Imágenes de páginas

26. The candle-bearers should be at church at least a quarter of an hour before the time for the commencement of the fervice, and having faid a fhort prayer they will vest in casfock, amice, alb, and girdle. They are never to wear biretta or zuchetto when officiating.

27. After vefting they will be directed by the facriftan or by the "clerk" to light the altar lights, one on one fide of the altar and the other on the other. If more than two candlesd are to be lighted on the altar, they will commence with those nearest the crofs. After these they light the candles in ftandards "at the steps of the altar." If one alone lights the candles he commences on the epiftle or fouth side,f and having finished at the altar then lights the two standards.

28. The candle-bearers, or one of them, will affift the deacon and sub-deacon to veft, and will fee that the candles in their portable candlesticks are firmly fixed, and lighted by the time the celebrant is vested.

At a signal from the celebrant they will follow the cross-bearer, by the most direct way to the front of the high altar, into the midst of the quire.

§2. From the Proceffion to the Offertory.

29. During the (bleffing of the water, and) putting incenfe into the cenfer, the two candle-bearers ftand facing eaft, a little further from the altar than the priest and on their wrong fides (ie. the first candlebearer on the north, the second on the fouth). When they turn round to walk away from the altar in proceffion, they will be in their right pofition. On this and all fimilar occafions they will turn inwards, one by the left the other by the right, so that they face one another in turning. In the proceffion they will walk fide by fide behind the crofs-bearer.g

30. On the return of the proceffion (fee No. 8), the candle-bearers follow the cross-bearer through the quire into the facristy, bowing to the altar as they pass. And if it be a double Feaft, when the cross-bearer ftops in front of the altar (fee No. 92), the candle-bearers pass on behind him, proceeding as ufual into the facrifty, where they stand still in filence while the celebrant exchanges his cope for a chafuble.

31. When all is ready and the celebrant gives the fignal, the candlebearers carrying their lighted candles go firfth out of the facrifty fide by fide, and where poffible enter the quire from the weft at the chancel gates. Arrived at the ftep of the fanctuary they ftop and face one another, allowing space for the facred minifters to pass between them.

• Baldeschi, and many other authorities.

• Baldeschi and others.

d See No. 458.
f Ibid.

* Proceffionale, A. D. 1530, fee No. 435. Alfo Miffale Sarum, p. 350, "In primis acolitus crucem ferens, alba et tunica indutus; poft eum vero duo ceroferarii in albis cum amictibus."

h"Tunc accedant miniftri ad Altare ordinatim, primo ceroferarii duo pariter incedentes."-Miffale Sarum, p. 582. k"Plufieurs auteurs."-Le Vavaffeur,

i See No. 442.


32. They enter the fanctuary immediately after the facred ministers and stand, the first on the right of the deacon, the second on the left of the sub-deacon, but flightly in the rear. If the fanctuary is small, the first candle-bearer may place himself directly behind the deacon, and the second behind the sub-deacon.m

33. They face east, holding their candles while the facred ministers fay the Confeffion and the rest (p. 6). After which, as the priest goes up to the altar, they fet down their candles "at the altar ftep," ie. just in front of them," and remain standing with hands or arms joined.

34. As the choir commence finging the first Kyrie,o the candle-bearers bow to the altar, and leaving their candles, turn round and go off together to the facrifty, returning at once with the cruets containing the wine and the water, a box or plate with the breads for the Eucharist, and a napkin for use when the priest washes his fingers. All these they place on the credence. Then, going back to their former pofitions in front of the altar, they together take up their candles, and again bowing flightly to the altar go to meet the clerk bringing the facred veffels. They wait for him, if need be, infide the chancel gate, and precede him through the midft of the quire. Arrived at the fanctuary ftep, they allow the clerk to pass between them, and while he carries off the vessels to the credence they return to their former pofition at the altar fteps, and fetting down their candles ftand by them as before, facing east.

35. During the Epistle, the candle-bearers fit in the feats provided for them, having first assisted to arrange the vestments of the priest and deacon, if required.

36. Stools may be placed for the candle-bearers on the fouth side of the sanctuary, in a line with the sedilia, or at the east end of the quire ftalls either on the fouth fide, or one on either fide; but not on the north fide of the fanctuary, that being where the bishop would fit. If more convenient, the candle-bearers may fit, one on either fide, at the east end of the fixed feats for the choir boys.

37. During the Gradual, Alleluia, Tract, or Sequence, the candlebearers fit; except that on double Feasts they stand for the Alleluia, and if they are in the quire feats they stand when the choir stands.

38. When the deacon afcends to the altar, towards the end of the

1 Roman Rubric.

m Le Vavaffeur, vol. i. p. 405.

n "Dicta vero abfolutione, facerdos diaconum deofculetur, deinde fubdiaconum... His peractis, ceropherarii candelabra cum cereis ad gradum altaris dimittant."Regiftrum Ofmundi, reprinted by Dr. Rock.

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"Poft introitum vero missæ.”—Registrum Ofmundi, § xciii.

See No. 442.

For all this ceremony in No. 34 fee Dr. Rock's "Church of our Fathers," vol. iv. pp. 188, 189; alfo Regiftrum Ofmundi, § xciii.

Miffal in English, p. xxxix.; compare ritual at Paris: "Pour l'affeoir et se lever, etc. ils" (les céroféraires) "fe comportent comme le célébrant, f'ils font dans le fanctuaire; et comme le chœur, fi leur place y eft marquée."-Manuel des cérémonies de l'Eglife de Paris, p. 376, Ed. a. D. 1846, authorised by Monseigneur Affré, Archbishop of Paris.

Alleluia, Tract, or Sequence, the candle-bearers go and stand in their former position by their candles at the altar ftep.

39. When the deacon, holding the book of the Gofpels, bows to receive the priest's bleffing, the candle-bearers take up their candles, and as he turns to defcend the altar fteps they turn alfo, and, carrying their candles, go through the midst of the quire to the places in which the Gospel is to be fung. It will be convenient if in proceeding from the altar the candle-bearers walk on their wrong fides,t i. e. the first on the left hand of the second as they go down the quire (see plate, Fig. 3).

40. During the chanting of the Gospel they will stand holding their candles on either fide of the book, facing it." Thus, the first will stand a pace or more weftward from the book with his face to it and his back to the nave; the second will stand an equal distance from the book, eastward of it with his back to the altar. They remain in this position to the end of the Gospel without bowing at the "Glory" or making the fign

of the cross.w

41. The Gospel ended, the candle-bearers return through the quire as they came, and having arrived at the fanctuary will bow to the altar, replace their candlesticks "at the fteps of the altar," and stand by them in their former pofitions, facing eaft, the first candle-bearer on the fouth fide, the second on the north.

42. During the Creed they bow reverently with the priest at the Holy Name and at the words "was incarnate," 66 66 was made man," was crucified," "world to come." They fign themselves also with the priest at the end.

43. During the fermon the candle-bearers fit as before (No. 36), having first affifted the deacon and sub-deacon to sit.

§3. From the Offertory to the end of the Service.

44. When the priest begins to read an offertory fentence the candlebearers go to the south fide of the fanctuary, and stand there facing north till the celebrant has been cenfed. They then move up to the credence table, if they are not already near it, and the second candle-bearer hands to the sub-deacon y the cruet of water and the dish, which he receives back and replaces on the credence after the priest has washed his fingers. The first candle-bearer presents the napkin to the priest, holding it in

See No. 115, note c.

t Le Vavaffeur, vol. ii. p. 280, quoting various authorities, writes: "Si, en fe tournant, ils changent de côté l'un par rapport à l'autre," &c. It is therefore permiffible for them to be on their wrong fides.


"Ceroferariis diacono affiftentibus, uno a dextris et reliquo a finiftris et ad eum converfis."-Miffale Sarum, p. 12.


"Tous les auteurs."-Le Vavasseur, vol. ii. p. 284.

* "Le second le baffin . . . . et la burette de l'eau."-Le Vavasseur, vol. ii. p. 286. "Sacerdos manus abluat, ministerio fubdiaconi et aliorum miniftrorum."-Registrum Ofmundi, § xciii.

high," "we praise Thee," "receive our prayer," and "Thou only, O Christ," to the end.y

21. At the Bleffing all kneel, rising again with the altar ministers and facing east.

22. In going out, the choir follow the celebrant in the fame order as they came in,2 the boys first next behind the altar ministers. Each pair of boys and men will bow together, to the altar, as they turn to leave.

23. During the service the choir sign themselves with the sign of the cross at the giving out of the Gospel; at the beginning and end of both Creed and Gloria in excelfis;a at the Invocation before or after the fermon; in the Abfolution at the words " 'pardon and deliver you ;" and at the Bleffing.

At the Gospel a small cross should be traced first on the forehead, then on the breast. At other times the fign is not made twice, but from forehead to breast, and then across.






§ 1. General Directions.


HE two candle-bearers should be as nearly as poffible of equal height. They must walk flowly and quietly. When carrying their candles, they must endeavour to hold them upright and at equal heights. The first candle-bearer, who is to be on the right-hand fide, in carrying his candlestick holds the centre knob with his right hand and with his left the foot; the fecond candle-bearer, who is on the left fide, holds the knob of his candlestick with his left hand and with his right the foot.

25. They should be careful to keep ftep in walking. In kneeling, rifing, bowing, putting down or taking up their candles and all such actions, they should be careful to see that they move together, "keeping time" with one another and with any other of the altar ministers with whom they may at the moment be acting.

y Miffale Sarum, p. 586.

z Miffal in English, p. 321; alfo Dr. Rock, vol. iv. p. 196.

a Rubrics in Miffal.

b In accordance with the direction for the deacon, in the rubric, see No. 158.

26. The candle-bearers fhould be at church at least a quarter of an hour before the time for the commencement of the service, and having said a short prayer they will vest in cassock, amice, alb, and girdle. They are never to wear biretta or zuchetto when officiating.c

27. After vesting they will be directed by the facriftan or by the "clerk" to light the altar lights, one on one fide of the altar and the other on the other. If more than two candlesd are to be lighted on the altar, they will commence with those nearest the crofs. After these they light the candles in standards "at the steps of the altar." If one alone lights the candles he commences on the epiftle or fouth fide,f and having finished at the altar then lights the two standards.

28. The candle-bearers, or one of them, will assist the deacon and sub-deacon to vest, and will see that the candles in their portable candlesticks are firmly fixed, and lighted by the time the celebrant is vested.

At a fignal from the celebrant they will follow the cross-bearer, by the most direct way to the front of the high altar, into the midst of the quire.

§2. From the Proceffion to the Offertory.

29. During the (bleffing of the water, and) putting incenfe into the cenfer, the two candle-bearers ftand facing east, a little further from the altar than the priest and on their wrong fides (ie. the first candlebearer on the north, the second on the fouth). When they turn round to walk away from the altar in proceffion, they will be in their right position. On this and all fimilar occafions they will turn inwards, one by the left the other by the right, fo that they face one another in turning. In the proceffion they will walk fide by fide behind the crofs-bearer.g

30. On the return of the proceffion (see No. 8), the candle-bearers follow the cross-bearer through the quire into the facrifty, bowing to the altar as they pass. And if it be a double Feast, when the cross-bearer ftops in front of the altar (fee No. 92), the candle-bearers pass on behind him, proceeding as ufual into the facrifty, where they stand still in filence while the celebrant exchanges his cope for a chafuble.

31. When all is ready and the celebrant gives the signal, the candlebearers carrying their lighted candles go first h out of the sacrifsty side by fide, and where poffible enter the quire from the west at the chancel gates.i Arrived at the step of the fanctuary they ftop and face one another,k allowing space for the facred ministers to pass between them.

• Baldeschi, and many other authorities.

• Baldeschi and others.

d See No. 458.
f Ibid.

* Proceffionale, A. D. 1530, fee No. 435. Alfo Miffale Sarum, p. 350, "In primis acolitus crucem ferens, alba et tunica indutus; poft eum vero duo ceroferarii in albis cum amictibus."

h "Tunc accedant miniftri ad Altare ordinatim, primo ceroferarii duo pariter incedentes."-Miffale Sarum, p. 582.

iSee No. 442.

k "Plufieurs auteurs."-Le Vavasseur,


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