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midable, when a Liberal Government thinks so extreme a measure indispensable to the safety of the island.

From Jamaica, little more that is definite is known, excepting that the Royal Commission has entered upon its labours. Mr. Evre. in relinquishing his government to Sir H. Storks, has chosen to fling more of his poisoned arrows at Dr. Underhill and the Baptists; but his statements, as is now usual, are certainly without corroboration; and the statements that are made against him, if they should be proved true. constitute an indictment more formidable than any since the famous one against Warren Hastings. Nav, if the statements made should be in any reasonable measure sustained, Warren Hastings was faultless by the side of Governor Eyre!

Trustees of chapel and other charitable trusts under trust deeds dated prior to 17th May, 1861. which were not dulv enrolled at the time of execution, should observe that the extended time granted by 27 and 28 Vict., Cap. 13, for the enrolment of such trust deeds, will expire on the 17th May, 1866, and that all such trust deeds, if not enrolled before that date, will be absolutely void.

We are sorry to announce that a sad calamity has befallen our friends at Luton. The portion of the new chapel which had been erected, and was being erected for the church at the Old Meeting, was blown down on the night of Sunday, the 4th ult., and a large portion of the old chapel was buried beneath the ruins, within halfan-hour of the departure of the congregation. Had the accident occurred only half-an-hour sooner, several hundreds of nersons must inevitably have been killed. We are sure that our friends will have the sympathy, as they will need also the help, of the denomination, in this most unlooked-for calamity.


TWERTON, BATH. -On Tuesday, January 30th, a tea-meeting was held in the Baptist school-rooms, and afterwards a public meeting in the chapel. for the purpose of bidding farewell to the pastor. the Rev. E. Clarke, and his sister, who are leaving for Italy. After prayer by the Rev. W. C. Pratt, the chairman referred to the number of years it had been his pleasure to be acquainted with Mr. Clarke, the deep interest he had taken in the welfare of the Baptist Church at Twerton, the unmistakable evidence he had given of his love to

the people of his charge, and the extensive additions which had been made in a material form towards the consolidation of the infant c use. The Revs. C. Chapman, M. A, of Percy Chapel, Bath, and W. Newell, of Bradford, having followed by most appropriate addresses the senior deacon, Mr. Butterworth, presented to Mr. Clarke a testimonial, consisting of a very handsome nurse, containing £36 43., and accompanied by the following address:"The accompanying purse,

contining £36 4s. was presented to the Rev. E. Clarke, twelve years pastor of the Baptist Church at Twerton, on his departure for Italy as a small token of appreciation of his varied Christian and philanthropic efforts for the benefit of the working classes; with earnest prayers for a blessing upon his future labours in a country so identified with the life and labours of the gret Apostle of the Gentiles." A little girl then stepped on the platform and presented Mr. Clarke with a handsome copy of Bunyan's " Pilgrim's Progress." saying "I give this for my class." It was a present from the infant class of the Sabbath-school. Mr. Clarke then gave a sketch of some of the most important events which had oc curred in the village, and in connection with the church, since he was chosen as pastor, to many of which the deacon had made so pleasing and gratifying a testimony, The Revs. W. C. Pratt, of Keynsham, and D. Wassell, of Bath, in addresses suitable and beautiful, addressed the meeting, and expressed their regard for the departing pastor and his sister. Anthems were sung at intervals, and altogether the services were of an unusually interesting and im portant character.


KEGWORTH. LEICESTERSHIRE. General Baptist Chapel of this populous village was last year very considerably en larged and improved, at an outlay of £300. It was re-opened on Tuesday, September 5th, when the Rev Thomas Pottenger, of Rawdon, preached in the afternoon and evening The attendance was good, and the collections were liberal. As it was fifty years last Christmas since the erection of the chapel on its present site, it was r solved to make another effort towards removing the debt. Accordingly. jubilee services were held on Lord's-dav. January 28th. and on the following Monday. On the Lord's-day morning, the Rev. J. T. Gale pastor of the General Baptist Church. Woodgate, Loughborough, and in the even ing, the Rev. E. Stephenson. pastor of the General Baptist Church, Baxtengate, of the same town, preached. and collections were good. On the Mon

The services

day, a very large number of friends from far and near met for tea and held a public meeting afterwards. The Rev. Thomas Yates presided, and Mr. T. W. Marshall, of Loughb rough, prayed. The finanrial statement showed that the outlay amounted to £300, and towards this sum £263 had been received, leaving a balance of £, which, however, was reduced by the proceeds of the tea, and a liberal collection after the meeting, to about £20. The Rev. W. Jarrow then read an histonal review of the church from its reformation. It is one hundred and

thirteen years since the cause was begun, and it was one of the original churches that formed the nucleus of the "New Connexion of General Baptists." Several speakers followed the Rev. Messrs. Jones, of Derby; Stevenson, of Loughborough; Cockerton, of Donnington: Gale, of Loughborough; and Messrs. T. W. Marshall, Baldwin, Lacey, Somerville, &c. The chapel was crowded to excess, and the meeting was one of the most animating description.

BELVOIR STREET, LEICESTER.-On WedLesday evening, January 31st, a large meeting was held in the new school-room, which has for some time been in the course of erection, in connection with Belvoir Street Chapel. At half-past five o'clock, nearly three hundred of the members of the congregation and their friends sat down to tea At seven o'clock, the chair was taken by the Rev. J. P. Mursell, and the public meeting commenced. J. Whitmore, E, chairman of the Building Committee, read his financial and statistical report, from which it appeared that, without inelading the class-rooms (which can be thrown into the large room), the schoolroom is sixty-six feet in length, thirtyseven feet in breadth, and thirty-five feet in height, to the apex of the roof; that it is lighter principally from the roof, and, by an arrangement of the glass, that the light is subdued and effused in a most agreeable manner. Satisfactory reports of the progress during the past year of the Belvoir Street and Harvey Lane Schools were read by their respective secretaries. After the more formal business of the evening had been disposed of, the meeting was addressed by several ministers and friends who were present, and at intervals the choir of Belvoir Street Chapel performed selections of sacred music. Votes of thanks were passed to the superintendest and teachers of the schools for their past services; to the Building Committee, and to Mr. F. Drake, the architect; to the choir; and to the Rev. J. P. Mursell, for

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presiding after which the meeting was closed with prayer.

FRIAR LANE, LEICESTER. The cere mony of laying the memorial-stone of a chapel ow in course of erection on the site of the old Friar Lane Chapel, Leicester. was performed in the presence of a large assembly on Tuesday, January 23rd, by Robert Wherry, Esq., of Wisbech. The proceedings were commenced by a short devotional service, at the conclusion of which those more immediately concerned in the laying of the stone retired to the south-east angle of the building, where Mr. R. Wherry received a handsome silver trowel, inscribed, "Presented to Robert Wherry. Esq., on laving the Memorialstone of the Baptist Chapel, Friar Lane, Leicester. January 23, 1866." A mahogany mallet accompanied the trowel, and having with these properly adjusted the stone, he pronounced it to be well and truly laid. The party then retired to the school-room, where Mr. Wherry addressed the meeting in very appropriate terms, and then called upon the Rev. J. C. Pike, who made an interesting historical statement. Mr. Pike stated the reasons that had led to the present effort, and mentioned the donations which had been placed on the stone, amounting to about £180. Excellent addresses were afterwards delivered by the Revs. J. Barker, H. W. Williams, T Stevenson, T. Lomas, W. Woods, J. J. Goadby, Mr. R. Harris, Mr. G Baines, and others. In the evening. the Rev. J. P. Mursell preached an eloquent sermon in the Oxford Street Chapel, kind'y lent for the occasion, from Timothy ii. 19. The proceeds of the day, from offerings on the stone and collections, were close upon £200.

SHEFFORD, BEDS.-The recognition services in connection with the settlement of the Rev. C. R. Player. late of Great Shelford, Cambs, were held on Thursday. January 18th. In the afternoon, the service was opened by devotional exercises, conducted by the Rev. W. T. Whitmarsh. of Brixham, Devon, the late pastor; and an address was delivered on "Christ as the Head of the Church," by the Rev. W. Griffith (Independent), of Hitchin. In the evening, the Rev. P. Griffith, of Biggleswade, read the Scriptures and prayed: the Rev. W. Alliott (Independent), of Bedford, delivered an address to the new pastor and the Rev. G. Short. B. A.. of Hitchin, addressed the church on their duties to their pastor. The late pastor, the Rev. W. T. Whitmarsh, of Brixham, then offered the recognition prayer: the Rev. John Keed, of Cambridge, delivered an earnest address on the "Relation of the

Church to the Neighbourhood around;" and the Rev. J. Brown, B.A. (Independent), junior minister of Bunyan Meeting, Bed1ord, closed the service with an address on "The Duty of the Church to the Young." On the following Sunday, the Rev. W. T. Whitmarsh preached twice to his old friends, when large congregations assembled. Mr. Player enters on his labours with pleasing prospects of success.

WHITEBROOK, MONMOUTHSHIRE. On Monday, January 29th, a tea-meeting and recoguition service was held in the Baptist Chapel, Whitebrook, in connection with the settlement of the Rev. T. L. Smith s pastor of the united churches of Whitebrook and Llandogo, Monmouthshire. The weather being favourable, many friends from the neighbouring churches were present, and 180 sat down to tea. The public meeting commenced with singing and praying, after which the chair was taken by Mr. J. B. Trotter, Coleford. Addresses were subsequent y delivered by the Rev. G. P. King, St. Brintels, and Mr. E. Jones, Penalt, "On the Duties of the Church towards their Pastor." The Rev. T. L. Smith, pastor, then read a statement of his experience, doctrinal views, and call to the ministry. The Rev. R. Smith, Monmouth, then adoressed the meeting "On the Importance of Christian Consistency;" and Mr. J. Smith, Redbrook, spoke On the Value and Importance of Sabbathschools as an Auxiliary to the Christian Ministry." The Rev. W. H. Tetley, Coleford, followed. After a few remarks from the pastor, the doxology was sung and prayer offered, when the interesting services of the day were brought to close. Mr. Smith enters on his ministry in this place under very encouraging circum


KILMARNOCK, N. B.-Interesting services were held in this ancient town on Thursday, January 18th. At half-past five o'clock, twenty-four believers were formed into a church by tue Rev. Dr. Paterson, of Glasgow, assisted by Messrs. T. W. Macalpine and A. Gibb, of Paisley. After the church had been formed, the friends present celebrated the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. After an interval of fifteen minutes, the second portion of the proceedings commenced, when Mr. Edward Stobo was solemnly ordained as pastor over the newly-formed church. In this part of the service, Messrs. Dr. Paterson, Oliver Flett, T. W. Macalpine, and Adam Horne, took part. Tea was next served, after which Mr. T. W. Medhurst, of Glasgow, gave an address to the pastor, after which Mr.

Oliver Flett, of Paisley, suitably addressed the church. Mr. St bo was a member of the Baptist Church at North Frederick Street, Glasgow, and received his theological training under the auspices of the Baptist Association of Scotland. His prospects of success at Kilmarnock are very encouraging.

HOLYHEAD.-On Monday, January 15th, there were interesting services held at New Pak Street Chapel, Holyhead, in conneetion with the installation of the Rev. Alex. J. Hamilton (from Mr. Spurgeon's Col lege) as pastor of the church. On Sunday, the 14th, the morning service was con ducted by the young pastor, and in the evening by the Rev. D. Evans, of Dudley. On Monday evening, the ordination service took place. The usual questions were put by the Rev. Dr. Morgan, and were answered by Mr. Hamilton with great propriety and feeling. The ordination prayer was then offered, accompanied by the laying on of hands, after which Dr. Morgan delivered the charge to Mr. Hamilton, and the Rev. J. Williams delivered the same to the church. The Rev. D. Evans then preached a very useful and impressive ser mon to the congregation. Mr. Hamilton enters upon his sphere of labour with every prospect of success.

MINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. J. P. Lewis, on account of ill health, has resigned the pastorate of the church at Diss.


Mr. Edward Blewett, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle College, has accepted the unanimous call of the church at Westbury Leigh, Wilts.-The Rev. Joseph Perkins, whose resignation of his pastorate of the Independent Church at Duxford, Cambs, on account of his change of views on tism, was recorded a short time ago, has accepted an invitation to the pastorate the Baptist Church at Bridgewater, Somerset.-The Rev. J. Keed, of Cam bridge, has accepted the unanimous invita tion of the infant church at Acton, Middlesex. His future address will be 9, Cambridge House. Priory Grove, Acton, W.-The Rev. J. T. Wigner, on account of ill health, has resigned the pastorate of the church at Lynn. Mr. J. W. Williams, of Haverfordwest College, has accepted the unanimous invitation of the English Baptist Church at Mountain Ash. He in tends to enter upon his sphere of labour the first Sunday in May.-Mr. L. Roderick and Mr. J. Le is, of the same college, have been invited, the former to the pas torate of the church at New Quay, and the latter to that of the church at Ffestiniog.


"Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner-stone,"

APRIL, 1866.


1 John iv. 8.


THIS is one of those texts-nay, it is emphatically and pre-eminently above all others in the Bible-the text which is ever fresh and new, and whose meaning can never be exhausted; to which, however often we have studied it, we may come again and again, with the fullest confidence that we shall find in it some new theme for meditation, and some hitherto undiscovered depths of meaning, well fitted to awaken and amply to reward the most devout and prayerful thought.

It is a text in which we are most momentously concerned. Revelation contains not another of equal importance. It demands our attention because it tells us of the Infinite One. It claims to be understood because the definition it gives of his character is fitted to gladden all hearts. It presents a refuge for the distressed, a resting-place for the reary, a banner of hope to the nations. It ought to be the foundation of our theology, the centre from which all its lines radiate, the primary truth with which all its parts harmonize. It is fitted to influence all our religious experience. Wherever it is understood correctly, though but in part, it gives colour and form to the whole fabric of the

Christian life.

It is a text withal which is directly at variance with the unbelief of the natural heart. We are slow to admit its truth. After we have ne so, we are apt, by ingenious glosses, to explain away its meaning. ten, we unintentionally, and by an imperceptible process, give place thoughts and feelings which are directly at variance with it. So that tre is great need, that, by its frequent contemplation, we should have car impressions of it rectified, and our faith in it revived and confirmed. Our purpose in this paper is to give a brief exposition of its meaning, and to show that, from its very nature, it is and must be true.

First, then, What are we to understand by this definition, or apparent


definition of the Divine character? I say apparent, because it has recent been questioned if it conveys to us any meaning whatever-if it doe not leave us ignorant of what God is, because ignorant of what love i when predicated of him. A very able and eminent philosopher, i a volume which excited much attention among the more thoughtf portion of religious men, takes ground which appears to me something very much like this:-That not only are we unable to discover God fo ourselves, but that Revelation does not and cannot reveal him; thati the Scriptures God does not reveal himself as he is, but only as her quires us to think of him. The reader might take this ground, an by way of carrying out and defending the doctrine, might argue th our text contained no revelation of God-that though we are to "God is love," we know nothing of God; love in him being a ver different thing from love in us.


I should be sorry to believe that this author and you were right What, that God can never be known! That the knowledge of him, the fancied knowledge of him, which I derive from the Bible, is not knowledge of God as he is, but of something different from what he is After the human heart for centuries has been crying out for God, say ing by its instincts and its yearnings, "O that I knew where I migh find him!" "Shew us the Father and it sufficeth us!" the Bible gives response, which after all is no real response; so that I never can sure whether the knowledge I have derived from it be a true knowledg of God or not! It were a terrible thing to me, I say, were I compelle to believe that! And I thank God that the teaching of his word differ so widely from that of the philosopher. God may be known, it tell me-not perfectly, indeed, yet truly, nevertheless. For "this is lif eternal, that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Chris whom thou hast sent." "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father. "God is love;" and "he that loveth is born of God" and knoweth Go Love in him does not differ from true love in us; for ours is the of spring of his-the result of his indwelling. And if we truly love, w know his love through our own. The unregenerate man may not kno it truly; for according to John, the unregenerate man does not trul love knows not what love is; and therefore knows not what God is "He that loveth not, knoweth not God." But the child of God know it; for he knows, from his own experience, what love is, and therefor what God is. "Every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."

What then does it mean-what do we understand by the phrase "God is love"? Why this-that love is the essence of his character That he cherishes no feeling toward his creatures at variance with love That he does for them all that love can do. And that of all the feeling with which he regards them, love is the sum. Love is not only a per fection, it is the essence of his perfections. As Dr. Winter Hamilton says, "It is not merely an attribute, it is his nature, his being, himself." Yes, but what is love? There is need for asking the question, w admit; and in answer to it we say, Love is goodwill, benevolence, the

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