Imágenes de páginas

WISDOM OF LAZINESS (83). By Fred C. Kelly, Author of Human Nature The Fun of Knowing Folks, etc. Doubleday, Page & Company. $1.75. lets his keen mind and facile pen roam over all phases of human endeavor therefrom a wealth of material which is woven into humorous, satirical. ad, occasionally, dead serious essays. The collection includes: The Wisdom of The Question of Incentive, Gossip As an Art of Barter, Love and Allied Topics eing Palavered Over, Pleasure of Being Stung, Taking the Adventure Out of Cause, Effect and Coincidence.

TIMES: THE TURN OF THE CENTURY (p. 87) By Mark Sullivan. cribner's Sons 610 pages. 213 illustrations. $5.00. A journalist's graphic American politics and social life in the opening years of the 20th Century. better reading than most novels. Albert J. Beveridge comments on the book: say too much of this worth-while volume. Nobody who wishes to know what ned in America during the last 30 years can afford to be without it."

LARS ONLY (p. 93). By Edward W. Bok. Charles Scribner's Sons. $1.75 success versus service-by a man who has achieved both. Mr. Bok denounces pait of dollars only, with the emphasis on the ONLY. Here are some of the ee chapter titles: When Money Is King and Business Our God, When a Man's thething, You, Giving Service and in Business, Too, What Else Did Father Do? JOSEPH FORT NEWTON (p. 101) is now Rector of the Memorial Church of St fs, Overbrook

THINGS THAT HAVE INTERESTED ME: Third Series (p. 105). By Arnold BenGeorge H. Doran Company $2.50. Whether Mr. Bennett writes of insomnia, a rmance of the opera, of the habits of Frenchmen or the vicissitudes of friendship, hether he propounds some personal philosophy, this great reporter and novelist is - sparkling, always human.

CLARENCE BUDINGTON KELLAND (p. 67) began his writing career as a contrib to the Detroit News, of which he later became Sunday editor. He was subsequently of The American Boy for eight years. His "Catty Atkins" and "Mark Tidd for boys are widely known. Other popular Kelland books are Sudden Jim. aband, and The Steadfast Heart.

CHARLES C. NOTT. Jr. (p. 69), Judge of the Court of General Sessions, New York has been engaged in the administration of justice for 23 years.

CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL (p. 75) is a journalist, lecturer, author of many tant books, and citizen of the world, Member of Special Diplomatic Mission that nt to Russia in 1917; commissioner to Great Britain for United States Commission Public Information; member of the president's Industrial Commission.

HECTOR C BYWATER (p. 85), born in America, has lived for many years in and where be is recognized as an expert on naval affairs. Ships are his hobby he is credited with a capacity for remembering the rig and tonnage of every vessel the Ark. Mr. Bywater is best known in this country as the author of the recently ished novel. The Great Pacific War (Houghton Mifflin Co.).

IRVING FISHER (p 91) is professor of political economy in Yale University and


JOHNT FLYNN (p 99) was managing editor of the New York Globe before it was ished by the late Mr. Munsey, and now he writes a daily syndicated article large string of newspapers.

FRANK R KENT (p. 107) is author of The Great Game of Politics and has been the Baltimore Sun (of which he is vice-president) for over 25 years

OTTO (p. 109) is one of the editors of the American Review and is also fessor of philosophy at the University of Wisconsin. He is Author of Things and published by Henry Holt and Company.

DRRANKWOOD WILLIAMS (p. 115) has devoted the past 14 years to the study of chiatry, and is now Medical Director of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene

The Index to Volume 4

(May 1925-April 1926)

will be mailed to subscribers on request

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Your periodical is a great "hit" here. One trouble is that men sit up into the "wee small hours" of the night to peruse it, and that is not conducive to health.-J. W. Lowrie, 38 Quinsan Road, Shanghai, China.

In its field the Digest helps as much as "Time" does in its field. You may be interested to know that I am the father of the editor of "Time."-Henry W. Luce, Vice-President, Peking University, Peking, China.

I congratulate you heartily on your fourth birthday.


a lucky day for your readers when you were born. Your Digest is by far the best and most useful magazine that comes to my desk. Rev. Clinton Wunder, Baptist Temple, Rochester, N. Y.

We recommend a new discovery, The Reader's Digest which reprints some thirty of the leading magazine articles of the month, in shortened form-a blessing for the busy librarian harassed with schedules and statistics, when she would rather be browsing among her wares.-New York Public Library Staff Bulletin.

How I ever got along without this magazine, I do not now understand. I do not see how anyone, even with limited time for current reading, could become or remain narrow if he read this little Digest month by month. Thanks for the excellent service. Wm. H. Manshardt, 557 West 46 St., Los Angeles, Cal. Here is my belated check. It is just the magazine for one too busy to pay for it.-Fla.

May I take this opportunity of repeating what must be to you the old, old story, namely, that I consider the Digest indispensable and that I find each article in every issue most interesting.Malcolm S. Taylor, 401 E. Washington St., Greenville, S. C.

Permit me to thank you for the excellent service you are rendering to busy people. It gives more helpful information than any other magazine that comes to our home. It is the only one that I endeavor to read from cover to cover.-John A. Altman, 116 West Church St., Urbana, Ohio.

Publication Office, Floral Park, New York
Editorial Office, Pleasantville, New York

DeWitt Wallace


Lila Bell Acheson

H. J. Cubberley

Published Monthly, 25c a copy; $3.00 a Year

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Address All Communications to The Reader's Digest Association
Pleasantville, N. Y.

Entered as second-class matter Oct. 4, 1922, at the Post Office at Floral Park, N. Y.. under act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1926, The Reader's Digest Association.

The Reader's Digest


Vol. 5

"An article a day" from leading magazines
-each article of enduring value and inter-
est, in condensed, permanent booklet form.

JULY 1926

Dr. Eliot Looks Ahead

Serial No. 51

Condensed from Collier's, The National Weekly (May 29, '26)

An Interview with Dr. Charles W. Eliot, by John B. Kennedy

R. CHARLES W. ELIOT, president emeritus of Harvard University, the accepted oracle of his country, looks at the world in his 92nd year and from a vista of four generations of distinguished service sees a prospect more promising than ever for the youth of America.

"If I had the opportunity to say a final word to all the young people of America, it would be this: Don't think too much about yourselves. Try to cultivate the habit of thinking of others; this will reward you. Nourish your minds by good reading, constant reading. Discover what your life work is, work in which you can be happiest. Be unafraid in all things when you know you are in the right. "America, must cling to ideals and promote them. Selfishness is no less fatal to national than to individual fulfillment.

"The minute you begin to think of yourself only you are in a bad way. You cannot develop because you are choking the source of development, which is spiritual expansion through thought for others.

"And so with the nation. If we remain in purse-proud isolation we may be secure, but that security will be purchased at the cost of our souls. America must take the responsibility

vested in her nature and be a partner,

not a patron, of all the world.

"Selfishness always brings its own revenge. It cannot be escaped.

"Be unselfish. That is the first and final commandment for those who would be useful, and happy in their usefulness.

It "Have no fear for the future. I will take care of itself if we take care of ourselves.

"Too much has been written and talked about the willfulness and wildness of young Americans. I have seen children grow into men and women during four generations. The manners of our youth today are queer, but their morals are no worse than those of their predecessors.

"The freer condition of women po. litically and in the field of livelihoodearning has brought about social change. I see nothing to regret in that unless it be that American women are getting away from motherhood.

"Our high standard of living, with its impulse to continuous pleasureseeking, carries a penalty. It forces on life rigid economic regulation; it tends to put selfishness at a premium.

"This standard has been steadily improved for working people. The days are happily gone when American workmen received a dollar a day and

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