, it is or ought to be the most practical article of our faith. It gives authority to his teaching, it enforces his commandments, it imparts merit to his sacrifice, and assures us of his mightiness to save unto the uttermost. It is not to be wondered that from the many thoughts men had about him our Lord should take this one, and crown it with the glory of his approval and blessing.

We are told that after Diabolus was driven out of Mansoul, many Diabolians lingered about the town doing much mischief. Foremost amongst them was Wrong-Thoughts-of-Christ, a great disturber of the peace, a great hindrance to holiness, even where he is not a great destroyer of souls. Let there be close searching of the city, so that if he be still lurking in it he may be forthwith cast out. Happy is he who, in freedom from error, can look up to his Lord and rightly answer his Lord's inquiry, "Whom say ye that I am?"



"And He saw them toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them."-Mark vi. 48.

Ir is needless to recapitulate the circumstances with which the text is connected. Christ's feeding the multitude-his retirement to the mountain for prayer-the embarkation of the disciples on the lake-the sudden storm against which they had to struggle the appearance of Jesus walking on the sea-his stilling the tempest, and their speedy arrival at their destination-are familiar to all readers of this magazine. But it is important to notice the typical character of these events. There is much more in nature that is typical of spiritual realities than we are apt to suppose. The vine is a type of Jesus; one object of its creation being to image him forth: "I am the true (the original) vine." The

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had to row, is a type of the difficulties the Church has to contend against ere the fair and quiet haven be reached. Then in the background of the picture we have the Saviour's watchful eye, and at length the Saviour's gracious deliverance. "He

them toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them."

1 The work of the Church is not always smooth sailing, but sometimes towing in rowing, with the wind contrary.

The passage of the Lake of Galilee, surrounded as it was by hills crowned with woods and waving corn, must have been a pleasant sail. And now that the Passover was nigh, the new moon shed her peaceful light over the calm waters; and when the disciples set out they might promise themselves an agreeable voyage at this delightful season of the year. But a sudden storm of wind coming down through the mountain-passes, clouding the sky, and raising great waves on the erewhile quiet sea, changed all this; so that the strong arms of these fishermen could only lug the boat along at a Borry pace. Little progress had they made by nearly morning, though all night they were toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary.

Such is a picture of the Church's work. It is sometimes easy and pleasant; the ship is wafted on by gente zephyrs, the toil is easy, the progress rapid, and the oarsmen pull merrily along. But,—

'The Christian Church is seldom long at

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The messenger of death calls away some who seemed to be pillars; or by other means helpers may be taken away. And then, fewer men at the oars, those who remain must pull the harder. The retarding wind sometimes comes from Heaven, and no piety or earnestness can avert it; nothing remains but to toil in rowing. Or difficulties may arise from the poverty of the instruments employed. If a man be rowing with a rude cudgel, he must pull harder to get along than if he use a wellformed oar. If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength." There may be few helpers and small talents; the feeble must pull very hard when the wind is contrary. Or the hindrance may arise from spiritual causes. There is a lack of faith, and Jesus does not many mighty works because of their unbelief. There is little prayer, and consequently small blessings descend. There is a lack of union and love, and the peace-loving Heavenly Dove must depart. In such ways the devil gains the advantage, and raises a storm on the sea. Then the earnest few must toil in rowing, for the wind is contrary.

II. The Lord Jesus looks with approval upon his people when they are still found toiling in rowing, though the wind be contrary.

He saw them, saw them with approval. And there is something truly noble about the conduct of these disciples that night. Jesus had bidden them embark, and make for the other side. They did so; but soon a tempestuous wind rose against them, directly opposing their progress. Weak hearts might have counselled, "It is no use opposing this, let us put back again to land." But these good men and true argued, "No; our Master bas bidden us go to the other side, and towards the other side go we will." Probably Judas would want to return to save



his life and his bag of money; perhaps Peter would waver a little; perchance Thomas would conclude that they would all go to the bottom, and yet his loving though doubting heart would say, "Let us go on, though we should die for him.' they tugged away at the oars, though with little success. Six or eight hours of that weary night thus passed away, and only three or four miles of the journey were made. But Jesus looked on with approval. "He saw them toiling in rowing, for the wind was contrary unto them."

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Alas! conduct the opposite of this is sadly common-rowing in smooth water, and leaving the ship to shift for herself when the wind is contrary. Perhaps you have seen a vessel launched. Crowds of gaily dressed and smiling people gather round the dock, and handkerchiefs wave, and hats are lifted high, with the loud huzza, as she glides heavily from her cradle into the water. But that ship presently ploughs the briny deep, and all that bright and noisy throng is silent and far away; only the stout-hearted mariners, toiling on through storm and tempest, are there.


On some calm day, when the ocean, in its many-twinkling smile," flashes back the brightness of the sun, and the peaceful deep mirrors clearly the azure of the eternal sky, the pleasure-boats are crowded. But on dark days, when old ocean scowls and looks gloomy, and great waves dash in anger on the shore, and the biting wind blows far inland the briny spray and the feathery surf, none brave the sea but those who with dauntless courage are bent on the discharge of some important


How often fares it thus with the Church! When some ecclesiastical ship is to be launched-some chapel opened or some minister ordainedthere will be plenty of admiring and sympathizing spectators. But when

it comes to the tug and rub of the thing, the crowds are absent, and only the faithful few toil in rowing when the wind is contrary. Many will stick to a Church when it is in a flourishing condition, congregations large, and additions frequent, but forsake it when it is in low water. Many cleave to it when all goes smoothly, but get tired when there is discouragement and difficulty. Many think solely of their own advantage and comfort; as long as this object is gained, all well and good; but if anything arise to prevent their enjoyment for a time; if they have to bear the burden and share the solici tude, their interest in the Church declines; they will go ashore and leave the ship to fare as best she may. Churches as well as individuals may sometimes say,—

"The friends who in our sunshine live, When winter comes are fl wn; And he that has but tears to give May weep those tears alone." Oh! that it were true of all Christians, "He saw them toiling in rowing, though the wind was contrary unto them."

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When awkward rowers in a boat encounter a storm, they begin to find fault with one another. "You are not pulling in time;" "You are not holding your oar aright;" You dip your oar in too deeply, and unless you take care you will upset the boat;" "You are not working hard enough;' ""You are steering in the wrong direction." All very well to try and correct each other's faults; but, after all, the most important matter is, that each pull away at his own oar. So if a Church make little progress, there is danger lest men begin to seek out what there is in everybody else that proves a hindrance to success. It is very desirable when anything is seen in another that prevents advancement to point it out; but, after all, the chief thing is, that each search out what hindrance there is in him.

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