TABLE 11.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race- -Foundry and machine shop products—Continued. In this entire industry information was obtained for 16,569 employees, of which number 54.5 per cent are foreign-born, 21.3 per cent native-born of foreign father, and 24 per cent native-born of native father, white, while the remaining proportion, or less than 1 per cent are native negroes born of native father. The foreign-born constitute 55.5 per cent of the males, as compared with 45.3 per cent of the females, while the native-born of foreign father and nativeborn of native father, white, constitute 19.8 and 24.4 per cent, respectively, of the males, as compared with 34.1 and 20.6 per cent, respectively, of the females; the native negroes, born of native father, not appearing among the females and being less than 0.5 per cent of the males. Although a very large number of races are represented in this industry, only those, the representatives of which constitute as much as 2 per cent of either the total number of males or females are considered. It will be noted that among the foreign-born males the Poles constitute the largest proportion, or 12.4 per cent, and the English and Irish, each the smallest proportion, or 3.2 per cent, while the proportions constituted by the South Italians, Germans, North Italians, and Swedes, in the order named, range from 7.2 to 3.8 per cent. Of those males, native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Germany, Ireland, and England constitute 6.5, 6.1, and 2.5 per cent, respectively. Females belonging to only four foreign-born races constitute each as much as 2 per cent of the total number of females. Of these the Poles make up by far the largest proportion, or 22.4 per cent, followed by the Germans, Russians, and Lithuanians, constituting 4.4, 3.3, and 2.9 per cent, respectively. Concerning the females, native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Germany and those whose fathers were born in Ireland alone constitute as much as 2 per cent each of all females for whom information was secured; the former constituting 12.6 and the latter 10.8 per cent. KNIT GOODS AND HOSIERY. The table next presented shows, by sex, the number and per centage of employees of each race, for whom information was secured, engaged in knit goods and hosiery manufacturing. TABLE 12.-Employees for whom information was secured, by sex and general nativity and race-Knit goods and hosiery. Of 15,158 persons for whom information was secured, 5,490 are males and 9,668 are females. Of the males, 42.5 per cent are foreign born, 33.7 native whites born of native father, 23.8 native-born of foreign father, and none native negroes born of native father. Of the females, 21.3 per cent are foreign-born, 40.8 per cent native whites born of native father, 37.9 per cent native-born of foreign father. The number of native-born negroes is insufficient for computation. The total proportion of foreign-born males is made up largely of English, German, North Italian, South Italian, Polish, and Slovak, the same races, with the addition of the Irish, constituting the largest proportion of the total number of foreign-born females. The total proportion of the native-born of foreign father, both males and females, is composed largely of persons whose fathers were born in Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, and Wales. LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING AND REPAIRING-EAST. The following table shows the number and percentage of male employees for whom information was secured engaged in locomotive building and repairing in the East: TABLE 13.-Male employees for whom information was secured, by general nativity and race-Locomotive building and repairing-East. Of 6,512 male employees shown in the preceding table, 50.3 per cent are of foreign birth, 25 per cent are native-born of foreign father, and 24.7 per cent are native whites born of native father. Of the employees who are native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Ireland show 10.3 per cent, those whose fathers were born in Germany show 9.9 per cent, and those whose fathers were born in England show 1.9 per cent, while no employees whose fathers were born in other specified countries show over 1 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. Of the employees who are native-born of foreign father, the Irish show 13.6 per cent and the Poles 10.8 per cent, while none of the other specified races show over 2.4 per cent of the total number of male employees for whom information was secured. LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING AND REPAIRING- -SOUTH. The following table shows the number and percentage of male employees of each race in the South for whom information was secured engaged in locomotive building and repairing: TABLE 14.—Male employees for whom information was secured, by general nativity and race-Locomotive building and repairing-South. Of 303 male employees reported in the above table, 76.6 per cent are native whites born of native father, 11.6 per cent are of foreign birth, 6.9 per cent are native-born of foreign father, and 5 per cent are negroes who are native-born of native father. Of the employees who are native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Ireland show 3 per cent and those whose fathers were born in Germany and in England, 1.7 per cent and 1.3 per cent, respectively, while the employees of Scotch, French, and Danish parentage show 0.3 per cent, respectively, of the total number of employees for whom information was secured. Of the foreign-born employees, the Germans show 3 per cent, the Poles show 2.3 per cent, the Russians 2 per cent, and the Canadians (other than French) 1.3 per cent, while none of the other specified races show over 1 per cent of the total number of employees for whom information was secured. LOCOMOTIVE BUILDING AND REPAIRING TOTAL. In the table next presented the total number and percentage of male employees of each race for whom information was secured engaged in locomotive building and repairing is shown: TABLE 15.-Male employees for whom information was secured, by general nativity and race- -Industry as a whole. Of 6,815 male employees shown in the preceding table, 48.6 per cent are foreign-born, 27 per cent are native whites born of native father, 24.2 per cent are native-born of foreign father, and 0.2 per cent are negroes who are native-born of native father. Of the employees who are native-born of foreign father, those whose fathers were born in Ireland show 9.9 per cent, those whose fathers were born in Germany show 9.6 per cent, and those whose fathers were born in England show 1.9 per cent, while no employees whose fathers were born in other specified countries show over 1 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. Of the foreign-born employees, the Irish show 13 per cent, the Poles 20.4 per cent, and the Germans 8.9 per cent, while no employees who are of the other specified races show over 2.3 per cent of the total number for whom information was secured. |