Imágenes de páginas


Democratic Administrative "Looting."


PART I-Page 90-"Retrenchment, Economy,
and Reform of the Pecksniffian De-
mocracy from 1828.

PART II-Page 90-Inauguration of Jackson,
the Founder of Modern Democracy-" To
the Victors Belong the Spoils."

PART III-Page 90-Democratic Reform-Its
Indian and Public Land Grabs--Secretary
Cass pockets $68,000 Extra Allowances-
Speculations of the Highest Officials under
Jackson in Public Lands-Fourth Auditor
Amos Kendall's $50,000 Fee.

PART IV-Page 91-The Infamous Galphin
Swindle-Secretary Forsyth conceives and
Lobbies it through-A Southern Claim
which robs the Nation of over $200,000.

PART V-Page 91-The General Post-Office,

under Adams, self-sustaining and contri-

buting $1,103,063 to the National Revenue

-Under Jackson it becomes_Bankrupt

amid the foulest Corruption and Fraud.

PART VI-Page 92-The old U. S. Bank

Jackson raids and destroys it-Transfers

the Government Revenues to the pet State

(or Bogus) Banks-Their Explosion and

loss of Millions to the Nation-Appalling

Consequences to Business.

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PART XIV-Page 98-Fearful Corruptions
under Buchanan-Plunder, Pillage, Sack!
-The immense Public Printing Loot"-
All the Departments Degraded into Corrupt
Party Machines-Swindling Live Oak Con
tracts-Political Assessments Three times
a year!-Mercenary Corps for Fraudulent
Control of Elections-Stupendous Robber-
ies under Secretaries Floyd, Thompson, et al
PART XV--Page 99--Immensely increased Dem-
ocratic Expenditures-Increased Taxation of
the People to Support this System of Whole-
sale Corruption, Plunder, and Fraud-
Aggregates and Ratios of losses under
Democratic, Compared with Republican


Property Destroyed by Both Armies Must
be Paid For-Rebel Soldiers or their Heirs
Must be Paid in Bonds or Public Lands
for Lost Time, Limbs and Lives."

PART III-Page 101-A "Specimen Brick"
of Southern Claims-Its Bogus Character
and Wonderful Growth.

PARTIV-Page 102-$400,000,000 More-Com-
pensation Demanded for Emancipated

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PART V-Page 102-A Brief Review of some
of the Rebel Claims-Direct Tax-Cotton
Tax-Special Relief-Destruction of Pro-
perty Compensation for Slaves-Rebel Male
Contractors, etc.-They Already Reach the
Enormous Aggregate of Three Thousand
Millions of Dollars-Where will it End?
PART VI-Page 103-Claim of the College of
'William and Mary"-One of the Entering
Wedges-Claim of the Episcopal Seminary
in Virginia-The Election of Garfield and a
Republican House the Only Safeguard.
PART VII-Page 104-Fraudulent Claims of
Southern Mail Contractors-How the Demo-
crats Strove to Steal $1,000,000-How the
House Republicans Stopped the Steal-A
Specimen of Southern "Morality"-The
Vote that "Scotched" the Fraudulent

PART VIII- Page 106-Subsequent Assault
on the Senate by the Southern Mail Con-
tractors-But they are Finally Discomfited
-Propositions and Votes.

PART IX-Page 106-Conger's Proposed Con-
stitutional Amendment Prohibiting Pay-
ment of Rebel Claims-Vote Thereon-The
Democratic Party under Southern Domina-
tion would Pay them, as the Record Shows.
PART X-Page 107--Tilden's Pretended Aver-

sion to Rebel Claims-His Duplicity-He
would not Pay "Disloyal" Claims, but
holds that "we are all Loyal Now "-Ex-
Confederate Cabell's Ingenious Report
Proving that Pardoned or Amnestied Rebels
were " Always Loyal "-These Claims all
Ready for Action if Hancock gets in.
PART XI-Page 108-Two Specimen Copies
of Bills which if Enacted into Law will Cost
the Government $2,410,326,000!


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“The Solid South and Internal Revenue."
PART I-Page 111-"Solid Southern " Whis-
key Steal of 1880-Democratic "Reform
Legislation-The Carlisle Bill-Withdrawal
of Whiskey from Stores and Bonded Ware-
houses-Tax Collectable on Quantity With-
drawn!-The Government Defrauded of
Millions of Dollars Annually!--How the
Thing was Done-The "Stamp" Steal of
$350,000 a Year-The "Back-Interest" Steal
of $150,000 a Year-Garfield in Vain shows
Up its Iniquity-The "Leakage" Steal of

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$1,750,000 a Year-Passed in the Face of
Official Statements-The Democrats Vote
Solidly for the Steal, Republicans against
it-Northern Distillers Opposed it, Southern
Distillers Wanted it-"Class as Well as
Sectional Legislation-Garfield Again-Un-
fair Operation of the Law as Between North
and South - How it Facilitates Frauds-The
Law Thus Amended by a Democratic Con-
gress was Passed by a Republican Congress
to Stop Frauds of a Democratic Administra-
tion With Hancock to Administer it as
Amended, Fraud by Official Collusion
Would Run Riot.

PART II-Page 113-Moonshiners in the
"Solid South"-Open Defiance of Federal
Law-Guerilla Warfare-3,874 Moonshine
Stills Destroyed by Government Officials in
the Last Four Years-7,078 Moonshiners
Arrested-The Money Cost of Suppressing
Southern_Moonshining-Innumerable Out-
rages "Every Form of Outrage" Resorted
to-Official List of Bloody Murders of U. S.
Officers by the Outlaws--Only One Murder-
ous Moonshiner has been Convicted !—
Moonshining Almost Stopped, when Han-
cock's Nomination and Democratic Encour-
agement Starts it again!"Solid Southern"
Sympathy with the Moonshiners.


Democratic Hatred of Union Soldiers.

PART I-Page 115-Democratic Rule of Ap-
pointments to Office "Civil Service Re-
form" in the House of Representatives-
Crippled Union Soldiers Kicked out, and
Rebel Soldiers exalted-Propositions and
Votes in the House on the Subject-Solid
Democratic Votes against the Union Soldier.
PART II-Page 116-Democratic Civil Ser-

vice Reform in the Senate-An old Demo-
cratic Standing Rule as to Appointments
abrogated to satisfy later Democratic Greed
for "Spoils"-Union Soldiers kicked out
and Confederate Soldiers appointed - Prop-
ositions and Votes in the Senate on the Sub-
ject The Democrats solid against the
Union Soldier.

PART III-Page 118-The Washington Me-
tropolitan Police - Heretofore none but
Union Soldiers and Sailors in it-Now it
can be filled with Confederates-Solid Dem-
ocratic against the Union Soldier.
PART IV-Page 118-List of 76 Union Sol- .
diers removed from, and 88 Confederate
Soldiers appointed to, positions in the
Capitol of this " Union" by the canting

Confederate-ridden Democrats.


Bounties and Pensions.

PART I-Page 119-The Bounty Question-
How the Democrats Obstruct Payment-
Coffroth's Canting Resolution Secretary
Sherman's Reply-The Responsibility fas-

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PART I-Page 128-Legislation of 1865-6-

Slavery succeeded by Peonage-Black

Laws The Slave Code re-enacted-Con-
gress obliged to set aside all State Laws op-
pressing Freedmen-Specimen Laws.

PART II-Page 129-Legislation after con-

ciliation-Getting back to the Slave Code-

Five years in Prison for Stealing a Sucking
Pig-Two years' Hard Labor for a few Roast-
ing Ears!

PART III-Page 130-The Contract System-

Criminals worked for years in legalized Slave

Gangs-Colored Men the only Victims-

Profits of the system-The Cost of Costs-
Lawyers' Fees worked in-Three years for
carrying a Pistol--Wages a quarter of a
cent a day-Working under Shot-Guns-
The System general in the South.

PART IV-Page 131-Sweeping Landlord

Lien Laws-A Colored Man's Crop cannot

be sold or used without permission-The

Landlord can take all-Outrageous exac-

tions-The resulting Peonage worse than

Slavery-The System breeds bad Men.

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for the Grow Bill-A Compromise-Bu-

chanan's Veto.

PART VII-Page 149-The Veto Sustained by
the Democrats of the Senate.

PART VIII-Page 149-Republican Home-
stead Pledge of 1860-In 1862 the Republi-
cans redeem that Pledge despite Continued
Democratic Opposition-Analysis of Votes.
PART IX-Page 149-Bill of 1866 to Extend
Homestead Act to States of South-Demo-
cratic adverse Vote.

PART X-Page 150-Beneficent Effects of the

Republican Homestead Act shown in In-

creased Population, Wealth and Power—

Democratic Hostility to-day to the Principle

-It is essentially Republican.

PART I-Page 150-Protection essentially
the "American System Washington,
Franklin, Hamilton, Clay, Jackson, Madi-
son, Adams, Webster, Lincoln, and Grant,
all advocate it.

PART II-Page 151-Brief History of Tariff
Legislation from 1824 to 1860.

PART III-Page 151-The Morrison Tariff
Bill of 1876-Its Proposed Iniquities-
Analysis of this Democratic Monstrosity.

PART IV-Page 152-The Wood Tariff Bill of

1878-How it Injured Manufacturers,

Traders, and Workingmen-Infamous In-

tentions of the Democratic Leaders-The

Democratic Vote to Consider the Bill-The

Republicans Kill it-Mill's "Tariff for Reve-

nue" Resolution-The Republicans Defeat

it-The Vote.

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