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Synod of the Diocese of Huron

JUNE, 1912

(Being the thirty-eighth under the Synod Act of
Incorporation, 1874.)


London, Ont., May 23, 1912.

Sir, We are directed by the Bishop to inform you that, if the Lord will, the Synod of the Diocese of Huron will meet in London

On Tuesday, the 11th day of June, 1912


A statement of the business sent to the Executive Committee is given herewith.

Life members, and such incorporated members as are qualified by Section 2 of the Act of Incorporation, are entitled to the privileges of members of Synod so far as its financial affairs are concerned.

We remain your obedient servants,


Hon. Clerical Secretary.


Hon. Lay Secretary.

SPECIAL NOTICE-Members who may desire to refer during the Session to the Journals of the Synod or Reports of Church Society, are requested to bring their own copies with them, as well as this Convening Circular.

REDUCED FARES-See Page 7 hereof for information respecting reduced fares.

NOTICE-A recent amendment of the Constitution requires the presentation of reports of Committees, signed in each case by its Chairman, at the opening Session of the Synod-that they may be distributed at the next sitting.

By resolution of the Synod, no Lay Representative can take his seat unless all assessments due for Synod Expenses by the Congregation he represents are paid.


Monday, June 10th-The Quarterly Meeting of the Executive Committee will be held in Bishop Cronyn Hall, London, at 2.30 p. m. Opening of Synod.

Tuesday, June 11th-Holy Communion, with Sermon, at St. Paul's Cathedral, at 10.30 a.m. Preacher Rev. R. W. Norwood, M.A. The offertory will be devoted to the Mission Fund of the Diocese.

The Synod will assemble for business in Bishop Cronyn Hall at 3 p. m.

The Clergy are requested to wear their gowns and hoods.
Divine Service in St. Paul's Cathedral at 9.30 o'clock a. m.,

on each succeeding day during the Session of the Synod.

The Synod will daily assemble for business at 10.15 a. m.

Conference on Missions.

In accordance with the resolution passed at the Synod of 1901, there will be held, God willing, in Bishop Cronyn Hall, on Wednesday evening, June 12th, at 8 o'clock, a Conference on Missions.

At the Conference a report of the work in this Diocese in connection with the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada will be submitted, after which addresses will be delivered by Ven. Archdeacon Cody, M. A., LL.D., and L. G. Hamilton, Esq.

The collection will be devoted to the Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada.


The order of business at the opening sitting shall be as follows:
Roll Call.

(a) Election of Secretaries and Auditors, who shall hold office until their successors are appointed.

(b) Receiving report of Committee on Certificates and Synod Assessments, further reports of which Committee may be made at any time.

(c) The Bishop's Charge.

(d) Receiving report of Executive Committee.

(e) Receiving notices of motion.

(f) Receiving reports of other Committees of Synod.

(g) Receiving petitions or memorials.

After disposing of the foregoing business the Synod shall adjourn.

At the evening sitting on the first day of meeting, the order of business shall be as follows:

(a) Receiving reports of Committees.

(b) Receiving petitions or memorials.

(c) Receiving notices of motion.


Consideration of the report of the Executive Committee, a motion for the adoption of which report shall be put by the chair. (e) Business submitted by the Executive Committee.

(f) Consideration of reports of other Committees of Synod in the order in which they have been received, a motion for the adoption of which shall be made by the Chairman or other member of each Committee.

(g) Business submitted by the Bishop.

(h) Motions of which notice has been duly given in the order of notice.

At all other sittings the order of business shall be as follows:
(a) Confirmation of minutes of previous day's proceedings.
(b) Receiving reports of Committees.

(c) Receiving petitions or memorials.

(d) Receiving notices of motion.

(e) Business submitted by the Bishop.

(f) Business submitted by the Executive Committee.

(g) Consideration of reports of Committees.


Consideration of notices of motion.

(i) Motions of which notice has been duly given in the order of notice.

Clause 16, Constitution (1903).

It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to prepare in due form all such matters as the Bishop may desire to have brought before the Synod, and all notices of motion forwarded to them, through the Secretary by any member of the Synod, but with respect to all other matters forwarded to them, the Executive Committee shall print only such portions as they may deem expedient; and a circular containing a statement of such business to be submitted to the Synod shall be forwarded to each Clergyman and representative two weeks before the meeting of the Synod.



The lines constituting the Eastern Canadian Passenger Association have agreed to grant persons attending the meeting of the Synod of Huron, to be held at London, commencing June 11th, 1912, a reduction in their fare for ticket for return trip only, on the following conditions:

1. Each person must purchase, not more than three days (Sunday not to be counted a day) prior to the opening date of the meeting, or during the continuance of the meeting, a first-class ticket, either unlimited, or limited, to the place of meeting, for which the regular tariff fare of not less than fifty cents must be paid, and upon request the ticket agent will issue a standard certificate of such purchase properly filled in and signed by said ticket agent.

2. If through ticket cannot be procured at starting point, purchase to the nearest point where such through ticket can be obtained, and there purchase through to place of meeting, requesting a standard certificate, properly filled in by the agent at the point where such purchase is made.

3. It is absolutely necessary that a certificate be procured, indicating that full fare of not less than fifty cents has been paid for the going journey. It likewise determines the route via which the ticket for return journey will be sold, and without it no reduction will be made, as the rules of the individual lines provide that no refund of fare can be expected because of failure of the parties to obtain certificates.

4. It has been arranged that the special agent of the lines will be in attendance to vise certificates on Wednesday, June 12th. You are advised of this, because if you arrive at the meeting and leave for home prior to the special agent's arrival, you cannot have the benefit of the reduction on the return trip; or, if you arrive at the meeting after the special agent has left, you cannot have your certificate vised for reduced fare returning. No claim for refund will be entertained on account of holders of certificates returning to original starting point before the requisite number of certificates is in the hands of the special agent of the lines.

5. Tickets for the return trip will be issued by ticket agents at place of meeting only to those holding standard certificates signed by ticket agent at point where through ticket to place of meeting was purchased, countersigned by the Secretary-Treasurer, certifying that the required number of persons holding standard certificates are present, and that the holder has been in attendance at the meeting, and vised by a validation paster affixed at the meeting by Special Agent of the lines, as follows:

If fifty (50) or more in attendance. At one-third of the lowest regular one-way first-class fare.

6. To defray expenses of special agent provided for the purpose of viseing certificates entitling persons to whom issued to obtain tickets for return trip on the basis indicated in preceding

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