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The choir and clergy will follow the officiant to the veftry in the fame order as they came in and by the shortest or most direct route. In the veftry one of the clergy may say, Grant, O Lord, that what we have said with our lips we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts we may fhew forth in our lives through Christ our Lord." Then, and not till then, all take off their furplices.

414. In the most fimple proceffion in the humblest church, the directions given in this fection may be followed as far as they are applicable. For example, if no incenfe is ufed, there may still be candlebearers. If no candles are carried, there may be, and there should be, two boys in attendance on the priest..

N.B.-All feftal proceffions fhould circulate from left to right; penitential proceffions the reverfe way; fee No. 8.





§ 1. The Burial Office to the end of the Lesson.


HE priest who meets the corpfe will be vested in cassock, furplice,b stole, and biretta. He and the "clerks" will go in front of the bier in the ufual order of proceffion, viz. crossbearer, candle-bearers, officiating prieft, choir-boys, choir

men, afsistant clergy, the corpse, the mourners.

No colour is named in the Sarum books for the offices for the dead. The learned translator of the Sarum Miffal in the preface to his pamphlet entitled "Burial Offices "d fays, "the prevailing colour for funerals was red." Yet the inventories of church goods fhow that black was used in many places, and nearly all the Gallican Miffals order black. Thus it would seem that where black has been provided it may properly be used; while in poor parishes, where there are but few vestments, the Lenten e red with its fombre orphreys would be perfectly suitable. At the funeral of a child under seven years of age white should always be used.

b See No. 385, note h.

"Si vero fuerit corpus mortuum cum proceffione fepeliendum tunc eodem modo ordinetur proceffio ficut in fimplicibus dominicis."-Manuale Sarum.

d "Burial Offices according to the English and Roman Ufes," published by the Church Printing Company. • See No. 465.

416. The body of a priest or deacon should be taken into the chancel. The body of a lay person should be fet down at the eastern end of the centre aisle of the church, just outside the quire gates. In all cases the corpse should be placed with the feet towards the altar.f Four large candles, one at each corners of the bier, should be kept burning the whole of the time the corpfe is in the church. Thefe and all other candles used at offices for the dead fhould properly be of yellow (i.e. unbleached) wax.

417. During the pfalm, or pfalms, the officiating priest and "clerks" will occupy their usual places in quire.

During the leffon from 1 Cor. xv. the celebrant and assistant ministers will veft for the Mafs, and the candles will be lighted at the altar, viz. two on the re-table and two at the steps.

§2. The Celebration of the Holy Eucharift.

418. If the Mass is to be with deacon and fub-deacon they will officiate without dalmatics or tunicles, as in Lent. The ceremonial will follow the rules given above for High Mass or Missa Cantata, as the cafe may be, with certain additions or differences hereafter noted.

419. When the altar and priest have been cenfed at the Introit,h the deacon (at a Missa Cantata the thurifer) will go down to the bier, and standing at the head, facing eaft, will cenfe the body firft on one fide, then on the other, commencing at the head, but so that he does not make a circuit round the bier.i

420. The proper Introit is:

"Ant. Grant them, O Lord, eternal reft, and may light perpetual shine upon them.

"Ps. lxv. 1. Thou, O God, art praised in Sion: and unto Thee shall the vow be performed in Jerufalem.


2. Thou that hearest the prayer: unto Thee shall all flesh come. "Ant. Grant them, O Lord, eternal reft, and may light perpetual shine upon them."


The modern Roman practice at the funeral of a priest is to place the head towards the altar. Dr. Rock clearly proves that such is not the English custom, and says that Catalani in his notes upon the Roman Ritual admits that the earliest trace of the prefent rubric goes no higher than the fixteenth century." Dr. Rock continues: "We bury our bishops and priests as our forerunners in the true belief have always buried them in this land, throughout the British, the Anglo-Saxon, and the English periods, with their feet, not head, towards the altar."-Church of our Fathers, vol. ii. P. 475. "Fateor equidem, in nullo antiquo Rituali, Concilioque, me inveniffe ftatutum quod in hoc § præfcribitur, ut nempe corpora defunctorum, laicorum fcilicet in ecclefia ponenda fint pedibus verfus altare, prefbyteri vero caput versus altare habeant,” &c.— Catalani, de exequiis, cap. i. § xvii. p. 395, Ed. Romae, A. D. 1757.


Dr. Rock, "Church of our Fathers," vol. ii. p. 475.

Quandocunque corpus eft præfens poftquam executor officii in inceptione Miffæ altare thurificaverit, diaconus cum thuribulo accedat et corpus illud in feretro incenfet."-Miffale Sarum, p. 861.

"Non circumeundo corpus in feretro fed ex utraque parte utraque vice incipiendo a capite femper tamen thurificando."-Miffale Sarum, p. 861.

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421. The proper Gradual is as follows, and should be sung by three choristers standing at the head of the bier and facing eaft:

"Grant them, O Lord, eternal reft, and may light perpetual shine upon them.

"W. May their fouls dwell at ease: and their feed inherit the land. "Grant them, O Lord," &c.

Then four clerks standing at the head of the bier fing the Tract between them as follows:

All four. "Like as the hart defireth the water-brooks:

Two alone. "So longeth my soul after Thee, O God.

The other two. 66 My foul is athirst for God, yea even for the living God: when shall I come to appear before the presence of God?" The first two. "My tears have been my meat day and night: All four. "While they daily say unto me, Where is now thy God?" The Dies ira was sometimes fung as a Sequence after the Tract.k 422. During the singing of the Gradual and Tract the priest and choir will all fit (fee No. 15), but the deacon (at a Missa Cantata the thurifer), after the book of the Gospels on the altar has been censed (see Nos. 155 and 372) goes a second time to the corpfe and cenfes it as before described in No. 419. He will cense it for the third and last time directly after cenfing round about the altar at the Offertory.

423. At the reading of the Gospel the candle-bearers with their candles and the thurifer affift in the ufual manner, but the processional crofs is not to be used at this time.m

424. The choir kneel down immediately after the Sanctus, before the Benedictus, and remain on their knees till they rise to sing the Agnus as follows: "O Lamb of God, that takeft away the fins of the world, grant them reft. O Lamb of God," &c. (the fame repeated). "O Lamb of God, that takest away the fins of the world, grant them rest eternal."

§3. The Service at the Grave.

425. At the end of the Mass the celebrant and those affisting at the altar return to the veftry in the ufual manner; but if the grave be in the churchyard near at hand it is defirable for the choir to remain in their places while the priest takes off his chasuble and maniple. This

j The Gradual in the text is that which is given in a MS. Miffal in the poffeffion of the Editor. Most of the printed Miffals give another, beginning "Si ambulem," but the writer of the Defenforium Directorii agrees with the MS. that the Gradual “Si ambulem " is only to be used at the funeral of a bishop.

k Miffale Sarum, p. 884*.

1 "Similiter ante Evangelium dum Tractus canitur incenfato prius altari, et tertio poftquam facerdos facrificium ante lotionem loco fuo difpofitum thurificaverit idem diaconus thurificet ficut prius."-Missale Sarum, p. 861.

m "Procedat diaconus cum fubdiacono et ceroferario et thuribulario fine cruce ad pronunciandum Evangelium."-Miffale Sarum, p. 958. The printed Graduals have "cum cruce" in place of "fine cruce," but the Miffals both printed and MS. have "fine."

done the priest and candle-bearers will return into the church, the cross-bearer will fetch the cross from its place in the fanctuary, and the proceffion of clergy and choir, followed by the corpse and the mourners, will go to the grave in the fame order as at the commencement; fee No 415.

426. If the interment is to be in a distant cemetery, or for any reafon is not to be immediately after the fervice in church, the choir will follow out after the altar ministers as usual after Mass; and for the service at the grave the officiating priest will wear furplice n and stole instead of alb and stole as directed in the laft preceding paragraph.




T Vefpers of the Departed neither the Gloria Patri nor anything in place of it is said at the end of the Pfalms or Magnificat. There is nothing in the Sarum Office books to fhew that incense was used, indeed the officiating priest is directed not to leave his stall or change his vestments.

428. When, however, the office is faid folemniter the two candlebearers will bring in their candles (which they will have lighted in the veftryp) immediately before the commencement of the Magnificat, and fet them down in front of the altar (fee No. 398). They will remain standing by their candles till the end of the Antiphon after the Magnificat, when they will kneel where they are till the end of the fervice.

429. These Vespers commence at once with the chanting of the Antiphons and Pfalms here following:

Ant. I will walk before the Lord.

Pfalm cxvi. 1–8.

Ant. I will walk before the Lord: in the land of the living.

Ant. Woe is me.

Pfalm cxx.

Ant. Woe is me that I am conftrained to dwell with Mefech and

to have my habitation among the tents of Kedar.

Ant. The Lord shall preserve thee.

Pfalm cxxi.


Ant. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: yea, it is even He that shall keep thy foul.

n See No. 385, note h.

• "Lorfqu'on entonne Magnificat

Vavaffeur, vol. i. p. 611.

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P Following the rule given in the Regiftrum Ofmundi for ordinary Vespers, according to which they go out to light and fetch the candles; fee No. 395, note m.

Ant. If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss.

Pfalm cxxx.

Ant. If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme to mark what is done amiss: O Lord, who may abide it?

Ant. Despise not then.

Pfalm cxxxviii.

Ant. Despise not then : the works of Thine own hands.

When the last Antiphon has been fung, the officiating priest will say:

V. From the gates of hell.

R. (To be faid inaudibly by the Choir.) Deliver their fouls, O Lord.

Ant. I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me bleffed are the Idead which die in the Lord.


Ant. I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me bleffed are the Idead which die in the Lord.

When the Antiphon after Magnificat is finished, all kneel and the choir chant:

Kyrie eleïfon. Chrifte eleïfon. Kyrie eleïfon.

The priest alone:

Our Father. The rest of the Lord's Prayer and the Ave Maria are faid inaudibly.

Then is faid in monotone Pfalm cxlvi.r The Pfalm ended, the Priest will chant without change of place or vestment :

W. Grant them, O Lord, eternal rest.

R. And may light perpetual shine on them.

W. From the gates of hell.

R. Deliver their fouls, O Lord.

W. I believe verily to see the goodness of the Lord.

B. In the land of the living.

W. The Lord be with you.
R. And with thy spirit.


q "Lorsque l'antienne eft terminée tous fe mettent à genoux."-Le Vavasseur, vol. i. p. 611.

r The Aberdeen Breviary also distinctly orders this pfalm to be faid on All Souls Eve as well as at other times when Vespers of the departed are faid. In the Roman rite it is not always said.

s "Dicitur fine nota ifte Pf. Lauda anima mea. Finito Pf. dicat facerdos loco nec habitu mutato Requiem eternam," &c.-Breviarium ad ufum Sarum, A.D. 31.

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