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out without a knowledge of the law of periodicity, and I will confine myself to simple substances and to oxides.

Before the periodic law was formulated the atomic weights of the elements were purely empirical numbers, so that the magnitude of the equivalent, and the atomicity, or the value in substitution possessed by an atom, could only be tested by critically examining the methods of determination, but never directly by considering the numerical values themselves; in short, we were compelled to move in the dark, to submit to the facts, instead of being masters of them. I need not recount the methods which permitted the periodic law at last to master the facts relating to atomic weights, and I would merely call to mind that it compelled us to modify the valencies of indium and cerium, and to assign to their compounds a different molecular composition. Determinations of the specific heats of these two metals fully confirmed the change. The trivalency of yttrium, which makes us now represent its oxide as Y2O, instead of as YO, was also foreseen (in 1870) by the periodic law, and it has now become so probable that Clève, and all other subsequent investigators of the rare metals, have not only adopted it, but have also applied it without any new demonstration to substances so imperfectly known as those of the cerite and gadolinite group, especially since Hillebrand determined the specific heats of lanthanun and didymium and confirmed the expectations suggested by the periodic law. But here, especially in the case of didymium, we meet with a series of difficulties long since foreseen through the periodic law, but only now becoming evident, and chiefly arising from the relative rarity and insufficient knowledge of the elements which usually accompany didymium.


Passing to the results obtained in the case of the rare elements beryllium, scandium, and thorium, it is found that these have many points of contact with the periodic law. Although Avdéeff long since proposed the magnesia formula to represent beryllium oxide, yet there was so much to be said in favour of the alumina formula, on account of the specific heat of the metals and the isomorphism of the two oxides, that it became generally adopted and seemed to be well established. The periodic law, however, as Brauner repeatedly insisted (Berichte,' 1878, 872; 1881, 53), was against the formula Be O; it required the magnesia formula BeO-that is, an atomic weight of 9--because there was no place in the system for an element like beryllium having an atomic weight of 13.5. This divergence of opinion lasted for years, and I often heard that the question as to the atomic weight of beryllium threatened to disturb the generality of the periodic law, or, at any rate, to require some important modifications of it. Many forces were operating in the controversy regarding beryllium, evidently because a much more important question was at issue than merely that involved in the discussion of the atomic weight of a relatively rare element: and during the controversy the periodic law became better understood, and the mutual relations of the elements became more apparent than ever before. It is most remarkable that the victory of the periodic law was won by the researches of the very observers who previously had discovered a number of facts in support of the trivalency of beryllium. Applying the higher law of Avogadro, Nilson and Petterson have finally shown that the density of the vapour of the beryl

lium chloride, BeCl, obliges us to regard beryllium as bivalent in conformity with the periodic law. I consider the confirmation of Avdéeff's and Brauner's view as important in the history of the periodic law as the discovery of scandium, which, in Nilson's hands, confirmed the existence of ekaboron.

The circumstance that thorium proved to be quadrivalent, and Th = 232, in accordance with the views of Chydenius and the requirements of the periodic law, passed almost unnoticed, and was accepted without opposition, and yet both thorium and uranium are of great importance in the periodic system, as they are its last members, and have the highest atomic weights of all the elements.

The alteration of the atomic weight of uranium from U = 120 into U = 240 attracted more attention, the change having been made on account of the periodic law, and for no other reason. Now that Roscoe, Rammelsberg, Zimmermann, and several others have admitted the various claims of the periodic law in the case of uranium, its high atomic weight is received without objection, and it endows that element with a special interest.

While thus demonstrating the necessity for modifying the atomic weights of several insufficiently known elements, the periodic law enabled us also to detect errors in the determination of the atomic weights of several elements whose valencies and true position among other elements were already well known. Three such cases are especially noteworthy: those of tellurium, titanium and platinum. Berzelius had determined the atomic weight of tellurium to be 128, while the periodic law claimed for it an atomic weight below that of iodine, which had been fixed by Stas at 1265, and which was certainly not higher than 127. Brauner then undertook the investigation, and he has shown that the true atomic weight of tellurium is lower than that of iodine, being near to 125. For titanium the extensive researches of Thorpe have confirmed the atomic weight of Ti = 48, indicated by the law, and already foreseen by Rose, but contradicted by the analyses of Pierre and several other chemists. An equally brilliant confirmation of the expectations based on the periodic law has been given in the case of the series osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold. At the time of the promulgation of the periodic law, the determinations of Berzelius, Rose, and many others gave the following figures:

Os = 200; Ir=197; Pt=198; Au = 196.

7 Let me mention another proof of the bivalency of beryllium which may have passed unnoticed, as it was only published in the Russian chemical literature. Having remarked (in 1884) that the density of such solutions of chlorides of metals, MCln, as contain 200 mols. of water (or a large and constant amount of water) regularly increases as the molecular weight of the dissolved salt increases, I proposed to one of our young chemists, M. Burdakoff, that he should investigate beryllium chloride. If its molecule be BeCl2 its weight must be =80; and in such a case it must be heavier than the molecule of KCl=745, and lighter than that of MgCl2=93. On the contrary, if beryllium chloride is a trichloride, BeCl3=120, its molecule must be heavier than that of CaCl2=111, and lighter than that of MnCl2 = 126. Experiment has shown the correctness of the former formula, the solution BeCl2 + 200H2O having (at 15°/4°) a density of 10138, this being a higher density than that of the solution KCl+200H2O (=10121), and lower than that of MgCl2+200H2O (=1·0203). The bivalency of beryllium was thus confirmed in the case both of the dissolved and the vaporised chloride.


The expectations of the periodic law have been confirmed, first, by new determinations of the atomic weight of platinum (by Seubert, Dittmar, and M'Arthur, which proved to be near to 196 (taking 0=16, as proposed by Marignac, Brauner, and others); secondly, by Seubert having proved that the atomic weight of osmium is really lower than that of platinum, being near to 191; and thirdly, by the investigations of Krüss, Thorpe and Laurie, proving that the atomic weight of gold exceeds that of platinum, and approximates to 197. The atomic weights which were thus found to require correction were precisely those which the periodic law had indicated as affected with errors; and it has been proved, therefore, that the periodic law affords a means of testing experimental results. If we succeed in discovering the exact character of the periodic relationships between the increments in atomic weights of allied elements discussed by Ridberg in 1885, and again by Bazaroff in 1887, we may expect that our instrument will give us the means of still more closely controlling the experimental data relating to atomic weights.

Let me next call to mind that, while disclosing the variation of chemical properties, the periodic law has also enabled us to systematically discuss many of the physical properties of elementary bodies, and to show that these properties are also subject to the law of periodicity. At the Moscow Congress of Russian Naturalists in August, 1869, I dwelt upon the relations which existed between density and the atomic weight of the elements. The following year Professor Lothar Meyer, in his well-known paper, 10 studied the same subject in more detail, and thus contributed to spread information about the periodic law. Later on, Carnelley, Laurie, L. Meyer, RobertsAusten, and several others applied the periodic system to represent the order in the changes of the magnetic properties of the elements, their melting points, the heats of formation of their haloid compounds, and even of such mechanical properties as the co-efficient of elasticity, the breaking stress, &c., &c. These deductions, which have received further support in the discovery of new elements endowed not only with chemical but even with physical properties, which were foreseen by the law of periodicity, are well known; so I need not dwell upon the subject, and may pass to the consideration of oxides.11

8 I pointed them out in the Liebig's Annalen, Supplement Band., viii. 1871, p. 211. 9 Thus, in the typical small period of

Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F,

we see at once the progression from the alkali metals to the acid non-metals, such as are the halogens.

10 Liebig's Annalen, Supplement Band., vii. 1870.

11 A distinct periodicity can also be discovered in the spectra of the elements. Thus the researches of Hartley, Ciamician, and others have disclosed, first, the homology of the spectra of analogous elements: secondly, that the alkali metals have simpler spectra than the metals of the following groups; and thirdly, that there is a certain likeness between the complicated spectra of manganese and iron on the one hand, and the no less complicated spectra of chlorine and bromine on the other hand, and their likeness corresponds to the degree of analogy between those elements which is indicated by the periodic law.

In indicating that the gradual increase of the power of elements of combining with oxygen is accompanied by a corresponding decrease in their power of combining with hydrogen, the periodic law has shown that there is a limit of oxidation, just as there is a well-known limit to the capacity of elements for combining with hydrogen. A single atom of an element combines with at most four atoms of either hydrogen or oxygen; and while CH, and SiH, represent the highest hydrides, so RuO, and OsO are the highest oxides. We are thus led to recognise types of oxides, just as we have had to recognise types of hydrides.12

The periodic law has demonstrated that the maximum extent to which different non-metals enter into combination with oxygen is determined by the extent to which they combine with hydrogen, and that the sum of the number of equivalents of both must be equal to 8. Thus chlorine, which combines with 1 atom or 1 equivalent of hydrogen, cannot fix more than 7 equivalents of oxygen, giving Cl,O,; while sulphur, which fixes 2 equivalents of hydrogen, cannot combine with more than 6 equivalents or 3 atoms of oxygen. It thus becomes evident that we cannot recognise as a fundamental property of the elements the atomic valencies deduced from their hydrides; and that we must modify, to a certain extent, the theory of atomicity if we desire to raise it to the dignity of a general principle capable of affording an insight into the constitution of all compound molecules. In other words, it is only to carbon, which is quadrivalent with regard both to oxygen and hydrogen, that we can apply the theory of constant valency and of bond, by means of which so many still endeavour to explain the structure of compound molecules. But I should go too far if I ventured to explain in detail the conclusions which can be drawn from the above considerations. Still, I think it necessary to dwell upon one particular fact which must be explained from the point of view of the periodic law in order to clear the way to its extension in that particular direction.

The higher oxides yielding salts the formation of which was foreseen by the periodic system-for instance, in the short series beginning with sodium

Na,O, MgO, ALO, SiO2, P2O5, SO3, Cl2O7,

must be clearly distinguished from the higher degrees of oxidation which correspond to hydrogen peroxide and bear the true character of peroxides. Peroxides such as Na,O,, BaO,, and the like have long been known. Similar

12 Formerly it was supposed that, being a bivalent element, oxygen can enter into any grouping of the atoms, and there was no limit foreseen as to the extent to which it could further enter into combination. We could not explain why bivalent sulphur, which forms compounds such as

and S.

could not also form oxides such as

or S

while other elements, as, for instance, chlorine, form compounds such as


peroxides have also recently become known in the case of chromium, sulphur, titanium, and many other elements, and I have sometimes heard it said that discoveries of this kind weaken the conclusions of the periodic law in so far as it concerns the oxides. I do not think so in the least, and I may remark, in the first place, that all these peroxides are endowed with certain properties obviously common to all of them, which distinguish them from the actual, higher, salt-forming oxides, especially their easy decomposition by means of simple contact agencies; their incapability of forming salts of the common type; and their capability of combining with other peroxides (like the faculty which hydrogen peroxide possesses of combining with barium peroxide, discovered by Schoene). Again, we remark that some groups are especially characterised by their capacity of generating peroxides. Such is, for instance, the case in the sixth group, where we find the well-known peroxides of sulphur, chromium, and uranium; so that further investigation of peroxides will probably establish a new periodic function, foreshadowing that molyb. denum and tungsten will assume peroxide forms with comparative readiness. To appreciate the constitution of such peroxides, it is enough to notice that the peroxide form of sulphur (so-called persulphuric acid) stands in the same relation to sulphuric acid as hydrogen peroxide stands to water:

and so also

H(OH), or H2O, responds to (OH)(OH), or H2O2,

H(HSO,), or H,SO,, responds to (HSO,)(HSO,), or H2SO..

Similar relations are seen everywhere, and they correspond to the principle of substitutions which I long since endeavoured to represent as one of the chemical generalisations called into life by the periodic law. So also sulphuric acid, if considered with reference to hydroxyl, and represented as follows


has its corresponding compound in dithionic acid

(SO,OH)(SO,OH), or H ̧S ̧Ó ̧.

Therefore, also, phosphoric acid, HO(POH2O), has, in the same sense, its corresponding compound in the subphosphoric acid of Saltzer :

(POH2O)(POH ̧O2), or H ̧Ð ̧О ̧;

and we must suppose that the peroxide compound corresponding to phosphoric acid, if it be discovered, will have the following structure:

(H,PO), or HP ̧О ̧ = 2H ̧O + 2PO3.13

So far as is known at present, the highest form of peroxides is met with in

13 In this sense, oxalic acid, (COOH)2, also corresponds to carbonic acid, OH (COOH), in the same way that dithionic acid corresponds to sulphuric acid, and subphosphoric acid to phosphoric; hence, if a peroxide corresponding to carbonic acid be obtained, it will have the structure of (HCO3)2, or H2C2O6=H2O+C2O5. So also lead must have a real peroxide, Pb2O5.

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