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chromium compounds. It is converted into yellow pigments by means of double decomposition with salts of lead, barium, and zinc. When solutions of the salts of these metals are mixed with potassium dichromate (in dyeing generally mixed with soda, in order to obtain normal salts), they are precipitated as insoluble normal salts; for example, 2BaCl2 + K„Cr2O, + H2O = 2BaCrO, + 2KCl + 2HCl. It follows from this that these salts are insoluble in dilute acids, but the precipitation is not complete (as it would be with the normal salt). The barium and zinc salts are of a lemon yellow colour; the lead salt has a still more intense colour passing into orange. Yellow cotton prints are dyed with this pigment. The silver salt, Ag2CrO4, is of a bright red colour.

When potassium dichromate is mixed with potassium hydroxide gravure, photo-lithography, pigment printing, &c. Under the action of light this gelatin is oxidised, and the chromic anhydride deoxidised into chromic oxide, which unites with the gelatin and forms a compound insoluble in warm water, whilst where the light has not acted, the gelatin remains soluble, its properties being unaffected by the presence of chromic acid or potassium dichromate.

3 Ammonium and sodium dichromates are now also prepared on a large scale. The sodium salts may be prepared in exactly the same manner as those of potassium. The normal salt combines with ten equivalents of water, like Glauber's salt, with which it is isomorphous. Its solution above 30° deposits the anhydrous salt. Sodium dichromate crystals contain Na Cr2O7,2H4O. The ammonium salts of chromic acid are obtained by saturating the anhydride itself with ammonia. The dichromate is obtained by saturating one part of the anhydride with ammonia, and then adding a second part of anhydride and evaporating under the receiver of an air-pump. On ignition, the normal and acid salts leave chromic oxide. Potassium ammonium chromate, NH ̧KCrО, is obtained in yellow needles from a solution of potassium dichromate in aqueous ammonia; it not only loses ammonia and becomes converted into potassium dichromate when ignited, but also by degrees at the ordinary temperature. This shows the feeble energy of chromic acid, and its tendency to form stable dichromates. Magnesium chromate is soluble in water, as also is the strontium salt. The calcium salt is also somewhat soluble, but the barium salt is almost insoluble. The isomorphism with sulphuric acid is shown in the chromates by the fact that the magnesium and ammonium salts form double salts containing six equivalents of water, which are perfectly isomorphous with the correponding sulphates. The magnesium salt crystallises in large crystals containing seven equivalents of water. The beryllium, cerium, and cobalt salts are insoluble in water. Chromic acid dissolves manganous carbonate, but on evaporation the solution deposits manganese dioxide, formed at the expense of the oxygen of the chromic acid. Chromic acid also oxidises ferrous oxide, and ferric oxide is soluble in chromic acid.

One of the chromates most used by the dyer is the insoluble yellow lead chromate, PbCrO, (Chapter XVIII., Note 46), which is precipitated on mixing solutions of PbX with soluble chromates. It easily forms a basic salt, having the composition PbO,PbCrO4, as a crystalline powder, obtained by fusing the normal salt with nitre and then rapidly washing in water. The same substance is obtained, although impure and in small quantity, by treating lead chromate with neutral potassium chromate, especially on boiling the mixture; and this gives the possibility of attaining, by means of these materials, various tints of lead chromate, from yellow to red, passing through different orange shades. The decomposition which takes place (incompletely) in this case is as follows: 2PbCrO4 + K2CrO4 = PbCrO,PbO + K¿Cr2O7—that is, potassium dichromate is formed in solution.

or carbonate (carbonic anhydride being disengaged in the latter case) it forms the normal salt, K,CrO4, known as yellow chromate of potassium. Its specific gravity is 27, being almost the same as that of the dichromate. It absorbs heat in dissolving; one part of the salt dissolves in 1.75 part of water at the ordinary temperature, forming a yellow solution. When mixed even with such feeble acids as acetic, and more especially with the ordinary acids, it gives the dichromate, and Graham obtained a trichromate, K,Cr3010 K2CrO4,2CrO3, by mixing a solution of the latter salt with an excess of nitric acid.


Chromic anhydride is obtained by preparing a saturated solution of potassium dichromate at the ordinary temperature, and pouring it in a thin stream into an equal volume of pure sulphuric acid. On mixing, the temperature naturally rises; when slowly cooled, the solution deposits chromic anhydride in needle-shaped crystals of a red colour sometimes several centimetres long. The crystals are freed from the mother liquor by placing them on a porous tile. bis It is very important at this point to call attention to the fact that a hydrate of chromic anhydride is never obtained in the decomposition of chromic compounds,


4 The sulphuric acid should not contain any lower oxides of nitrogen, because they reduce chromic anhydride into chromic oxide. If a solution of a chromate be heated with an excess of acid-for instance, sulphuric or hydrochloric acid-oxygen or chlorine is evolved, and a solution of a chromic salt is formed. Hence, under these circumstances, chromic acid cannot be obtained from its salts. One of the first methods employed consisted in converting its salts into volatile chromium hexafluoride, CrF ̧. This compound, obtained by Unverdorben, may be prepared by mixing lead chromate with fluor spar in a dry state, and treating the mixture with fuming sulphuric acid in a platinum vessel: PbCrO,+3CaF2+ 4H2SO4 - PbSO4 +3CaSO1+4H ̧O+CrF ̧ ̧. Fuming sulphuric acid is taken, and in considerable excess, because the chromium fluoride which is formed is very easily decomposed by water. It is volatile, and forms a very caustic, poisonous vapour, which condenses when cooled in a dry platinum vessel into a red, exceedingly volatile liquid, which fumes powerfully in air. The vapours of this substance when introduced into water are decomposed into hydrofluoric acid and chromic anhydride: CrF6+3H2O = CrO3+6HF. If very little water be taken the hydrofluoric acid volatilises, and chromic anhydride separates directly in crystals. The chloranhydride of chromic acid, CrO¿Cl2 (Note 5), is also decomposed in the same manner. A solution of chromic acid and a precipitate of barium sulphate are formed by treating the insoluble barium chromate with an equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid. If carefully evaporated, the solution yields crystals of chromic anhydride. Fritzsche gave a very convenient method of preparing chromic anhydride, based on the relation of chromic to sulphuric acid. At the ordinary temperature the strong acid dissolves both chromic anhydride and potassium chromate, but if a certain amount of water is added to the solution the chromic anhydride separates, and if the amount of water be increased the precipitated chromic anhydride is again dissolved. The chromic anhy dride is almost all separated from the solution when it contains two equivalents of water to one equivalent of sulphuric acid. Many methods for the preparation of chromic anhydride are based on this fact.

4 bis They cannot be filtered through paper or washed, because the chromic anhydride is reduced by the filter-paper, and is dissolved during the process of washing.

but always the anhydride, CrO3. The corresponding hydrate, CrO,H2, or any other hydrate, is not even known. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that chromic acid is bibasic, because it forms salts isomorphous or perfectly analogous with the salts formed by sulphuric acid, which is the best example of a bibasic acid. A clear proof of the bibasicity of CrO3 is seen in the fact that the anhydride and salts give (when heated with sodium chloride and sulphuric acid) a volatile chloranhydride, Cro¿Cl2, containing two atoms of chlorine as a bibasic acid should."

5 Berzelius observed, and Rose carefully investigated, this remarkable reaction, which occurs between chromic acid and sodium chloride in the presence of sulphuric acid. If 10 parts of common salt be mixed with 12 parts of potassium dichromate, fused, cooled, and broken up into lumps, and placed in a retort with 20 parts of fuming sulphuric acid, it gives rise to a violent reaction, accompanied by the formation of brown fumes of chromic chloranhydride, or chromyl chloride, CrO¿Cl», according to the reaction: CrO3 + 2NaCl + H2SO1 = Na ̧SO4 + H ̧O+CrO2Cl2. The addition of an excess of sulphuric acid is necessary in order to retain the water. The same substance is always formed when a metallic chloride is heated with chromic acid, or any of its salts, in the presence of sulphuric acid. The formation of this volatile substance is easily observed from the brown colour which is proper to its vapour. On condensing the vapour in a dry receiver a liquid is obtained having a sp. gr. of 19, boiling at 118°, and giving a vapour whose density, compared with hydrogen, is 78, which corresponds with the above formula. Chromyl chloride is decomposed by heat into chromic oxide, oxygen, and chlorine: 2CrO¿Cl2 = Cr2O5+2C1+0; so that it is able to act simultaneously as a powerful oxidising and chlorinating agent, which is taken advantage of in the investigation of many, and especially of organic, substances. When reated with water, this substance first falls to the bottom, and is then decomposed into hydrochloric and chromic acids, like all chloranhydrides: CrO2Cl2+H2O=CrO3+2HCl. When brought into contact with inflammable substances it sets fire to them; it acts thus, for instance, on phosphorus, sulphur, oil of turpentine, ammonia, hydrogen, and other substances. It attracts moisture from the atmosphere with great energy, and must therefore be kept in closed vessels. It dissolves iodine and chlorine, and even forms a solid compound with the latter, which depends upon the faculty of chromium to form its higher oxide, Cr2O7. The close analogy in the physical properties of the chloranhydrides, CrO¿Cl, and SOCl2, is very remarkable, although sulphurous anhydride is a gas, and the corresponding oxide, CrO, is a non-volatile solid. It may be imagined, therefore, that chromium dioxide (which will be mentioned in the following note) presents a polymerised modification of the substance having the composition CrO2; in fact, this is obvious from the method of its formation.

If three parts of potassium dichromate be mixed with four parts of strong hydrochloric acid and a small quantity of water, and gently warmed, it all passes into solution, and no chlorine is evolved; on cooling, the liquid deposits red prismatic crystals, known as Peligot's salt, very stable in air. This has the composition KCl,CrO3, and is formed according to the equation K,Cr2O7+ 2HCl = 2KCl,CrO3 + H2O. It is evident that this is the first chloranhydride of chromic acid, HCrO-Cl, in which the hydrogen is replaced by potassium. It is decomposed by water, and on evaporation the solution yields potassium dichromate and hydrochloric acid. This is a fresh instance of the reversible reactions so frequently encountered. With sulphuric acid Peligot's salt forms chromyl chloride. The latter circumstance, and the fact that Geuther produced Peligot's salt from potassium chromate and chromyl chloride, give reason for thinking that it is a compound of these two substances: 2KC!,CrO3− K¿CrO4 + CrO,Cl. It is also sometimes regarded as potassium dichromate in which one atom of oxygen is replaced by chlorinethat is, KCr,O,Cl2, corresponding with K,Cr2O7. When heated it parts with all its chlorine, and on further heating gives chromic oxide.

Chromic anhydride is a red crystalline substance, which is converted into a black mass by heat; it fuses at 190°, and disengages oxygen above 250°, leaving a residue of chromium dioxide, CrO2,6 and, on still further heating, chromic oxide, Cr2O3. Chromic anhydride is exceedingly soluble in water, and even attracts moisture from the air, but, as was mentioned above, it does not form any definite compound with water. The specific gravity of its crystals is 2·7, and when fused it has a specific gravity 2-6. The solution presents perfectly defined acid properties. It liberates carbonic anhydride from carbonates; gives insoluble precipitates of the chromates with salts of barium, lead, silver, and mercury.

The action of hydrogen peroxide on a solution of chromic acid or of potassium dichromate gives a blue solution, which very quickly becomes colourless with the disengagement of oxygen. Barres will showed that this is due to the formation of a perchromic anhydride, Cr,O,, corresponding with sulphur peroxide. This peroxide is remarkable from the fact that it very easily dissolves in ether and is much more stable in this solution, so that, by shaking up hydrogen peroxide mixed with a small quantity of chromic acid, with ether, it is possible to transfer all the blue substance formed to the ether. 6 bis

With oxygen acids, chromic acid evolves oxygen; for example, with

6 This intermediate degree of oxidation, CrO2, may also be obtained by mixing solu tions of chromic salts with solutions of chromates. The brown precipitate formed contains a compound, Cr2O5,CrO3, consisting of equivalent amounts of chromic oxide and anhydride. The brown precipitate of chromium dioxide contains water. The same substance is formed by the imperfect deoxidation of chromic anhydride by various reducing agents. Chromic oxide, when heated, absorbs oxygen, and appears to give the same substance. Chromic nitrate, when ignited, also gives this substance. When this substance is heated it first disengages water and then oxygen, chromic oxide being left. It corresponds with manganese dioxide, Cr2O,,CrO3-3CrO2. Krüger treated chromium dioxide with a mixture of sodium chloride and sulphuric acid, and found that chlorine gas was evolved, but that chromyl chloride was not formed. Under the action of light, a solution of chromic acid also deposits the brown dioxide. At the ordinary temperature chromic anhydride leaves a brown stain upon the skin and tissues, which probably proceeds from a decomposition of the same kind. Chromic anhydride is soluble in alcohol containing water, and this solution is decomposed in a similar manner by light. Chromium dioxide forms K2CrO, when treated with H2O, in the presence of KHO.

6 bis Now that persulphuric acid H,S,Og is well known it might be supposed that perchromic anhydride, Cr,O,, would correspond to perchromic acid, H¿Cr2Og, but as yet it is not certain whether corresponding salts are formed. Péchard (1891) on adding an excess of HO, and baryta water to a dilute solution of CrO2 (8 grm. per litre), observed the formation of a yellow precipitate, but oxygen was disengaged at the same time and the precipitate (which easily exploded when dried) was found to contain, besides an admixture of BaO,, a compound BaCrO5, and this BaO+Cros, and does not correspond to perchromic acid. The fact of its decomposing with an explosion, and the mode of its preparation, proves, however, that this is a similar derivative of peroxide of hydrogen to persulphuric acid (Chapter XX.)


sulphuric acid the following reaction takes place: 2CrO, +3H2SO =Cr2(SO4)3+O3+3H,O. It will be readily understood from this that a mixture of chromic acid or of its salts with sulphuric acid forms an excellent oxidising agent, which is frequently employed in chemical laboratories and even for technical purposes as a means of oxidation. Thus hydrogen sulphide and sulphurous anhydride are converted into sulphuric acid by this means. Chromic acid is able to act as a powerful oxidising agent because it passes into chromic oxide, and in so doing disengages half of the oxygen contained in it: 2CrO3=Cr2O3+03⋅ Thus chromic anhydride itself is a powerful oxidising agent, and is therefore employed instead of nitric acid in galvanic batteries (as a depolariser), the hydrogen evolved at the carbon being then oxidised, and the chromic acid converted into a non-volatile product of deoxidation, instead of yielding, as nitric acid does, volatile lower oxides of offensive odour. Organic substances are more or less perfectly oxidised by means of chromic anhydride, although this generally requires the aid of heat, and does not proceed in the presence of alkalis, but generally in the presence of acids. In acting on a solution of potassium iodide, chromic acid, like many oxidising agents, liberates iodine; the reaction proceeds in proportion to the amount of CrO, present, and may serve for determining the amount of CrO3, since the amount of iodine liberated can be accurately determined by the iodometric method (Chapter XX., Note 42). If chromic anhydride be ignited in a stream of ammonia, it gives chromic oxide, water, and nitrogen. In all cases when chromic acid acts as an oxidising agent in the presence of acids and under the action of heat, the product of its deoxidation is a chromic salt, CrX3, which is characterised by the green colour of its solution, so that the red or yellow solution of a salt of chromic acid is then transformed into a green solution of a chromic salt, derived from chromic oxide, Cr2O3, which is closely analogous to Al2O3, Fe2O3, and other bases of the composition RO3. This analogy is seen in the insolubility of the anhydrous oxide, in the gelatinous form of the colloidal hydrate, in the formation of alums, of a volatile chloride of chromium, &c.7 bis

7 As a mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid is usually employed for oxidation, the resultant solution generally contains a double sulphate of potassium and chromium-that is, chrome alum, isomorphous with ordinary alumK ̧Cr2O;+4H ̧SO4 + 20H ̧O = O5+ K ̧Cr2(SO) 1,24H O or 2(KCr(SO4)2,12H,O). It is prepared by dissolving potassium dichromate in dilute sulphuric acid; alcohol is then added and the solution slightly heated, or sulphurous anhydride is passed through it. On the addition of alcohol to a cold mixture of potassium dichromate and sulphuric acid, the gradual disengagement of pleasant-smelling volatile products of the oxidation of alcohol, and especially of aldehyde, CH,O, is remarked. If the temperature of decomposition

For Note 7 bis see p. 285.

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