Imágenes de páginas

If the paten has been used for communicating the people, it will be well to turn a corner of the corporal over it before the vessels are veiled, left in removing the fair linen cloth any remaining Particle should be fwept off the paten.

286. The priest says the Lord's prayer, and one of the following Collects, in the midst of the altar, extenfis manibus (see Nos. 259 and 198 note w). Having joined his hands at the end of the Collect he extends them again as he commences the Gloria in excelfis, joining them at the words "and in earth peace," till the end. He inclines at the words "we praise Thee," "receive our prayer," and again at the end, when he figns himself.

287. As he fays "Amen," the priest lays his hands upon the altar and inclines reverently towards the Bleffed Sacrament. Raifing himself immediately, he turns by the right in fuch wife that he moves fomewhat towards the north away from the centre of the altar fo as to avoid turning his back upon the Bleffed Sacrament. He will flightly extend and at once rejoin his hands as, facing weft, he fays "The peace of God," &c. He will remain in this pofition till he comes to the words "and the bleffing," when refting his left hand on his breast with thumb and forefinger ftill joined he will raife his right hand to about the level of the lower part of his face, with thumb and all the fingers extended straight out and joined. As he says the words "the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost," he will make the fign of the cross once and then continue to hold his hand erect as before till the ferver says "Amen," when he will turn back by the left to the altar, place his hands upon it, and incline.

288. The priest will then carefully remove the "fair linen cloth" and confume what remains of the Bleffed Sacrament without any more diftinct bows or inclinations; the confumption of what remains, whether in the ciborium or in the chalice, being treated as one act, previous to which was made the inclination after the Bleffing. N.B.-The priest must be careful to wipe out with his finger every Crumb from the paten and ciborium over the chalice.

289. He will then go to the epistle fide of the altar carrying the chalice and paten keeping the thumb and forefinger of each hand joined as before, and the server will pour a little winek into the chalice as it is held out to him for the purpose. The priest will move the chalice about in fuch a way as to make the wine circulate gently round the cup before he drinks it. Setting down the chalice on the altar and saying to himself "Grant, O Lord, that what we have received," &c. (p. 35), he will place the thumb and forefinger of each hand on the top of the chalice, grasp the bowl with the three other fingers of both hands, and turn again to the ferver, who will pour water over his fingers into the chalice. The priest will then fet down the chalice again on the altar and hold out the paten (and ciborium) for a little water to be poured into it, which he will empty

J See No. 242, note k.

k See No. 139, notes,


and z.

into the chalice and drink. He will then, with the purificator, wipe his lips and alfo the chalice, paten (ciborium), and his fingers, faying, "May this communion," &c. (p. 35). Folding the purificator he will ftretch it across the lips of the chalice, place the paten on the top of it, and the pall on the paten.

290. Leaving the vessels at the fouth fide of the altar he goes to the midft, and there bowing, fays, "Let us venerate the fign of the cross, whereby we have received the facrament of falvation." He will then fold up the corporal and "fair linen cloth," place them in the burfe, move the vessels to the centre, cover them with the filk chalice-veil, and place the burse on the top, all as at the commencement. (If a ciborium has been ufed it will be placed behind the chalice.) After this he bows, fays fecretly with joined hands, "O moft Holy Trinity," &c. (p. 36), and then clofes the Miffal if the ferver has not already taken it away.

291. The priest will come down from the altar carrying the chalice in the fame way as he brought it in, and standing off the footpace (or at the bottom of the steps if there are many), will turn to face east. Having bowed, he will receive his biretta from the ferver, put it on, and follow the server to the facrifty, faying the first fourteen verfes of St. John's Gospel. If not faid while going to the facrifty the priest says them when he has arrived there, but he is not to say them at the altar. (See No. 246, note u.)

292. Having fet down the chalice in the facrifty, faid a collect with the ferver, and taken off his maniple and chafuble, the priest will return. to the altar and bring away the ciborium, unless there is another priest or deacon who, wearing a furplice, can fetch it for him.

293. He will then go into the church, kneel down, and fay his thanksgiving (p. 38).

NOTE. If a priest has to celebrate without a ferver, it is better to place the cruets on the re-table rather than have to leave the footpace to reach them on the credence-table.




§ 1. General Directions and until the Offertory.


HE server should be at church a quarter of an hour before the time for the commencement of the fervice, and having faid a fhort prayer, will veft in caffock and furplice. He will not begin to prepare

1 "At no time might any clerk minifter about the altar unless he had on at leaft a furplice, for it was enacted that: Nullus clericus permittatur miniftrare in officio altaris nifi indutus fit fuperpellicio. (Conflitutiones Walleri Raynold, Cantuar. Archiep. A. D. 1322, apud Wilkins, Concil. Magn. Brit. vol. ii. p. 513)"-Church of our Fathers, vol. ii. p. 9.

the altar or credence till he has put on his furplice. Laying out vestments m (which, however, is properly the work of the facriftan) and other preparations in the veftry or elsewhere, away from the altar, will be done. wearing a caffock without the furplice. For the preparations required fee Nos. 249 and 250. Of the candles, that on the epiftle (or fouth) side should be lighted first and put out laft, according to Baldeschi. The Miffal may be placed on the desk" on the altar, closed, or may be carried in with the priest.

295. The ferver will affift the priest to veft, taking care that his alb hangs evenly all round, about an inch from the ground, and that the chafuble hangs straight.

296. He will walk before the priest to the altar with hands joined [or carrying the Missal with both hands], and will on no account ftare about as he goes. Arrived at the altar, he will stand a little toward the fouth fide and receive the priest's biretta in his right hand. Having bowed with the priest, he will [go up with him to the altar, place the Miffal closed on the book-defk], take the biretta to the credence, or other convenient place, and leaving it there will return to the altar, to the north or gospel fide.

297. He will kneel down at once "on the pavement upon which the celebrant stands; he may kneel upon the step after the priest has ascended to the altar."o He will always ftand or kneel on the fide oppofite to that on which the Miffal is. He will say the Responses and Confeffion (see p. 6) with the celebrant. These and all other responses in the service he should, if poffible, know by heart.


298. He will kneel on the north fide till the end of the Epistle. rifing, while the priest moves to the middle of the footpace, the server goes up to the altar, takes the Miffal with its desk, and carrying it to the north fide, fets it down in such a way that the upper part of the book is fomewhat turned towards the north end of the altar. In paffing and repaffing the middle of the altar he will flightly bow his head towards the cross. N.B. On this and on all fimilar occafions he must take care that the bowing of the head is not done hurriedly after the manner of a hasty nod. 299. Having moved the book he retires to the fouth fide below the steps, and stands there facing a little towards the priest. If the priest fays audibly "The Lord be with you," he answers, " And with thy spirit." At the giving out of the Gospel he figns himself on forehead and breast, q and fays, "Glory be to Thee, O Lord," except in Holy Week, when he omits the "Glory."r

300. The Gospel ended, the server will at once kneel down on the fouth fide, where he is now standing. He will bow his head when the

m See No. I.

• Dale's Ceremonial, translated from Baldeschi.

a Sarum Rubric for Advent Sunday, fee No. 158.

n Le Vavaffeur, vol. i. p. 320.

P All authorities.

r See No. 158, note i.

Tous les auteurs."-Le Vavaffeur. "Whether the credo is faid or not he will kneel."-Dale.

S 66

priest inclines during the Creed, and will sign himself at the beginning and, with the priest, at the end.

§2. From the Offertory to the end of the Service.

301. When the priest commences the offertory fentence the ferver will rife and go round in plano to the credence. There he will take up the box or plate with the breads, and turning by the left t will go to the fouth end of the footpace, where he will present the breads to the priest when he comes for them. Returning at once to the credence, the ferver will put down the box of breads and take up the cruets, the wine in his right hand, the water in his left. He will hold the cruets by the foot, or in fuch a way that the priest, taking hold of them (by the handles, if they have handles), can conveniently pour out of them. Coming back again to the fouth end of the footpace, he will present the wine-cruet to the priest; then, changing the water-cruet from his left to his right hand, he receives back the wine-cruet in his left. u After the water has been blessed (fee No. 266), he prefents it to the priest, and alfo receives it back, with his right hand. Turning by the right, he goes back to the credence.

302. He will fet down the wine, and with his right hand will take the water-cruet (by the handle), with his left the small dish, and will return to the epiftle corner, having first hung the napkin over his left wrift in such manner that the priest can readily take it. When the priest arrives to wash his fingers, the ferver will pour a few drops of water over them, holding the fmall dish under the fingers to receive the water. When the priest has wiped his fingers, the server, turning by the right, carries back cruet, napkin, and dish to the credence, emptying the latter into the piscina, if there is one. If there is no piscina he will set down the dish and will empty it after the fervice.

303. If there are no alms to be offered, the server will at once return to his former pofition on the south fide, kneel down there below the footpace, facing east, and when the priest has faid, "Brethren and fifters, pray for me," &c., will refpond in a low voice, "The grace of the Holy Ghost," &c. (p. 17). If however there are alms to be offered, the ferver will kneel down near the credence-table, y facing the priest, to say "The grace of the Holy Ghoft," &c., before he goes to fetch the alms.

304. When there are alms to be offered, the ferver receives the bags in an alms-bafon, which he carries to the right hand of the priest standing in the midst of the altar. After it has been presented and placed on the altar, the ferver carries it to the credence or other convenient place, and returns to his pofition on the fouth fide, kneeling below the footpace.

"Se tournant alors fur fa gauche."-Le Vavasseur. u "Tous les auteurs."-Le Vavaleur.

"Par la droite."-Le Vavaffeur.

y "At the 'Orate fratres' the ferver . . . will kneel where he happens to be at the time."-Dale.

305. At the Sanctus he will ring the bell three times, not violently.

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He will ring again three times at each Elevation, that is to say, the inftant he sees the priest begin to incline after the confecration of the Hoft he will ring, and likewise after the confecration of the Chalice. N.B.-There is no Anglican authority for lifting the tail of the chafuble.

306. Remaining on his knees, he will bend forward in profound adoration of the holy Prefence while the priest says his private prayers. Some priests may poffibly end two of these prayers audibly, saying, "World without end." If he does fo the ferver will each time answer, in a low voice, "Amen." After the second Amen, the priest will go on to say, “The peace of the Lord be alway with you," when the server will answer, "And with thy fpirit."

307. In fome places in Italy and France it is the custom to ring at the communion of the celebrant, a custom which Le Vavaffeur mentions without either blame or praife. In England it might be useful as a fignal to intending communicants to approach.

308. When the priest is ready to communicate the people, the ferver rises from his knees and at once goes round to any convenient place near the credence-table, where he may ftand or kneel facing the Bleffed Sacrament during the Communion. If he stands he should genuflect towards the Bleffed Sacrament as foon as he arrives and before he leaves. He will be careful not to ftare at the communicants. The Communion ended, he will return to his former position on the fouth fide, and there kneel till the end of the fervice.

309. After the Bleffing the ferver will continue kneeling till the priest has made his inclination, then rising he will at once a go round in plano to the credence, take the cruets (by their handles), the wine in the right hand, the water in the left. Turning by the left he will go up to the epistle corner of the altar, on to the footpaceb if it extends beyond the fouth end of the altar. Arrived here he will genuflect, and then remain, with head bowed in reverence, holding the cruets, till the priest comes to him for the ablutions.

310. When the priest comes to the epistle corner, the ferver will pour a very little wine into the chalice which the priest holds out to him.

When the priest has drank the wine, the server will pour a little water over the priest's fingers into the chalice, then fome more on the paten, and into the ciboriumd if one has been used.

Turning by the right, he will carry back the cruets to the credencetable, take up the priest's biretta, and go round to where he knelt on the fouth fide. There he will ftand till the priest comes down and stands

z "Plufieurs Synodes d'Angleterre ordonnerent auffi d'élever l'Hoftie et de fonner la petite cloche."-Le Brun, vol. i. p. 480.

"Il va directement à la credence."-Le Vavaffeur, vol. i. p. 330.

b"S'il eft néceffaire, pour verfer commodément du vin lorfque le prêtre lui préfentera le calice."-Ibid. "Accedat fubdiaconus vel alius minifter." Sarum, p. 627.

See No. 139, notes y and z.


d See No. 244, note r.

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