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He then proposed coming with the rest to my own house, and I simply indicated my consent. But being aware of his violent disposition and boisterous mode of arguing, I welcomed them all alike when they came, but reminded them that our friend had invited himself to my house instead of me; and that I had, therefore, the right of myself leading the proceedings of the discussion. But as his propositions were most incoherent and confusing to all present, I appealed to the latter, and proved him unworthy of attention, and hence of a discussion, as one ignorant of criticism and general history, as wanting in sincerity of purpose, and as destructive of the hope of Israel, contrary to the very prayers he and they use every day in the presence of God. The approbation of the audience was evident, and they resolved to meet me again at my house in the absence of their champion. This meeting certainly never came to pass, but it often formed the topic of conversation hereafter wherever we met, and it only contributed to strengthen their confidence in us.

What is finally most encouraging is that I found among the Jews here many who, though they make no profession, were ever ready to introduce others to me, and be present at the religious conversations, generally as silent listeners, only now and then proposing some question, evidently more for the sake of bringing a subject into prominence than from doubt on their own part. Such I found putting the same question on various occasions, and never objecting to the answer.

There is upon all hands an evident dissatisfaction with their present state of religion; many feel the want of a reformation. This want the leaders try to supply by outward improvements, such as an organ in the synagogue; but the hearts evidently return empty. Oh that the Spirit of God would blow upon these dry bones!

We had intended to add to our extracts from Missionary Reports some of peculiar interest from the Home Mission, especially as to the distribution of New Testaments at the Bible stand—and of the baptism of a Jewish convert at Albion Chapel, Finsbury, after a very powerful service, addressed to a large congregation by the Rev. J. M'Auslane; want of space compels postponement.


We thankfully insert the following note, addressed by Sir CULLING EARDLEY, our respected Treasurer, to the Rev. Dr. WEIR:

Sept. 27, 1862. My dear Sir,-Your statement about the Jews' Society is deeply interesting. So are letters from Dr. Mayer, sent me by Mr. Herschell.

I think I am bound, as Treasurer, to give you a little help; and it shall be proportioned to what others do from this time.

I will add £10 to every £100, promised from and after the

receipt of this letter, up to £1000. If you can get promises for £1000, I will give £100. If £500, it will be £50. If £100, it will be only £10.

am glad to do this. It is a deeply interesting state of C. E. EARDLEY.

I wish I could do more, but things.-Believe me, faithfully yours, Dr. Weir.


THE Committee have issued the following circular, inviting "Special Prayer for Israel," and they regret that circumstances prevent their distributing it more extensively :


The Committee have watched with peculiar interest recent movements of a moral and religious character among the people of the God of Abraham. They appear to correspond

with Scriptural predictions of their ingathering to Christ, and to indicate at least the dawn of that day whose sun shall be to the long benighted House of Israel "sevenfold, as the light of seven days."

The institution by the Jews of Bible Societies, and of Societies for the publication and distribution of Religious Tracts, some of which approximate to the standard of Christian morals-although unhappily they fix it not at the Cross-and the mutual kindness which has sprung up between Jews and Christians, invite our cordial and prayerful co-operation in every attempt to bring them into contact with the Word of God, and under the influence of the Holy Spirit. Roman Catholic zeal is already at work to beguile unstable souls, and to lead them from traditional Judaism to the more fearful traditions of the Papacy. Infidelity, or so called Rationalism, is also filling its ranks from those who ought to be witnesses for the truth of Revelation.

Shall we stand with folded hands? Shall we suffer honest and combined efforts for the salvation of this people to fail from want of funds?

And, more urgently still would we ask whether, with our hands on the open Bible, we should not lay hold on the promises-put the Lord in remembrance of them-and give Him no rest until He fulfil His own word?

We feel that were prayer, believing, affectionate prayer, offered constantly in every sanctuary, at every family altar, and within the hallowed precincts of the closet, there would be no lack of funds or of efficient agency. The Lord is exalted that He may have mercy, and waits that He may be gracious. The mercy will come in answer to prayer. Ours will be the privilege to have laboured in the cause of Christ, and "to Him every knee shall bow.” The fulness of the Gentiles shall be brought in,—and all the glory shall be His, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God over all, blessed for evermore!

The Festival of the Jewish New Year takes place on the 25th inst. It is suggested that a portion of that day and of the following ten days, including the day of Atonement, October 4th, should be consecrated to special, private, and social prayer for Israel, and for every Christian agency employed for their conversion.

A numerous meeting for the purpose has been accordingly held in the Office daily, from 12 to 1 p.m., and is to be continued until the Day of Atonement inclusively.


From August 23, to September 23, 1862.

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THE MONTHLY MEETING for prayer and conference will be held (D.v.) on Wednesday evening, October 15, at 7 o'clock, in the Society's Office, No. 1, Crescent Place, Blackfriars.

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London: Published by JOHN SNOW, 35, Paternoster Row.

Printed for the Society by Adams and Gee, 23, Middle Street, West Smithfield, E.C-No. 202.-October, 1862.

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No. 203.]

NOVEMBER 1, 1862.

[Price ld.

The Society-Special Prayer-financial Need.

THE proposed days of Prayer were seasons of deep and earnest devotion, drawing around the friends who engaged in them more closely the band of Christian affection for each other, and for their brethren of the house of Jacob. The word of God, prayer, and praise formed the character of the meetings, and it does not seem presumptuous to infer that special mercies will descend in gracious answer from Him who loves to give when His people ask. Our monthly prayer-meeting also attracted an unusual number. The missionaries' reports were very interesting; and as we were parting, an unknown friend rose and informed us of the prayerful concern he had long felt for the spiritual welfare of the Jews. He had not silver or gold to give, but he had meditated deeply on the subject, and he had brought with him a very large folio Bible, well bound, which he laid on the table as a token of love to Israel, and to be employed in the cause of the Society. Among those who led the devotions was one who not long since was a priest ministering in Rome.

We believe that the call to prayer has been cordially responded to at home and abroad. We will not lose the hallowed impressions while we request the kind and prompt attention of our readers to the following observations on


It is with unaffected reluctance that we find ourselves obliged so frequently to refer to matters of finance. But we are persuaded that all true friends of Israel will consider that, not only the state of our funds, but the sad alternative of an inadequate supply of means-namely, the withdrawment of true-hearted, devoted labourers from the fields "white to the harvest," whither the Lord of the harvest hath sent them-imply justifies reiteration of appeal and statement. A crisis has come upon us-partly from the enlargement of effort, as well as from expenses incurred by providential events, and from the state of trade,. and the large demands made this year for other great religious movements. It is not the first time that we have, as a society, met with unexpected difficulVOL. XVII.-NEW SERIES, VOL. VIII.

ties, and we do humbly trust and believe that He who in past days put into the hearts of His people to come forward with the needed succours will not forsake us now. Nevertheless, to avert the threatened evil, there are urgently needed the "labouring in prayer," the personal exertion to obtain fresh supporters and donors, the self-denial and the consecration of gifts, to a cause which emphatically is the cause of Him who is the Brother of the Israelitish race, and the King of Jews, as well as a waking up to the claims of Jewish missions on the part of the Church of Christ, such as has not yet been witnessed.

We are thankful to record that, to their power, and beyond their power, a goodly band "have been willing of themselves;" that we receive cheering reports of increased faith, revived zeal, and advancing liberality from the deputations who have visited different parts of the country. It may also be stated that some of our missionaries have done so, and other agents of the Society are offering to give up portions of their salaries towards meeting the emergency.

Without liberal aid we are at this moment deprived of any margin, and are utterly unable to extend operations, which have, notwithstanding all our efforts, been lamentably limited. Alas! there are millions of Jews who, as yetliving in countries where Greek or Romish superstition and idolatry prevail -have never yet had the Scriptures put into their hands, nor once heard the joyful sound as to the Redeemer, Deliverer, High Priest, Prophet, and King, who is "mighty to save."

We take courage when we look back on the faith, prayer, labours, and tears of those who, twenty years ago, founded this Society. We think also of the ripe sheaves already gathered, of the institution of Bible and Tract Societies by the Jews themselves; of the stir and spirit of inquiry now prevailing in London itself, as well as in foreign lands; of the marvellous blessing vouchsafed to the faithful band of missionaries God hath given us among the Italian Jews; and of the fact that more than eighteen hundred Jews have joyfully carried away from the Bible-stand at Kensington, during four months, copies of the New Testament, Gospels, Psalms, and portions, all in Hebrew. Direct conversions have, we trust, succeeded this effort. But who shall estimate the future results of the good seed of the kingdom, thus (the Scriptures taken away to their homes by the Jews of almost every nation) so widely sown? Oh, Lord the Spirit, water it! Sun of Righteousness, with Thy bright warm beams arise, and quicken the precious seed of the Word, that it may bring forth fruit unto life eternal !

P.S.-We have received a comparatively small amount as yet in response to the proposal of Sir Culling Eardley, our Treasurer. One gentleman writes to us offering an additional donation as soon as a certain sum is made up, and states that he is one of those who "lay by in store," according to the apostolic precept and primitive example. Will not others who act on that model "lay by " for this cause? Think of the necessities of the perishing Jew! Have they not an urgent, if not a primary, claim? Surely, from this time up to the close of our financial year, smaller or larger sums might be dedicated monthly to our Special Fund. The emergency, we trust, is but temporary; but, if not met speedily, we repeat that a sad alternative is inevitable.

Our Missions.


Mr. NAPHTALI, referring to the holy days, speaks of the large confluence of the Jews, and of the deep poverty of many of them. The claims of the

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