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was floating as before described, but over white drapery; for she had something like a winding sheet around her black dress. As we were moving up the steep hill, and getting round the glen towards her, we heard these words charmingly warbled by her melodious and melancholy voice :

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Just as she finished this mournful song, which I had not heard without deep emotion, we neared

her; and Ellen, parting her

earnestly and wildly at us.

hair as before, looked "Lord Glenmullen,"

said she, pointing with one hand to the castle below her, "thy love is there; but blood will flow before thou gain her-go on to victory."

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We dashed towards the castle, and at its entrance were met by Sir Bagnall Moncey and Sir Alexander Gore. Lionel instantly demanded the surrender of Lady Emily. "She is here," said


he, so neither hesitation nor evasion will serve you now."-" I pledge you my sacred honour," replied Sir Bagnall, "that I am not concerned in this affair, and that Lady Emily is not here.""It is false, and you are a villain," was Lord Glenmullen's answer, which Sir Bagnall would have repelled with a blow, but for prompt interference. "Here are pistols," continued Lionel; "instantly take your ground."

Leaving our party, Lionel and I retired into the glen with Sir Bagnall Moncey and Sir Alexander Gore, where, distance having been measured, and the parties opposed in hostile attitude, the

signal of death was given. At once we heard the mutual report, and saw Ellen's winding-sheet enveloping Sir Bagnall's body. We found him stretched, as we thought, lifeless on the ground, with Ellen on his bosom. His ball had grazed Lord Glenmullen's body, but Lionel's had entered Sir Bagnall's chest, and passed through the lungs, producing a vast effusion of blood. It had evidently been the intention of poor Ellen to receive the shot in her own person, but she was a moment behind time, and now lay senseless from exhaustion and overwrought feeling.

Here my tale may end; for I need not inform you that Lionel found his Emily. Their meeting must be left for the pencil of imagination to sketch. Sir Bagnall Moncey had used every means, but personal force, to make Emily his own; and it is probable that, if uninterrupted, he would have accomplished his vile purposes in the course of a few days by the foulest means; for almost every thing is possible to a man who acts on the mottonil desperandum.

In like manner, I must leave to imagination the joy of Lord Conamore on recovering his daughter;


the pride of Lady Constantia, on finding that her niece was to be a Countess; the busy importance of Dr. Seymour, on having the life of Sir Harry Bagnall in his hands; the rapture of Earl Balcarrick, on embracing such a son as Lionel, and such a daughter-in-law as Emily; and last, although not least, the hop, step, and jump of Peter Prentice, as he moved about preparing for the wedding entertainment on the lawn to his friends of the mountain. As for the rapture of Lionel and Emily, when you have surmounted difficulties, and stand in the temple of Hymen, you will understand it.

On that blessed and beautiful summer day which made Emily Lionel's own, Conamore was a gay scene. Bells were ringing, guns were firing, flags were flying, labour stood still, and pleasure was on tip-toe. At night all the hills were in a blaze, and echo could not slumber. In short, Lionel and Emily were happy, and Lord Conamore is now a grandfather.

Be it also remembered, that under the care of Dr. Seymour, the famous physician and antiquary of Conamore, Sir Bagnall Moncey recovered

the use of his lungs, and rewarded the love of Ellen Hamilton, by making her the lady of Moncey Hall, where she is now an ornament of socie y, and a blessing to the poor.

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