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of the liquid 1.77), has a composition BF3,2H2O (or B2O,,H,O,6HF). It has also its corresponding salts. It is a caustic liquid, having the properties of a powerful acid; but it does not act on glass, which shows that there is no free hydrofluoric acid present. Under the action of water this system changes, with the formation of boric acid and hydro-borofluoric acid (HBF) according to the equation 4BF,H ̧O2 = 3HBF+BH303+5H20.16 This hydroborofluoric acid has its corresponding salts-for instance, KBF. On evaporating the aqueous solution this free acid decomposes, with the evolution of hydrofluoric acid, and a stable system is again obtained: 2HBF,+5H2O = B2F6H10O5+2HF. The resultant solution (containing 2BF3,5H2O, sp. gr. 1.58), which is identical with that formed by the evaporation of a solution of boric acid with hydrofluoric acid, again only contains a compound of boron fluoride with water. Probably there are various other possible and more or less stable states of equilibrium and definite compounds of boron fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, and


Nothing of this kind occurs with boron chloride, because hydrochloric acid does not act on boric acid. However, amorphous boron at 400° burns in chlorine, and at 410° forms boron chloride, BC1.3 The boron burns in the chlorine, forming a gas which, in a freezing mixture, condenses into a liquid boiling at 17°, and gives up its excess of chlorine, if there be any, to mercury. The specific gravity of this liquid is 1.42 at 6°. Boron chloride may also be directly obtained from boric anhydride by the simultaneous action of charcoal and chlorine at a high temperature: B2O3+3C+3C12 = 2BC13+3CO. It is also obtained by the action of phosphoric chloride on boric anhydride in a closed tube at 200°. It is completely decomposed by water, like the chloranhydride of an acid, boric acid being formed; hence it fumes in the air: 2BC13+6H2O = 2BH303+6HCl. Boron complex but direct chemical transformations, and I think that this example should prove the justness of those observations upon the nature of solutions which are given in Chapter I.

15 They are called fluoborates. They may be prepared directly from fluorides and borates. Such compounds of halogens with oxygen salts are known in nature (for instance, apatite and boracite), and may be artificially prepared. The composition of the fluoborates-for example, K4BF30-may be expressed as that of a double salt, BO(OK),3KF. If an excess of water decomposes them (Bazaroff), this does not prove that they do not exist as such, for many double salts are decomposed by water.

16 Fluoboric acid contains boron fluoride and water, hydrofluoboric acid, boron fluoride, and hydrofluoric acid. It is evident that on the one side the competition between water and hydrofluoric acid, and, on the other hand, their power to combine, are among the forces which act here. From the fact that hydroborofluoric acid, HBF, can only exist in an aqueous solution, it must be assumed that it forms a somewhat stable system only in the presence of 3H2O.

forms with bromine a similar compound, BBr, specific gravity at 6° 2.64, boiling at 90°. The vapour densities of the fluoride, chloride, and bromide of boron show that they contain three atoms of the halogen in the molecule-that is, that boron is a trivalent element forming BX.16 bis


As in the first group lithium is followed by sodium, giving a more basic oxide, so in the second group beryllium is followed by magnesium, and so also in the third group there is, besides the lightest element, boron, whose basic character is scarcely defined, aluminium, Al = 27, whose oxide, alumina, has somewhat distinct basic properties, which, although not so powerful as in magnesium oxide, are more distinct than in boric anhydride. Among the elements of the third group, aluminium is the most widely distributed in nature; it will be sufficient to mention that it enters into the composition of clay to demonstrate the universal distribution of aluminium in the earth's crust.


Alumina is so named from its being the metal of alums (alumen). Clay, which is so widely distributed and familiar to everybody, is the insoluble residue obtained after the action of water containing carbonic acid on many rocks, and especially on the felspars contained in some of them. Felspar is a compound containing potash or soda, alumina, and silica. The primary rocks, like granite, contain many similar compounds (see Chapter XVIII. Felspars). Felspar is acted on by water containing carbonic acid, all the alkalis (potash and soda), and a portion of the silica passing into the water as substances which are soluble and carried away by it, whilst the alumina and silica left from the felspar remain on the spot where the solution has taken place. This is the original method of the formation of clay in its primary deposits among rocks along whose crevices the atmospheric water has permeated. Such primary deposits often contain a white pure clay, termed kaolin or porcelain clay. But such clay is a rarity, because the conditions for its formation are rarely met with. The water, whilst acting chemically on rocks, at the same time destroys them mechanically, and carries off the finely divided residues of disintegration with it. Clay is most easily subjected to this mechanical action of water, because it is composed of grains of exceedingly small size and void of any visible crystalline structure, which easily re

16 bis Iodide of boron, BI3, was obtained by Moissan (1891), by heating a mixture of the vapours of HI and BC1, in a tube, or by the action of iodine vapour (at 750°) or HI upon amorphous boron. BI3 is a solid substance which dissolves in benzol and CS, reacts with water, melts at 432, boils at 210°, has a density 33 at 50°, and partially decomposes in the light. Besson (1891) obtained BIBr, (boiling at 125°), and BI ̧Br (boiling at 180°) by heating (300-400°) a mixture of the vapours of H1 and BBr3, and showed that NH, combines with BBr, and BI, in various proportions.

main suspended in water. The cloudy water of running mountain. streams generally contains particles of clay in suspension, owing to the above-described chemical and mechanical action of the water on the minerals contained in the mountain rocks. Together with these minute particles of clay the water carries away the coarser components on which it is not able to act--for example, splinters of rock, grains of mica, quartz, &c. They were originally held together by those minerals which form clay. When the water acts on these binding minerals, a sandy mass is formed which water bears away. The cloudy water in which the particles of clay and sand are held in suspension carries them to, and deposits them at, the estuaries of rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. The coarser particles are first deposited and form sand and similar disintegrated rocky matter, whilst the clay, owing to its finely divided state, is carried on further, and is only deposited in the still parts of the rivers, lakes, &c. Such disintegrations of rocks and separations of clay from sand have been gradually going on during the millions of years of the earth's existence, and are now proceeding, and have been the cause of the formation of the immense deposits of sandstone and clay now forming a part of the earth's strata. Such beds of clay may have been transferred by currents and streams from one locality to another, so that we must distinguish between primary and secondary deposits of clay. In places these beds of clay have, owing to long exposure under water, and perhaps partially owing to the action of heat, undergone compression, and have formed the rocky masses known as clay slates and schists, which sometimes form entire monntains. Roofing slates belong to this class of rocks.

From what has been said above it will be evident that these deposits can never consist of a chemically pure and homogeneous substance, but will contain all kinds of extraneous insoluble finely divided matter, and especially sand-that is, fragments of rock, chiefly quartz (SiO2). It is, however, possible to considerably purify clay from these impurities, owing to the fact that they are the result of mechanical disintegration, whilst the clay has been formed as a residue of the chemical alteration of rocky matter, and therefore its particles are incomparably more minute than the particles of sand and other rock fragments mixed with it. This difference in the size of the grains causes the clay to remain longer in suspension when shaken up in water than the coarser grains of sand. If clay be shaken up in water, and especially if it be previously boiled in it, and if after the first portion has settled the cloudy water be decanted, it will give a deposit of a very much purer clay than the original. This method is employed for

purifying kaolin designed for the manufacture of the best kinds of china, earthenware, &c. A similar method is also employed in the investigation of earths for determining the composition of soils chiefly composed of a mixture of sand, clay, limestone, and mould. The limestone is soluble in dilute acids, but neither the clay nor sand passes into solution by this means, and therefore the limestone is easily separated in the investigation of soils. The clay is separated from the sand by a mechanical method similar to that described above, and termed levigation.17

17 The process of levigation is based on the difference in the diameters of the particles of clay and sand. In density these particles differ but little from each other, and therefore a stream of water of a certain velocity can only carry away the particles of a certain diameter, whilst the particles of a larger diameter cannot be borne away by it. This is due to the resistance to falling offered by the water. This resistance to substances moving in it increases with the velocity, and therefore a substance falling into water will only move with an increasing velocity until its weight equals the resistance offered by the water, and then the velocity will be uniform. And as the weight of the minute particles of clay is small, the maximum velocity attained by them in falling is also small. A detailed account of the theory of falling bodies in liquid, and of the experiments bearing on this subject, may be found in my work, Concerning the Resistance of Liquids and Aeronautics, 1880. The minute particles of clay remain suspended longer in water, and take longer to fall to the bottom. Heavy particles, although of small dimensions, fall more quickly, and are borne away by water with greater difficulty than the lighter. In this way gold and other heavy ores are washed free from sand and clay, and the coarser portions and heavier particles are left behind. A current of water of a certain velocity cannot carry away with it particles of more than a definite diameter and density, but by increasing the velocity of the current a point may be arrived at when it will bear away larger particles. A description of apparatus for the observation of phenomena of this kind is given by Schöne in his memoir in the Transactions of the Moscow Society of Natural Sciences for 1867. In order to be able accurately to vary the velocity of the current of water, a cylinder is employed in which the earth to be experimented on is placed, and water is introduced through the conical bottom of the cylinder. The rate at which the water rises in the cylinder will vary according to the quantity of water flowing per unit of time into the vessel, and consequently particles of various sizes will be carried away by the water flowing over the upper edges of the vessel. Schöne showed by direct experiment that a current of water having a velocity of 0.1 mm. per second will carry away particles having a diameter of not more than 0.0075 mm., that is, only the most minute; with a velocity v=0.2 mm. per second, particles having a diameter d-0011 mm. are carried away; with v-03 mm., d=00146 mm.; with v=04 mm., d-0017 mm.; with v=0.5 mm., d=0·02 mm.; with v-1 mm., d=0.03 mm.; with v=4 mm., d=0.07 mm.; with v = 10 mm., d=0·137 mm.; with v- 12 mm., d=0.15 mm. ; and therefore if the current does not exceed one of these velocities, it will only carry away or wash away particles having a diameter less than that indicated. The sand and other particles mixed with the clay will then remain in the vessel. The very minute particles obtained after levigation are all considered as clay, although not only clay but other rock residue may also exist in it as very fine particles. However, this is very seldom the case, and the fine mud separated from all clays has practically the same composition as the purest kinds

of kaolin.

The relation between the amounts of clay and sand in soils used for the cultivation of plants is very important, because a soil rich in clay is denser, heavier, shrinks up under the action of heat, and does not readily yield to the plough in dry or wet weather, whilst a soil rich in sand is friable, crumbling, easily parts with its moisture and dries rapidly,

By treating clay with strong sulphuric acid, which dissolves the alumina in it, and then (by means of an alkaline carbonate) dissolving the silica which was combined with the alumina in the clay (but not that

but is comparatively easily worked. Neither crumbling sand nor pure clay can be regarded as a good cultivating soil. The difference in the amounts of clay and sand in a soil has also a purely chemical signification. Sand is easily permeated by the air, because its particles are not closely packed together. Hence the chemical change of manures proceeds very easily in sandy soils. But on the other hand such soils do not retain the nutritious principles contained in the manure, nor the water necessary for the nourishment of plants by means of their roots. Solutions of nutritious substances, containing salts of potassium, phosphoric acid, &c., when passed through sand only leave a portion moistening the surface of its particles. The sand has only to be washed with pure water and all the adhering films of solution are washed away. It is not so with clay. If the above solutions be passed through a layer of clay the retention of the nutritive substances of these solutions will be very marked; this is partly because of the very large surface which the minute particles of clay expose. The nutritive elements dissolved in water are retained by the particles of clay in a peculiar manner-that is, the absorptive power of clay is very great compared to that of sand-and this has a great significance in the economy of nature (Chapter XIII., p. 547). It is evident that for cultivation the most convenient soils in every respect will be those containing a definite mixture of clay and sand, and indeed the most fertile soils have this composition. The study of fertile soils, which is so important for a knowledge of the natural conditions for the application of fertilisers, belongs, strictly speaking, to the province of agriculture. In Russia the first foundation of a scientific fertilisation has been laid by Dokuchaeff. As an example only, we will give the composition of four soils; (1) The black earth of the Simbirsk Government; (2) a clay soil from the Smolensk Government; (3) a more sandy soil from the Moscow Government; and (4) a peaty soil from near St. Petersburg. These analyses were made in the laboratory of the St. Petersburg University about 1860, in connection with experiments on fertilisation (conducted by me) by the Imperial Free Economical Society. 10,000 grams of air-dried soil contain the following quantities (in grams) of substances capable of dissolving in acids, and of serving for the nourishment of plants.

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By chemical and mechanical analysis, the chief component parts per 100 parts of air

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The black earth excels the other soils in many respects, but naturally its stores are also exhausted by cultivation if nothing be returned to it in the form of fertilisers; and the improvement of a soil (for instance, by the addition of marl or peat, and by drainage and watering), and its fertilisation, if carried on in conformity with its composition and with the properties of the plants to be cultivated, are capable of rendering not only every

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