Imágenes de páginas

Forum. 51: 866-77. Je. '14. New Immigration Law. A. W. Stockwell.

Harper's Weekly. 56:9. O. 19, '12. Importing Our Insane. T. S. Dayton.

Harper's Weekly. 57:10. Jl. 26, '13. Immigration and Democracy. H. S. Williams.

*Journal of Education. 80: 567-70. D. 10, '14. Literacy and the Immigrant. W. D. Parkinson.

Journal of Political Economy. 21: 735-51. O. '13. Recent History of Immigration and Immigration Restriction. Prescott F. Hall.

*Nation. 98: 430-1. Ap. 16, '14. Fairchild.

Problems of Immigration. H. P.

National Geographic Magazine. 23: 38-41. Ja. '12. Our Immigration Laws from the Viewpoint of National Eugenics. Robert DeC. Ward.

Same. Scientific American Supplement. 73: 287-8. My. 4, '12. North American Review. 165: 393-402. O. '97. Immigration and the Educational Test. Prescott F. Hall.

North American Review. 175: 53-60. Jl. '02. Immigration's Menace to the National Health. T. V. Powderly.

North American Review. 179: 226-37, Ag. '04. Restriction of Immigration. Robert DeC. Ward.

North American Review. 183: 1262-71. D. 21, '06. Medico-Economic Aspect of the Immigration Problem. Thomas Darling


*North American Review. 192: 56-67. Jl. '10. National Eugenics in Relation to Immigration. Robert DeC. Ward.

*North American Review. 195: 94-102. Ja. '12. Future of American Ideals. Prescott F. Hall.

Reprinted in pamphlet form by the Immigration North American Review. 195: 201-11. F. '12.

Restriction League.
Real Significance

of Recent Immigration. W. Jett Lauck. North American Review. 199: 383-93. Mr. '14. Our National Fences. Huntington Wilson.

Outlook. 87:913-23. D. 28, '07. Keepers of the Gate. Mary B.


Outlook. 93: 65-9. S. II, '09.


Protect the Workman. John

Outlook. 93: 495-500. O. 30, '09. How the United States Fosters

the Black Hand. F. M. White.

Outlook. 96: 1003-6. D. 31, '10. Shall We Restrict Immigration? Outlook. 97: 16-8. Ja. 7, '11. Selecting Our Immigrants.

Popular Science Monthly. 64:232-8. Ja. '04. Immigration and the Public Health. Allan McLaughlin.

*Popular Science Monthly. 66:166-75. D. '04. Agricultural Distribution of Immigrants. Robert DeC. Ward.

Popular Science Monthly. 69: 160-74. Ag. '06. Effects of Immigration on Homicide in American Cities. Maynard Shipley. Popular Science Monthly. 80: 383-92. Ap. '12. Medical Side of Immigration. A. C. Reed.

*Survey. 25: 579-86. Ja. 7, '11. Industrial Communities. W. Jett Lauck.

*Survey. 25:715-6. F. 4, '11. Selection of Immigrants. Edward T. Devine.

Survey. 30: 370-1. Je. 14, '13.

ber Limitation.

Controlling Immigration by NumPrescott F. Hall.

*Survey. 29: 497-9. Ja. 18, '13. Democracy and the Illiteracy Test. Joseph Lee.

World To-Day. 10: 418-24. Ap. '06. How Immigration Is Stimulated. Frederic A. Ogg.

World To-Day. 11:803-7. Ag. '06. What an Immigrant Inspector Found in Europe. Frederic A. Ogg.

World's Work. 8: 5254-9. S. '04. International Control of Immigration. James Davenport Whelpley.

World's Work. 14:8879-86. My. '07. American Immigration at High Tide. Frederic A. Ogg.

World's Work. 22: 14368-74. My. '11. Urgent Immigration Problem. Jeremiah W. Jenks.

*World's Work. 26:699-703. O. '13. Our Expensive Cheap Labor. Arno Dosch.

Yale Review. 19:79-97. My. '10. Some Immigration Differences. Henry P. Fairchild.


Books, Pamphlets, etc.

Addams, Jane. Failure to Utilize Immigrants in City Government, in Newer Ideals of Peace, pp. 62-92. Macmillan. 1907. Antin, Mary. They Who Knock at Our Gates. Houghton, Mifflin. 1914.

Braun, Marcus. Shall We Further Restrict Immigration? 10c. Public Weal Pub. Co., N. Y. City.

Hourwich, Isaac A. Immigration and Labor. Putnam, 1912. *Hourwich, Isaac. Immigration: a Summary. Am. Jewish Com. Reprinted from "Immigration and Labor," Putnam.

Kellor, Frances A. Immigration and Unemployment, in Out of Work, pp. 111-56. rev. ed. Putnam. 1915.

Kohler, Max J. Immigration Problem and the Right of Asylum for the Persecuted. Am. Jewish Com.

Reprinted from Jewish Comment, Baltimore, Oct. 24-31, '13. Kohler, Max J. Injustice of a Literacy Test for Immigrants. 2d ed. Am. Jewish Com.

*Low, A. Maurice. Influence of Immigration on American Development, in American People, v. 2, pp. 360-429. Houghton, Mifflin. 1911.

*National Conference for Good City Government. 1909: 142-7. Effect of Immigration on Municipal Politics. W. S. Bennet. *National Conference of Charities and Correction. 1912: 239-49. Is Immigration a Menace? C. L. Sulzberger. Reprinted in pamphlet form. Am. Jewish. Com.

National Conference of Charities and Correction. 1914: 69-75. Family in the Community but not yet of the Community. Sophonisba P. Breckinridge.

Sekely, B. A. Immigrant Labor and the Restriction of Immigration. National Liberal Immigration League.

Magazine Articles

*American Economic Review. 4:93-108. Mr. '14. Some Aspects of the Immigration Problem. Max J. Kohler.

Reprinted in pamphlet form. Am. Jewish Com.

American Journal of Sociology. 17: 478-90. Ja. '12. Immigration and Crime. I. A. Hourwich.

American Journal of Sociology. 18: 342-51. N. '12. Walker's Theory of Immigration. E. A. Goldenweiser.

*American Journal of Sociology. 18: 391-7. N. '12. Bird of Passage. William B. Bailey.

American Journal of Sociology. 19:773-91. My. '14. Assimila

tion in the Philippines, as Interpreted in Terms of Assimilation in America. Albert E. Jenks.

Annals of the American Academy. 24: 187-205. Jl. '04. Immigra-
tion in Its Relation to Pauperism. Kate H. Claghorn.
Annals of the American Academy. 24: 223-36. Jl. '04. Proposals
Affecting Immigration. John J. D. Trenor.

*Annals of the American Academy. 33: 373-9. Mr. '09. Influence of Immigration on Agricultural Development. John L. Coul


Annals of the American Academy. 52:159-68. Mr. '14. Justice for the Immigrant. Frances A. Kellor.

Reprinted in pamphlet form. No. Am. Civic League for Immigrants. *Arena. 32: 596-602. D. '04. Immigration Bugbear. Ernest Crosby.

*Atlantic Monthly. 86: 535-48. O. 'oo. Our Immigrants and Ourselves. Kate H. Claghorn.

*Century. 73: 633-8. F. '07. Human Side of Immigration. John Graham Brooks.

*Century. 74: 474-80. Jl. '07. American of the Future. Brander Matthews.

Congressional Record. 49: 684-7. D. 14, '12. Immigration. Rich

ard Bartholdt.

Congressional Record. 49: 689-90. D. 14, '12.

Thomas Gallagher.


Congressional Record. 52: 3022-6. F. 4, '15. Report of a Hearing before President Wilson.

*Congressional Record. 52: 3064. F. 4, '15. Three Veto Messages.

Presidents Cleveland, Taft and Wilson.

President Cleveland's Message is issued in pamphlet form by the Am. Jewish Com. President Wilson's message may be found in the daily papers of Feb. 4, 1915.

Congressional Record. 52: 3061-4. F. 4, '15. President's Veto of the Immigration Bill. A. J. Sabath.

Congressional Record. 52: 3073-6. F. 4, '15. President's Veto of the Immigration Bill. J. H. Moore.

Educational Review. 29: 245-63. Mr. '05. Recent Immigration. Jane Addams.

Educational Review. 48: 21-36. Je. '14. Education of the Immigrant. Frances A. Kellor.

Reprinted in pamphlet form. Am. Jewish Com.

Forum. 53: 380-5. Mr. '15. Literacy Test. James A. O'Gorman. *Independent. 72: 304-7. F. 8, '12. Popular Delusions About Immigration. W. F. Willcox.

Independent. 78: 417. Je. 1, '14. Foreign-born, Crime and Patriotism.

Journal of Political Economy. 21: 954-6. D. '13. Immigration and Insanity. H. L. Reed.

Answer to an article by P. F. Hall in October number. *Nation. 82: 398-9. My. 17, '06. Immigration and the South.

Nation. 95: 425-6. N. 7, '12. Metaphysical Standards of Living. Nation. 100 190-4, 217-20. F. 18, 25, '15. Democracy versus the Melting Pot. Horace M. Kallen.

New Republic. 2:8-9. F. 6, '15. Testing a Race by Its Literacy. *New York Times. Ja. 10, '12. Illiteracy and Its Significance. North American Review. 178: 558-70. Ap. '04. Is the New Immigration Dangerous to the Country? O. P. Austin.

*North American Review. 195: 513-25. Ap. '12. American Ideals and Race Mixture. Percy S. Grant.

*North American Review. 193: 561-73. Ap. 'II. Needed-a Domestic Immigration Policy. Frances A. Kellor.

Reprinted in pamphlet form. No. Am. Civic League for Immigrants. *North American Review. 199: 866-78. Je. '14. Crux of the Im

migration Question. A. P. Andrew.

*North American Review. 201: 347-50. Mr. '15. Bogy of Alien Illiteracy. George Harvey.

Outlook. 106:912-7. Ap. 25, '14. Who Is Responsible for the Immigrant? Frances A. Kellor.

Reprinted in pamphlet form. No. Am. Civic League for Immigrants. Outlook. 106: 380-1. F. 21, '14. Literacy Test for Immigrants. Outlook. 107: 334-5. Je. 13, '14. Old Stock and the New.

Political Science Quarterly. 19: 32-49. Mr. '04. Some Aspects of the Immigration Problem. R. P. Falkner.

Political Science Quarterly. 20:276-97. Je. '05. Immigration to the Southern States. Walter L. Fleming.

Political Science Quarterly. 26:615-52. D. 'II. Economic Aspects of Immigration. I. A. Hourwich.

Reprinted in pamphlet form by Ginn & Co. Supplied by Am. Jewish Com.

Popular Science Monthly. 66: 243-55. Ja. '05. Social and Political Effects of Immigration. Allan McLaughlin.

Popular Science Monthly. 69:375-9. O. '06. Effects of Immigration on Homicide. Morris Loeb.

Answer to an article by M. Shipley in August number. Review of Reviews. 35: 319-28. Mr. '07.

Immigrant. W. S. Rossiter.

Why We Need the

Review of Reviews. 44: 697-704. D. '11. Ebb and Flow of the Immigration Tide. H. F. Sherwood.

*Review of Reviews. 49: 342-5. Mr. '14. Our Recent Immigrants

as Farmers. Lajos Steiner.

Survey. 23: 465-72. Ja. I, 'IO. Handicaps in America. G. C. Speranza.

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