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usual type RX2, it also gives those of the lower type, RX, which are unknown for zinc and cadmium.13 Mercury therefore gives salts of the composition HgX (mercurous salts) and HgX, (mercuric salts), the oxides having the formulæ Hg2O and HgO respectively,

Mercury is found in nature almost exclusively in combination with sulphur (like zinc and cadmium, but is still rarer than them) in the form known as cinnabar, HgS (Chapter XX., Note 29). It is far more rarely met with in the native or metallic condition, and this in all probability has been derived from cinnabar. Mercury ore is found only in a few places—namely, in Spain (in Almaden), in Idria, Japan, Peru, and California. About the year 1880 Minenkoff discovered a rich bed of cinnabar in the Bahmout district (near the station of Nikitovka), in the Government of Ekaterinoslav, so that now Russia even exports mercury to other countries. Cinnabar is now being worked in Daghestan in the Caucasus. Mercury ores are easily reduced to metallic mercury, because the combination between the metal and the sulphur is one of but little stability. Oxygen, iron, lime, and many other substances, when heated, easily destroy the combination. If iron is heated with cinnabar, iron sulphide is formed; if cinnabar is heated with lime, mercury and calcium sulphide and sulphate are formed, 4HgS+4CaO =4Hg+3CaS+CaSO4. On being heated in the air, or roasted, the sulphur burns, oxidises, forming sulphurous anhydride, and vapours of metallic mercury are formed. Mercury is more easily distilled than all other metals, its boiling point being about 351°, and therefore its separation from natural admixtures, decomposed by one of the above-mentioned methods, is effected at the expense of a comparatively small amount of heat. The mixture of mercury vapour, air, and products of combustion obtained is cooled in tubes (by water or air), and the mercury condenses as liquid metal.14

easily in a strong heat than the three preceding metals, and zinc, cadmium, and mercury melt still more easily. Nickel, palladium, and platinum are very slightly volatile ; copper, silver, and gold are more volatile; and zinc, cadmium, and mercury are among the most volatile metals. Zinc oxidises more easily than copper, and is reduced with more difficulty, and the same is true for mercury as compared with gold. These properties for cadmium and silver are intermediate in the respective groups. Relations of this kind clearly show the nature of the periodic law.

13 Thus thallium, lead, and bismuth, following mercury according to their atomic weights, form, besides compounds of the highest types, TIX,, PbX4, and BiX5, also the lower ones TIX, PbX, and BiX.

14 During the condensation of the vapours of mercury in works, a part forms a black mass of finely-divided particles, which gives metallic mercury when worked up in centrifugal machines, or on pressure, or on re-distillation. In mercury we observe a tendency to easily split up into the finest drops, which are difficult to unite into a dense mass. It is sufficient to shake up mercury with nitric and sulphuric acids in order to



Mercury, as everybody knows, is a liquid metal at the ordinary temperature. In its lustre and whiteness it resembles silver.15 At - 39° mercury is transformed into a malleable crystalline metal; at 0° its specific gravity is 13-596, and in the solid state at - 40° it is 14:39.16 Mercury does not change in the air-that is to say, it does not oxidise at the ordinary temperature-but at a temperature approaching the boiling-point, as was stated in the Introduction, it oxidises, forming mercuric oxide. Both metallic mercury and its compounds in general produce salivation, trembling of the hands, and other unhealthy symptoms which are found in the workmen exposed to the influence of mercurial vapours or the dust of its compounds.

As many of the compounds of mercury decompose on being heated. for instance, the oxide or carbonate 17--and as zinc, cadmium, copper, iron, and other metals separate mercury from its salts, it is evident


produce such a mercury powder. The mercury separated (for instance, reduced by substances like sulphurous anhydride) from solutions, forms such a powder. According to the experiments of Nernst, this disintegrated mercury when entering into reactions develops more heat than the dense liquid metal-that is to say, the work of disintegration reappears in the form of heat. This example is instructive in considering thermochemical deductions.

15 Mercury may sometimes be obtained in a perfectly pure state from works (in iron bottles holding about 35 kilos), but after being used in laboratories (for baths, calibration, &c.) it contains impurities. It may be purified mechanically in the following way; a paper filter with a fine hole (pricked with a needle) is placed in a glass funnel and mercury is poured into it, which slowly trickles through the hole, leaving the impurities upon the filter. Sometimes it is squeezed through chamois leather or through a block of wood (as in the well-known experiment with the air-pump). It may be purified from many metals by contact with dilute nitric acid, if small drops of mercury are allowed to pass through a long column of it (from the fine end of a funnel); or by shaking it up with sulphuric acid in air. Mercury may be purified by the action of an electric current, if it be covered with a solution of HgNO3. But the complete purification of mercury for barometers and thermometers can only be attained by distillation, best in a vacuum (the vapour-tension of mercury is given in Chapter II., Note 27). For this purpose Weinhold's apparatus is most often used. The principle of this apparatus is very ingenious, the distillation being effected in a Torricellian vacuum continuously supplied with fresh mercury, whilst the condensed mercury is continuously removed. This process of distillation requires very little attention, and gives about one kilo of pure mercury per hour.

16 If the volume of liquid mercury at 0° be taken as 1000000, then, according to the determinations of Regnault (re-calculated by me in 1875), at t it will be 1000000+180-1 +0·0212.

17 All salts of mercury, when mixed with sodium carbonate and heated, give mercurous or mercuric carbonates; these decompose on being heated, forming carbonic anhydride, oxygen, and vapours of mercury.

18 Spring (1888) showed that solid dry HgCl is gradually decomposed in contact with metallic copper. According to the determinations of Thomsen, the formation of a gram of mercurial compounds from their elements develops the following amounts of heat (in thousands of units): Hg2+0, 42; Hg+0, 31; Hg+S, 17; Hg + Cl, 41; Hg+ Br, 34; Hg+1, 24; Hg + Cl2, 63; Hg+ Br2, 51; Hg + I2, 34; Hg + CN, 19. These numbers

that mercury has less chemical energy than the metals already described, even than zinc and cadmium. Nitric acid, when acting on an excess of mercury at the ordinary temperature, gives mercurous nitrate, HgNO3.19 The same acid, under the influence of heat and when in excess (nitric oxide being liberated), forms mercuric nitrate, Hg(NO3)2. This, 20 both in its composition and properties, resembles the salts of zinc and cadmium. Dilute sulphuric acid does not act on mercury, but strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, with evolution of sulphurous anhydride (not hydrogen), and on being slightly heated with an excess of mercury it forms the sparingly soluble mercurous sulphate, Hg,SO,; but if mercury be strongly heated with an excess of the acid, the mercuric salt, HgSO,,21 is formed. Alkalis do not act on mercury, but the non-metals chlorine, bromine, sulphur, and phosphorus easily combine with it. They form, like the acids, two series. of compounds, HgX and HgX2. The oxygen compound of the first series is the suboxide of mercury, or mercurous oxide, Hg, and of the second order the oxide HgO, mercuric oxide. The chlorine compound corresponding with the suboxide is HgCl (calomel), and with the oxide. HgCl, (corrosive sublimate or mercuric chloride). In the compounds HgX, mercury resembles the metals of the first group, and more especially silver. In the mercuric compounds there is an evident

are less than the corresponding ones for potassium, sodium, calcium, barium, and for zine and cadmium-for instance, Zn+O, 85; Zn + Cl2, 97; Zn + Bro, 76; Zn + Ig, 49; Cd - Cl2, 93; Cd + Br2, 75; Cd +I2, 49.

19 This salt easily forms the crystallo-hydrate HgNO,,H2O, corresponding with orthonitric acid, H-NO4 (the terms ortho-, pyro-, and meta-acids are explained in the chapter on Phosphorus), with the substitution of Hg for H. In an aqueous solution this salt can only be preserved in the presence of free mercury, otherwise it forms basic salts, which will be mentioned hereafter (Chapter VI., Note 59).

20 Mercuric nitrate, Hg(NO3)2,8H2O, crystallises from a concentrated solution of mercury in an excess of boiling nitric acid. Water decomposes this salt; at the ordinary temperature crystals of a basic salt of the composition Hg(NO3),,HgO,2H4O are formed, and with an excess of water the insoluble yellow basic salt Hg(NO-),H,O,2HgO. These three salts correspond with the type of ortho-nitric acid, (H3NO4), in which mercury is substituted for 1, 2 and 3 times H. As all these salts still contain water, it is possible that they correspond with the tetrahydrate = N2O5 + 4H ̧O – N2O(OH), if ortho-nitric acid = N2O5 + 3H2O = 2NO(OH)3.


21 To obtain the mercuric salt a large excess of strong sulphuric acid must be taken and strongly heated. With a small quantity of water colourless crystals of HgSO4,H,O be obtained. An excess of water, especially when heated, forms the basic salt (as in Note 20), HgSO4,2HgO, which corresponds with trihydrated sulphuric acid, SO3+ 3H ̧O S(OH), with the substitution of He by 3Hg, which in mercuric salts is equivalent to H. Le Chatelier (1888) gives the following ratio between the amounts of equivalents per litre :

[blocks in formation]

-that is, the relative amount of free acid decreases as the strength of the solution increases.

resemblance to those of magnesium, cadmium, &c. Here the atom of mercury is bivalent, as in the type RX2.22 Every soluble mercurous compound (corresponding with the type of the suboxide of mercury), HgX, forms a white precipitate of calomel, HgCl, with hydrochloric acid or a metallic chloride, because HgCl is very slightly soluble in water, HgX + MCl = HgCl + MX. In soluble mercuric compounds, HgX,, hydrochloric acid and metallic chlorides do not form a precipitate, because corrosive sublimate, HgCl2, is soluble in water. Alkali hydroxides precipitate the yellow mercuric oxide from a solution of HgX, and the black mercurous oxide from HgX. Potassium iodide forms a dirty greenish precipitate, HgI, with mercurous salts, HgX, and a red precipitate, HgI2, with the mercuric salts, HgX2. These reactions distinguish the mercuric from the mercurous salts, which latter represent the transition from

22 The question of the molecular weight of calomel-that is, whether the mercury in the salts of the suboxide is monatomic or diatomic-long occupied the minds of chemists, although it is not of very great importance. It is only recently (1894) that this question can be considered as answered, thanks to the researches of V. Meyer and Harris, in favour of diatomicity-that is, that calomel is analogous to peroxide of hydrogen and contains HgCl2 (like OH) in its molecule if corrosive sublimate contains HgCl2 (like water OH). As a matter of fact, direct experiment gives the vapour density of calomel as about 118-that is, indicates that its molecule contains HgCl, whilst the molecule of the sublimate, judging also by the vapour density (nearly 136), contains HgCl; it might therefore be concluded that the mercury in the suboxide is not only monovalent (corresponding to H) but also monatomic, whilst in the oxide it is divalent and diatomic. Instances of a variable atomicity, as shown by the vapour density, are known in N2O, NO, and NH5, CO and CO2, PC13 and PCl5, and it might therefore be supposed that the present was a similar instance. But there are also instances of a variable equivalency which do not correspond to a variation of atomicity-for example, OH2 (water) and OH (peroxide of hydrogen), CH, (methane), CH, (ethyl), and CH2 (ethylene), &c. Here, according to the law of substitution, the residues of OH, and CH, combine together and give molecules; OHOH = O2H, (peroxide of hydrogen) and CH3CH2 = C2H6 (ethane), &c. The same may be assumed also to be the relation of calomel to sublimate; the residue HgCl, which is combined with C in sublimate, corresponds to HgCl2, and in calomel it may be supposed that this residue is combined with itself, forming the molecule HgCl. On this view of the composition of the molecule of calomel it would follow that in the state of vapour it breaks up into two molecules, HgCl, and Hg, when the vapour density would be about 118 (because that of sublimate is about 136 and that of mercury about 100), and that in cooling this mixture (like a mixture of HCl and NH3) again gives HgCl2. It was therefore necessary to prove that calomel is decomposed in the state of vapour. This was not effected for a long time, although Odling, as far back as the thirties, showed that gold becomes amalgamated (i.e. absorbs metallic mercury) in the vapour of calomel, but not in the vapour of sublimate. Recently, however, V. Meyer and Harris (1894) have shown that a greater amount of the vapour of mercury than of calomel passes (at about 465°) through a porous clay cell, containing calomel. This proves that the vapour of calomel contains a mixture of the vapours of Hg and HgCl2, as would follow from the second hypothesis. Moreover, on introducing a heated piece of KHO into the vapour of calomel, Meyer observed the formation, not of suboxide (black), but of oxide of mercury (yellow). Therefore the molecular formula of calomel must be taken as HgCl2 (and not HgCl).

the mercuric salts to mercury itself, 2HgX = Hg + HgX2. The salts, HgX, as well as HgX,, are reduced by nascent hydrogen (e.g. from Zn + H2SO4), by such metals as zinc and copper, and also by many reducing agents-for example, hypophosphorous acid, the lowest grade of oxidation of phosphorus, by sulphurous anhydride, stannous chloride, &c. Under the action of these reagents the mercuric salts are first transformed into the mercurous salts, and the latter are then reduced to metallic mercury. This reaction is so delicate that it serves to detect the smallest quantity of mercury; for instance, in cases of poisoning, the mercury is detected by immersing a copper plate in the solution to be tested, the mercury being then deposited upon it (more readily on passing a galvanic current). The copper plate, on being rubbed, shows a silvery white colour; on being heated, it yields vapours of mercury, and then again assumes its original red colour (if it does not oxidise). The mercurous compounds, HgX, under the action of oxidising agents, even air, pass into mercuric compounds, especially in the presence of acids (otherwise a basic salt is produced), 2HgX+2HX+0 =2HgX2+H2O; but the mercuric compounds, when in contact with mercury, change more or less readily, and turn into mercurous compounds, HgX,+Hg=2HgX. For this reason, in order to preserve solutions of mercurous salts, a little mercury is generally added to them.

The lowest oxygen compound of mercury—that is, mercurous oxide, Hg2O-does not seem to exist, for the substance precipitated in the form of a black mass by the action of alkalis on a solution of mercurous salts gradually separates on keeping into the yellow mercuric oxide and metallic mercury, as does also a simple mechanical mixture of oxide, Hg, with mercury (Guibourt, Barfoed). The other compound of mercury with oxygen is already known to us as mercuric oxide, HgO, obtained in the form of a red crystalline substance by the oxidation of mercury in the air, and precipitated as a yellow powder by the action of sodium hydroxide on solutions of salts of the type HgX2. In this case it is amorphous and more amenable to the action of various reagents (Chap. XI., Note 32) than when it is in the crystalline state. Indeed, on trituration, the red oxide is changed into a powder of a yellow colour. It is very sparingly soluble in water, and forms an alkaline solution which precipitates magnesia from the solution of its salts.

Mercury combines directly with chlorine, and the first product of combination is calomel or mercurous chloride, Hg2Cl2. This is obtained, as above stated, in the form of a white precipitate by mixing solu

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