Imágenes de páginas

disease, and polygamists were added to the classes to be excluded.

The encouragement of immigration through advertisements promising employment was forbidden, and transportation companies were forbidden to solicit or encourage immigration.

The office of Superintendent of Immigration was authorized and federal control of immigration was fully established by the transference to federal authorities of those functions that had been delegated to the states.

The commanding officer of any vessel bringing in alien immigrants was required to make full reports as to name, nationality, etc., of such aliens.

Examination on the borders of Canada and Mexico was provided for.

Provision was made for the return within a year of any alien landed in violation of the law, such return to be at the expense of the transportation company.

1892 A joint committee was appointed to make an investigation of the workings of the various laws.

1893 An amendment raised the head tax from 50 cents to $1. 1897 A bill providing for an educational test passed both houses, but was vetoed by President Cleveland.

1898 An Industrial Commission was created with power to investigate questions pertaining to immigration and to suggest legislation.

1903 A law was passed, the principal object of which was to codify all previous legislation from the act of 1875 to the act of 1894. It also raised the head tax from $1 to $2; debarred the following: epileptics, persons who had been insane within five years previous, or who had had two previous attacks of insanity at any time, professional beggars, anarchists; and made it unlawful for any person to assist in the unlawful entry or naturalization of an anarchist. The Department of Commerce and Labor was organized and the Commissioner-General of Immigration was placed under the jurisprudence and supervision of that department.

1906 A law was passed providing a uniform rule for naturalization of aliens. The designation of the Bureau of Immigration was changed to Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.

1907 A number of bills relating to immigration were introduced in the sessions of the 59th Congress. After much diş

cussion and many amendments a law was passed, of which the following were the provisions:

The head tax was placed at $4.

The following classes were added to those excluded: Imbeciles, feeble-minded persons, unaccompanied children under 17, persons "who are found to be mentally and physically defective, such mental or physical defect being of the nature which may affect the ability of the alien to earn a living"; "women and girls coming into the United States for the purpose of prostitution or any other immoral purpose."

A Division of Distribution in the Bureau of Immigration was authorized.

Steamship companies were required to furnish lists of outgoing passengers.

The Immigration Commission was created.

The President was empowered to call, at his discretion, an international conference, or to send commissioners to any foreign country for the purpose of regulating any matter relating to immigration by international agreement.

The President was also empowered to revoke the passports of aliens when it should appear that such passports were used by the holders to enter United States territory "to the detriment of labor conditions therein."

A section was added to the act of 1882 for the regulation of steerage conditions; to go into effect in 1909.

1910 The section of the act of 1910 relating to prostitution was strengthened by provision for the punishment and deportation of aliens who in any way profit from the proceeds of prostitution. This was followed by the interstate law prohibiting the transportation of persons from one state to another for purposes of prostitution.

1913 A bill providing for a literacy test passed both houses but was vetoed by President Taft.

1915 A similar bill was passed and vetoed by President Wilson.

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